East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Three Great Specials
Men's New Spring Suits at Exactly Half Price
Your choice of any suit in the house up to and including $25.00 values,
all suits above $25.00 and all heavy weights will be reduced one-third.
This includes every suit in the house, not one excepted.
The newest things on the market, made by the very best manufacturers
in America, every one of them reduced as follows:
Your choice to and including $17.50 will go for $1 1.50
r i i J -iJi hon nn .'li zv 4 eft
I our cnoice 10 ana inciuuing pou.uu uuiu go tot liUU
Your choice to and including $45.00 will go for $27.50
Saturday we will sell any hat in the house, your choice of our immense
stock of women's new, stylish hats for only $7.50, this price includes
every hat we have, not one excepted, hats that regularly sold for $10,
$12.50, $13.50, up to $15, your choice for
Information Hecclved In Pemllcton
Thin S?imo Clever Counterfeiters
nr0 on the Komi Hills ore Kesult
of Newly Discovered WenchliiR
lToeess One Dollar KM ltnlswl
to Twenty Dollar Illlls Imitation
Is Clever.
w and m
Save Your Coupons
Where it Pays to Trade
Many go to Pendleton to see the Car
nival Mr. and Mrs. Lleuallcn Visit
In Pendleton J. Blakeley, the De
puty Sheriff Is a Visitor from Pen
dlcton Adams Man Receives a
New Auto Adams Man Visits In
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams. Ore.. April 29 Mr. and
Mrs. C. Watrus went to the city of
Pendleton Friday to the carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen visited
i th county seat Friday.
A. M. Coffy of Adams, transacted
business in Pendleton Friday and will
stav to see the show.
Harrison Baker was a Pendleton
visitor Friday.
Mrs. E. Jackson, postmistress of
Adams, went to Pendleton Wednes
day to take in the carnival.
Frank Whitley was a Pendleton vis
Itor Wednesday.
J. Blakeley, deputy sheriff of Pen
dleton, was an Adams visitor Wed
J. T. Lieuallen, president of the
Farmers Grain Growers' association
Just received his ney Mitchell auto,
Just received his new Mitchell auto
all his nelehbors and friends a ride.
It Is a dandy auto.
B. Beckham was a Pendleton vis
itor Thursday.
Miss Lucy Lieuallen was a Pendleton
-lnltor Thursday.
Earl Burt of Adams transacted
business In Walla Walla Monday.
F. B. Blake, one of Adams' pros-
nerous merchants, was an Athena
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Plcard and daughter Gertrude
visited at Pendleton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers, one of
Umatilla' most nrosperous wheat
rowers, visited Pendleton Tuesday.
C. D. Mabrus returned to hla home
In Adams Monday, after visiting
friends. and relatives in Pomeroy for
the past three weeks. He says there
li fine Brospects there for a fine
wheat crop.
T. B. Blake of the Interior Ware
house company, of Tdams, visited In
Pendleton Friday and Saturday.
Florrle Jackson went to Pendleton
Friday to see the show.
Miss Grace Blake visited In Pendle
ton Friday and Saturday.
Tom Coffy went to Athena Friday
to see the remains of his friend Ed.
New Wireless Stations.
Gulfoort. Miss. A wireless station
here and another at Chip Island have
been completed. A steel tower 100
feet high has been constructed at each
5 OF
Will Begin Friday, May 14 With a De
baters Contest for the Howard Med
al Graduating Exercises to be Held
Wednesday, May 19 nil Exercises
but the Banquet to be in the M. E.
Church, South Walla Walla Coun
cilman Visits.
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, April 29. President W. C.
Howard today announced the follow
ing programme for Commencement
week at Columbia college:
Friday, May 14, the debaters con
test will be held and the M. V. How
ard medal will be awarded to the suc
cessful orator. The subject for dis
cussion Is "The Progressive Income
Saturday evening the Alumni re
cltal by the musical department of
the college will be given.
Sunday, May 16 at 11:00 a. m. the
baccalaureatte sermon will be de
livered by Rev. J. H. Bennitt of the
Corbin Park church at Spokane.
On Monday evening the college play
"Hlgby of Harvard," by the students
of the college will be given.
The annual banquet by the Junior
class will be blven to the graduating
class and other Invited guests in the
dining hall of the college.
Wednesday, May 19 at 9:30 a. m.
the graduating exercises will be held.
The address to the class will be de
livered bv Rev. Robt. Brumbly of
All the exercises, except the banquet
will be held In the M. E. church,
Personal Notes.
Councilman C. H. Whitman of
Walla Walla, was In the city today
visiting his father, J. B. Whiteman.
the Walla Walla valley, especially
that Dortion adjacent to the lnterur
ban car line, Mr. Whiteman said that
he believed there was no country any
where which was advancing so rapid
ly as this. He said that thirty years
ago in passing through this country
there were but one or two shanties
between Walla Walla and Milton, and
that the whole country could be had
for the mere asking.
J. B. Frazler la this week making
arrangements to construct a six-foot
wolk In front of his property on both
side of Main street between First
and Second streets.
A Card.
This Is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money
if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
vonr onuarh or cold. It StODB the
cough, heals the lungs and prevents
pneumonia and consumption. Con
tains no opiates. The genuine la In
a yellow package. Koeppen Bros.
Whooping Cough
This is a more dankerous disease
than is generally presumed. It will
be a surprise to many to learn that
more deaths result from It than from
scarlet fever. Pneumonia often re
sults from It. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been used in many epi
demics of whooping cough, and always
with the best results. Delbert Mc-
Keig, of Harlan, Iowa, says of It: "My
boy took whooping cough when nine
months old. He had it in the winter.
I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy which proved good. I can
not recommend it too highly," For
sale by all good dealers.
Read This.
J. L. Vaughn, 122 W. Court street,
phone Main 139, local agent for the
Pacific Electric Iron, states there will
be an advertisement In Collier
Weekly April 10 and in th Satur
day Evlnlng Port April 24, describ
ing the good qualities of the Pacific
Hot Point iron.
Record Work In Panama.
Some great records for steam shovel
work are blng made on the Panama
canal. Recently, during a working
day of eight hours a steam shovel, op
erating In the Emplde Conctructlon
district, removed 3,941 cubic yards of
roc arm eariii. me biiovui was uciu- j (ppQ
ally at work only six hours and fifty j . '
Take a good look tit the "long
green" you accept irom
these days. Subject the $20 bills to
osneclal scrunltv. If the bill has
j .ale spots around the flBures, touch
It not, for it is counterfeit and not
worth even the one dollar bill from
which it was originally mane, m-
r.irnmfinn lma been received In Pen-
I .n..n ihnt n of these bills has
ill It'll vimi n m'.. -
been scattered broadcast through the
country nnd that the counterfeit can
only be detected by the uninitiated by
the closest examination.
ti, hill Is tho result of a newly re
covered secret blenching process by
. fi. la nlitlter.ited
I wiucn ine usum
nnd the figures "20" drawn wim pen
nnd Ink In Its place. By using the $1
bill the regulation paper with silk
thread reenforcement used by the
government. Is secured. Not since
that famous Philadelphia counterfeit
ing case of 1899 has such a scheme
been tried. The Philadelphia coun
terfeiters also used a bleaching pro
cess, but It was supposed that the for
mula had been destroyed at the time
of the arrest of the counterfeiters.
1 The new counterfeit Is In the series
of 1902 bearing a portrait of Hugh
McCullough; charter number 8335;
bank number 246; treasury number
' R663730; check letter "A"; W. T.
, Vernon, Register of the Treasury;
Chas. H. Treat, Treasurer of the
United States.
Under a strong magnifying glass
portions of the design of the one dol
lar bill enn still be discerned. It Is
considered probable that other coun
terfeits will hereafter be produced In
the same manner, as a new-made
counterfeit H0 silver certificate ex
ecuted on a bleached $1 bill has been
previously received at the United
States treasury In Washington, much
' of the lathe work of the original note
having been used In the make-up of
the counterfeit. These pen-and-ink
productions come from Chicago.
j A new counterfeit 5 silver certifi
cate Is also being circulated. This
counterfeit Is apparently printed from
photomechanical plates of fair work
manshlp. The most noticeable defect
! Is In the portrait of the Indian chief
i In the middle of the face of the note;
the formation of the nose and mouth
being entirely different from the or
dinal. The counterfeit reads, "series
1SS9" when It should read "series
1899." In the signature of Treasurer
Treat the periods have been omitted
after "Chas.," "H" and the final
ending of the name. The "H.," and
"T." are also disconnected In the coun
terfeit, while in the genuine they are
Itched and Burned Terribly Arms
Affected, Too-Could Not Move
Thumbs Without Flesh Cracking
-Sleep and Work Often Impossible-Was
Fairly Worn Out.
The back of the note Is more de-
mnutes of this time, one hour and ten , thnn the f but , ,nted
minutes being consumed In waiting for wUh R much Ughw snaJe of green
the cars- Ink. The paper Is fair quality, but
! red and blue ink lines have been used
"What's the best things to Induce
chest expansion?"
"Medals." Kansas City Journal.
Rev. I. W. Williamson's Letter.
Rev. I. W. Williamson, Huntington,
W. Va., writes: "This is to certify
that I used Foley's Kidney Itemed
for nervous exhaustion and kidney
trouble and am free to say that It
will do all that you claim for It."
Foley's Kidney Remedy has restored
health and strength to thousands of
weak, run down people. Contains no
harmful drugs and Is pleasant to
take. Koeppen Bros.
None Higher,
Teacher What Is the highest form
of animal life?
School boy The Giraffe. Univer
salis Leader.
to imltute the fiber of the genuine
"Do you keep a second girl,"
"No: mv wife Isn't stronit enoush
to wait on more than one." Kansas
City Journal.
"About a year bro an Itching humor
beenn to appear around the back of my
hand It started In U. spread and
pretty soon it covered both my hands (
and got up over my wrist and even
up to theP elbows. The iu lung and
burning were terrible My hand got
al Vnfy and when I soratch.Hl. as I
was doing a good part of the . timo . the
surface would be covered with blisters
bad in around the pit of my thumbs
that I could not mov k.c "'r ?
without deep cracks appearing. I w nt
to my doctor, but his medicine could
only stop the itching and did not seem
to heal my nanus "P
1 suiierea so i-uim - - -j
sluep, often lying awnke until well toward
At nieht
that I could not
' '. ...i.; ii. . af 111 tired
morning, men i- -.-j
I am a chef and steward by trade and
I had to give up my place, as my hanos
wore so terrible to look at that thoy
did not like to have me around about
the food. I could not Ix-ar to touch
them with water, but when I positively
had to got mv hands clean I would rub
them with oil. .
"This sort of business went on for
thrne months and I kopt trying aino
and tar ointmenU and such rumedios
with no particular benefit. I did not
know what to do, for I was fairly worn
out. For a long time several friends
kept asking me why I didn't use Cuti
eura and at lart I thought I would.
First I got the Cuticura Soap, then
Cuticura Ointment and at last Cuticura
Resolvent. I put the Cuticura Oint
ment on at night, covering my hands
with light cotton gloves. In the morn
ing the inside of the gloves would be
lined with scales, sometimes half as
long as your finger, leaving nice healed
places when the scales had been. In
month I was cured and have kept so
now for nine months. My hands and
arms are perfectly clear of all traces of
eoeeraa and I think I am well rid of It.
Walter H. fox, lfl Somerset St., Bos
ton, Mass. Sept. 25. 190S."
Cutlcur RmukIIwi r nld throinhnul M witflfl.
Pnttrr lru 4 l l.fm Corp., (vil Fnipi . Iitn.
IUm. IUiImI Vrw. L'utkuit Buuk us bku DImum.
Hade to Order
Ry workman with 20 years ex
perience, Competent Workmen Only.
Successor to
Iluiulker Jewelry Store.
726 Main Street.
New and Second t&Sr
oooas uougnt and aoia
Empire Second-Hand Store.
Cor. Webb and Garden Sts.
i Phone Red S201. $
Makst kidney and Bladder Right
Alfalfa, Fruit and Garden Land at the same price they are asking for
poorer sand lands.
Plenty of water on every acre.
Early seasons and no frosts. Better get busy and look into this now. This
land will double in value during the next two years.
If you are interested fill out the blank below
Cut Out and Mail to Us.
Care of Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton, Ore.
Please send me a copy of your "Homeseekers
Cuide"kwith Information concerning the Umatilla
p CASH, HotdJeRdleton !l
Pendleton, Oregon