East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 30, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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DAILY East orhromw. VF.ii.irroN. onrcr.ox. i iuday. aviiw m, 1009.
W. A. BROW, Proprietor,
No Fake, No Drawing, No Waiting for
the Clock to Stop
Hundreds of SljfliUfcrH Go to Rail
Park to St'o Purkcr's Great Shows
Improved Weutlier Affects At
tendance Varied and Diversified
Amusement I FurnMied TruLned
AnlinnlH Continue Popular liroud
way IloHet Gt'i CrovvIn.
The Improved weuther conditions
that prevailed yesterday and all of
last night had a tendency to draw
Increased numbers to the ball park
where the Parker shows are holding
forth. Hundreds of anxious sight
seers thronged the carnival grounds,
crowded the entrances to the various
attractions, and filled themselves with
merriment while visiting tho shows,
ono after another, In a good natured
Beginning with the predominating
feature, Al G. Barnes' wild animal
circus, and ending with "The Out
laws," there Is amusement so varied
and diversified as to amuse all while
pleasing the discriminating and sat
isfying the most exacting. Mile. Al
timora, and ncr six Nubian lions
thrilled the many auditors that Invad
ed the animal show tent last night.
Martha Florlne's work with the Per
sian leopards was quite sensational
enough to satisfy even the most Jad
ed, and Mme. Barnes' riding lion. Ne
ro, was easily the feature of an ex
cellent performance. The dogs, pon
ies, goats, elephants and monkeys
made separate and distinct hits, while
the educated sea lion and the box
ing kangaroo proved to be wonderful
animals, trained to a point whera
there Is little or nothing to be added.
One of the mlrth-provoklng stunt
was contributed by the big black
clown bear, Barney, and the trick
mole, Mnud, delighted the children.
If one might Judge by the manner
In which the crowds surged Into the
cozy little theater occupied by the
Broadway Belles, that attraction was
undoubtedly the most popular one on
the grounds. But two performances
a night are given at this attraction,
the performance being so elaborate
and diversified that It is Impossible
to give more and do Justice to the
excellent bill provided, which Is un
doubtedly the best straight vaude
vllle offering ever presented In the
city. The work of "The Dancing
Richards," and "Biff and Bang"
proved to be the decided features of
the performance, which was clean and
free from coarse humor or unrefinca
(Special Correspondence.)
Tutullla Mission, April 30. Juc
Long from the Yakima reservatlo
came forward when the Invitation was
given and made the following con
Tension: "I have a feeling now that
I want to follow God. 1 have not had
that feeling very long I see you
people hnve stepped farther than
ever have, so now I mint quicken my
pace to keep up. I don't want to
be left alone, but desire to follow
Christ so that I will not bo separated
from you. Therefore I will be faith
ful to my Lord as long as I live, so
that I. too, may go to heaven. I
don't want to hnve the brand of the
devil on me, as Geo. Waters has ex
plained. But I desire to be stamped
with the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, as lie said. This Is the feel
Ing In my heart now, and I am glad
to expre It'
Jack Long has never been a Chris
tian before, though ho has been a
faithful temperance worker, having
united with the society at Ft. Slmcoe
lost Mny when nlmllar meetings were
held there. H is about 65 years old
and is a bright and able man and
speaker. He addressed these words
before the people 1n the 'W'lsham lan
guage, and Mr. Frank Meacham of
Yakima, a college man, Interpreted
them Into Fngllsh and they were In
turn Interpreted Into the Nez 'Perec
by Albert Barnhart, so all -present
could understand them. For at pres
ent It Is a bahel of tongues which is
of much Interest to all.
This Is In some respects the most
unique gathering of Its kind In these
quarters since about 12 Innguages are
represented, and many more can be
spoken by those present. At one
service the sermon will be preached
In Nce Perco and Interpreted Into
Klickitat for the Warm Springs and
Yakima delegates. Or again, it will
bo spoken In Klickitat or Umatilla,
and Interpreted Into Nez Perce, as
tho bulk of the home people and the
visitors are more famlllnr with thli
tongue. But in the testimony meet
ings, tho witness bearing and prayers
can be heard In Nez Perce,' Klickitat
Umatilla, Shoshone, Bannock, Yaki
ma, Wasco, Wlsham, Warm Springs
and English. J. M. C.
Men's Watch
WE have just received 500 beautiful and serviceable
leather watch fobs, in 20 different styles, some pearl,
polished nickel, swastika, elk heads, footballs, in fact any
design you desire and they are
While they Last, we wil1 ive a fob free with
every $1.00 purchase at our
store. When you stop and think that our prices are always
below the "Big Expense Store", you will better realize that
this beautiful present we give free means something to you.
Tin Uirfsiiiisi'
owing ,
Corner Main and Webb Streets
Chicago. In defiance of the
higher criticism Rev. Frederick E.
Hopkins. Congregational, comes out
In defense of the blbllcnl accoi-nU of
woman's creation. "Infidels all
laugh at Adam's rib," he says, "They
tell us tho bllile begins with a joke,
that It is ridiculous to suppose that
woman was made as Genesis de
scribes. We do not care to argue
that point further than to remark
that no one except the author of the
first book In the bible has ever given
as satisfactory an explanation of the!
beginning of things from a spiritual . Nature Gives Tlninlv Warning TI1111
"Before we dismiss a book which
No Pendleton Citizen Can Afford to;
contoms wnat some tninK is sucii a
ridiculous story, let us stop long) DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes
enough to ask if after all the mere from the kidney secretions. They will!
Invention of the story does not make
the book worth wTiflo.
"Who today, after he has had a
warn you when the kidneys are sick.
Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber i
fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin,
Jolly good laugh, will rise and ex- pale and foamy, or a thick, red, Ill
plain how It ever occurred to any-! smelling urine, full of sediment and
body to provide for the continuation i Irregular of passage.
or Human lire on trim planet by cs
toblishlng the fnmily relation? Could
anything be more perfect than Just to
say, 'I will make a helpmate for him,'
and the thing was done?
"Is It a huge Joke that lies at the
bottom of the marriage relation and
the home? Are the words of the
most beautiful ceremonies but an
echo, of an ancient and childish fa
Read ThR
J. L. Vaughn, 122 W. Court street,
phone Main 139, local agent for the
Pacific Electric Iron, states there will
be an advertisement In Colliers
Weekly April 10 and In th Satur
day Evlnlng Port April 24, describ
ing the good qualities of the Pacific
Hot Point Iron.
Rohrman wants everybody to come
and have the best cup of coffee they
ever drank, Chase & Sanborn's, of
course. Drink as much as you like.
Lawyers, doctors and newspaper men
ore limited to six cups of coffee and
two dozen sinkers, so come all yes,
your mother-in-law, also. C. Rohr
Cheap Lumber.
We have some that Is In our way.
If you need lumber for any. purpose
come and see what we are offering.
Oregon Lumber Tard, Alta street op
posite Court house.
May 1, Rohrman will open up his
new store across from tho old loca
tion, with one of the best stocks In
the city. Tho old policy will be fol
lowed out, to serve the best goods at
tho smallest profit. Courteous treat
ment and prompt delivery.
from the back. Back pains, dull and!
heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you j
of sick kidneys and warn you of thej
approach of dropsy, diabetes and;
Brlghfs disease. Doan's Kidney Pills
euro sick kidneys and cure them per
manently. Here Is proof In the state
ment of a nearby resident.
Mrs. E. W. Clark, Elgin, Ore., says:
"I feel It my duty to recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills to mothers hav
ing children troubled with kidney
weakness. My son, now seven years
old, had weak kidneys from Infancy.
Last summer he had an unusually se
vere spell when he became devoid of
ambition and energy and laid on the
bed for a couple of weeks, suffering
Intensely, At last Doan's Kidney Pills
were highly recommended to me and
I procured a box for him. They seem
ed to be Just the remedy his system
required, correcting the too frequent
passages of the kidney secretions and
banishing the pains. He Is now bet
ter In every way and we praise Doan's:
Kidney Pills at every opportunity."
For sale by all dealers. Price B0
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
This Week
La Belle Sb Daugherty
German Comedy Act.
Dan Mart
"The Old Time Minstrel
.i.r V. ..
Telephone and fire alarm connec
tion! with all rooms.
Headquarters for Traveling Men
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Free Bu. ' '
Special rates by the week or month
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt dining room service.
Meal ticket old.
Billiard Room In Connection.
Only Three Blocks from Depots.
If you're In the market for coal-
now Is your opportunity.
We are offering our Rock Springs
Coal delivered at the price of cheap
er grades.
Better order enough now at these
prices to finish out your needs for
the cold weather.
Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storf
Company. 'Phone Main 17h.
To be given away at Jim Estes'
Pastime Parlors
Are you a good bowler?
Call and Investigate.
Oi4 60 YEARS'
A Trade Mark
Copyrights 4 c
Anrone nendtna- a sketch and description may
Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention IB pruDRDiy piuemnme. iuniniucic
tlonnstrlctlrconUdniitlal. HBNnRnftK on Fatenta
tent free. Oldest agency fur securing patents.
Patent taken through Munn A Co. McelM
ajwrial not tea, without course, lu the
Scientific flfflericait
A bandsomelr llrnstrated weekly. Tjinreet etr
eolation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
ear; innr nioiuos, au Boia ojail newsdealers.
&coiBr..dv, npw Tort
Branch Office, 625 F BU Washington. D, C
All New Pictures aid Songs
We aim to PLEASE the PEOPLE.
Prices 10c and 15c
Usual Matinees.
Dime to GlTe Better Show.
Tho Dime Theater will hereafter
show four 1000 foot reels of pictures
Instead of giving prices. Believing
that people attend the theater to see:
a show Instead of receiving merchan
dlse we are going to give them a show
that can't bo beat for the same mon
What time will the clock stop?
VUJA 111
vm MSB
TO) H I Every woman covets a shape-
isMHlWii' ' n2ure ana many of tnem
deplore the loss of their girl
ish forms after marriage.
The bearing of children is
often destructive to the
mother's shapeliness. AH of this can be avoided by the use of
Mother 8 Friend before baby comes, as this liniment prepares the
body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form.
wiotner s meno makes the danger of child-birth less, and carries her
. n i an tl ' .
rener aenvea trom tne use
safely through this critical TT
rterind. Thnnsnnds prnte- I
fully tell of the benefit and HVfj
rf thie romoilv Sold by druegi
v. .v...v.u. atflOilpcrboUle.
Bool msilMl rrectoallcTiicctant mothcrg.
Atlanta. C-a.
Pendleton's Favorite Vaudeville
and Moving Pictures Show.
Program Changed
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
Thursday; Saturday and Sunday
Admission to All Matinees 5c and 10c.
Evenings 10c and 15c
Children Under 1 2 Free Every Sat. Afternoon
J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. & Mgr.
$1.00 LOW $1.00 FARES $1.00
The Dalles at 3 p. m. daily except
Sundays and Thursdays; arriving
In Portland 9:15 p. m. on
fast Steamer
Str. DALLES CITY leaves The Dal'les
7 a. m. Monday. Wednesday and
Passengers on O. R. & N. Co., trains
No. 3, 5 and 7, can make con
nections as above, daily ex
cept Sunday, boat from
Portland 7 a. m.
W. L. CRICHTON, Agent, The Dalles.
s. f. Mcdonald, supt.
Every Woman
la Interested and should know
, auuui mo wonueriui
Marvel ""'"b spi
W a
f Ask your drorrlit for
IT. IT n n Ti atinnla
r.T "r.:: ny "w
vtoor. dui Bena viamp lor liiiis C
trntMl twV mmA It .1...
"I lUll V
C. ..vuiw a a nil uiiOT UUU lUYoUUaUIQ
ladle. MARVEL CO 44 E. 234 St.! Htm Ytrfc
Scotf s Sanfal-Pepsin Capsules
For Inflammation or Catarrh
of (he Hla.Mci and Diseased
Kiiluejs. No cure r.o pay.
Cure quickly aud Perma
nently the worst casts ot
Gonorrhoea aud Gleet, r.c
mstier of haw loni stunt!
Ine. Absolutely harmle.
SijkI by druw ts. 1'rk'e
1 w. or by mj-il, tostpaii
V PPiiillrton linn ( om i-.-
Sold by
. 1airuiM la
WJ it t. itruiart.
TnlmmtM CMUftt..
Kl"MEECialiCat fo
I'm Bis U for Qnntaral
IrriutiuDt or uUisiioat
of nacoci miubri.Qt.
Pnuiet, tad Dot utrtn
k CmCiKMTI.O.r SoldbrDrtnlili.
rj 100. or
v,r 1 I i.ltl.av t -I