East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 26, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Men 's
Suits at
For this entire week we will sell any Man's suit in the house up to
and including $25.00 values go at EYACTLY HALF PRICE, this
includes everything in our entire new stock, nothing reserved up to this
price except heavy weights which will be reduced just one third, all
suits above $25 will be reduced one thirds you'll not have such an op
portunity again this season to buy your summer outfit at such a great
saving, don't miss this great money saving sale.
Women's Tailored Suits Slaughtered
During this entire week we will sell our new, nobby, up-to-date
Women's tailored suits as follows:
Your choice of any of our $17.50 Suits will go for $11.50
Your choice of any of our $30,00 Suits will go for $21.50
Your choice of any of our $45.00 Suits will go for $27.50
These suits are some of the nicest nobbiest suits shown in Pendle
ton this season, now's the time for you to save some money on your
spring suit, don't fail to come and look at them whether you wish to
buy or not, it will be time well spent and we are glad to show you the
great brgains we are offering.
Women's Hats for $7.50
During carnival week we will sell any hat in the house for the
small sum of $7.50, your choice of our entire immense stock, not one
hat excepted $8.50, $9.50, $10, $12.50, $15 hats all go 7 rY)
for the same price . . . . . . . . 9 .JJ
This line of Wome's hats has caused more hat talk than any line of hats ever shown in Pendleton, they are
every one a bargain at the regular price and when they are sold for $7.50 they are a snap.
Be sure and see them, GAGES included.
help urn
New Sortvtnry Will Mnfco fJcncrnl
(loan-up In Fnvor of Teoplo Ex
loPt to Hotter (iovorniiii'iit 3ovcr-
nor JtPfUCHt(Hl to Stay at Home
Formerly u Place to Reward Po
litical Friend All Changed Now.
Secretary Ballinger Favors Private
Capital Above Government Capital
Private Parties Promise to Re
claim More Land Than Govern-
. TTfrinra Are Being Heard
1 1 j r 11 1 --""r7
Ballinger Will Personally In
gpect Project.
Washington. Secretary Ballinger
In the course of the hearing on the
Malheur reclamation project, located
In eastern Oregon, Indicated an in
clination to turn this project over to
private capitalists. If hy showed
the financial backing to carry the
project to completion and build at
reasonable cost, and he further Inti
mated that where private capital and
the government both desired to build
a project In any given community,
It is his purpose to recognize private
capital, reserving government funds
for localities where private capital
would not enter.
It was shown that private enter
prise contemplate Irrigating a much
larger area than embraced in the
government project, and would Irri
gate 77,000 acres In Idaho not em
braced In the government project.
Secretary Ballinger will visit Mal
heur county when he goes west In
June and on his personal observa
tion and on the showing made to him
before July 1 will determine whether
the Malheur Irrigation project shall
be built by the reclamation service or
by private enterprise.
J. W. McCullouch and Walter Grif
fiths favorln the governments re
claiming the land In the Malheur pro
ject, and Ed Test, opposing, appeared
before Secretary Ballinger yesterday
afternon to argue their respective con
tentions as to the project. These
the all from Malheur county. State
Senator Wrman of Boise, Idaho, ap
peared with Test.
The controversy arose over the
claim of Test and his associates that j
they were prepared to go ahead with
the reclamation of the lands, and that
the government should not Interfere
at any place where private parties
would reclaim, but should go else
where to spend the public money. The
claim is made, however, that 90 per
cent of the people concerned desire
that the government proceed to re
claim the land, and that whereas
Test and his associates began to ex
pend their moneys in surveys and
plans anly a few months ago, the
government has been working on
plans there for several years.
The matter would have been de
cided some time ago had not Test
and his associates sent a request that
they be given a hearing.
It appeared they were not ready
yesterday with their showing. They
will be heard later.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, local Coun
ty, si.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
senior partner of the firm of P. J. Che
ney lc Co., doing business In the City of
Toledo. Connty and State aforesaid, and
that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my pretence, this 6tb day of December, A.
D. lSbO.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surface of the system. Send for testimo
nials free. ,
F. 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all DroPKlsts, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Spokane, April 23. Reports that
Hill and Harriman are in a determin
ed fight for. the Lewlston and Clear
water country Is confirmed by the
movement of surveying crews of the
O. R. & N. and N". P. A party of sur
veyors left the camp at Spaulding,
Idaho, and has gone 25 miles up the
middle fork of the Clearwater, above
Kooskla. The general impression Is
that they Intend to survey a line
acrORs the Bitter Root via Nez Perce
pass, thereby connecting with a party
under Engineer Chase coming from
Missoula. The Northern Pacific
crew is likely to go up the Locksaw
toward Lolo pass from Koosla.
Position wanted by lady steno
graph and typewriter. References
given. Enquire this office.
What Is. a cold in the head? Noth
ing to worry about if you treat It
with Ely's Cream Balm. Neglected,
the cold may grow Into catarrh, and
the air-passages be so inflamed that
you have to fight for breath. It Is
true that Ely's Cream Balm masters
catarrh, promptly. But you know
the old saying about the. ounce of pre
vention. Therefore use Cream Balm
when the cold In the head shows it
self. All druggists, 60c, or mailed by
Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New
Washington, April 24. Alaska Is no
longer the place where the pork bar
rel waxed fat and the politician fat
tor with age.
The territory of the far north where
tho sun shines all night during the
winter nnd the mall Is carried over
trails of Ice and snow has ceased to
he the mecca of the politician who
"rendered distinguished service for
the party" In tho states ana who took
out his reward by being sent to Al
aska to get what he could and work
whom ho could.
At last Alaska Is to have a real Am
erican government for the benefit of
the governed. This has come about
since Richard A. Ballinger has been
nppolnted secretary of tho Interior
under President Taft. Not that Pres
ident Roosevelt nnd Secretary Gar
field knowingly allowed graft in tho
frozen territory, but neither of them
understood the problems of govern
ment In that country and then
Roosevelt, who was a great man for
rewarding his political friends, sent
a great many of them to Alaska,
Many of them did not know what to
do when they got there, and this waa
as bad for tho people of that section
nj deliberate mlsgovcrnment.
Secretary Ballinger Is from Se
attle, which Is the first American port
Alaskans hit. after they leave that
country. And every one In Seattle
knows something about Alaska. Then
too. Secretary Ballinger has been to
Alaska and has come Into Intimate
contact with her needs, and he In
lends to see that she getB some of
the benefit of this knowledge.
One of the first things he did when
he was Introduced into office was to
issue a general order that governors
ot territories were to stay at nome
and attend to their duties Instead of
cpendlng the winters In Washington
tilavlne nolltics and looking out for
their friends. Governors of Alaska
have made Washington their winter
home for years. Washington Is much
warmer than Alaska, and It's pleas
anter to live here. But the present
visit of Governor Hoggartt to Wash
ington will be his last unless he comes
on emergency business or Is sum
The next thing that Secretary Bal
linger did was to give notice that all
applications for positions In Alaska
must expect to work and not to
graft, and must be practical business
When this announcement was made
a score of politicians who had tried
everything else and were hoping to get
an Alaskan appointment, gave up In
disgust and went home.
Orders have been Issued that every
one who Is given the position of town
ship trustee, for Instance, must work
:it the Job as though It were any other
business trust. Tho pay for this of
fice Is 110 a dny, and It has been the
custom for trustees to work five or
ten minutes a day and then put In
a bill for a whole day's work. This
must stop. Bills for days, the whole
of which was not actually spent In
work and real work at that will not
be honored;
Burglar Choice About Clothe.
Roseburg. The gents' furnishing
store of Wilder & Agee was broken
into last night and $125 worth ot
clothing stolen. The safe and cash
register were not touched. The back
window was broken. The burglar
tried on a dozen suits to get the right
size. No clue has been found.
Ivory Soap is as mild,
as soothing, as cleans
ing as the finest una
dulterated Castile soap.
It should be used for
every purpose for which
pure Castile soap is used
for baby's bath as well
as for washing every
thing he wears;hisundcr
clothes, his frocks, his
stockings, cverythingabout
him from the top of his
little bald head to the
tips of his pink and
white toes.
990 P
cr tucnt. rure.
New York. Every five minutes a
railway casualty occurs In the. Uni
ted States. This carnage shocks for
eign nations and causes them to ques
tion our standards of civilization for
the slaughter excites little protest
here. The problem of how to save
life and limb on our railroads Is
worthy of graver concern. That It (l
signified In, an announcement that
receiving It in certain quarters Is sig
nified In nn announcement that the
Southern Pacific has adopted a pol
icy of giving full publicity of investi
gations Into all accidents. This was
described, not quite correctly, as "a
new era," for all railroad men know
that on another Harriman line, the
Union Pacific, the system has been
In operation for two years, with re
sults that have exceeded expectations.
The Vanderbllts have also been won
over to the policy of publicity, and
Its fierce light has work"d wonders.
"California; Raisfir Pay."
California Invites all the world to
eat California raisin on April 30
every day for that matter, but partic
ularly on- Aprit 301 which has been
added to the calendar of festival oc
casions as a day of rejoicing. Eat
California raisins on "California Ral
Mn Day,' April S.
Good Advice Regarding the Preven
tion of Coughs ami Colds.
If people would only properly for
tify and strengthen their system,
about 98 per cent of coughs, colds
and pneumonia might be avoided.
These troubles are simply the result
of weakness, which produces a ca
tarrhal condition of the mucous mera:
brane, which Is as n Internal skin
of the body. When this skin Is weak
ened, It becomes Infected with germs
which are carried through tho system
by the blood. These parasites attack
and break these delicate tissues and
set up a soreness which produce what
Is In reality an external scrofula.
The only thing that will cure coughs '
and colds and prevent pneumonia Is
a medication which Is absorbed and
carried by the blood so that the dis
eased membrane Is disinfected, clean
ed, soothed and healed.
We have a remedy which we hon
estly believe Infallable and unsur
passable for the prevention and rure
of coughs, colds and all catarrhal con
ditions. It Is the prescription of a
famous physician, who has an envi
able r?putation of 30 years of cures
gained through the use of this medi
cine. We urge everybody lit Pendle
ton who has need of such a medicine
to try Rexall Mucu-Tone.
It stands to reason that we could
not afford to make such statements
nnd give our own personat guarantee
to this remedy If we were not abso
lutely positive that we could substan
tiate our claim In every particular,
and we see no reason why anyone
should hesitate to accept our offer
and try It. We have two sizes of
Rexall MucuvTone. Prices 59c and
. Sometimes a 50c bottle Is suffi
cient for a cure. As- a general thing
tho most chrontc ease Is cured with
an average of three large bottles.
Remember, the medicine will cost
you nothing if you are not satisfied
In every particular. The Pendleton
Drug Co.
For Sale, a Bargain.
Modern house, good condition, 8
rooms, bath, separate toilet, recep
tion hall, first class plumbing, lot
50x100, (2600; or two lots, 50x200,
13000. House cost $2500 four years
ago. Just .right for rancher with
room for barn, or will add third lot,
with barn, wagon shed and harness
room for $3600. See property. 616
Jane street, Pendleton. Address J. T.
Van Orsdall, 394 Taylor street, Port
land, Ore.
Vcy Property for Sale.
For sale, the Antone Vey residence
on West Webb street, Pendleton; also
the lower Butter creek Vey ranch,
with all the sheep, cattle, horse and
machinery thereon. Will sell on easy
payment plan For further particu
lars, address, Antone Vey, Echo, Ore.
Cheap Camber.
We have some that Is in our way.
If you need lumber for any purpose
come and ee what we are offering.
Oregon Lumber Yard, Alt street op
posite Court house.
For the next sixty days FOX will be assisted by CASH in furnishing you in
formation and literature regarding the Umatilla Meadows and wheat lands
in Saskatchewan, Canada.
We can locate you on homesteads and sell you
low priced wheat lands at your own terms.
Now is the time to "get in," in Canada, the last place in the world to get cheap
wheat land. Do you realize what this means to you? Wheat land in the Unit
ed States is now all gone, homesteads that are worth anything have all been
taken so don't miss this opportunity of seeing one of the greatest wheat belts
in the world.
If you are interested in wheat land, call and see
D. J. CASH, at Hotel Pendleton, Phone Main 1 1
Who will gladly furnish you any information you may desire.
It will pay you to read the ads In
today's East Oregonlan.