n EVENING EDITION WEATHER REPORT. Fair tonight and Tues dny. VOL. 22. I'ENPLETOX, OREGON, MONDAY, APKIL 1900. NO. G569 ' p' . EVENING EDITION J - Sm! ,mJ"!T!!, Oregonlan office. " ' - 1 fl BURGLARS ARE TAKEN Thrilling Chase Follows Bur glary and Fire in Culler's Store at Weston. - SHERIFF TAYLOR A XI) DEPUTY DO GOOD WORK Taking Up Cold Trail nt Knxc Station I'niallllii (on nly Officers Cliusc Three Notoriously Bud Men Through Scvcrul Counties and Furls of Two States Before They Are To ken $501(0 Fire Follows Blowing of Safe Containing Five Dollars. After a thrilling' -chase the three men believed to have been responsible for the blowing of the safe and the burning Of Sim Cullcy's More at Wen ton. .Saturday night, have been run down and captured by Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Sheriff Bert Wilson. They arc now at Wallula and will probably arrive In Pendleton tomor row morning. The mn under arrest are J. A. Murray, C, M. Clarke and Michael Burke, and all three arc believed to be notorious burglars who have ope rated In the northwest for yearn. At leant one of the trio Is reported to have Just completed a five year peni tentiary sentence. Officer Tuko Trail. Notified yesterday piornlng that burglars had entered the Weston store and set fire to the building af ter blowing the safe and taking the contents. Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Wilson at once took up the trail and within 24 hours had run their quar ry to earth. "Whether the $5000 fire which gutted tho building waa the result of the explosion or whether tho men deliberately set the building on fire because of their chagTln at the small amount of booty secured Is not known. There was only 15 In the safe. The trail of the three men under ar rest was first taken at Saxe station. Tho fellows had been put off the Walla Walla train there Friday eve ning. Later they were seen at Ad ams and still later at Weston. When the officers reached Weston they found that the burglars hnd made their escape on a handcar which they had stolen at the depot This was ditched at Freewater. Hero tho officers separated, Taylor going Into Walla Walla and Wilson going west down the river. Officers and trainmen along the line In each dl rectlon wero notified and furnished with, descriptions of the three men suspected. Wilson Make Arrest.''. Details of the arrests are not known but Deputy Wilson Is supposed to be the man who actually turned the trick, though ho was probably assist ed by a Washington deputy sheriff and some of tho trainmen, as tho fel lows wero taken on the train near Wallula. They at first refused to return to Oregon without requisition papers, but later this afternoon It Is under stood that they have changed their minds and will return ?o Pendleton without any further trouble. The capture Is regarded as one of the most Important made In this part of the country In years. If the men prove to be the fellows the officers think they are, little difficulty will be encountered In securing convictions and long terms In the penitentiary wil surely await each of them. HILLIKER COMES TO SPOKANE FOR TRIAL Oakland, April 26 F. H Hllllker, of Spokane, was arrested here on an Indictment accusing him of the em bezzlement of $18,400 from the de funct Pacific Livestock association. Ho declared today that he would waive extradition and return to face his accusers. Sheriff Pugh of Spo kane, will return with Hllllker after the arrival of XI. C. Brown, who Is wanted on a similar chargo from Los Angeles. W. C. Barbour of Eugene Is among tho Willamette valley residents trans acting business In Pendleton today. BOX CARS ARE LOOTED IN FRISCO San Francisco, April 26. Four men were arrested accus ed of looting Southern Pacific freight cars of property valued at fifty thousand dollars. Tho ringleader Is a veteran employe of the railroad. The Investiga tion followed many complaints of missing freight from all parts of tho country. VOTES $25,000 L (Special Correspondence.) Echo Ore., April 26. As the result of tho special school election held here on Saturday, Echo will have a new $20,000 school building. Then: were only four opposing votes to the proposal to bond the district for a to tal amount of $25,000, thirty-two vot ing for the measure. Of the total amount of $25,000 voted to be used for tho benefit of tho schools of the district, $5000 will go to pay the pre vious Indebtedness and $20,000 for tho new building. Though definite plans have not yet been decided upon, tho new building will bo centrally located, and It Is probablo It will bo used exclusive ly for tho high school, the old high school building being turned over to the grades. Tho now building will probably have six rooms, and It will be modern In every respect. The re sult of the speclnl election Is consid ered a great victory for communi ty advancement SURVEYING CREWS FIGHT WITH FISTS AND STONES (lush of Forcen or Rival Magnates I Violent Will Likely Rival Famous North Dunk Fight on Columbia Trouble. Arises in Mountain Cut-off Harrlinaii Is In Field First Hill Conn's and Is Ordered Off. Missoula, April 26. News of an other physical clash between the Hill and Harrlman engineers, rivaling in violence the famous battle between tho engineers 'of the same companies when the North Rank road was build ing, reached nere today from Lolo Pass, where the encounter occurred Friday. Fists, rocks and surveyor?' staff figured and the fighters quit only af ter some were severely beaten. The are still on the ground. The trouble arose over the cutoff between Missoula and Lewiston, Ida ho. Harrlman engineers were In the field several, weeks before , th North ern Puclfic party arrived and survey ing the route along the Lolo river west of Lolo river west of the Hit ter Root mountain and pass, which was the point of contention. When the Harrlman people nrnved they or dered them off. and the fight en sued. CANADIAN ROADS MEET CIT ON EXPORT WHEAT Montreal. April 26. The Montreal Transportation company, . which ex ports the bulk of the grain shipped through this port to Europe, an nounces that the reduction in the rate of the American trunk lines to day for grain carried from American lakes to ocean ports will be met here by a corresponding reduction. The rate already agreed upon for the opening of navigation here is 6tt cents from Fort William to Montreal, ana tnis will be lowered if necessary SAID TO FEAU THAT JAPS WILL DESTROY" CANAL wasnington, April 26. The fear that the Japanese are colonizing the isthmus of Panama for the purpose of observing work on tho canal with the object of destroying it in the event of war, wag one of the things prompting secretary of war Dickinson's trip to Panama, It was learned today. Ow ing to the delicacy of the matter it has been kept quiet In official circles. Secretary Dickinson Is working quietly collecting data concerning the number of Japanose in Panama. THE ROOSEVELT PARTY ASSEMBLING FOR THE HUNT Nairobi, April 26. Tho Roosevelt party Is assembling today at the Pease ranch on the Athl river. Runners from Heatley's ranch say that they counted a hundred and sixty buffalo in one day. GETS FIVE YEARS FOR KILLING INDIAN Red Bluffs, Calif. April 26. D. M. Bond, deputy fish and game w-ar- den was today sentenced to five years Imprisonment convicting of killing an Indian whom he caught fishing out of season. Coos Bay Port Rill Carries. Marshfleld, Ore. At yesterday's election the port bill was carried by nn overwhelming- majority, 894 to 162, with three small precincts to lienr from. These precincts are in favor of the bill, which will bring the vote to nbout 6 to 1. 111 M PRESIDENTS WILL CONFER Executives of Smaller Colleges of Oregon Resent Denial of Rockefeller Funds. WILL MEET THIS WEEK TO DECIDE OX ACTION Oregon's Smaller College Presidents Da-lure That Decision of Rockefel ler U Unjust Will Hold Meeting to Protest Declare That Small Colleges' of State Need Part of the $12,000,000 niiwl All in Debt a'"l Few Endowed Federation Xot Thought Possible. Portland, April 28. Presidents of Oregon colleges will confer this week to voice thiir resentment against the ruling of Rockefeller's general edu cational board that Oregon school will not share In Rockefeller's $43,- OOO.OdO, because schools here overlap!, . ' each other's territory, thus destroy-Lh"s"lf anJ the ontlre cablnet'. lng their chance to grow. The presi-I PrB of the parliament showed that the dents declare that such a ruling Is ! deposition of tho pultan was necessary, arbitrary and unjust. During the ' Constitutional troops have surround- past week correspondent has been carried on between presidents Df the state university, McMinnvllle college. Willamette and Pacific universities, Dallas, Albany and Pacific colleges to arrange a plan of procedure. Every small school in Oregon 1 struggling under almost a crushing burden of debt. None of these schools are well en- dora are kept under guard as military dowed, and some are not endowed at ' prisoners by the invaders, all. It is understood the plan forj Fate or Sultan I'ndecfded. the consolidation of the several do- j . The national assembly has post nomlTiation schools will be broached, ponod ifs decision regarding the fate but so far the plan has . not . beenief thfcllan who wlll-remain a, pr.lp much favored. Most of the denomi-1 oner in his palace until some decls- national schools are conducted in keeping with their creeds which teach distinct topics from the rest. The statement has been made that only prospects of closing doors nnless help comes will induce them to con--Mer the federation. It Is argued on the other hand that If these combine now they will be en- nhled to grow to a size, strength and numocr aomanueu ny tne great o great do- velopment of 'Oregon. One-of the; professors expressed the opinion to- day that the situation was critical and; that the educational future of Oregon depends upon the action taken now. PAST OF KIDNAPERS. EXPOSED IX PENNSYLVANIA Mercer, Pa., April 26. Reports covering the past life of Mrs. J. II. i Boyle, under arrest In connection with the kidnaping of Willie Whitla at Sharon, have been placed in the hands of District Attorney Llnlnger of Mer cer county by Superintendent Scauf fler of a private detective agency, who has been conducting a private n estigHtlon. Scauffler states In his report that inc nviiiuu irno me uuuKiut-r ui i n- llam and Kate Farquar McD rinott. Mrs. MeDermott died recently at i-t,o. nv sum me primmer irje name was Anna jucuermott out that she had acquired the following alias-: es: Mrs. Frank Yorke, Helen Toike, - Jieien i'arker, sirs. Frank A. Aiwor, iieien lucjjonougn, mrs. li. u. vaii- ers and Mrs. Jones. I The detective said she acquired all ; or these names within three ycar6 , irom me um0 sne lert her parents' home. He relates what he says Is the woman's criminal history and state that her .claim that she has rich and influential friends Is untrue. A. A. Caruthers of Ellensburg, Washington, is spending the day In Pendleton, having come In from the, west on tho early morning train. III FllltS III THEIfl ALBERTA CULM That the Pendleton Alberta col- ony of young men has been having some strenuous experience with a prairie fire Is Indicated by a letter received yesterday by G. W. Knight, father of the three Knight brothers, who form a part of the colony. Con siderable damage had already been done and the fire was still raging when the letter was written. According to the letter, which was written by Ernest Knight, Dell Mc carty, one of the Pendleton young men now living In Alberta, attempted to burn the grass from a portion of his recently ncquired holdings which he desired to plow. The firo soon got beyond his control, destroyed all ills grass and then spread to the ad- TO BE Grand Vizier and the Whole Cabinet Hand Resignations to Parliament, 'ATE OF ABDUL HAMID IS STILL UNDECIDED Sultnn is Held Prisoner In His Palace Canvas of Paiilment Shows his Deposition Is Necessary His Fate Still Undecided Palace Surrounded by Troops Sultan not Allou'ed to Confer With Foreign Ministers Reactionaries Kept I'nder Guard Ambasador Leisliniaa Reports all A:i.cr'r-;;s Safe. Cnnstan'lnople, April 2G. The over throw of tho sultan, who Is prisoner In the palace, was assured today when the grand vizier, Tewfik Pasha, , nnriim.-nt ihn rraiirnntinn of j fd the palace. Abdul Hanild's sons, and necessary servants are allowed to remain In the palace. The sultan Is not allowed to confer with any foreign ministers however, uroppan officials are the only persons allowed to enter. Four thousand reactionaries. including hundreds of members of religious or- ion Is reached. Establish Court Martial. Salonlca. April 26. Tho Young Turk' have established a court mar tial hole today to try the participants In th revolt resulting in the tempar nry rv-iihrow of the constitution. A train load of prisoners is expected to arr!v soon. j American All Safe. The following message by United States ambassador Irishman, was cabled to the Unl'od Press: Constantinople, April 26. The Am- erl'.nns here are not endang-ored to day, and never have been since the fighting began. All of the American touri-ts hero at the time of the In vasion departed today. No Americans were hurt during the fight so far as learned excepting Frederick Moore the war correspondent. The forces In control have promised to protect the foreigners. 10.000 Killed III Asia Minor. Lntakla, Asiatic Turkey. April 26. Forty thousand were killed In the massacres In Asia Minor during the past few weeks according to reports recriven nere loii-iv. ( on 'lit Ions are T DEPOSED ; grnwlnsr worse. lmdiln. tho vlllag' Chl-jwhero the five Awiic.ni women mis s'onnries were stat oned, Is reported afire. OXE Hl'NDRED DEAR FROM EARTHQUAKE Lisbon, April 26. At least' a hun dred are dead and a thousand home- less as a result of an earthquake In -the province of Alente Jowlde on Frl- day, says a message. The king Is at Salvaterre directing the rescue work. SENATE TARIFF COMMITTEE MAY REPORT TOMORROW Washington, April 26. Senate fl- j nance committee failed to report on the tariff today, but mav do so to- morrow. T FOREST joining ranches. By fighting the rapidly onrushlng flames for two nights and a day, Knight brothers succeeded in saving their buildings and 320 acres of pas ture. The remainder of their pasture was destroyed. As an Incident to the fire, Ernest Knight was ordered by the mounted poiice to join the company of fire fighters which was working at a point some distance from the Knight ranch. As his own- place was threat ened by the flames, Ernest refused to go, whereupon the police declared he would be placed under arrest and subjected to a fine of $100. It is not known what will be the outcome of the Incident. OF Because tho trainmen would not allow him to ride without paying his 'way, Henry Henderson heaved a stone through tho window of the ob servation car of train No. 1 yesterday and Is now reposing In the county Jail. It seems that Henderson was not only possessed of a desire to ride, but that this desire was an extremely persistent one. Three times he had boarded the train and three times he had been put off. The last time that he was ejected from the train was at Gibbon station and here evi dently realizing that the third time was the last, he picked up a young boulder and hurled It into the ob servation car which was attached to the rear of the train. When No. 1 arrived in Pendleton, Constable Bentley was informed of the occurrence and armed with a de scription of the man went up and brought him down to the county Jail. The formal charge was lodged against him this morning by O. R. & N. De tective Wood, who arrived from Port land for that purpose. UNKNOWN AMOl'NT STOLEN AND ROBBERS GET AWAY Robbers Steal Team From Barn of Vice-President 0f Garfield National Rank Rlow up Dunk at Elbertson and Return to Garfield Then Leave on Northern raclfic Fpeeder Supposed to Have Jumped a Freight Later. Garfield, Wn., April 26. The bank Elberton, Wn was dynamited last night and several hundred dollars stolen. The robbers stole a team from the barn of J. W. Cox, vice president of the Garfield national bank, and drove to Elberton, then returned to Garfield and hitched their horses to a telegraph pole and left town on a Nor thern Pacific speeder. The speeder was abandoned at the roadside several miles from the scene of the robbery and It Is supposed that uiey Doaraea a rrelght train to Spo kane. A heavily armed guard Is awaiting at every station along the railroad. The exact amount of the loot Is unknown. FAVOR MODERN LANGUAGES The New England Modern Lanuage association's commute on college en trance reqairements Is preparing re report which will probably contain some vigorous recommendations re garding the teaching of languages in Preparatory schools. . The movement away from the clas sical tongues has not ceased, and while the indications are that Latin will continue in high favor, the fu ture will see sonic radical rearrange ment of language methods in the schools. The committee recently sent in quiries to 176 high schools and found n.av i.i u.c 0,,uu r more pupus rep-, resented it,.; are studying Latin : fi ana nu ureek, while in the modern language courses 19.069 are studvine : French and 5690 s.,, ..., o.n Most teachers would for practical reasons, liKe to see attention more evenly divided between French and German, with the preference, If any, given to the latter. The new attitude of the colleges is shown by Harvard's recognition of a speaking knowledge of French and German as equivalent to preparation In Latin and Greek. Spokesman-Re view. PRESIDENT BRINGS SF1T DISSOLVING HARRIMAN LINES San Francisco, April 26. Suit against the Union Pacific and the Southern Faclflc companies has been entered In the United States circuit court for the northern district of Cal ifornia for the purpose of dissolving the financial relations of the two rail roads. The suit is brought In- the name of the president of the United States and nearly 100 witnesses have been subpoenaed. The suit was brought originally In Utah, where the lines of the two roads form a Junction, and hearings have been held In nearly every large city of the United States where the two companies own physical prop erties or have competing freight agencies. The action Is one of the! numerous ones brought against the Harrlman lines during the Roosevelt administration, but It Is the first called since President Taft was In augurated. Miss R. Sutton of Walla Walla, is the ' guest of friends In this city for a few days. f WINDOW ROBBERS BlI nrai BANK BIG SHOW TRAIN HERE The C. W, Parker Carnival Arrived Yesterday After Being Delayed by Fire. ATTRACTION'S ARE BEING ERECTED AT HALL PARK Train Delayed at Athena by Serious Fire Haines Discovered Shooting up From One of Animal Wagons Fears for Safely of Twenty-Seven Cars or the Train Fire Exlln guMied With Loss of Only a Few Thousand Dollars Rig Show to be Held at Ball Park Will be Here for Week. The strenuous tones of an immense steam callope floating over the city, about one o'clock yesterday afternoon, proclaimed the approach of the special train bearing the C. W. Parker shows, which are to play a six day's engage ment in the city, opening tonight The sounds from the callope attracted the crowd, the small boys and girls, and even elderly people, were seen hurrying to the depot from all direc tions. Fire Delays Arrival. The show train was scheduled to ar rive at eleven o'clock, but underwent a serious fire down the line and, lor that reason, was delayed for about two hours. A large crowd of disappointed people gathered at the station in the morning, and a still larger crowd greeted the train upon its arrival in the afternoon. At a point Just be yond Athena the watchman on the show train discovered flames shooting up from one of the wagons belonging' to the animal circus, and Immediately sounded the alarm but was unable to attract the attention of the train crew until some little, distance had been traversed. The speed of the train merely served to fan the flames, and I for a time it looked as If the entire train of twenty-seven double length, cars would go up in flames. Once the train was stopped, however, the. fire department maintained with the shows did valuable service Fire ex tinguishers were speedily brought In to requisition, and, after a heroic fight on the part of everyone connected with the shows, the flames were brought under contral, not, however, until property valued at several thous ands of dolars had been destroyed. Athenians Frightened. Following the stopping of the train a scene of pandemonium reigned for a time, as in addition to the flames, the animals connected with the ani mal circus began to roar and screeh in anticipation of the danger near at hand. The people of Athena flocked to the scene intent on lending aid, and when the situation was most critical some excited individuals shoutelthat the Hons had managed to escape from j their eneres with the result that there was p. slurrying for places of safety on the part of -hi? citizens of quiet lit tle Athena, of course the alarm proved to be false, but that fact did not lessen the f ;;r of many and not a few doers and windows remained boltwl aml h.iro,l until after the ames had been extinguished and the show train had proceeded on its way. . " TU "M "8 w t"e property destroyed was an ;tne aniinaI c, wh , f , . with the C. W. Parker shows this sea son. The tent, 200 feet long and 150 feet in width, had Just been received from the Parker factories, at Abilene, Kansas, and had never been used, it having been the intention of the man agement to erect it for the first time in connection with the Pedleton en gagement. The loss of the property destroyed, however, will in no manner interfere with or effect the Pendleton engagement since the shows are equipped with reserve tents and para phernalia calculated to meet Just such emergencies as this. Location Changed. Following the arrival of the show train In the city the work of unload ing was speedily inaugurated, and, as fast as the wagons, cages, chariots, etc., etc., were unloaded they were (Continued on Page Eight.) SALVATION ARMY WILL TOUR AMERICA r London. Arril 26. General Booth's Salvation Army Is pre paring to tour America before next winter and to make two five weeks trips first throuch England. While in America they will go into the question of establishing a ''University for humanity." the first branch of which will be located In New Tork and Chicago.