East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 19, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hill Kpcaku In Walla Walla.
Walla Walla. James J. Hill and
LouIb Hlli, his son, at the head of the
Hill system of railroads, will be in
Walla Walla next month und will
apeak at the conservation congress,
May 13 und 14, unless something hap
pens between now and then to disar
range his plana.
I.aikl IiKTcawH JOOO Per Cent.
Spokane. A tract of Hayden Lake
Irrigated land which Thomas Weeks
old two years ago for $75 an acre he
has Just rcboaght for $760 an acre
an Increase of 1000 per cent. A still
more remarkable feature of the deal
1 that Mr. Weeks originally bought
this land from the Northern Pacific
for $2 an acre.
Tlmhvrmcn Op-pone Miners.
Medford, Ore. A concerted effort
seems to have been Instituted on the
part of tho tlmbermen to put the
mining Interests of southern Oregon
out of business. Locators, presum
ably for lack of suitable claims else
Where, have been busy placing Inves
tors on mineral claims, on many of
which paying mines have been
worked for years.
Chime at Raker City.
Baker City. Baker county's $100,
000 court house will have chimes In
the clock tower, according to an an
nouncement made today by the coun
ty officials. The county court has
ordered one of the best clocks made
by (he Howard company, and with it
Is Included a full set of Wostmlnstei
Chimes. The quarter hour, half hour
and hours will be Indicated by the
chimes preceding tho regular strik
ing device.
Willis Van Horn, one of Hood River's
most successful and wealthiest apple
growers, and will remain here i"iill
Tuesday, when he leaves for Marshal
town, Iowa, to open a series of his ex
hortations to fave sinners. From
there he will go to Muncle, Ind.,
where he will clone his evangelKt'c
season, and then expects to conn
back to Hood River and spend t'.e
summer on one of his fruit rmiches.
Clone) City Meat Murkeis.
Walla Walla, Wash. Owing 1o the
rile condition of their slaughter pens,
which are situated at the edge of the
city limits, Deputy State Inspector W.
G. Adams today closed the Bhops of
three of the meat markets of this city
and until their pens are properly
cleaned and placed In condition to pass
Inspection, they will not be allowed to
Citizens living In the portion of the
town where the stockyards are locat
ed have complained continually of the
nuisance and made such vigorous pro
tests to the Council that steps were
taken by the owners to remedy the
evil. After following the health rules
for a short time, the slack methods
were resumed.
Mr. Adams will remain In the city a
week, inspecting the various places of
Building Room lit MeMlnnvllle.
McMlnnvllle. Or. Indications are
that the coming spring and summer
will see more improvements made and
more buildings erected In McMlnn
vllle than ever before. Already some
2" residences aro In process of con
struction and an estimate places the
number at 100 for the building sea
sin. Last year houses for rent could
not be found and many families who
came expecting to remain were un
able to obtain suitable houses.
Dog Save Miister'H Gold.
Portland. Stopped by a masked
thug while on his way home hist night
Charles Hlldyard, a butcher, living at
S92 East Tenth street, was rescued
from being robbed at tho riiuzzlc of
a revolver by his dogs, who, faithful
to their master's call, came on the
run and put tho robber to route.
The shopkeeper had closed hi
store, 371 East Eleventh street and
J had walked to within a bloc k of hta
nouse. no was carrying a large sum
of money with him. The would-be
thug came up from the rear and
caught him by tho collar. The
butcher uttered a Bhrlll Bhlstle to his
dogs. When the masked man saw the
dogs coming, he released his grasp on
his victims collar and took to his
heels. The dogs followed the fleeing
man but for fear that one of them
might be shot Mr. Hlldyard called
them off.
Keeortl Price for Columbia IjhkI.
White Hluffs, Wash. What Is be
lieved to be tho record price for new
Irrigated land in the Columbia river
valley was reached this week when
A. J. Williams sold five acres near
White Illuffs to Gustave Nelson of
North Yakima for $3200, or $640 an
acre. Mr. Williams bought the land
a year ago for $250 an acre, paying
one-fifth down, or a total of $250 for
the entire tract. On an Investment of
$250 he made a profit of $1950 In
a year.
Potuloc tiring $100 Mir Acre
That Klamath county Is the "place
where tilings grow" is particularly
emphasized In the potato line. El
mer Applegatp has a 17-acre tract
south of the cltv. nl lnren nortlon of
which will be planted to potatoes this or!, "r of selli"? l"'oU' or
Text of the Measure Which Is to Ban
Mi Track Retting.
San Francisco. Following is the
text of the Otis-Walker anti-racing
bill which recently became a law In
California. It becomes effective
April 19.
"Every person who engages in pool- j
selling or bookmaklng ot any time
or place, or who keeps or occupies
any room, shed, tenement, tent, booth i
or building, float or vessel, or any j
part tnereor, or who occupies any
place or stand of any kind, upon any
public or private grounds within this
state, with bonks, papers, apparatus
or pharphernalla, for the purpose of
recording or registering bets or wag-
year. Last year Mr. Applegate made
on an average of $100 an acre on his
potato crop. This was after deduct
ing all expenses and allowing for la
bor. His entire acreage averaged
over 300 bushels to the acre.
Hilly Sunday at Hxxl River.
Hood River. Coming all the way
from Springfield. Ill, to inspect the
land he had already bought and to
buy more, Hilly Sunday, accompanied
by Mrs. Sunday, arrived here last
night and today is making a tour of
the valley. The noted evangelist is
being entertained kit the home of
Removed by Lydia E. Pink
South Rend, I ml. - " Lydia K. Pinli
ham's Vef?etiille Compound removed
a cyst tumor ol
four years' crowlh
which three of t!u
best physicians do
claretl I luul. Tlioj
said that only m
operation couli
help nw. J am very
glad that Itoliowiv
a friend's mlvid"
mid took Lydia V.
J'inkliiim'a Yep
table compound
for it lias ninde mi
a Btrontr and w li
woman, and I shall recommend it n.c
loiifr as 1 live." Mhs. May Iky
Lindlcy. Ind.
Ono of greatest triumphs of
Lydia H. l'lnldiiim's Vegetable Com-
Sound is tlm ciiiUf ring ol woman
read enemy tumor. If you have
mysterious luins.iiitlaniniation, ulcera
tion or displacement, don't wait for
time to confirm your fears and go
thmnprli the liormisofa hospital opera
tion, but try Lydia K, J'iukbam's Vcf,;
table (.'(impound at once.-
Tor thirty years Lvdiafi. rinkliarfft
Vepi'table Compound, made, from roots
BtiulicrliH, liasbccntlit'Kt.'Uidard remedy
for female ills, and such unquestion
able testimony as the above proves the
valuo of this famous remedy, and
should give confidence and hope to
every sick woman.
If rou would like special advice
nbotit vour case write iv ccirJiden-
tial letter to Mrs. Pinl.bam, at
Lyiui, Mass
corns or registers nets or wager, or i
sells pools, upon tho result of any!
trial or contest of skill, speed, or pow- I
er of endurance of man or beast, or I
between men or beasts, or who re- I
celves, registers, records or forwards i
or purports or pretends to receive, I
register, record or forward, In any
manner whatsoever, any money, thing!
or consideration of value, bet or wag-j
erco, oy or ior any otner person, or
sells pools, upon any such result; or
wno, nemg me owner, lessee or occu
pant of any room, s'-ed tenement,
tent, booth or building, float or ves
sel, or pnrt thereof, or of any grounds
within the state knowingly penults
the same to be used or occupied for
any of these purposes, or therein
keeps, exhibits or employs any de
vice or apparatus for the purpose of
recording or registering such bets or
wagers, or the selling of such bets
or wagers, or the selling of such
pools, or becomes the custodian 1r
depositary for gain, hire or reward
of any money, property or thing of
value, staked, wagered or pledged j
upon any sucn result; or who aids,
assists or abets in any manner In any
of the said acts, which are hereby for
bidden, Is punishable by Imprison
ment in a county Jail or state prison
for not less thon thirty days and not
exceeding one year.
.Win Bernardino, Cal April 17.
That railway accidents can be almost
entirely eliminated was the sentiment
expressed by the members of a party
of Santa Fe officials, Including Pres
ident E. T. Ripley, who spent the en
tire day at the plant operated by P,
Simmon at Ferris.
Mr. Ripley passed through this city
on his way to San Francisco to make
an inspection tour through California.
Oregon and Washington.
Together with Mr. We!K the partv
went over the Simmen apparatus,
which tile Santa Fe has installed on
its lS-mllo branch lino between Fer
ris and High drove, near this citv.
By means of a third rail for half a
mile on either side of stations, tin?
dispatcher has entire control over tho
train and con bring it to a ston at
1 if the engineer does not do so on
(iold Watch (liven Away.
On Monday even'ng, April 19, the
Dlmo theater will give a wnv n
Hk gold watch free. Either lady's
or gentleman's. Sc0 watch in Ken
ley's window.
PewsHietton's Greatest Sale In Years
SATURDAY was the banner day for fast merchandising at the Busy Bos
ton Store. It easily eclipsed all sale efforts that Pendleton has known,
even surpassing in magnitude the first day of our great Triangle Sale of
several years past.
Hundreds of eager buyers were in and out during the day, and in every
instance those leaving carried with them the biggest and best bargains they
had ever known.
This Week Clothing Will Go Fast
Men's Suits, Sizes 34 to 46
Lot 1 val. to $15, C. O. Price $6.85
Lot 2 val. to $18, C O. Price $8.90
Lot 3 val. to $22, C. O. Price $10.15
Lot 4 val. to $30, C. O. Price $17.95
Lot 5 val. to $40, C. O. Price $23.35
Young Men's Suits,
Sizes From 30 to 36
Lot 1 val. to $ 1 5, C. O. Price $5.95
Lot 2 val. to $20, C. O. Price $8.95
Lot 3 val. to $25, C. O. Price $1 1.95
Men's and Boys' Long Pants
Lot 1 val. up to $3, C. O. price $1.25
Lot 2 val. up to $4, C. O. price $1.95
Lot 3 val. up to $5, C. O. price $2.85
Lot 4 val. up to $6, C. O. price $3.75
Lot 5 val. up to $8, C. O. price $4.95
Boys' Knee-Pant Suits
Lot 1 val. to $3. C. O. nrice $1.15
to 4.50 C. O. price $2.85
to 6.50 C. O. price $3.85
to 8.50 C. O. price $4.65
to $10 C 0. price $5.35
Lot 2 val.
Lot 3 val.
Lot 4 val.
Lot 5 val.
All high-cut shoes in the store
$6 to $8 values, now $5.50
Knee rubber boots, $2.95
7.00 Hanan C O. price $4.95
5.00 Dress C. O, price $3.95
3.50 Douglas C. O. price
2.50 Work Shoes C. O. price
Boys and
$2 values in
all the late
shapes and
shades special
C. O. Price
Ladies' Shoes
6.00 Hanan C. O. price $4.75
5.00 Kelly CO. price $3.95
4.00 Dress C. 0. price $3.35
3.50 Dress C. O. price $2.95
3.00 Dress C. O. price $2.45
2.50 Fine C. 0. price f$.95
Right at the start of the season we are selling Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes
at below cost, for we must Close Out Part.
I onsider
xfe losing
and Buy
p II ur
Vut il
The Big Yellow Sign.
Trade and Save
.Jjooo I
Mils Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received by tho
Board of Trustees of the Joseph
Methodist Episcopal church, of Jos
eph, Oregon, up to Wednesday, April
28, 1909, at 6:00 p, ni. for the con
struction of a brick or stone church
at the City of Joseph. Said brick or
stone church to be completed on or
before Friday. October 1st, 1909.
Bidders to furnish a good and suffi
cient bond to be approved by the
Board of Trustees of the Joerh
Methodist Episcopal church. The
right to reject any and all bids re
served. Plans und fpeilflcations can
be seen nt the office of the East Ore-
gonlan, Pendleton. Oregon.
Dated Joseph, Ore., April 12. '00.
W. J,. Ml-LKEL,.
Sec. Buildinj; Com.
The Most Beautiful Homes
Built Today, Are Being Made of Concrete Blocks.
Cheap Lumber.
We have some that Is in our way,
If you need lumber fr any purpose
crnie and see what we are offi-riiiir.
Oregon Lumber Yard, Alta street op
posite Court house.
If ym
lt' o
w il I'. !
The cigar makers, by a referendum
ote, have derided to levy nn assess
ment for the purpose of creating n
fund to ndvertlse the union blue la-
llf r advico in l'rcc, be! at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific rx-
They are pret
tier, more sub
stantial and far
more comporta
ble in either
hot or cold
See my ninny
beautiful de
igns in con
crete bloeks
before you
build your
k ii
mm jL
tSecr.f vss;f- "-3b.
i' r -m
Conerete itands
for Basement.
. Foundations,
Wails, Fence,
and Curbing.
It looks better
and lasts longer
than stone.
I will furnish
you estimates
for any claos of
wot k on
Cor. Rail
road amd
Willow Sts.
ninl ahvnys I.c!;fu2.
1 position.