East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 16, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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and lacerated face, Mrs. Esther Little
and Mrs. Winnie Meyers. Warrants
were at once Issued for the arrest of
Wedell, hla wife and Mrs. Chase, his
Is there more than one
kind of Ivory Soap?
No! But there are a
hundred imitations. A
dishonest grocer will
offer one of these and
say "This is Ivory"; or
"This is just as good as
Do not accept it un
less it is stamped
Ivory Soap
99 J loo Per Cent. Pure.
Bank Will ray in Full.
Prairie City. By the consumation
of a sale completed at Baker City
yesterday evening when the Dixie
Meadow mining property was sold to
Spokane capitalists, the defunct
Frairle City bank will be able to pay
Its depositors dollar for dollar.
Train Vp Snake River.
Huntington. Tomorrow morning
the first passenger train to traverse
the Northwestern road up the Snake
river will leave here and will run to
Roblnette. at the mouth of Powder
River. This Inaugurates passenger
traffic up the Snake and until the road
is extended on toward Lewiston, that
town will be the terminal.
Wheat Supplies Gone.
Walla Walla. Looking after busi
ness interests and sizing up the pros
pects for the. coming wheat crop, a
number of prominent grain men yes
terday made a trip over this valley
In an automobile and report that
never in the history of the country
has the shortage of grain been so pro
nounced. The surplus is nearly all
exhausted and In only a few of the
warehouses Is any grain stored. In
Estmar station, near Dixie, where
enormous quantities were stored last
fall, but one lot remains ana tnat
comprises about 400 sacks.
Many Indicted In Harney.
Burns, Ore. At this term of circuit
court the grand jury found 15 true
bills of Indictment against parties re
siding in Harney county, most all for
gambling. Seven were against one
man; the court allowed him to plead
guilty to one charge and held the
others In abeyance during good be
havior. All the parties were from
Drewsy. Two married women from
there' were the prosecuting witnesses.
It was their Intention to indict some
who had been in the habit of gambl
ing with their husbands. As it was
necessary to mention the names of
all who were in the games, true bills
were found against the women's own
Farmer Fnlon at La Grande.
La Grande. Mr. Cox. the energetic
organizer of the Farmers' Union
movement, has been working In and
around North Powder for some days
and last night organised a local at
that place with 15 of the best known
and most progressive farmers in that
end of the county as charter members.
Would Bond Klamath Falls.
Klamath Falls. Ore. Steps are be
ing taken to have the city council
submit to the voters at the coming
election the matter of bonding the city
for $95,000 for the purpose of con
structing a sewer system. Members
of the council are favorable and it
is quite probable that the Issue will
carry. This Is the greatest amount
of bonds that the city can vote under
the present charter.
Think School Building Unsafe.
Portland. Lack of ample doors
for escape In case of fire renders the
Sunnyslde public school unsafe, ac
cording to a report submitted at the
meeting of the Sunnyside Push club
last night. On the second floor It Is
reported that there are seven rooms,
all of which are dependent for exit
up on one stairway. The outside
doors, too, it Is said, are kept locked
during the day, making the school
most unsafe.
Frairle City Mine Sold.
Baker City. What Is no doubt one
of the largest and most important
deals that has occurred In Eastern
Oregon mining circles for some time,
was closed today and mining men
from Spokane acquired title and own
ership to the "Dixie Meadows" mine
located near Prairie City. While the
price is not known it Is stated $250,
000 is a small enough estimate, and
probably $25,000 of that amount was
paid down when the deal was closed.
ISowlmrg Men Missing.
Roseburg, Ore. A team and wagon
left at the Weaver livery bam at
Myrtle Creek, on March 29 last, has
caused the officials to become sus
picious of either a theft or foul play.
The two men who left the team and
wagon have not been seen or heard
of since they arrived at Myrtle Creek,
over two weeks ago. They registered
at the hotel as W. McDonald and F.
McDonald, and left town on the first
south bound train.
Want Their Brother Jailed.
North Taklma, Wash. Three sis
ters of the Naches valley have com
plained to the Prosecuting Attorney
Ward that their brother, Joe Wedell,
threatened the life of one, assaulted
another and held the third on the
ground while his sister-in-law pound
ed her face black and blue. Those
complaining are Emma Terry, who
exhibited two badly blackened eyes
Medford Wants Motor Services
Medford. Ore. The commercial
bodies of Southern Oregon will peti-
Hon the Southern Pacific railroad
company to establish an Interurban
motor car service on Its lines. This
service, with the one which will be
established June 1 by the Rogue River
Valley Railroad company, between
this citv and Jacksonville, will give
the residents of the valley an Inter
urban service sooner than by wait
ing for the construction of an electric
London. When we consider that
the average milk yield of the ordi
nary cows of this country is variously
put at from 400 to 450 gallons a cow
a year, and that a 700-gallon cow is
a remarkably good one. tt Is interest
ing to know that in the Tring herds
belonging to Lord Rothchlld there
were four cows, each of which gave
considerably over 100O gallons of
milk during the year that ended with
Michaelmas. A ten-year-old red' poll
ed cow, Clarissa, gave 13,677 pounds
of milk (foughly, 1350 gallons) dur
ing that period, and has further giv
en an average of 12.233 pounds of
milk a year for the three years she
has been in the herd. The other
three cows were shorthorns. Dar
lington, Crauford 15th gave 12,370
pounds of milk In the year, and has
given an average of 10,003. pounds a
year for eight years; Red Rose 3d
gave 11,656 pounds of milk in the
year, and Barrington Dushess 31st,
10,047 pounds.
Toledo. One of the largest auto
mobile real estate deals which has
taken place In this country for some
time has been consummated by J. N.
Willvs. president of the Overland
Automobile company of Indianapolis,
and Col. Albert Pope, president of
the Pope Manufacturing company of
Hartford, for the purchase or tne
mammoth Pope-Toledo manufactur
ing plant at Toledo.
The Pope-Toledo factory is conced
ed to be one of the largest and best
eouinned automobile manufacturing
plants in the United States. It com
prises twenty-four buildings of mod
ern construction, having flour space
of 400,000 square feet and covering
twelve acres. It Is fully equipped
with hundreds of thousands of dol
lars of modern machinery. Many
large automobile concerns have en
deavored to obtain this superb plant,
but it remained for John N. Willys
to close the deal.
Bow's This?
w ofrtr Cm HnaAra Doilsrs tewart
tnr ant case of Catarrh that cannot be
eared by Hall's Catarrh Core.
We, the undersigned, hare known P. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all bnslnem
transaction! and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by bis firm.
Wilding, Rinnan Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken Internally,
siting upon the blood and mncons surfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all Drag
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
"When Patty went to College," glv
en by Pendleton academy class of
1910, Friday night at the Oregon the
A warm theatre vith new and live
ly pictures the Pastime.
The very great majority cf pernor. need a tonic in l." Spring or early
Summer. Th system undergoes a chant" at this re"". and tue entire
physical machinery U distirbel. The jr,e astral bodily .vi.cness, a tired,
worn-out feeling, iw.kU apatite, poor djgst,oa, i hilt .:lc feeling and a
general run-down rendition of the system, show that the blood is iveak or
anaemic, and :i blood purifying tonij is tieed-id to build up the deranged
system and enrich t'.ie Wood. The use of s. s. f?. it thij tin)s may save
you from a Ion? spell of ickoes, and it. will certair.Jy prepare you for the
long, hot Summer, lliny peopla have put oif using a tonic until the system
became so weakened and depleted it could Dot successfully throw o;f disease
perms, and have paid for thd neglect with a Fpell of fiver, malaria or some
other debilitating tickness. S. S. S. is Nature's ideal tonic. It is a
composition of the extracts and juices of roots, lerbs and barks which
science and experience Lave proven are best fine 1 .'or a tonic to the human
system. It contains no minerals of any kind and I ; therefore perfectly safe
for persons of any age. S. 8. 8. tones up the stomach and digestion, rids
the system of that tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and strength
to every part of the body. It purifies and euriciiy j the blood, stimulates
the secreting and excreting members to better action, quiets the over
strained nerves, and makes one feel better fn every way.
Alfred Benjamin (th Co.
Society Brand
and Chesterfield
Men's Clothes
Any Suit in Our Store for
Every Suit Goes, Blues
and Blacks are Included
Sale now on
id Eros
Pendleton's Leading Clothiers
Mil 350.000
State Officials of Reclamation Scrv
ice Are Notified of Withdrawal of
Large Tracts Thief Valley Lands
Included In Segregation Will In
sure Activity in the Baker County
Irrigation Scheme.
Baker City, April 15. Fifteen
townships, or approximately 350,000
acres, have been withdrawn by the
government, part of which will be Ir
rigated by the Thief Valley irriga
tion project, which lies about 14
miles northeast of Baker City. At
least 35,000 acres of this withdrawal
will be subject to Irrigation from the
proposed Thief Valley reserve.
"The subdivisions withdrawn, de
scribed by township and range, are
as follows: Township 6, range 40
east; township 7, ranges 40, 41, 42
and 43 east; township 8, ranges 42,
43 and 44 east; township 9, ranges
42, 43, 44 and 45 east; township 10
range 46 east.
Finest Land in Baker.
The land lies on the lower bench
es of lower Powder valley and is said
to include some of the finest land In
Baker county, It being somewhat
similar to the land under the Baker
Irrigation company's system. While
the Thief Valley project Is several
miles further out than the Baker Ir
rigation company's lands It Is proba
ble that electric lines will connect
both to Baker City In the near fu
ture. Notice of the withdrawal was re
ceived by Mr. Jacobs, the promoter,
from E. G. Hopson, supervising engi
neer of the United States reclamation
service In Oregon, Washington and
The notification received by. Mr.
Jacobs authorizes the preliminary
work of the project. The company
will have a force of 30 men In the
field at once, running levels to de
termine the irrigable area. After this
has been done the real work of the
project will be undertaken.
Chicago. "Home-made" text books
written by Chicago teachers and
printed by the School Boord. This Is
the policy that is likely to be adopted
a,4 the result of the report made to tho
Board of Education, showing dis
crimination against Chicago school
children. While the district super
intendents today are busying them
selves with the report checking up
the prices for books In various parts
of the country, tho special committee
on text-books is turning its attention
to the ' home-made ' nook propo
sition. Members point out that the
beard has demonstrated Its ability to
compete successfully with tho publish
ers In printing books for use In the
schools. For some time past the
school trustees have been experiment
ing along these lines, and the result
of their test Is said to be favorable
to the Idea.
Co. and Girvln & Eyre for new-crop
loading this morning. Each of the
carriers was taken at tho union rate
of 2Ts 6d. The fleet Is composed of
the French barks Baby Chevayo, L
Hormlte, Xeullly, Fnrcchal de Castries
Cornll Bart and Hochc. Except the
Neullly and Cornll Bart, all of them
are headed In this direction" with gen
eral freight. In the grain line It Is
the biggest day's business for more
than a year. It really marks the be
ginning on the part of the exporters
to secure tonnage for handling the
new crop. Previous to this only two
other carriers had been engaged.
Portland. Close to $1,000,000 worth
of wheat will be taken to foreign ports
from Portland by six vessels which
were chartered by Kerr, GIfford &
Manager Dick Sullivan of the local
bnseball team ha scheduled a game
with the Athena nino for the local
diamond, Sunday afternoon. 'Tho
Yellow Kids" have always played a
good article of ball and tho manner
In which the clipped the wings of
"The Winged Ps" last Sunday would
Indicate that they have not forgotten
The "Indians" will be crippled by
the loss at Alexander, who will not be
In the game for several days longer,
but they expect to be able Jo pull
down the victory.