ff"'-n'- . . n" ""pnBawmnxwinnwiHi ' "' y 1 1 in ' ' 1111 " hi om. ", - PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAX, PEXPLETQX, OREGON, SATI IUHY, JAM'AllV 2, 1909. EIGHT PAGES. week the judge and commissioner will act fairly In this matter. a "! . . - .. - - -,-..-. , ,ioK,aJr.,'.l,i.. . If The COr.NTY OFHC1AI, PAPEK. AN lNPErEXPUXT NEWSPAPER. Pobllititd I 1It. Weekly and 8ml Weekly. at Pmdleton. Oregon, by th EAST OKKU0N1 AN lTHL18HINtJ CO. SniSCRIFTION RATES: Dally, one year, by mill 1.100 ally. lx months, by mall 2 .V) raly. three months by mall 1.25 I "ally, one month, by mall SO Ially, one year, by carrier T.SO Ially. all month, by carrier 8 75 Pally, three month, by carrier 1.95 Dally, one month, by carrier rtj Wetkly, ont yiar. by mail.....,' 1.R0 Weekly, a!x month, by mall 75 Weekly, four month, by mall 50 ml Meekly, oae year, by mall 1.50 Reml Wei'klr. six montha, by mall... .75 tSeml WetLiy. four months, by mall.. .50 The Dally l'.st Oregonlan ia kent on aale at the Oregon News Co., 147 6th street, IVirtland. Oregon. Chlrifo Bureau, !H9 Security building. Washington, P. C, Bureau. 501 Four teenth street. X. W. Member United Press Association. Telephone Mala 1 Entered at the postoffle at TendletoD, Oregon, aa second class mall matter. niKTHlilGUT. We who go a-wondering lp and down the year. Come to trice the path of spring By her blossoms near Hush to hear Far and clear 4 How the winds her challenge JOIX HANDS. bring. Ye who dwell with certainty Pull and hard and gray Asking naueht of sky or sea Take your chosen way While we stray . Who can say "Soul and spirit fare you free." Adelis Dunbar. ALL THE WOULD AKIN. World tragedies like that Just en acted in Italy bring out the fact that though the people of the earth are divided Into many races, nations and creeds, they are all members of one great family. When the news of Italla's misfor tune was flashed around the globe, preparations were Instantly made for the work of succor. Probably every civilized nation of the earth Is send ing money and supplies to relieve the needy. The American people have re sponded nobly. Hundreds of thou sands of dollars have already been raised, the rich and the poor alike contributing. San Francisco, herself but recently stricken, sends $60,000 to show her gratitude for the favors received In her time of trouble. The great battleship fleet, mighty in peace as well as In war, Is now hurrying to the Mediterranean to join i.i the work of mercy. Other nations are doing the same as the United States. Misfortune speaks in a common tongue and her voice Is one to which all the world gives heed. It is said that all men are brothers when they smile, but this relationship is showrl with even greater force when Sorrow touches a common chord in the hearts of men. Italv has the sympathy of the -world In her present distress. If money and supplies could wipe out her loss, the terrible earthquake would soon mean no more than do the ancient myths of the Ionian sea. Feople who have Interests In Pen dleton and want to see the town go forward should start the new year by attending the woolen mill meeting to be held at the Commercial club rooms Monday. At the coming meeting the work of disposing of the $30,000 bond Irsuo will be taken up with visor and those In charge of affairs hope the entire Issue can be disposed of without great difficulty. For men who own property In Pen dleton, or who are engaged in busi ness here, the woolen mill bonds fur nish a good field for Investment. Five per cent. Interest does not constitute their sole return. From the re-establishment of the woolen mill and the continuous oper ation o fthe plant, local Investors will reap great benefit. The re-opening of the mill means that the city's pay roll will be increased; that there will be a greater demand for houses; more business for merchants and for every body else in the city. Then to rejuvenate the woolen mill, will encourage other industries to come to this city.- i'endieton also needs a threshing machine factory and it needs a breakfast food factory. If the woolen mill , can be made a success, local people will take heart and will work to establish those plants also. Then within a few years Pendleton will be a little city with manufacturing as well as agricultural resources. It will not be merely a big farming center as it really is at present. Join in, Mr. Property Owner and Mr. Business Man, and help finance the woolen mill. a "MiNonrr "Pat" McArtlmr Is nn aggressive ycung politician and his ambition to be speaker of the house of represent atives is a laudable one. But McArth'jr has no rirrht to th speakership. He is an entirely new member of the house while there are many old members who would make good speakers. Then McArhur is a "minority" member. He is an anti and an In surrecto. He believes in machine pol itics rather than in popular rule, or at least his brief political record in dicates as much. While McArthur is wisely refrain ing from expressing himself upon the senatorship, yet he trains with the crowd that would like to-defeat Gov ernor Chamberlain. His political as sociates are men who would debauch the legislature if they could men who have no respect for sworn piedges and state laws when they in terfere with their own narrow parti san ambitions. The East Oregonian is not con cerned in the organization of the com ing legislature, but if its advice Is heeded, the statement members of the house and of the senate as well will, stand together and place their own men In the posts of honor. SUPPOSEDLY FUNNY. IltvlpriM-tty. The man who wears a collar high Will laugh at wimple folk Who, In their turn, pass neckwear by As Just a silly yoke. The novels that om girt will like Another girl will not; The things that you admire may strike Your friend as tommyrot. Washington Star. An EtliicHl Gaiuo. Sir Oliver Iodgc, the English sci entist, learned to play golf at St. An drews thirty years, ago. His teacher was Professor Tait. "You don't play golf with vom muscles," Trofessor Talt said to him one day; "you play with your morals. "But I hope," said Sir Oliver, with a hasty glance around, "that no one will consider my morals ns bad as my golf." London News. Mistake or Identity. A French sentinel In Algeria had for colonel a very tall, round-shouldered man. This round-shouldered colonel one night was making a .-juli-t inspection Passing the sentinel, lie found to his rage and Indignation that he was not challenged. So he returned to th--man and roared: "You didn't challenge me?" "S-no, saluting. "Well, why didn't you?" onel demanded. "Excuse me, sir." said the s(-ntlnel, "but I thous'.it I beg your nation, sir I thought ou was a camel." Washington Star. MONTI E B. GW1NN, J. W. MALONEY, President. Cashier. H. C. STEPHENS, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Vice President. Assistant Cashier. The American National Bank (Formerly Pendleton Saving Bank.) Capital, Surplus and Profits A Quarter of a Million Dollars. 4 per cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits We call especial attention to our new, modern Banking Room and unexcelled facilities for transact ing business. Our Steel lined, fire and burglar proof vault, equlppol with Safety Deposit Boxes for pri vate use of our customers. Come In and let us show you our modern facilities for taking care of your business. Cornelius "The House of Welcome" Cor. Park and Alder Portland, Oregon A hotel where the North western people will find hearty welcome and re ceive courteous treat ment at moderate prices. sir," faltered the sentinel. the col- MAKE IT EQUITABLE. If the county court acts fairly at Its session next week It will raise the county school levy at least one mill. By doing so it wll make It possible for the special district levies to be lowered next year and as a result the expense of maintaining the schools of the county will be more evenly divid ed than at present. As pointed out before by the East Oregonlan there Is much farming 7,rperty not included in the bounda ries of any of the school districts of the county. This property is now practically exempt from any school tax. Then there are hundreds of large, profit-making ranches In districts where no special levies are ever made of wh'Te the levies are so small as to 1 r. of no consequent. The owners at thH ranches live in the various towns of the county and secure the advantages of the town schools with out paying anything towards support ing them. Broad-minded men realize that this 1 not right. Within the past week or two many big farmers thr-mselves Tiave d'-clared their entire willingness 1 pay a larg'-r county school levy if the court will but require it. The East Oregonlan knows of three or four of the biggest wheat raisers of the county who heartily favor the suggestion made by Superintendent "Welles that the county levy be raised so as to permit of a reduction in dis trict levies. Here's hoping that when the coun ty court makes the tax levy next Farmers of the Inland, empire are now petitioning for the removal of the duty on grain bags. It is estimated the duty makes a difference of a cent in the cost of every grain bag used in the northwest. This duty the farm ers of the Inland empire want . re moved and they also want to abolish the tariff on Canadian coal. Just to Make Sure. An old farmer, who by hard work and thrifty habits had got tigeth.-r a small fortune, dmlded th it the time had at length arrived when hi? was justified In ordering a family carriage. He went to a carriage buillcr and described in detail the kind of vehlck. he wished to buy. "Now, I suppose you want ruMW ir?s?" -nd the cnrri:ip' bull !r. "No, sir." replied .he old farmer, in. tones of resentment. "My folks ain't tint kind. When they're riding they want to know it." Philippine' Gossip. you The (Jt'iHToits llairuniiifrlii. Old Lady Mv litle lad, do smnk cigarettes? Boy No; but I can give yer a chew of tobp.cco. Philadelphia Ledger. Try ins t Keep I'p. "I suppose you 'viv read Shake speare's works?" s.v l the ycung man from the east. "Yes, all of them," replied MN Fitz of St. Louis, "that is, unless h has written somothlng within the Ins' year." Chicago News. Breaking It Gently. A young man married against the wishes of his parents, and, in tellng i a friend how to break the news to them, said: "Tell them first that I am dead, and gently work up to the climax. ' Tit-Bits. Cruel. Leading Tragic Man Did you see how I paralyzed the audience In the death scene. They were crying all over the house. Stage Manager Yes. they knew you weren't really dead. Tit-Bits. Quick and the Dead. "What little boy can tell me the difference between the 'quick' and the 'dead?' naked, the Sunday school teacher. Willie waved his hands frantically'. "Well, Willie?" "Please, ma'am, the 'quick' are the ones that get out of the way of auto mobiles; the ones that don't are the 'dead.' " Labor Clarion. SOR&SII) Keep Your reet ury State wide prohibition went Into effect yesterday In the states of North Carolina, Mississippi and Alabama, Ml over the United States the liquor business is being placed under the ban. Prohibition is heroic treatment, tut people are getting tired of the saloon business as It exists in the United States. The library Is now thoroughly pro vided for. In the matter of civic betterment the next upon the pro gram will be the improvement of the north side cemetery. While 1909 is young let us impress upon him the fact that Pendleton ex pects much from the 12 months com ing under his tour of duty. Get off the mark quickly; the sand In the hour glass Is always flowing. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. . Falshhood Is truth gone on a de bauch. Unbridled passion throws the rider. Economy pays Its own dividends. Artificial beauty is the shallowest thing In the world. A suffragette Is a woman who In sists upon helng understood. The husband who loves his home It safe anywhere. lietter no music than that men should sing their own pralsfrs. Love's sacrifices do -not make grist fcr the divorce mill. Some homes are loudest advertised by their crying fcabloa.- Salt and batter often make assaul' and battery. Ex. "You seem to manage remarkably well on your housekeeping money "Yes; the storekeepers haven't sent In their bills yet." Stray Stories. On the Southern Pacific lines west of El Paso, 252 track foremen re ceived from the company Just before Christmas each a present of a fat tur key. The recipient:! of these gits ap pear to be chiefly those section mas ters who live on their sections remote from towns. YOUR HAT Mar B girlish One, nut It MaVex Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "In style," but the modern hat for men has lots to answer lor. Baldheads are growlruj more numer ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic germs which sap the life from the roots of th hair. When your hair begins to fall out anO. your scalp is full of Dandruff it Is i sure sign that these countless g3rms ar busily at work. There Is but one way to overcome th trouble and kill the germs that way I to aDDly Newbro's Jlerplclde to th scalp-It will kill the germs and health hair is sure to result. Sold by leadlne drurelsts. Send 10?. I stamps for sample to The Hcrpiclde Cc Detroit, Mich. Two sizes 60 cents and tl.00. A. O. Koeppen A Urn A Reliable P ri..i- n n.i til $ UIBQIIIDdlili f.. & Is quietly sbiorbtd. CliM Rilisf it Ones. It cleanses, soothes, E.'yWMR beals and Protects f vs 4k- J: i t-f y L brtne resulting from V. T '.tr? Pt war m. Cold In Ihm h V AIV aVI Head qnicklT. lie. I tores the benses ATARRH JllAY FEVEt Taste aod&uull. Full size 50 eU, at Dr.: ists or by msiL Io liquid forn. 75 et . iOy Brothers, 60 V.'arrea tftreet, Kew l'ai. 5 Ii One of ihe cardinal rules of good health, and one nobody denies. But few persons reflect that the feet may be wet in two ways-from within and from without. There is little use in piling up defense against rain and wet pave ments, if you thereby cause your feet to sweat. In fact, if you will ask your doctor he will tell you that it would be better your feet should be wet from without than from with in, rain-water is distilled and pure, perspiration is a waste product. You should have shoes that will keep the water out that is, out as far as possible, and let water out that Is in. The Sorosls Health leather allows the insensible perspiration to evaporate, but forbids the outer water to penetrate. This new Health leather provides ventilation, yet, so far as is possible, prevents outer dampness from penetrating. If you suffer from pcrjplrlng feet, this new lenther will af ford great relief. A cool, comfortable, dry foot, neatly shod, only possible In this new Sorosls Health leather. Our best advertisement Is the glow of satisfaction created in the feet of our customers. Ask for the Shoes made In the new Sorosls Health leather. We have shoes for all Women, Men, Boys' Girls, and Iiables. The retail price is J3.D0 per pair for nearly all styles, all sizes, and all leathers. ALEXANDER'S I Department Store Givers of Best Values Our free omnibus meets all trains Under the management of N. K. CLARKE II II I C W. Cornelius Proprietor Do you want to BUY or BUILD a home ? If you do, and if you desire to borrow money to assist you, it will pay you to see FR.ANK B. CLOPTON & CO. 112 E. Court St., Pendleton, Ore. You can repay the loan in monthly installments. Poor fuel Is the cause of that trou ble as it is with most cooking or baking failures. Tho only way you can avoid It Is by purchasing your coal of an establishment that has a long standing reputation of always deliv ering A I product. A trial ton of our coal will convince you of the unexclled quality and ex cellence of our fuel. DUTCH HENRY Office, IVinllcton Ice ft Cnlil Storng Company. 'Phone Main 178. SI. Joseph's Academy Pendleton, Oregon An Ideal School for Boys and Girls. Under the direction of the Slaters of St Francis, of Philadelphia, ftesldent ind day pupils. Special attention flven to music and elocution. Bto-ic-nts prepared for teat'hert' examina tions for count and state certificates For particulars address Sisier Superior MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush end mt In feed or talt Proper dote In tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Hortei, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls, They are made from the active principle or th condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust. Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran Are Itit, as tpoi when 10 years old aa when 10 days old. They comply with all pnre drag laws. Ask (of and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO "Worm, Kidney, Cbi'Ven Cholerv. Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hoi Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tabletsorl ise Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE J20., Incorporated; Capital Stock $300,000.00; V'atertOwn, South Dakota, U. S. A. FOB SALE nV O. F. COLESWOKTiri'. The Biggest Bargains Always at the BIG SIX STORE Just investigate once and you'll be convinced. 205 E. Court St. : J. A. COBB, Prop. They Stand the Strain. Our Winona Wagons and Hacks, ind Rex Buggies are built to stand service. Let us show you eur Fairbanks Morse Engines and Scales the best. We solicit your wagon repairing, machine work and carriage painting. Charges are moderate and only skill ed workmen are employed. NEAGLE BROS. Alfalfa Meal For Man, Beast1 or Chickens It 'makes good solid flesh. COLESWOsVTHY'S SeU.it At the Feed Store 127-129 E. Alta