East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 01, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Sale of Outing Flannels, Night
Gowns and Petticoats
Beginning Saturday, January 2nd, 1909
45c Petticoats for the next three days 29t
50c 33c
65c 47c
75c 49c
95c 69c
Si. 15 73c
$1.50 98c
$1.00 Night Gowns for the next three days 68c
$1.15 77c
$1.25 $3c
$1.50 ,. ' 98c
$1.75 ,. ,,. $'-19
$1.95 $1-28
$2.00 $'-32
$2.25 , '-58
$2.50 .. $'-78
$3.25 S2-28
general rejoicing over
six)iuixg mill prospects
In that or not. And ho must despise
every mun that wus not a republican
and regard him as a low creature
and tin enemy of the country. And
he lnunt vote for a bad man for con
stnble on the republican tlckot and
not vote for a good man on any other
ticket. He must vote the rcpubllcun
tii'k't Inst 118 ho went to church or
... ...... .,, hud family prayers or tried to tell tho
Want When Completed Will Bo tho
lJirseM of lis Kind This Side- of ;
l(S(oii Many Echo Otlil Fellows
Attend EiicnmpiiuMit In Pendleton
.... , EximtI at l''.H(!imtlni
Arrangements Con.ple.ed r,.r (.rami
Masqneiade Rail. i ..., vi.n.
if liiii;di of Life
Will Die Then.
4'hliMicii. Wtoi-iinn of the tlvil
var will become extinct In 13U0, ne-
(Special Correspondence.) jrr.nllnK to Past Commander O. F.
Kcho, Dec, 31. Every one Is Jubl- llassett. "There will be 347 veterans
land over the scourlntr mills to bo alive In 1940," ho says, and ten years
erected at this place. When the fine, itor the number will be reduced to
large buildings are erected it w.ll be twenty-three. The last survivor will
the largest plant this side of Uoston. idle In 1950. This s the conclusion of
C. It. and P. A. Ronney, Joe HulUy, men who are competent to estimate
Clarence Sprlngton. F. M. McOonner, the length of human life.
J. XV. Norton, Elmer Reeves, J. XV.
t II .....1 If lli-nvi-n wnrp tvlH-I
liui I 11 uiiu ... .. . . - i .
j M-ngers on No. S this evening for Ten-1
dlctcm to attend the encampment of
the 1. O. O, r.
Mable and Loren Haley have re
turned to Collego Place where they
are attending school.
Mr. M. C. Norman left for Veil Fall,
Idaho, th'.s morning on a two weeks'
visit to her relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Itryant will soon
move to I'endleton to make that their
future home.
Mr. Pidcock of Hermiston has leas
ed the dining room from M. H. Gll-
i l. tte at the Echo hotel.
Mr. E. W. Jewett is down from Dur
kee locking after his Interests here.
Grandma Barker has just returned
i from a few weeks' visit out on the
farm. She is looking hale and hearty.
Great preparations are being made
for tho masquerade for tomorrow
night. A large number of tickets have
already been sold. This is a good
cause for the fire company.
The K:i!
N'-w Ye:ir
ii tl.it S Uutl '
-I Jmt wished you a lwlpy
The above is a sale of new and desirable Night Gowns and Petticoats
that we bought at a splendid oargain ana on wmcn
we give oar patrons the benefit.
The Peoples Wareho
Where it Pays to Trade
Save Your Coupons
- ' ' ' ' "! ' " " !
Fast fa'ls the snow, fast falls the
Trace up; have nerve. Never forget
that many a great undertaking has
been wrought Into success after a
promise of failures.
It Is tough on the wagon to drive It
ever the rough, frozen roads these
da vs. Especially where the ruts are
The mother
drifting snow, d ,t ,s ha'rd on felIoPS and other
Now let the homefire burn, the lamp- & to haye a ?ec.
light glow. ond-best wagon for these times, and
smiles, glad a. eau But this utility
hQnnv siizht- ..i ..i.i !- V. a ennd solid
While raves the tempest in the "'"-J tht wl not break d0wn on the.
try night. .tv.ay to town.
Beyond the lamplights cheer, in. From januar- Farm Jouin.il.
firelight's glow, J
Fast falls the fnow, fast iau .
.Tames J
Hill Is Said to Re In a $75,-
000,000 Deal.
Denver. According to private dis
patches received in this city this morn-io-
mcreer of Texas ranches In the
territory penetrated by the Colorado
and Southern Ka.iroau is oemg mim
ed and will comprise 7,000,000 acres
of land, worth $75,000,000. James J.
Hilt who Rocured control of the Colo
rado and Southern, Is named as tne
U. vv
eratlng conditions of the. road.
Make a good work bench this wln-
Use all last year's failures as guide
riosts for the New Tear.
Put the tools where they will be
the easiest to find, not the easiest to
Men are a good deal like beans.
tliey don't amount to much unless
there's plenty of snap to them.
Make It your business to shovel a
. . . i. . u ..... ,.Vt Vio snow for
good wine pain um'u" rado ana souuiem, in
your wife to walk In when she hangs ,ntere8t behind the move.
cut the cio'.nes.
When cutting In the woodlot be
careful to avoid injuring any of the
smalW trees. They may be larger
sometime. Care for them.
The hen sometimes makes a Dig
fsK about a small egg. but she keeps
rie;it on. -lay after day. doing her best
the one thing she knows.
When you are thinking of buying a ,
look for plenty oi wouu j
and other purposes, i-. B
good neighbors and g"ou ...-
,. a diary; begin on tne ursi
lf the New Tear and follow it up
ynU will be surprised how
. imr,nrt3nt to re-
,nv things tnat are -
n,n' vou will find storeu av-y.
!.. it strange," remarked a way-
fa:mer. as he wi' ""'
-,i g,b'or sawing wd v'''th
. run by a gafolino eng.ne.
me,, will scheme to get out of
everything flown In writing
V),en vou lease a farm. Memory ......
T.ot be - lied on. It is remarkable how
r,t men will remerntter oilier-
V.I ,. .At
nt thirgs. If It Is all down in "."
r,d while, there can be no mistake.
When i is not convenient i'i")
froen pipes to thaw inem,
pread a eb'ih thickly wnn un
l,,ne faMen it around the frozen pipe
and throw water on it. The heat pro-flur-ed
as the lime flakes Is great
(wiri to thaw the ice. j
There was a belief common for
many generations that boys, like
wheat, must be well thrashed to get'
th best out of them. The ron Is no
lunger plied in the school or family,
and et there Is after all a pretty
fair crop of boys.
P things gone wrong with you
no fAfipe
,5" Mavse.
?3. ivicjr
Well Known Attraction Will lie ITe-
scntctl nt Oregon TlieiiH-r.
Although traveling under the same
m i me os th it w hich it has been
known for almost a generation. "The
lievil's Auction." which will play an
engagement at the Or-gon theater on
Saturday, January 2. is practically a
new production, and furnishes even
more fun for the crowded houses
which welcome It than It did a decade
... .i. . .,i ....u.. i.e. ,.t..i..t- "Tli-.
I ur an uie om n-nui'ie -i. v -
Devil's Auction" alone retains its pris
tine popularity. "Evangeline" N
gone; 'The ltlack Crook" has passed
into the far beyond; "Eight Hells"
slill remains 'tis true, hut "The Devil's
Auction" holds its own.
Provided with new scenery and ac
cessories and equipped with a capital
company, the rare obi spectacular
piece comes into Its own again, anil
tile lightning change scenic effects
and rapid fire individual action are
maintained without a falter,
t A comely chorus suppbne nts the
I efforts of tho principals, and tune ful
' music abounds throughout the pro-
: (itl. tioll.
I Familiar by name, "The Volcano of
Hades" spouts forth flames, and the
j transformation into the Realms of
' Mephisto is accomplished w ith a
' smoothness that precludes suspicion
' of rustiness. "The Magic Picture
Gallery" keeps the audience in a gale
t of laughter, and "The Feast of Lnn
' t rns" Introduces Frnulein Prager as
I premiere danseue, with a capital
i corps de ballet.
The plot of the piece is familiar to
(all dealing with the struggle between
'he powers of Mephisto, the evil one.
land Chirstaline, the fairy protectoress,
i throueh which the love affairs of Car-
i iu th., uhei.hertl. nnd Madeline, the
J Flemish farmer's daughter, are Inter
1 twined. The good, of course, trl
iumphs ami Mephisto and his minions
ire put to confusion.
At Paso Rubles Hot Springs.
Among the many charming stop
ping places In California is Paso Ro
bles Hot Springs.
Here are conditions Ideal for rest
ful recreation; quiet, congenial sur
roundings and modern, almost luxuri
ous accommodations.
Paso P.obles Hot Springs is a win
ter Resort hotel with the hospitality
of a home; a healing Spring witnoui
the atmosphere of a sanatorium; an
tnchanting country place with the
conveniences of a great resort.
Ask any O. R. & N. Agent for Illus
trated booklet, "Paso Robles Hot
ma with
m a bib
Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like
Raw Flesh-Had to Use Crutches,
and Doctors Thought Amputation
Necessary Montreal Woman
Writes of Cure Seven Years Ago.
"I have been treated by doctors for
twentv-flve years for a bad case or
S on Jy kg. They did their tort,
Hill 1UIHHJ w iwm
I.ly doctor had ad
vised me to hatre my
leg rut off. but I
stud 1 would try tho
Cuticura Remedies
first. He said, "Try
them if you like, but
1 do not think they
will do any good.'
At thin time my
leg was peeM from tho kneo, my fooj
was like a piece of raw flesh, and I had
to walk on crutches.. I bought a . coko
of Cuticura Soap, a box of tuticur
Ointment, and a bottle of Cuticura.
Pills. After tho first two treatment
the swelling went down, and n two
months my leg was cured and the new
skin came on, Tho doctor could not
believe liis own eyes when he saw that
Cuticura had cured mo and said that
he would use it for bis own patients.
I used two cakes of Cuticura hap,
three boxes of Ointment, and five bot
tles of Resolvent, and I huvo now lxea
cured over seven vears, and but for
tho Cuticura Remedies I might have
lost my life. I have lots of grand
children, and they aro frequent users
of Cuticura, and 1 always recommend
it to tho many people whom my busi
ness brings to my house every (lay.
Mrs. Jeiw-Baptisto Renaud, clairvoy
ant 277, Montana St., Montreal, Que
Feb. 20, 1007."
Rest for Mothers.
Instant relief nnd refreshing sleep for
ekin-t.irtured babies, ami rsl for tired,
fretted mothers, in warm baths witn
Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings
with Cuticura Ointment, the Great Uu
cure, and purest of emollients.
Cutloim svmp Sr-. fMUnin 0'n,,."?71l
SnO tail CUm ivrr-'oru. i - , 'T,
ChnenHU" (..H.it I'm air. I' '' '''
Uirdiitrmiill vif worm i 'm i ', w
M-kUlletl I'm. C'uticur Book oo bklo Dlcs
(JoimI Rnsdncss Opitortunlty.
For Sale Hotel and Millinery Store
at Helix, Ore. Hotel has Just been
n novated throughout. Doing good
business. tlood reasons for selling.
Inquire of Mrs. Frank Myers, Helix,
"That second resolution may come In
handy to gave my conscience!"
The Party. Right or Wrong.
fCharles Edward Russell, In "Success
i Magazine."
KIXDXFXS TO AGED 1 f)no KrPat usslstance upon Its pros
WOMAX IS KKV.niFn perous wuy was a device to which fu-
tnrp eenerations will certainly look
back with wondering amusement. It
u enlleil T.ovaltv to Party, and the
Tinol Eestored This Man's
"Several years ago I was attacked by
a severe caie of grippe, which loft mo
with a hacking cough, soreness In iny
chert, and bronchitis. I took nearly
every kind of cough syrup sola on ma
market, heslucs mcdlclue given me by
I received no permanent relief until
my dru;;glit asked me to try Vlnol,
and after taking three bottles I was
entirely cured.
I believe Yinol to be the greatest
blessing ever offered to the public, as
It does what la claimed for it. tt. it.
Tiirks. ManlcsviUe. Ala.
Tho reason Vlnol cures chronic
couphs, colds and pulmonary troubles
is because It contains tonic Iron and
all the healing and body building ele-
tnnnta nf end liver oil but no oil.
Vlnol Is also unexcelled as a strength
builder for old people, delicate children,
. .
weak and run-down persons, uuu
Pendleton. Oregon.
r-hlcneo. West Freeman, of this
city, has fallen heir to more than 3,
Uoitlreee. eeneral manager of the Bur
. ,.nlnr1 V... 1r Vfl-
lington roau, acconiiiaiocu uj 'city, nas iaiieu ..n. io -as can'-n i..hh'j j
ders, arrived In Denver today to in-!600 as a reward for a kindness done t,BH(.n,.e f it was that if a man had
spect the terminals of the Colorado an aged woman seven years ago. While bp(,n born a republican or had voted
i c-.,.v,orn onH investigate the op-l, i nn.ion in itoi Frffmaii saw a W- ,i, r..ruihiienn ticket for many years,
KIlll O'lUlntoi o - in - v ----- -
day j
r'af :
. 1.. V. Tin
man knocked uown uy a cuu.
went to her assistance and carried her
to his room. He received a portion
of her estate by will.
Salem, Ore. A bill has been pre
pared and will be introduced In the
next legislature to place ail the educa
tional institutions of the state under
a single board of regents. If such a
law is enacted it will mean that the
same board of regents will have juris
diction over the affairs of the normal
schools, the agricultural college and
the University of Oregon, me meas- ,
ure will probably be introduced by:
Representative Libby of Marion coun-,
ty. ,!
The Idea was thoroughly discussed
by the normal school board of regents,
at t'.e annual meeting and has been
framed up under the supervision ofj
the executive committee of that body. j
Sup-rintendent Ackerman and Cover-.
nor Chamberlain are among its
staunch supporters.
The nr nelr.al argument advanced,
by those who favor such a plan Is one
of economy. It Is argued that a sin
g e board of r Knts of not more than
five members, carefully selected as to
the r qualifications, each directing a
certain department after the cabinet
plan, will save more to the state with
in a year than possibly any other re
form. There would be a uniformity
In conducting the schools, and a sys
tem that would evolve a great number
of now uttforseen advantages. Port
I land Journal.
the republican ticket for many years
he must continue to vote the repiiou
can ticket no matter what might be
the republican policy or who might
lie the renubllcan candidates or what
might be to the man the consequences
of Republican success. He must not
onlv vote the republican ticket, but
he must also get out and shout madly
for ret.ublican orators, and carry
d,m. ,ht riv,n't hurt the eyes torches In republican parades, and feel
and a comfortable theater, the Pas- elated about republican victories, no
. . ,.. r-,an matter whether there was any sense
uine, ioi iiici ijr
Gus La Fontaine has Just received
a fresh lot of crawfish, crab and oys
ters In the shell at the Quelle.
Saturday, Jan. 2.
Ghas. II. Yale Go.
28th Annual Oblation
The Everlasting
M 8
To Look Young
feel young and stay young
keep the blood pure, the
stomach right, the bowels
regular, the skin clear and
the eyes bright with
Sold Everywhere. in boxe 10c and Be.
I I,, niMfii up! m mil mil niiii iiiiSirmfi""-""
UGBWZIttMnBKmXmlzaMBm n m mwt ... m , in hum hi
Rock Spring Coal
this past year? Now don't get dls-1 one unfurnished room for rent In
couraged and Imagine you ar going ' tr, East Oregonlan building. Elf
to wind up at the poorhouse. Th trie lights and steam heat Bath, hot
new year Is here, good things may be and cold water on floor. Rte '"7
.coming around the corner your way. reasonable. Enquire at K. O. office.
Either LUMP or NUT It Burns Clean.
Wood &L2jKT Wood
4 foot LengthsSawed Sawed and split.
Delivered Promptly Prices Right,
Successor to
Laatz Bros.
Phone Main 5
Main St., Next to Express Office
Milne Transfer
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggape transfer
ring. Piano and Furniture
moving and Heavy Truck
ing a specialty.
Try Hohbach's Oyster House
mr a
Home Lunch and Good Cup
of Coffee.
Home Made Candies and con
fections. Fancy Baking
to order.
Try our
New "Table ,Queen" Bread.
117-23 E. Court. 'Phons Main 80.