- j..-ui-t"-i .m - . - iMHiMnimn nriiinn ihmhwihh iiijiiiiii n-'-f'T .t .-a . a i- "-r. "' " ' 'T 7" ",T' -.--- .......... .w " t ... . . ,.. . ...i....'.. t . , ,, ta JM I- DAILY EAST OREUONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THIRSBAY, nECEMUEIl 21, 100H. EIGHT PAGES, . Actions Speak Louder Than Words. It la a well known fact that vhn one of the reftmerlea supplying you with butter advances their price, the other follows. Doesn't that look like a combination to overchargo the con aumer? -We have stood this as lng as we ir.nd to, and heve now pemdent creamery located at Blue Mountain Creamery, an Inde mftue arrangements with the La Grande, whereby we n offer you the very finest full weight creamery butter for only FER. TWO POUND ROLL r.emember, every roll guaranteed satisfactory to you, or your money back. Standard Grocery Co. (Not In any combination to overcharge the consumer.) rag MESSAGE J'KOM K. Y. JL'DD ANXIOl'SLY AWAITED This afternoon tho local men In charge of the movement to secure tho woolen mill are hourly awaiting a re ily to ti mtwuge wont to E. Y. Judd this morning. It was in the nature of an amended offer for tho purchase of the woolen Will machinery. Although there la every Indication that a satisfactory deal may be reade for the purchase of the old machinery the matter Is not yet settled und while the negotiations are In progress other work In belmlf of the mill Is being carried n. An offer to purchase the block of ground on West Webb street was made to the O. at. & X. company-yes. Unlay by T. C. Taylor. However no reply has yet been received. HELLO GIRLS TO I TELL TRAIN mi 1 1 HI l .CHRISTMAS AY AT CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER The Christians celebration of the twly communlom at the Church of the Rvdeemer will to at 7:30 a. an. A ru .i . Aufvlria will ha At 1'1 A. LU4i . ill .T.iiiteJ w.. vv - j m. Professional "Hwk, the Herald j Ansrels Sing" VesKe i R. Laaigdon. 'special Psalms, U, 45, 85. 111 V'l 1(1 A .1 11 I -D 1st Lesion Isaiah I to verse 8. Arrangements Are Matle WW O. it. , Te LVusn in E Flat '. . . Reade X. Agent Whereby Most Reliable j 2nd I.son St. Luke t to verse 15. Information Obtainable Will lie Benedicts ...... Anon . . Anthem "Behold, I Bring You Given Patrons of Telephone Com-: GooJ TUlng,.. C. Simper pany In Calling, Ask for "Infor-, Antl corawunion. matlo." I .jjlllymn "O Come All Ye Faithful." Sermon, the Rector "They Shall 1 Call His Name Emmanuel," St. Matt. 7.SS. RECENT OKDER OP . MANAGER BOC1NDED That the "hello" girls will resume the practise of giving out informa tion relatlv to the time of the arrlv. al of trains ii this city was announc ed today by Manager M. F. Marston of the local office. In explanation of why the service I 'Offertory Solo.... Dr. Hilf, of Weston i Hymn "It Came Upon the Mld ! night Clear." I Recessional "O Little . Town of I Bethlehem." The Christmas offering Is for the N. II. BROOKS HAS RECOYEKED J1I MINI) was d.scontinued, Mr. Marston stated ciergy widow and orphans' fund. A to the East Oregonian this morning cordial Invitation is extended to all. that It had been found impossible to 1 Charles Quinney, rector, get absolutely accurate information ! regarding trains and too many com- j j.jy plaints had been made against thej ' girls because their Information was i not correct Rey x H roo, formerly pastor Not long ago. according to the man-' he chrUtUn church ln ln city. ager, he found one of his girls inand who recentlv went in?ane while tears because an irate patron had, preachin in hu cnurch at Bellins abused her because a train had notih Wash nas compieteiy recover i Y't "led and has returned to his home from A atthe,nf0rmatinithe ML Tabor sanatorium in Port that had been given was Incorrect was; . lau. not the fault of the girl. So because the girls were unjustly blamed and because they themselves were unable to secure information regarding trains It was decided to discontinue the serv ice. But so many complaints have been made because the service was stop ped that arrangements were made to day to have It resumed. According to Manager Marston he has arranged with the O. R. & N. agent, Mr. Schuyler, so that the depot employes will Inform the central of fice whenever newt is received to the effect that a train, la late. Through McComimach's New Auto. Walter McCormmach of the Pendle ton auto company, has Just received a new E. M. F. auto, the first machine of that make ever to be brought Into this county. It arrived today by ex press and will be used by Mr. Mc Cormmach as a demonstrating ma chine. . Three Marriage Licenses, Marriage licenses have been Issued to the following couples: Thomas W. Murrell and Mary E. Murrell; James A. Isaacs and Miss tue phone system this Information) Eva Richardson and George Bain and will then be given to the hotels of the ' Nellie Luke. town and to the nublic In general. Hereafter, patrons wishing to get information regarding trains are asked to call for "Information," should the call be made during the day time. At night the "Information" girl will not be at work and the reg ular central girl will respond. When trains are on time and no reports have been sent out the girl will mery reply that no reports havef been received. . But it is to be distinctly under- Card of Tl"nkst Miss Lola Rogers wishes to thank the many kind friends of Pendleton, Adams, Athena and Weston who so ably assisted her throughout the pony contest. PEACOCK MILLING CO. WILL GEN EK ATE LIGI1T The Peacock Milling company has fTlud on 5000 Inches of water on the Wiilhi Walla river, which will ko uwd to generate tleetrical power for manufacturing. II girling, heating ami irrigation, according to a notice of appropriation filed -with the recorder today. The water Is appropriated at the dividing lines Imtween Sees. 19 and M T i X. It. SS E. W. M. and will be curried in a flume or pipe line to the Peacock mills. EXPRESS OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY CHItlSTMAS That the Pacific Express company's office will be kept open all day to morrow for the accommodation of those receiving Christmas parcels was announced today by Agent Steele. Also the delivery service will be op erated as usual tomorrow. According to tho genial express srent he has a package or two for eery person In this town and he is anxious to hand Ihem out. PENDLETON GIRLS WIN MICE MORE DEFEAT THE DALLES FOR SECOND TIME I .! Ball Totter Are Victorious in Spirited und . Interesting Contest Plu.ved n City by the Columbia Last Evening Pendleton Took the Lend From the Start mid Held It Though the Score Is Close. AMERICAN BANK FOR CHINA, Kind By The Dalles, Dec. 24. Outplaying the locals at every point in a hotly contested game the girls of Pendle ton High school's basketball team last evening defeated the girls' team at The Dalles by a score of 15 to 13. The game was fought bitterly throughout and while the Pendleton girls contin ued In the lead from the very first there were many times when only the most clever defense by the visitors kept The Dalles girla from forging ahead. Those who saw both games declare hat the game here was spedier and much better than the meeting of the two teams at Pendleton a week ago. The game was played under girls' rules, with six players on either side, both teams using loose center In ad dition to the usual "five" and confin ing the players to their respective courts. The officials were Young of Tiie Dalles and Coach Potter Of Pendleton. PACIFIC TO HAVE A TORPEDO STATION stoo3, according to the phone com pany manager, that the telephone people are not responsible for the ac curacy of the information they give. They merely repeat what they receive from the railroad people and if tiaere are any complaints they should be made to the depot people. COLDS Tn very hour a cold starts Is th time to check It. Don't wait It majr become deep-seated and the cure will b harder then. Every hour lost at the start may add days to your suf fering. Take F & S Cold Capsules Used in time they save all that night fol'nw sickness, worry, ei pensea. They nevr fall. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist. llifi Firt Venture of Tl'ls Americans, ptfin Arrangements' have been made looking to the establishment in j Pekin of an American branch or tne International Banking corporation. This Is the first American bank in the east to Join the group of British, French, German and Japanese instl-, tutions which has been in existence here since 1902. The purpose of the local branch is to test the opportuni ties for American capital, especially in connection with the development of Manchuria. GOUNGIL VOTES mm i ALSO FIXES CITY LEVY AT ELEVEN M1IXS 1evy f(r City Purpose Is Maximum Limit Allowed Under Present (liarto 1evy for Library Only Amount to Twenty Cents on Each Thousand Dollam Council Apr proves West Court Street Improvements. Tho city council of Pendleton play ed Santa Claus last evening, And ln the stockings hung up by the ladles of tho library club left a two-tenth of a mill tax lexy for the support of the library. The levy was made laat night at tho regular meeting of the council at which time the olty fathers mado the regular city tax levy, deter mining upon nine mills for general ex penses of the city and two mllla for street Improvement, and thus going the limit of the city charter ln an 11 mill levy. Tho special levy for tho library amounts to one-fiftieth of a cent on every dollar, or 20 cents per thou sand dollars upon the taxable property of the city. Upon tho taxable valua tion of 1 3.665,122.25, the basis of last night's calculations, It will bring in I the sum ol $733 in taxes, of which not moro than $650 will probably be collected, giving approximately that amount toward the expense of the li brary during tho coming year. This sum together wfth the $2500 which tho library club has set as the sum It proposes to raise for the furnish ing and support of the library during the coming season, and the $50 per month approximate income from the Sturgis fund, which will be used for the purchase of books, will give suf ficient money to carry on the library in a most thorough manner. Tho library levy was made separate nnd apart from the general city levy and was based upon tho state law which provides a tax for that purposo. The sum was the smallest consistent with the amount of funds necessary for the library and was but one-fifth of the sum which could have been levied under the statute and would have been had It not been for the heavy Increase in the amount of the levy this year. The city levy of nine mills will be used for general expenses of the city, Including every Item except that of Im provement of streets, for which two mill!) have bem levied, bringing the total up to the charter's limit of 11 mills. Besides determining the tax prob lems of the city last evening the coun cil approved a resolution for the Im provement of West Court street from Main street to the city limits, referred the two bids on the Improvement of Lincoln street, those of V. C. Hetz and A A. Hardin, respectively, to the street committee and passed the ap plication of C. W. Rosenfelt for a per mit to sell near beer at the old Ben Morton place Pn Court street to the license committe, which will report at the next meeting. ALICE NEILSOX, BANKRUPT, VALUES CLOTHING AT $75 Xew York, Dec. 23. Alice Xellson, actress, filed an Involuntary petition in bankruptcy in the United States court this afternoon. She places her liabilities at $7200, unsecured, and her assets at $75, consisting of wearing apparel, which is exempt by law. Miss Nellsen gave her name as Mrs. Ben jamin Wentwlg. Bis Iad for a Voungxter. Portland Telegram. Following Is the verified cognomen of Theodore .Shonts' grandson: Emanuel Theo dore Bernard Marie Luynes d'Ally, due de Chaulnes et Picqulgny. Noth ing short of miracle will save that youngster from being round-should ered. PERSONAL INTEREST This Bank takes a personal interest in the ad vancement and welfare of its customers. This Bank desires to help everyone of its .patrons to a successful business career. Therefore, this institution takes pleasure in fur nishing its friends witn all the conveniences and special privileges of a modern, well appointed bank Interest paidjon time money and we solicit your acc'L. Commercial National Bank United SlAte$ Depo$itory The United States government has decided to establish a million-dollar torpedo station somewhere on this coast, and a company of government engineers and torpedo experts is at work invest gating tne narnors or Cal ifornia and looking for the most nvailahl site, savs the S. F. Exami ner. At nresent there Is only one such station in the United States, and that is located at Xewport, Rhode Island. Rerause of the winter rigors there Is a large part of the year during which tornedo maneuvers cannot go on, so it is probable that when the station is established In California It will De- come the most important in the coun try. '"1 A torpedo requires tuning up Just like a battleship or an automobile, and there is always a great question as to which type of torpedo is the most efficient. The experts and engineers regard the harbors of California as Ideal places for torpedo practice. TONG OFFERS $2000 FOR MERCHANTS DEATH Chicago. Mysterious murder of a Phineso today led to the revelation that a price of $2000 has been set by a Chinese tong on the head ot aioy Dow, a wealthy Chinese merchant of national nromlnence. This disclosure came while detectives were investi gating the death of Chu Chin Ching, found strangled, It is believed, with his own queue. Chu, It Is believed, was a victim of highbinders. A let ter was found telling of the price of Moy's head. 170,000,000 FEET TIMBER SOLI) IN t HEHALIS COUNTY AMERICAN WOMAN' CHOKES FAMOUS ENGLISH BEAUTY London. Mrs Atherton, the famous beauty, who has had a tempestuous career, and who sued Captain Yarde Buller, son and heir of Lord Churs ton, was in . the police court today prosecuting a Mrs. Taylor, an elderly American woman for assault. Ac cording to Mrs. Atherton'i story, Mrs, Taylor called at Mrs, Atherton'i res idence and severely choked her. The ' servants brought a policeman, who was sho-A"h the marks of Mrs. Taylor's nails on the beauty's neck, but he de clined to make an arrest. The magis trate bound both Mrs. Atherton and Mrs. Taylor to keep the peace. If you haven't bought that Present yet for "Him" and just . can't think what to buy, call at the Boston Store and they will show you many Suitable suggestions. Have you seen the old Missouri homestead in the centre window ? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAi WWWV WWW WW WW Byers' Best Flour la made from the choice wheat that grows. Good bread la aamir ; ed when BYERS' BEST FLOUR la used. Bran, ShorU, Strain Rolled - Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor. Do you want to BUY or BUILD a home ? If you do, and if you desire to borrow money to assist you, Jit wilfpay you to see FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. 1 1 2 E. Court St.. Pendleton, Ore. You can repay the loan in monthly installments. CforistiM ts Hoqulam. It Is reported that O. P. Burrows, the well known lumberman, has purchased the timber holdings of the Flyte syndicate at a price or ap proximately $680,000. The cruise Is given at 170,000,000 and the price was 4 per thousand. The land Is located on the Humptullps river and Is easily logged. This Is the largest timber deal to be consummated In Chehalls coun ty for some time. M. B. Keys cab stand at Golden Rule hotel. Phone Main 25. Special attention given to parties and dances. imiYES ANGORA GOATS ACROSS TIIE CONTINENT Kansas City. Four angora goats drawing a buggy a little larger than a baby carriage, with Captain V. Ed wards driving, arrived in Kansas City recently. The captain wore a large felt sombrero and dressed his gray hair In the style made popular by Buffalo Bill. The buggy Is twenty one years old. Tied to the back of It was a fifth goat, the reserve. The destination of the party is New York. Edwards says he will reach the me tropolis In a 300-day trip from Los Angeles. The expedition already has traveled 2000 miles at an average rate of 14 miles a day. Good Business Opportunity. For Sale Hotel and Millinery Store at Helix, Ore. Hotel has Just been renovated throughout. Doing good business. Good reasons for selling. Inquire of Mrs. Frank Myers, Helix, Oregon. Clean beds at the St. Elmo at rea sonable rates. THE PEOPLE ALL fa Cfconia Cried, Give V Newbro's Herplclde. This word of late has been In every one's mouth, and many are wondering what the word signifies, though no 'oik: has yet been found, who will d-ny tha' NEWBRO'S HERPICIDR does tho wor. Well, for the Information of thousand of people who like to know all about a g.ond thing, we would 'say that HICRTK.TDE means, a destroyer or killer of "IIrp.M," Now "Herpes" Is tho family narnrc ol a disease caused by tnrlaus vegetable p-r-asltes. A similar microbe ciu-m ;.m druff, Itching scalp, nnd falllnrr h-lr; ih' Is the microbe that NEWBRO'S lU'.f'.rr CIDP3 promptly destroys; after whYh thr hair grows. Sold by leading d"URgts. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to 7Vf Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Two alaee It cents and 11.00. A. a Koeppea A Broe. That Are Useful Are Always Appreciated. Thafs all we Have Presents For Men and Boys Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Neckwear House Coats Dent s Gloves Night Shirts Sweater Coats Mufflers Suspenders Dress Shirts Pajamas, ' Umbrellas Silk HancTfs. Linen Hand'fs. 1 -4 Reduction on all Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes. THE MEN'S SHOP MAX BAER.