East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Gigantic Slash o n Ladies,
and Children's
Up to Thursday Night Dec, 24th.
We have just 90 Ladies and Misses
Coats, 30 Children's Coats and 32
Bear Cloth Coats left and want to dis
pose of the entire lot before Xmas.
Nothing will be appreciated more
by wife or daughter than a pretty Coat
You can have your choice at just
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Teutsch's Old Place
January Ladies Home Journal Patterns Here.
Two ili()iiei, Main 28. 823 Mala street.
We carry a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries.
Mince Meat. Dates, Olives, Imported Cheese, Candy,
Nuts, Kitchen Boquet Flavoring, Mexene, Paprika.
We invite the people to try our new brand of Nicelle
Olive Oil guaranteed to be the best on the market
for which we are sole agents.
At Fnso ltohlcs Hot Spring".
A lining the many charming stop
ping places In California Is Paso Ro
blcs Hot Springs.
Here nre conditions! Ideal for rest
ful recreation; quiet, congenial sur
roundings and modern, almost luxuri
ous accommodation!!.
Pa .so Uolile.i Hot Springs Is a Win
ter Resort hotel with the hospitality
f a home; a healing Spring without
the atmosphere of a sanatorium; an
enchanting country place with the
conveniences of a great resort.
Ask any O. II. & X. Agent for illus
trated booklet, '"Paso Kobles Hot
Clean bens at the St.
sonable rates.
Elmo at rea-
J. A. Huyton was a bUHlness visitor
from Milton In the city today.
Jerry Stone, of Athena, Is a busl
ness visitor In Pendleton today.
A. E. Troyer Is a business visitor
from Milton In Pendleton today.
Moho Taylor, of Athena, was a
business visitor In the city today.
Harney Anderson, or Myrlck, was a
business visitor In the city today.
J. W. Keen, of Athena, was a vis
itor on business In the city today.
Mrs. J. Halstead was up from Echo
last evening, visiting among fVIends.
Fred Oeinger, of Pilot Hock, was
a business visitor In the city today.
Zoeth Houser, of Echo, was a busi
ness visitor In Pendleton last even
ing. Mrs. W. II. Boyd was a business
visitor In the city from Echo yester
day. P. H. Wyman, of Weston, was a
business visitor In Pendleton last
Charles Shaw was In from his
ranch In the -Butter Creek district
H. Koepko, of Athena was a visitor
hi the city this morning on a business
J. H. Hentley, of Holdman. was a
visitor In the city today, caring for
business matters.
E. C. McCook was In from his
ranch near Holdman, transacting
business today.
L. E. Tipton, of Kamela, was a vis
itor In Pendleton today, caring for
business affairs.
Louis Rradshaw of Milton, was a
visitor In the city today attending the
school convention.
John X. Gentry and wife, of Hold
man, are visitors in the city, caring
for business affair.
R. F. Johnson, of the Falrvlew
farm near Brlggson, is a business vis
itor In Pendleton today.
S. F. Wilson, the Athena attorney,
was a visitor In the city on profes
sional business yesterday.
.Mis. H. Powell and daughter, Miss
Luis Powell, were visitors in the city
today on n trading mission.
Miss Mable Wells who Is attending
Weston Xrmal, was a visitor In the
city among friends last evening.
V. W. l!catty and J. F. Lane, of
Xolin, were visitors in the city last
evening caring for business affairs.
Attorney It. R. Johnson, of Her
miston, left last evening for Yakima,
after a brief visit on business In this
Sherman Mizer of Milton, was a vis
itor In the city today in attendance at
the convention of county school di
rectors. Judge Stephen A. Lowell, has just
returned from Vale where he attend
ed the Idaho-Orugoit development
Attorney J, F. Shelton, of Echo,
was a visitor In the city last evening,
having como up to attend the Glee
Club concert.
O. D. Teel stopped off. In Pendle
ton yesterday on his way from the
Baker City Irrigation congress to his
home In Echo.
Prof. Lyman, of the Weston normal
school faculty, was a visitor in the
city last evening and attended tlv)
glee club concert.
Miss Mablo Whitman has returned
from Eugene, where she Is attending
the university, to spend Christmas at
her home In this city.
Mrs. Plcard and daughter, of
Adams, were guests In the city last
evening while on their way to Port
land for a brief visit.
Miss Virginia Howies left this morn
ing for her home at Prescott, Wash.,
after a brief visit In Pendleton with
her friend, Miss Mable Whitman.
Montle I!. Owlnn returned last
night from Vale where he attended a
brief meeting of the sheepmen's ad
visory board, of which he Is a mem
ber. Homer I. Watts, of Athena, return
ed last evenlg to his home In that
city after a brief visit in the city, car
ing for matters of professional busi
ness. Henry T. Hill and wife, who were
called to Pendleton by the death of
Mr. Hill's mother, left this morning
for their home In Starkey Prairie
James Johns, Jr., Is expected home
today from the University of Oregon
and he will spend tlv Christmas va
cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Johns.
Miss Willie Milne, who is attend
ing the W. S. C. at Pullman, arrived
In Pendleton today to spend the holi
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Milne.
J. A. P.orle, his son E. D. Borle and
daughter. Miss Fanchon Rone, re
turn this evening to their home at
Wenaha springs, after a pleasant visit'
In this city among friends.
William Lowell, who is attending
the University of Oregon, will arrive
in Pendleton tomorrow to spend
Christmas with his parents, Judge
anil Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell.
Jeff D. Hentley, who lias been vis
iting since Thanksgiving with rela
tives at Pomeroy and Spokane, re
turned last evening to this city anil
will visit briefly hero before return
ing to his home at Modesto, Cal.
Lester Means came up from Eu
gene last evenlg to spen.i t. nrisimas
at the home of his father. H. C.
Means, In this city. Arthur Means,
who Is also attending school at Eu
gene, will arrive this evenig for the
E. H. Croarkin and bride, of Echo,
were visitors In Pendleton last even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Croarkin have Just
arrived In Echo from the bride's
former home In Texas and will re
main In Umatilla county. Mr. Croark
in being Interested In the sale of the
Umatilla ranch near Fosters'.
Pendleton Cloak & Suit House
ice Sale
Suits, Coats and Skirts
Come let us show you
biggest bargains ever
shown here.
The prices on these goods
are just cut in two.
At the Up-to-Date Store
Nothing too good
for ' ' Dear Old
Dad . ' '
Fountain pen,
Razor ,
Safety Razor,
Box Cigars,
Hand Painted
Tanka rd ,
Russian Brass Ash
Money Belt,
Leather Cigar
Shaving Mug,
Empty Leather
Razo r Case ,
Cloth Brush,
Pooket knife,
Men's Hair Brush,
Pocket Mirror,
Handsome Leather
Card Case,
Playing Cards,
Shinola Outfit
for polishing
h i s shoe s ,
Shaving Mirror,
Match Box,
Tobacco Jar ,
Razor Strop,
Hat Brush,
Shaving Set,
Silver or Horn
Handled Shaving
Leather Wal 1 e t
or Bill Book,
Novelty Coin
Purse ,
Mi 1 i tary Hai r
Collar and Cuff
Box ,
Thermo lite Bottle
The best in the
list is none too
much for a swe e t -heart
like Mother
Remembe r big Sis
ter likes nice
candy and nice
per fume s .
Cut Glass,
All i ga to r Hand
Hand Painted
China ,
Havi land China ,
Ivory Handled
Carving Sets,
Ivory Handled
Steak Knife.
Pearl Handled
Fruit Knives,
Pearl Handled
Butter Spreaders
Hav i 1 and Bread
and Butter Plates
Colonial Shape
Chafing Dishes,
Jap and Russian
Wri ting Portfol ios
Trave 1 i ng Toilet
Dinner Sets,
Chocolate Sets,
Vienna China
Royal Doulton
Ware ,
Austrian China,
Bavarian China,
German China,
Toga Pottery
Old English
Fan Zan Japanese
Vases, 2!Z
Real Dresden :
Vas e s , K '
Lotus Vases and
Jardiners ,
Umbr e 1 1 a S tands ,
(Japanese and
Lotus Wa r e )
Old I vory China,;
Fancy Box Candies,
A then i angAr t
War e ,
Perfume in fancyJS
bottles and pack
ages, some with
the real f 1 ower
itself in then
" BROTHER' and
We are of f er ing Q
some new no ve 1 -ties,
made i n G e r -many
for the lit
tle folks, besides
the old s tap 1 e s
1 ike
Everv year we try to select the
very latest in Holiday Novelties.
This year is no exception to .the
rule. While you may find as good
a selection in the larger cities,
you certainly could not find a bet
ter one to choose from.
Exclusive high grade goods that
will please everybody, and at
prices, considering the quality,
that we know are lower.
us e p ip b n
Rubb e r Balls,
Cel luloid Ami ma Is
Child's Sets,"-
Teddy Bears,
Monkeys ,
Puzz 1 e Pi cture
Bl ocks ,
S impl ex
Typewr iters,
and many other
things for the
Chi ldr en.
good for every
body , wh i 1 e cheap
they show the
true Christmas
We be 1 i eve as
usual six homes
out of every ten
will have a box
of candy from
The Drug Store That
Serves You Best
Walla Walla, Dee. IS. Pome one
legged man or an Individual in a great
hurry got away with five shoes from
in front of T. D. Shehan's store on
Main street last night. If the man
who took them Is two-legged the joke
Is on him, and if he has but one leg'
he showed some forethought, for
none of the shoes are mates. One
of them was a high topped tan shoe
and the others range down to a black
oxford. They were out on display and
the theft was committed about 9 a. m
Rwly Is Tom Apart.
Bellingham, Wash. Robert Klascf,
a young laborer at tho Larson Lum
ber company's plant In this city, died
a horrible death Wednesday when
his Arm was caught In the big rollers
on a saw and his body was literally
torn in two. The entire right side,
from the collarbone down, was
wrenched from the trunk. Death
was Instantaneous.
Liveryman Fined Heavily.
Albany, Ore. Albert Peacock, pro
prietor of the Fashion Livery stable,
was fined 1100 and costs by City Re
corder Redfield for violating a city
ordinance, embracing the provisions
of the local option liquor law. Pea
cock's stable was raided by officers
ust Friday and two barrels of bottled
brer captured.
Pastime pictures please all.
Bowman photo studio for the best.
Koch, second-hand goods, Empire
St. Elmo rooms are the best In
Rest nut coal. Give us a chance
Oregon Lumber Tard.
Farmers headquarters In Pendleton
at the St. Elmo room.
Pickled lambs tongue, pigs feet and
tripe at Ingram's grocery.
Board and room, one block from
Main street, 227 Water street.
Housecleaning done by a competent
Japanese. Address Box 486.
Oak wood, the heat producer, for
lale at the Oregon Lumber yard.
The best pictures always at the
Pastime, formerly Eldson theater.
Wanted Lady to work In the Ar
cade, 709 Main St. Apply at once.
J. B. Hailey, express. Leave orders
Welch's cigar store; Phone Main 19.
Fresh home made white and Bos
ton brown bread at Ingrams, Satur
day. Get our prices on Cascade fir wood
and slab wood. Oregon Lumber
Furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. 502 Water street. Phone Red
Fine assortment of photo novelties
Just received at Bowman's studio. See
The Pastime theater has moved
across he street next to the French
Call and see the new, late novelties
In photo mounts, suitable for presents
at Bowman's studio.
For Pale A new Glascock Jumper
for babies. Will sell cheap. Inquire this
office, or telephone Main 554.
Masquerade ball, Eagle hall, Christ
mas night, December 25. Johnson's
orchestra. Prizes will be given.
Gus La Fontaine has just received
a fresh lot of crawfish, crab and oys
ters In the shell at the Quelle. '
M. B. Keys cab stand at Golden
Rule hotel. Phone main 25. Special
attention given to parties and dances.
U. C. Koch In the Empire block for
new and second-hand goods. Repair
shop in connection. Phono Red 3201.
Chas. Koch, dealer in new and sec
ond hand goods. Corner Garden and
Webb streets, Empire block. Phone
Red 3201.
Sjeelal Services at Baptist Church
Will Como to Close.
Tomorrow is the last day of the
special meeting at the Baptist church.
Last night was a good service, Evan
gelist Bledsoe preaching on the. theme,
"Making Excuses," There will be no
service tonight, but a full da'y is plan
ned for tomorrow, the last services
that the evangelist will hold in the
Bledsoe will preach at 11 o'clock
on "The Happy People" and In the
evening "How Much Do You Weigh?"
At 2:304o'clock a special meeting for
men will be held. The evangelist will
deliver an address on the subject, "The
Law of a Man's Life."
The sermon last night punctured
the oft presented excuses why people
do not accept Christ. He showed
liQW flimsy the excuses men stood on.
He plead for the same straight for
ward treatment of the question of
dollars and cents and business and
home Interests,
Runaway Shot 1y Officer.
Seattle, Wash. Unable by other
means to check the flight of a mad
dened runaway horse. Patrolman
William Donlan Wednesday after
noon, on Yesler Way, near Second
avenue, drew his revolver and while
on the run beside it. fired a bullet
Into the animal's brain. The horse
fell dead In Its tracks.
Pictures that don't hurt the
and a comfortable theater, the
time, formerly Eldson.
Found Small sum of money. Own
er can have same by proving property
and paying for this ad.
For Sale Five-acre ranch, well
Improved, 1 miles east of Pendle
tcn. Address Box 670 P. O.
Attention ft, :i Ji,
. mm ai wie omce
of Peter West Sunday at 9 o'clock In
mo iuuiooi iu uueuu me xunerai or
Comrade Ellas Hevel at 10 o'clock a.
m., from the Catholic church,
By J. L. CARROLL, Adjutant.
When a man's religion gets in no
farther than his head it all runs out
readily at his hips. : )V
Fllilln;; Is Not (irouiicl.
Seattle, Wash. Notwithstanding
that Otey Xewton Freeland testlfed
emphatically that her husband win
vory cruel to her by fllrtlv. with
other women when he was on the
trretcar or walking with her on the
street. Judge Orlffin decided that her
grievances were not sufficient to Jus
tify a divorce, and denied her petition
for freedom.
Holiday Mali tiirne1.
Centralla, Wash. As the Overland
express pulled Into Centralla last
evening the forward mall car caught
fire from the stove in the rear end.
Contralla's fire depnrement respond
ed to the fire call and promptly ex
tinguished the hlaxp. The interior of
the car was badly damaged and sev
eral sacks of mall, principally holl-
ay matter, were destroyed.
When we say we liate flattery w
usually mean we dislike to hear It In
the third person.
Santa C'aus Has
Named Our
Store as His
Xmas Jewelry.
We have assembled a stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut
Glass, Silverware, etc., unequaled In variety, beauty and utility, from
authorative sources, from manufacturers who can be depended upon
to produce
Goods of Intrinsic Merit and Staying Qualities.
Our prices are no less attractive than the goods, but at our store
quality is never sacrificed In order to sell at a lower cost
A few sample prices:
Baby rings, 60c and up.
Boys' watches, 1.00 and up.
Ladies' gold filled watches J 10 to $27
Indies' gold watches, $25 to $100.
Gents' gold fllle'd watches, $14 to $50.
Diamond rings from $3.50 to as high
as you wish to go.
Jeweler and Optician. . 726 Main Street.
Read tke East Orefonlaa.