East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE 1-XJVIl.
SIXTEEN pages.
Published lully. Weekly and Semi Weekly,
at iviniipir.n. oiefon, n in
snsscninrioN RATES:
Pally. oo year, by mall $5 00
!11, all month, by mall 2.90
1IIt. three months, by mall 1.2.1
Pally, one month, by mall 50
Pally, one year, by carrier 7.50
Pally, uli mouths, by carrier 3.TS
Paily. three month, by carrier LPS
Ially. one month, by carrier 65
WnUy. or.e year, by mall 1.50
Weekly, tlx month, by mail 73
Weekly, four months, by mall 50
fc'tn! Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
Peml Weekly, tlx month, by mall... .75
fteml We;.y. four months, by mall.. .50
The P.illy Kast Oregonlan Is kept on aale
at the Oregon News Co., 147 0th street,
1'ortlr.nJ, Oregon.
Chliaco liurean. 009 Security building.
Washington. 1. C, Rureaii. 501 Four
teenth trvt, S. V.
Member I'nlted Pres. Association.
Main 1
Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton,
Oregon, as second class mall matter.
- - v ,
For many reasons the subject of
intensified farming Is mow a vital one
li- this section. Tho In ml Is becom
ing too expensive for exclusive
wheat-raising. If land owners wish
their property to continue to advance
In value they must Improve tho farm
ing methods of tho county.
Scientific men declare the farms of
I'matilla county a:v not being work
ed to anything like their full capacity.
They declare other things than wheat
may be raised here with success and
that If the right methods are adopted
the population of this county may bo
tii ubled or trebled with ease.
Why not go to Cheyenne and hear
v hat the dry farming men have to
going too ear.
I have eaten your bread and salt,
I have drunk your water and
The deaths ye died I have
watched beskie,
And the lives that ye led
were mine.
I have written the tale of our
For a sheltered people's mirth,
In jesting guise but ye are wise,
-And ye know what the jest is
In a recent Issue t'.'.e Baker City
Herald argues against the location of
the pro'jiosd branch asylum in Pen
dleton and Insists that it should go
t . Haker instead.
Is this a forerunner f what is to
come; are the towns of Eastern Ore
gut going to fall out over the ques
tion of where the asylum is to be lo
cated? If they do, then good-bye to
t'ae branch asylum. It will not he
located In Eastern' Orgon at all. It
will go to the "vicinity" of Portland
or to Southern Oregon.
If Eastern Oregon gets what It Is
entitled to from the legislature the
people of this section must work to
gether. They should agree upon the
most favorable location for the In
stitution and then stand together In
the matter.
Physicians recommnd that there
should be a branch asylum In East
ern Oregon because the climate here
would be beneficial to many pa
tients. The East Oregonlan believes
, they refer to that section of Eastern
Oregon lying between the Blue moun
tains and the Cascades. This Is the
"Land of Sunshine," and it Is the sec
tion generally referred to when peo
ple speak of Eastern Oregon. Baker
City Is located high up In the moun
tains and while it is in Eastern Ore
gon It is in no sense of the word a
typical Eastern Oregon town. But of
course if it can be shown that Baker
City is a more favorable place for the
institution, then by all means let
Baker have It.
But the chief argument that the
Baker City Herald puts forth against
Pendleton is that the supreme court
holds a session here and that because
of this fact Pendleton already "ha3
something." This is exactly the kind
of talk that should not be made. This
sort of talk will kill the proposition
entirelv. It shows narrowness and
If Baker City, or any town, wants
the branch asylum let that town stand
upon its own merits as Pendleton is
doing. But first of all let us avoid
nny Eastern Oregon quarrel upon the
Over in Seattle the city school
superintendent is striving to strictly
iforce a rule which prohibits pupils
from giving presents to their teach
Isn't this going a trifle far in the
matter of advanced discipline? Why
Wouldn't a little girl or a little boy
take teacher an apple or a bunch of
flowers If she or he wants to do so.
Why shouldn't they club together and
buy a Christmas present if they want
to do so? Why curb the juvenile
The other day a little school girl
of this city ran three or four blocks
;:; order to walk to school with her
teacher. Was this wrong? Seem
ingly it would be considered so In
Seattle. Over there they seem to
want to have all the children stamped
with the same mold, so they will look
alike and act alike, r.ut that is not
the true theory of education. Chil
dren are human beings not machines
and their individuality should be de
veloped, not retarded.
'S-WfJft Parana th a
tf! very finest
" iH ft i.
1 IH Iff A Mint
. Vf, lifo-Kiving
; Ir0ln
woiiKixf; Tti;i:riii:i
Those who like Pendleton anil are
anxious to see the city go forward
have room for rejoicing because of
the manner in which the people of
the city are now co-operating in
movements for the good of the town.
During the past month or two tha
1 usine:-s men and the property own
ers of the city have united In the
work of reviving the woolen mill and
of remodeling the Commercial asso
ciation. Success is attending their
efforts in both instances.
During the past few weeks the
ladies of the city have co-operated In
the task of raising money for the li
brary. They have succeeded splen
didluy and as a result Pendleton will
soon have as finely equipped library
as is to be found In a place of this
If the people of the city will but
continue to work together with the
enthusiasm they have manifested this
fall Pendleton will soon become a
larger city and a finer place In which
t.) live. Keep up the good work; It
Is worth while.
HON. LAT.S. I. Mi'OltU,
HON. LAPS. 1). MeCOKn, 11125 G St.,
Washington. 1. C, Ei-Adjiitant
General Stale of TemicAsee, and State's
Attorney at Nashville, Is an ardent
friend of Peruna. II. does not hesitate
to give public endorsement to this very
excellent remedy.
As a tonic Pennia has no superior.
But It is as a catarrh remedy it lias
achieved its world-wido notoriety and
Any catarrh remejy to become per
manently effectual in the euro of ca
tarrh must contain tonic and invigorat
ing qualities with Kj r.nti-c.V.arrhal
qualities. Cutan h Is always an expres
sion of nerve weakness, eiihir local
or general. It is, therefore, important i
that a catarrh n nv dy should possess
reliable inviirorit'ii'.r tv.'nlil'.es In order j
to thoroughly rid the system of catarrh.
Pc-fu-na for CoL's.
Hon. R. f. Ryan, now rc-idins; in i
Nome, Alaska, wa formerly a member j
Of the Enlir-h Hi mo of Parl.ai-u nt j
and Secretary to tie la to Irish patriot,
Charles Stevirt !'.irn-il. His Wash- ,
j 1 ns: ton ad'lres? is, New WtUard Hotel,!
Washington, 1. 0. ilowriios: ;
"I have used IVrr.ua and can reeom-
mend your remedy ns a very effective j
cure for cc.Vs and catarrhal com.
plaints." li. a. I'.yau. j
Ask your Driisgist for a Free Poruna
Almanac for 1909.
President. Cashier.
Vice President. Assistant Cashier.
The American National Bank
(Formerly Pendleton Savings Bank.)
Capital, Surplus and Profits
A Quarter of a Million Dollars.
4 per cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits
We call especial attention to our new, modern
Banking Room ami unexcelled facilities for transact
ing business. Our St'ei lined, fire and burglar proof
vault, equlppol with Safety Deposit Boxes for pri
vate use of ou.- customers. Come In and let us
show you our modern facilities for taking care of
your business.
The Gift Giving Problem
Made Easy-Visit our Balcony
Suitable presents cf every description for the en
tire family . Prices marked plainly on every
crticle. While cn your tour of investiga
tion it, will pay you to call here.
Decorated china drinking mugs
JOe up
China salt and pepper sets. . Uoe
Aluminum salt and pepper sets
Pretty glass salt and pepper sets
20c to 50c
I'. coiated china cup and saucer
2.1c to COc
licauiiftilly decorated Teddy
bear china match and pin trays
Itnpo't ,-d dark pottery teapots
r.oc to :oc
H-ovme chin plates Soo
China cream and sugar sets,
beautifully decorated
75c to $1.75
Decorated China unhid bowls...
50c to $2.25
Pretty china cake plates
50c to $2.25
Decorated Haviiand in sets or
single pieces.
White Haviiand In sets or single
Kvcrythlng that tho heart may
desire In pretty glassware,
either single pieces or sets.
Oh, the ways are many to Drowsy
Land, ;
Some one. I know, would try them,
'TIs hey, tonight, for a big balloon.
Big and round, like a silver ball.
I'p through the dark It swings along,
Blown by the night wmd's rustling
song. j
Slowly it sways and swings this way, !
Poising at last. Just overhead,
When dwn drops a glimmering ropej
of light, j
And anchors it safe on a tiny bed; !
Fine line cf cut glass and you do not have to pay
for the name.
The Progressive Grocer Phone Main 37
The Portland police seem to be
mad because toe train robbery oc
curred outside the city limits and
they are not trying to catch the
bandits. Such sulklness.
Pendleton always has a warm spot
In Its heart for the University of Ore
gon Glee club. Some of the best
students at the U. of O. are from this
Here is a suggestion for some of
the farmers of the county especially
for th" progressive men who are anxi
ous to make the best possible use of
their land.
Co to Cheyenne in February and
attend the third annual Trans-Missouri
Dry Farming congress. The
session is to last for three days, Feb
ruary 23, 24 and 25th Inclusive. There
will be many pople there, many of
them being men who have had ex
tensive experience In farming in dry
land sections. They will give some
talks that will be worth hearing.
As the congress Is to be held in
February It will come at a time when
fjrmera will be at leisure. Further
more It will be held in a near-by
s( te and those who attend will not
have far to go.
During the mU-wlnter months au
t mobi!lng Is not good and thPre are
many farmers who do not care to
gi to California. Some of these might
charter a special Pullman and hie
away to Cheyenre for the dry frrn
r congrew.
Pendleton already has one good
Christmas present assured an Im
Droved public library. For this tha
ladies of the town are to be thanked
If the Bishop brothers can run a
woolen mill with the strength and
speed they used to show upon the
gridiron they will succeed.
The Pendleton spirit always wins
Poor Eve! How lingering went thy
faltering steps.
How many glancing back from
woe-swept eye
Across the flawless beauty of those
O'er all the golden glory of thow
And silver of thy moonlit Paradise,
Till He of the great fire-gleaming
Had closed the star-gemmed gate up
on thy sighs.
And still throughout the weary years
we ee
Thy dragging footsteps o'er life's
scorching plain;
Still longing for the vision lost to
Ahunger for what ne'er shall come
We hear thy pleading, cry the lark
in vain
And know each day that, even as of
Some poor Eve weeps unparadlsed
once more.
Isabel H. Mason, In Llpplncott'a.
And climbing the ladder of silver
.Someone embarks for the land of
All through the night, in the shining
Silent they float through the cool,
sweet dark,
Heeds they dip in the foamy clouds,
Where the summer lightnings glint
and spark.
And east or west, o'er the wind swept
The twinkling, golden bubbles fly.
Do vou ask me how Some One comes
home again
When deep in the west dips the sil
ver sphere?
Oh, never a thought do I give to that,
Perhaps the sun is the charioteer
I on'y know that the tiny bed
Pillows each morning a golden head.
Pauline Trances Camp in the New
England Magazine.
Ths Easl Grcgonian-Journal Pony Gonlesl
This Coupon Good lor 5 Votes
Before Dec. 19, 1908
This vote to be counted for
Name of Boy or Girl
No. Street
R. F. D.
Wants to know if Christmas
"Is lovin' of him some?"
Little feller, wonderin'
If Santy Claus'll come.
If he won't forget the number,
If the snow won't hide the way
To the lowly little shelter
Wh'-re the little fellers stay.
io this little word he's written:
"When Santy Claus draws near,
I'm hopin' he'll remember
That a little boy lives here!"
F. L. S.
Part of the Treatment.
"So you believe In charging heavy
"Yes," answered the physician, "but
onlv for the patient's own good. If
you can make him feel that he has an
Investment with you he Is more likely
to follow instructions carefully In or
der to get his money's worth.
Washington Star.
Send fo the Pony tfan, EasiOregonian, Pendleton, Or.
It will be to you when you don a suit
that ha-i been cleaned at Sullivan's.
It will be like a Xrnas gift of a new
suit of clothing, and will do the same
service for the rest of the winter. It
Is economy to keep your clothing
cleaned and pressed at Sullivan's.
City Steam Dye Works
..Phone Main 160, 2004 E. Alia at.
"The House of Welcome"
Cor. Park and Alder
Portland, Oregon
A hotel where the North
western people will find
hearty welcome and re
ceive courteous treat
ment at moderate prices.
Our free omnibus meets
all trains
Under the management of
G W. Cornelius
'V : '"r'iX M - -
Iff JfcV8.-:3
Inch of Snow in Wasco.
The Dalles, Ore. An Inch of snow
fell Tuesday night, reaching generally
through Wasco county.
The reign of the tall girl Is not
over, but the little woman Is coming
Into her own again. There Is a grow
ing request for her, because the fash
Ion of the moment in hat tends to
give her a diminutive appearance
which Is positively fascinating.
A Reliable PATAPDU
RpmcHu WMirillllll
Ely's Cream Balm
ii quickly ibtorbed.
Cites Relief at Once.
It cleanser, soothes,
heaU aud tirotecta
Lhe diseased mem-
orane resulting from
way a
. . . r
lleaa quickly. Ite-liy CCMCC1
tore the (Senses of tlHI LVLK
Ttnd BinelL Full size 50 eta., atDruij-
kiui or uj man. iq liquid form, 75 cents.
Ely Brothers, 66 Warreo Street, New York.
and drives X '
Cold in the LV A-VWV.
A Daily Occurence
Passengers are delighted with the Rervlce and treatment on our
...Four Transcontinental Trains...
Complete in Every Respect
Between West and East
7 "
They Stnii.l the Strain.
Our Winona Wagons and Hacks,
ami Hex Buggies are built to stand
Let us show you nur Fairbanks
Morse Engines and Scales the best.
We solicit your wagon repairing,
machine work and carriage painting.
Charges are moderate and only skill
ed workmen are employed.
"When King Winter Doth Blow"
the appreciation of a fuel that gives
the maximum of heat with tho mini
mum of consumption and trouble will
Indeed be great.
Hy placing your coal order here vou
will be certain of securing a product
that will give entire satisfaction.
And, you will receive Dromnt and
courteous treatment and secure tho
lowest of market prices.
Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold 8torm
Company. 'Phone Bfaln 178.
Sf. Joseph's Academy
Pendleton. Oregon
Any passenger representative of the company is prepared to quote
fares and give other Information. All inquiries
gladly answered.
A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A , Port!and,Or.
far-" '.?"-'
, T-VI J"
" ' ' M- 'lilt : ! i 1 1 . i ,
An Ideal School for
Boys and Girls.
Under the direction of the Sister, of
St Francis, of Philadelphia. Resident
and day pupils. Special attention
given to music and elocution. Stu
dent, prepared for teachers' examina
tion, for county and state certificate..
For particulars address
Sister Superior
The East Oregonian ia eastern Oregon's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron
age. It is the advertising medium ef this section.
Fish, Lard, Sausoges, etc., for
the family trade.
Phone Main 18.