DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, 'J Jl 11181) AY, DECEMBER 17, 1908. PAGE NINE. COWS FOR BEEF mbrace the Good Opportunity TEX PAGES. HWan him ADVANCE 5 CENTS 4()WS FOR REEF ADVANCE 25 CENTS Wlillo All Livestock Linen Arc Finn llitf I'li'iniiCKS Ik Mro Xirt Iccnblo In CiiUlo Arrival From ('iillfnriiin E.viMflitl to Hold Down I'iIims Oals iiinl Hurley An1 Kpivtol o Go Higher. Portland Unhion Htoekynrds, Dec. 10. Thn entire livestock situation Is very firm. Tho firmness Is more pro nounced In cattle than In other lines, but In nit Instance Is any easiness or dullness tdiown. A nunilier of earn of California cat tle are due In time for tomorrow's market. Some of the stock Is wild to bo select and will lie for the Christ mas trade. Tile demand for well fin ished steers h very heavy and for that reason j i-i - s may he stretched a notch hinder by some killer who has a trade which he wants to please. Arrivals of cattle for the day were siant and seai i i ly made a stir In tho market, i'iiwi :( up 2r.e with the better demand. Hot; prices are very well maintain ed with f.ir arrivals for the past 24 In urs. Liberal Run of Sheep. There was a very liberal run of sheep during the day, a total of in0,r oe.iil appearing. MIS IS I lie lienviewi j run for some months ami Indicates ! that tin- colder weatlur In the interior, nnd the hih cost of feed with scant ' ratine has forced owners to part with I some ef their ban. Is. Demand Is still heavier th. in supplies except for, lam!i" and If the I:itt"r are of pood j finality they nre as eagerly sought as other irr.ohs of the sheep market. I T-'.iIlou hie s the k neral nnire of values en slock runniii:.' in the yards for late sh'pmonts: Hoys--!!, st east of nvunta In . Jfi -2".'.ir,.nn; ordinary. !U.nn fi.1 (l; l.irat and china fats. ( r,.r, n ; teeke!N ,111.1 feeders. fT, Oil '.I '.".rt. Cattle - !'i St Steers. weighing 1Jf" pounds. medium steer, .till:.; j r fleers, $3.r': be-'t enws, of selecting sensible, appropriate Xmas presents early while our stock is so complete. WANTED. i i a I (01 J ft ;hy;w'cK g B ! 1 ! ! i Till - r iiiedinm '.i .'l.eil; hu'ls "st wethers. ows. $2. 1 2 . fi f 2 . " i.r.iKi 4. 'it 4. "a ewes. I inihs. J.l.fiO; J-.2V. slug, f! Sheep- oidin.'u v wi thers. J 1.; n :'i 4 "' st r.ilnht n.lved p.ts. I di. Veal - Choice young calves, Jt.O't'w ?4.r.n; heavy and r.Migh. $S.r.fl'ii 3.75. Conrxi ;ralim Firmer. ... tl.nul, (Me. Dec. Hi. Hint n firmer and htrher market is assure. 1 fur coarse era In providing only th" normal demand for the Pacific Northwest product comes from the seuth Is shown by the action of the markets today at various Pacific coast centers, and the receipt by the Portland Board of Trade of Informa tion from reliable country sources as to the nvallah!" supplies for market. The telegram Indicate that small stocks of hoth oats nnd barley are for sale at primary points. Some stocks nt oats nre offered and may be mov ed on a basis of J32.ro) and Wl a ton. track Portland, and barley at $27. SO nnd $2S a ton, same delivery. In the south today a better tone was shown In barley, especially for deferred delivery. On the Portland Poard of Trade the bids for oats were vi ry firm, but holders were Inclined o advanced their asked prices nbnut as much as the bidders moved up their prices. Today's market shows nn ad vance of 2'i-c In the bids for Decem ber at Jl.fin n cental and n like sum, for January nt $l.fi2'i. Ijocal barley futures were firm, with no change In either the bid or nsked prices today. While there was no change In cash wheat prices, futures here were dis posed to do better because of the Im provement In San Francisco prices. On the Portland Poind of Trade there was an advance of c In the bids for ARM I JOCK EKS POOR MATS MATTRESSES A 1ST Si; CAKES DINING TA ISLES OFFICE CJIAIItS AXMINSTI K KCGS DINING CIIAIKS Ol I K E DESKS i;nti)si:vi; en aiks extension taisi.es oriental iu gs i:i:pi:oom spites easy chains paklok chaiks pl ankits i eatiiek pillows paklok caisinets l'.ltss ISEDS I'OI.DING GO-CAKTS PAKLOK S CITES licrrirrs . (jamts pktckes IBIKEACS (;0-CAKTS PILLOWS ISOX COCCIIES HIGH CHAIKS 'PEDESTALS P.ED SPRINGS HALL CIIAIKS PLATE RACKS P.EDDING HALL SEATS I.H ILTS CARPETS HALL Tit EES ROCKERS CARPET SWEEPERS II LL MIRRORS ROLL TOP DESKS CHILDREN'S ROCKERS 1ITRCKS KCGS CHINA CLOSETS IRON I'.EDS SANITARY COCCIIES Hil l ONIERS 1NDIV STOOLS SEWIXti ROCKERS LOCK shelves im;rin CAP.Pirrs SEWING taisles COMP.INATIOX CASi;S .IARDIN1EK STANDS SCREENS COCCIIES KITCHEN" CAM NETS SIDEP.OAKDS. CHAIRS LADIES' DESKS - SMYRNA KCGS CENTER TAIBLES LIISRARY TAISLES SOFA PILLOWS CELLAHETTES LEATHER ROCKERS STAND COVERS CARD TAI5I.ES LOPNliES STEEL COCCIIES 'ltll$S I.INOLEC.M SECTIONAL ISOOKCASES (omi oists mirrors taisli: covehs co.mmodes morris chairs i pholstered ecttxitltte di:nports mcsic racks window shades , dressers muting yol tils' ciiaiks WANTED MEN. WOMEN AND families to take advantage of our fine premium offer, given to old or new subscribers to the Dally, Weekly and Semi-Weekly East Oregonlan. WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for rags. Must be large and clean. Call at this office. FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED room for rent. Oregonlan office. HOUSEKEEPING , Bnqulr at East FOH SALE. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR property, call at the E. 0. Building, 526 Main street. FOR SALE 160 ACRES, PARTLY seeded to alfalfa; two good or chards; house nicely furnished. Sev eral nice Bprlngs; fine sheep ranch; good range; no reserve; very near railroad, and arranged for two fami lies. Address 607. Weatherby, Ore. ROOMING HOUSES. ST. ELMO ROOMS, NEW AND first-class throughout. One. block from depot. Rates 50c, 75c and Jl-00. Mrs. Allen Rhodes, Mgr. THE SENATE FOR FIRST-CLASS rooms. Everything clean and mod ern. Hot and cold water In all room. Bath. Rates 50c, 75c and II. Over Pastime theater. Bill Campbell. 'Phone black 3111. FOR SALE 75 MULES; WILL make prices from 1112 up until January 1, 1908. Address or call on D. B. Keithly, Walla Walla Livery Barn. Walla Walla. Wash. Not to read the classified ads Is to turn your face away from opportunities every day. . Cassmed Director? Four Lines, in Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. Extra Lines over Four, 25 cents per Line per month. We have just received a large carload of Furniture from the choicest Eastern factories, personally selected and offer our customers some very rare bargains and the finest line of appropriate Christmas presents ever seen in Pendleton. U C RADER, NUFF SED PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, hluck 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. N-Ray and Electro Therapeutics. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office "phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial association rooms. Office 'phone, black 3421: residence 'phone red 3S51. MISCELLANEOUS. HORACE W. KING, CIVIL ENGIN eer and Surveyor. Room 11, De spain building. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE pair work on all kinds of machines, structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marion Jack, Prop.; A. F. May, manager. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY; family washing; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for and delivered; 408 East Court street. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 15, Judd build ing. 'Phone red 3301. VAUGHAN BROS.. DENTISTS, OF fice In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work It's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric Fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan, 122 W. Court street. DR. LLOYD D. IDLEMAN, DENTIST. Sundays and holidays by appoint ment. Schmidt building, Pendleton, Ore. 'Phone Main 523. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. hi.th December and January. No business ns transacted during the session. Wheal I'lrmiT Aliroiiri. Chicago, Dec. 16. With n firmer tone abroad and higher prices In ef fect at Liverpool hoth nt the opening nnd closing of today's session the h inl wheat market opened a shade higher and closed with a good sized advance over yesterday. It was in the May delivery that some real covering of shorts brought the price Into prominence by sharp To Heal a Cold Corner Don't sit in the cold a touch ol a match a steady (low ol gnial warmth and in the cor ner that's hard to heat you II have real solid comfort with a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Just what you nerd to help out in a cold snap or liclwcrn seasons. No smoke no smell no bother it's the smokeless device that does it. As easy to operate and clran as a lamp, llrass tont holds 4 quarts gives intense heat lor 9 hours. Finished in nickel and japan every heater warranted. r 73aydLamp The lPsxir5rl itnnis he h"t all- round lamp made. Equipped with latest improved central dralt burner. Made ol brass throughout, nickel plated. Just the light to read by bright and steady. Every lamp warranted. II your dealer doesn't carry the Perfection Oil Heater and Rayo Lamp, write our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporate) A and decisive advances. The publica tion of the government report Just previous to the close yesterday gave thftdhorts but il few moments to cov er their sales and therefore they be gan to get under shelter as soon as possible this morning. There was nn advance of 14 e nil around at the opening of the market this morning, but this rise soon spread until at the closing there was a net gain of lVjc in the May and 5-Se In the July delivery. Liverpool opened '4 d above yester day nnd closed with a net gain of 5-8d. Hradstreet's report of the grain visible In bushels: Wheat East of Rockies, Increased 731,000; Canada decreased 1.994.000; Europe and afloat decreased 2.000, 000; total world's visible decreased 3,213,(100 bushels. Corn Increased 210,000 bushels. Oats Decreased SS5,000 bushels. Cash wheat No. 2 red. tlOiMSf 1 .04 3-S; No. 3 red, $1.021.03; No. 2 hard. 11.0P4 fl.03 3-4; No. 3 hard. flScH$1.02; No. 1 northern, $1.07 fi I. OS; o. 2 northern, $1.0.1 li 1.07; No. 3 spring. ilSefii $1.0(1. EXPECT I. S. TO MAKE A IlKi PA;EAXT SHOW London. Frank Lascelles. who Is to spend Christmas in New York, will act in the rapacity of adviser to the committee of the states of New York and Vermont In their preparations for the great pageant in June. He Is of opinion that the Pnited States, with its splendid resources, will make even a better show to pageantry than Que bec, of which celebration he was the master. He realizes, however, that much of the mediaeval euuipnient which is such a feature of English productions must necessarily be absent. to brighten turn. the formerly dingy sta- llow One Dx-tor Successfully Treats Pneumonia. . "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While of course, I would treat other symp toms with different medicines, I have used this remedy many times in my medical practice and have yet failed to find a case where It has not con trolled the trouble. I have used it myself, as has also my wi'fe for coughs and solds repeatedly, and I most will ingly and cheerfully recommend It as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge." For sale by all good dealers. I'LOWEKS TO ItEAVTIEY Sl'HWAY OP liOXDOX London. London's underground railway stations, once a byword for dirt nnd gloom, are to be transformed Into floral bowers or winter gardens. Since the system was electrified the stations have been cleaned and gar nished. Now Superintendent Blake announces that an experiment In flor al decoration Is to be made at the Temple station. Baskets of ferns and evergreens will be hung from the roof and In summer flowers will be used AIIISIIIPS AKK TARGETS I'Oli GERMANY'S CANNON Berlin. Experiments that have been going on hero for some time have shown that It is almost Impos sible for dirigible balloons to escape from the T're of field pieces and rifles on the ground by going to high alti tudes. The greatest height the airships can attain successfully and safely still leaves them within range of the spe cial cannon for shooting nt balloons with which the experiments are made. Furthermore, the range of these guns is to be Increased, It is the opinion of experts that dirigible balloons will have to rely solely upon their own speed to escape the fire of a properly equipped enemy. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. J. A. DONAGHUE, V. S., VET erinary Surgeon and Dentist. Grad uate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office 120 W. Court St. 'Phone Main 20; residence 'phone Main 27. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS. SUCH as help wanted; rooms or houses for rent; second-hand goods for sale; in fact, any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonlan wants your want ad. Rates: Three lines one I time, 20 cents; two times, 30 cents; ' six times, 70 cents. Five lines, one j time, 30 cents; two times, 45 cents; I six times, $1.15. Count six words to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mail to the East Oregon lan, enclosing silver or stamps to cover the amount. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office Tallman's drug store. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Despain building. CARTER & SMTTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despain building. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non-residents. References, any bank In Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vice-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable fire and accident Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY nt law. Estates sett ed. wills. dperts morteraees and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR- neys at law, rooms 3 and 4 Smith- Crawford building. RALEY, RICHARDS & RALEY, AT- torneys at law. Office in Savings Bank building. This Is Worth Rending. Leo F. Zclinski, of 6S Gibson street, Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold un der guarantee nt Tallman & Co.'s and Pendleton Drug Co.'s drug stores, 25c. JOSEPH T. HINKLE, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Association block at head of stairs. G. W law. PHELPS, ATTORNEY AT Smith-Crawford building. PETER WEST, DIVORCE LAWYER. Office 60S Garden street. funeral directors, m. aTrader? funeral irec? tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Corner Main and Webb streets. 'Phone main 130. Funeral parlors la connection. BAKER & FOLSOM. FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phon main 75. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. OF P. meets every Monday evening In I O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend. J. H. Estes C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. and S. R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office Association block. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Smith-Crawford building. PENDLETON CHAPTER No. II meets second and fourth Friday evenings in regular convocation, at Masonic hall. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC 1). A. MAY, CONTU'lATOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. 'Phone black 37S6. Oregonlan office. PENDLETON LODGE N. 51. A. and A. M.. meets the first and third Mondays of eaeh month. All visiting brethren are Invited. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. LEGAL BLANKS O? EVERY DE scrlption, for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STKOBLE, DEALER IN SECOND ha nil ?oola. If there Is anvthln vou need In ntw and second-hand! furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No 212 Court street. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street. Came & Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good ! rigs at all times. Cab line In connot i tlon. 'Phone m.iln 70. o i ' ! , No one Is either rich enough I or wise enough to omit reading the want ads. The following large cards, already printed and for sale at the East Oregonian'office. "Look Out for Paint." "Xo Smokinz Allowed." "For Kent." "Hoard and Room." "Don't Hitch Here." "For Sale." - 15 eents each, 2 for 25c. "Oyster Cocktails." "Furnished Rooms to Let."