East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 50 Silk and
Net Shirt Waists
Ordered to be shipped February 15th for early spring
business just opened up yesterday and are now on
sale". We needed them for our Xmas trade.
The first half of the 300 Waist order came in ten days
ago and have all been sold so get busy and pick out
the one you want.
The Prettiest Lot of Fancy
Waists, Ever Displayed
in Pendleton.
So all the lad ies say.
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Teutsch's Old Place
Agents for Ladies Home Journal Patterns.
We carry a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries.
Mince Meat. Dates, Olives, Imported Cheese, Candy,
Nuts, Kitchen Boquet Flavoring, Mexene, Paprika.
We invite the people to try our new brand of Nicelle
Olive Oil guaranteed to be the best on the market
for which we are sole agents.
, J
locals 1
Pastime picture please all.
Bowman photo studio for the best.
Kocli, second-hand goods, Empire
St. Elmo rooms are the best In
Heat nut cal. Give us a chance
Oregon Lumber Yard.
Farmer headquarters in Pendleton
nt the .t. Elmo room.
Pickled lambs tongue, pigs feet and
trlpa at Ingram' grocery.
Hoard and room, one block from
Alain street, 227 Water street.
Onk wood, the heat producer, for
aale at the Oregon Lumber yard.
The best pictures always at the
rnstlino, formerly Eldson theater.
J. II. Hailey, express. Ijcave orders
Welch's cigar store; -Phone Main 19.
Fresh homo made white and Bos
ton brown bread at Ingr.ims, Satur
day. Get our prices on Cascade fir wood
and slab wood. Oregon Lumber
Hor rent Three rooms furnished
for housekeeping. Inquire 301 South
Furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. 502 Wuter street. Phone Red
Fine assortment of photo novelties
Just received at Bowman's studio. See
The Pastime theater has moved
across the street next to the French
Call and see the new, late novelties
In photo mounts, suitable for presents,
nt Bowman's studio.
Pictures that don't hurt the eyes
and a comfortable theater, the Pas
time, formerly Eldson.
For Sale Five-acre ranch, well
Improved, 1 'i miles east of Pendle
ti n. Address Box 670 P. O.
Gus La Fontaine has Just received
a fre.-h lot of crawfish, crab and oys
ters In the shell at the Quelle.
To rent, two sections good wneat
land, very little machinery to buy, 15
horses. Call on John Bentley.
M. B. Keys cab stand at Golden
Hule hotel. Phone main 25. Special
attention given to parties and dances.
IT. C. Koch In the Empire block for
new and second-hand good Repair
shop In connection. Phone Red 3201
One unfurnished room for rent in
the East Oregonlan building. Elec
tric lights nnd steam heat. Bath, hot
and cold water on floor. Rate very
reasonable. Enquire nt E. O. office.
The Li dies of the Parish Aid so
ciety of the Church of the Redeemer
will lmlil their annual sale and din
ner on Wednesday, December 16, In
the Itenn building on Court street.
Dinner will be served from 11:30
o'clock. The sale will consist of fancy
and useful articles by the ladles.
R. B. Cheney, of Helix, was a
business visitor In Pendleton today.
E. H. Brown, of Echo, was a busi
ness visitor In Pendleton last evening.
It. Albee, of Pilot Rock, was a vis
itor with Pendleton friends yesterday.
Phillip Jones, of Spring Hollow,
whs a business visitor in the city to
day. Maude D. Taylor, of Vansycle, was
ii business visitor last evening In Pen
Virgil Moore, of Stage Gulch, was
In Pendleton today, while on his way
to Adams.
Mrs. Duncan, of Weston, was a vis
itor in the city yesterday on a trad
ing mission.
George W. Spore, of Nye, was In
Pendleton last evening, caring for
business affairs.
Miss Nettle McCorkeJ, of Weston,
was a visitor In Pendleton with
friends yesterday.
W. If. Bell was In from his ranch
on cabbage hill, a business caller In
the city yesterday.
Oliver Dickenson and wife, of
Athena, were visitors among Pendle
ton friends yesterday.
It. It. Johnson, the Hermlston at
torney, was a visitor In Pendleton on
professional business today.
Mrs. L. W. Reed, of Bingham
Springs, was :i visitor In the. city on
a trading mission yesterday.
Mrs. W. L. Van Nuys has returned
from Spokane, where she has been a
guest of relatives for a few days.
Mrs. C. J. Ferguson leaves this
evening for a brief visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. It. H. Allen, in Walla Walla.
('.. V. Vandewater, traveling freight
agent of the O. It. & X., was a visitor
in the city last evening, a guest at
the Pendleton.
Mrs. Fred Shoemaker left yester
day for Portland, where she Is assist
ing in caring for her mother. Mrs. X.
Gilbert, of Hood River.
Will Knight and family, who have
been visiting in Pendleton with rela
tives and friends, returned last even
ing to thi-lr home at Helix.
Dan P. Smythe returned last even
ing from a brief visit to the bedside
of his father, A. Smythe, who is Very
111 at his home at Arlington.'
John lieager, of The Dalles, form
eily a resilient of this city, Is a visitor
In Pendleton among his many friends.
He expects shortly to go to Texas to
visit friends.
Mrs. Levi Ankeney, of Walla Walla,
and friend, Mrs. Scott, of Washing
ton, D. C, were In Pendleton yester
day for a few hours while on their
way to Portland, where they are
guests of Mrs. Ankeney's sister, Mrs.
L. L. Mc-Arthur.
Worst Case of Eczema Doctor Had
Seen in 40 Years For Six
Months Father Expected His Baby
to Die-Blood Oozed Out All Over
Her Body Had to Be Wrapped
in Silk and Carried on a Pillow
Now She Is Perfectly Cured.
Action for Money.
Joe Ell has brought suit In the cir
cuit court claiming from A. B. Cooley
the sum of $300 nnd $170. SO respec
tively, on notes alleged to have heen
given by the defendant.
" My little girl was born two weekg
before her time and my wife died four
nouns alter tne
birth of our child
and I had to raise
the baby on arti
ficial foods. Six
months after birth
she broke out and
I had two doctors
in attendance.
There was not a
particle of skin left
on her body, the blood oozed out just
anywhere, and we had to wrap her in silk
and carry her on a pillow for ten weeks.
She was the most terrible sight I ever
saw. nnd for sii months I looked for
her to go to her mama, but thank God I
and his aeents. she is alive and well i
to-day and she will le three years old
the seventh of Decemljer and nas never
had a sign of the dread trouble since.
"I used every known remedy to alle
viate her suffering, for it was terrible
to witness. Dr. C gave her up
and then I went to C F and got
Dr. U and he, and Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment saved her. He
recommcndKl the Cuticura Remedies,
or said we were right in making use of
them. As nearly as I can remember.
we ued eight cakes of Cuticura Heap !
and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment; !
but you must take into consideration l
that hers was an exceptional case, for
an old and good doctor said that it
was the wor.t case that had come to him
in fortv years. I have alwavs hinged on
Cuticura Soap to keep her skin soft and
to give her a pure complexion. James
J. .Smith, Wood and Metal Pattern
Maker, liox 234, Buena Vista, Va., Oct.
14 and 22, PJO0."
Oiiniilito External nnd Intcrnsl Treatment tor
Fyitv llurn'jr of inlai.tf. Onulren and Ail'iitd
consists ul ruiirura S-Ktp (J.lc.i to Cleanse the Skin,
Cutieiira ointment c.mji-.i tu Heal the Skin, ai.'l
Cum ur:i IteNilvent (.'.or.) On the form of t tioeoh.ie
( oted I'll;.- J.V. per vi:il of 00) to I'ur.fy the HIwk1.
S)id throughout the world. Potter Drus A i ntra
L'or; . Sole eror.. IVwton, Mass.
rM3il.-d Kroo. uiticura Book on Skin Dlscaets.
Pendleton Cloak & Suit House
For Xmas Shoppers
150 Beautiful Winter
Long Coats Reduced
$15.00, $17.00 and $19.00
Nothing like them anywhere for the
price. Stunning empire backs with
the graceful pose, now reduced
25 per cent.
This includes all Opera and Rain
New and complete line of
Hand Bags; Suit Cases, Combs,
Belts, Corsets, Hat Pins, Etc.
At the Up-to-Date Store
r.EAra.E itxeral tomorrow
Within a few days the Wilcox com
pany expects to move Into its new
quarters In'the building erected by W
H. Jones between Cottonwood and
Johnson streets. The building is fast
neurlng completion, only a little fin
ishing of the interior being necessary
before It Is ready for occupancy.
It Is built of reinforced concrete,
riiix200 feet and with the front
neatly blocked off In the finish. The
interior Is well lighted by skllghts and
painted white to give the greatest
possible light and Is commodious and
well arranged. There Is a large of-1
flee located in the southwest corner
of the building. The structure was
erected nt a cost of about $S000.
Remains of Man Who Died Early
LnM Summer to Arrive Tonight.
The remains of the late William
Beagle will arrive tonight from Sal
mon City, Idaho, 'and funeral scr
vices will be held tomorrow at 2:30
or 3:00 o'clock, probably from the
.Masonic hall. The services will be in
charge of the Masonic lodge of
which Mr. Beagle was a member.
The bereaved wife from Portland
Mrs. K. S. Lewis, a daughter from
Seattle, and W. K. and Raymond
lieagle, of Portland, sons of the de
ceased, are In the city to attend the
last rites.
The death of Mr. Beagle occurred
early last summer while he was pros
pecting In the Salmon City country,
but owing to the inaccessible charac
ter of the country It was Impossible
to bring the remains to Pendleton
for burial until snow fell in the
(Continued from Page Three.)
Woods Liver Medicine In liquid
form regulntes tho liver, relieves sick
headauhe, constipation, stomach, kid
ney disorders und acts as a gentle lax
ative. For chills, fever and malaria.
Its tonic effects on the system felt
with the first dose. The $1 bottlo
contains 2 ',4 times as much as the 50c
size. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros,
Clean beds at the St. Elmo at rea
suitable rates.
Distilled from the leaves: has that delicate, aromatic,
oriental odor which makes people who know "what,"
consider their toilet or bath incomplete without it. It
is void of that stinging, burning sensation, but has
just enough "bite" to make it soothing and antisep
tic and acts as a panacea to even - the most delicate
skin in weather that tends to chap and roughen. In
fact, 'tis a fine toilet requisite. Ask for an original
bottle of the Pyramid Brand.
The conservation movement is preg-
mint with marvelous possibilities for
good. It required wise guidance, for
there must be no Injustice, no confis
cation of property. It must mark a
revolution, bttf a revolution Just and
peaceful. In It state and nation must
co-oK'i-ite. Its purposes cannot be
consummated by either acting alone.
Its policies rest upon high principles
of common Justice, and Its value and
ultimata triumph will come with wise
legislation, nnd In courageous courts
able to recognize the f;(ct that we are
surrounded by new conditions, that
the 20th century Is not the 10th cen
tury, and who will be brond enough
to cast aside the prejudice and pre-
cedent of another age, nnd determine
the questions presented in the light of
new circumstances of our time.
W. II. Byers has practically com?
pleted the erection of a new stable of
reinforced concrete which replaces
the one destroyed by fire early this
fall. The building Is as near fire
proof as it Is possible for a stable to
be and reflects Mr. Byer's determina
tion to avoid any more costly blazes
If possible.
Pendleton sets the pace for Eastern
Oregon. There is no doubt about
that, and the pacemaker is not limit
ed to business alone.
This morning Mayor Murphy re
ceived a letter from La Grande want
ing a copy of this city's near beer
ordinance. The Grande Ronde city
Is having trouble similar to that
formerly in this town and is seeking
by the same means which this city
used to control the sale of near beer.
The ordinance was forwarded today
and will come up In that city tomor
Funeral services for the late Mrs,
J. F. Hill will be held tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock at the Episcopal
church. The services will be conduct
ed by Rev. A. McKenzle Meldrum,
pastor of the Christian church. Dave
Hill, the son who was on his way
from New York when his mother died
wired this morning from Spokane
that he would arrive In Pendleton to
morrow morning on No. 6.
More people are taking Foley's
Kidney Remedy every year. It Is con
sidered to be the most effective rem
edy for kidney and bladder troubles
that medical science can devise. Fo
ley's Kidney Remedy corrects Irreg-
ularitles, builds up worn out tissues
and restores lost vitality., It will make
you feel well and look well. Pendle
ton Drug Co.
si hool
basketball girls of the high
are now arranging for a
to be given at the Armory,
evening. It will be for the
purpose of raising money with which
to meet a deficit growing ut of the
recent doubleheader basketball game.
It will be given the evening the U. of
O. Glee club Is In the city and tho
students and tnelr friends will attend.
following the glee club entertain
Mrs. Homer Smith, of Bellingham,
Wash., will return to her home in
that city Thursday after a pleasant
visit In Pendleton, a guest of her sis
ter. Mrs. J. J. Hamley.
Sam Blttner, who recently purchas
ed the old academy building on East
Wlib stret, Is using the lumber se
cured therefrom In rebuilding his old
Alta house property which was part
ly destroyed by fire early In the sum
mer. The building will be rebuilt to
Its original size, being simply en
closed at present, although the In
terior will be reflnished later In the
winter. Mr. Blttner expects some time
In the not distant future to erect a
concrete barn upon the rear of the
There Is often an Impassive agent
of Providence concealed In our first
Impulse to do right.
Ther C Stop Their Hair Fnllln Out
With Ilerplrlde.
Ladles who have thin hair and whose
hair is falling out. can prevent the hair
falling out, and thicken the growth, with
Xewbro's "Herplclde." Besides. Herp!
clde Is one of tho most agreeable hair
dressings there is. Herplclde kills tho
JandrufT germ that eats the hnlr off nt
tho root. After the germ Is destroyed,
the root will shoot tip. nd the hair gror.
long as ever. Even a samnle wMl rnn.
vlnce any lady that Xewbro's Hjrpleide
Is an Indispensable toilet rentillttt T'
contains no ell or grease, it will rot'stuii
ur uye. noii ny leading druggists. Sen 1
10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpl
clde Co.. Detroit, Mich.
Two iliea 60 cents and 11.00.
A. C Koeppen A Broa.
Pineules for the kidneys are little
golden globules which act directly on
the kidneys.- A trial will convince you
of quick results for backache, rheu
matism, lumbago and tired, wornout
feeling. 30 days trial $1. They puri
fy the blood. Sold by A. C. Koeppen
& Bros.
Shoplifter Esones Term In Jail With
Clever Tongue.
"A soft answer turneth away
wrath" and a shoplifter who was op
erating in the Bond Bros, store Satur
day remembered the old saw and so
aptly applied it that he Is not now In
The man was caught in the act of
stealing a sweater, origlnaljy worth $5,
but marked down for the special sale.
Charles Bond spied the theft, called
him for it and turned him over to the
"Say," the man said, "is this the
price of this sweater?" and he point
ed to the yellow tag.
"Aw, say, what's the use of steal
ing when you can buy things for
that?" the fellow demanded in utter
That was enough to win Charley's
heart and the man went free.
A pill that will save nine is Rings
Little Liver Pill. For biliousness, sick
headache, constlpalon. They do not
gripe. Price 25c. Sold by A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
Remodeling Residence.
J. A. Town Is remodeling and re
building his residence property just
south of the old Alta house, 610 Mill
street. Two new rooms have been
added to the building and It will be
reflnished throughout and reroofed
at a cost of about $500.00.
It will be to you when you don a suit
that has been cleaned at Sullivan's.
It will be like a Xmas gift of a new
suit of clothing, and will do the same
service for the rest of the winter. It
it economy to keep your clothing
cleaned and pressed at Sullivan's.
City Steam Dye Works
..Phone Main 169, 206 E. Alta et.
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
ii quickly absorbed
Civet Relist al Once.
It eleune, sooth"?,
heals and protects
:.ho diseased juem
nnine resulting from
3u:urrh and drives
way a Cold in the
stores the Senses of HAY FEVER
Taste and Sim ll. Full size 50 cU., atlrug-
irisj or oj man. iu lnpinl form, 7a cents.
Kly Brothers, 5tJ Warreu Street, New York.
Santa Claus Has
Named Our
Store as His
Xmas Jewelry.
We have assembled a stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut
Class, Silverware, etc., unequaled in variety, beauty and utility, from
nuthorative sources, from manufacturers who can be depended upon
to produce
Goods of Intrinsic Merit and Staying Qualities.
Our prices are no less attractive than the goods, but at our store
quality Is never sacrificed In order to sell at a lower cost
A few sample prices:
Baby rings, 50c and up.
Boys' watches, 1.00 and up.
Ladles' g'" r iled watches S10 to $27
ladles' gold watches, $25 to $100.
Gents' gold filled watches, $14 to $50.
Diamond rings from $3.50 to as high
as you wish to go.
Jeweler and Optician. 726 Main Street.