PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, FENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 11108. EIGHT TAGUS. At The Peoples Warehouse ...ALL WEEK... $1.25 Wool Dress Goods for, yard 95c $8.50 Guaranteed Silk Petticoats for, each $5.15 25c Initial Hankerchiefs for, each . . 18c $3.50 Long Kid Gloves, all colors, pair . $2.95 $4.00 Silk Umbrellas for, each . . . $2.95 Ladies9 $1.50 Silk Hose for, pair 85c Ladies' 50c Fancy Hosiery for, pair 35c $2.50 Lace Curtains for, pair . . . $ 1 .65 $5.00 Lace Curtains for, pair . . . $3.45 $1. 25 Hemmed Bed Spreads . . . 95 c $400 Bed Spreads, hemmed or fringed, pair $2.95 $7.00 All Wool Blankets, pair . . $5.25 $1 1.00 All Wool Blanket s, pair . . . $9.50 $4.50 Short Silk Kimonas for . . . $3. 1 5 $7.50 Long Silk Kimonas for . . . $5.65 $ 1 .25 Bleached Table Linen for, yard . 98c $4.00 Napkins to match for . . . $3.15 Save Your Coupons.... ..The Peoples Warehouse.. .... Where it Pays to Trade NORTHWEST NOTES Klickitat Gov's After Settlers. Goldendale, Wash. The Klickitat Development league has signed a con tract with an advertising company to advertise extensively In the papers and periodicals of the middle west and east during the coming six months. ed the old man down and beat him horribly. Ludwig will recover. Pav Out S20.000 at Astoria. Astoria, Ore. By order of the Uni ted States district court at Portland, Fred W. Barker, receiver of the local I lant of A. Booth & Co., distributed over $20,000 among the creditors re siding in this vicinity. Of the amount paid out, nearly 113,000 went to fish ermen and trapmen at Chinook. : Trie Death Again. Wallace, Idaho. Despondent, Lou isa Williams attempted to commit sui cide Monday morning for the fourth time. Some girls were drinking and sent a messenger to Miss Williams to join the crowd. The messenger found her with an empty phial of laudanum and half empty bottle of carbolic acid beside her. I.tcal Option Offender Fined. Bugene. Ore. Judge Harris, of the circuit court, Monday Imposed a fine of $5fn upon John Williams, a local drayman, for violating the local op tion law. Shell Coffman, charged with th same offense, pleaded guilty and van given a sentence of 30 days In the county Jail and fined $150. Other cases are to come up during the week. Citizens' Ticket Prevails In Canby, Conlpy, Ore.. At a city election Monday. J'.hn Graham, H. C. Gilmore, C. X. Wait, and W. H. Bair. candidates for Councilman n the Citizen's tic ket, v.-we ilicl'.d by good majorities, and C. T. Hates was elected Council man on th- Good Government ticket, I-r'.y I). Walker, of the Citizens' tic-l-i t. w is elected City Treasurer. .liked .Vitn BchIn Farmer, Palouse, Wash. Fred Guyser, a young farmer who lives at the foot of tiuwim' Mountain, to the east, en ! red the iiouse of John Ludwig, an fired farmer, 3 ',4 miles east of this city, Monday, and. after being refus er) the hand of Lud wig's stepdaughter, Anna Gruenert, In marriage, knock- Mummified Body Hangs to Tree. Tacoma. The mummified body of a man who had hanged himself to a tiee was discovered In the dense for est of Tolnt Defiance Park, about two miles from the pavilion Sunday eve. ning. There was nothing by which the man's name could be learned, CRIMINAL LIBEL CHARGE. Editor Arrested on the Compliant of a Candidate. Charles A. Patterson, editor of the Emmondsburg, (X. D.) Advocate, was arrested October 20 on a charge of criminal libel preferred by Colonel W. P. Tuttle of Dawson, candidate for the legislature in the legislative dis trict comprising Emmons and Kidder counties. Tuttle is a former resident of Chicago, where he was a member of the board of trade and a promi nent grain operator. He went to that state several years ago and settled at Dawson. The Advocate charged that Tuttlo went to the state to get a divorce and that there was an indictment pending against him In connection with the di vorce proceedings. The case that was Instituted against Tuttle in Illinois was dropped shortly after it was started and no prosecu tion has ever followed. Tuttle swore out a complaint against Patterson, and when arraigned the latter was re leased in the custody of his counsel. Tuttle Is reputed to be a mllllan aire. Patterson has been a resident of Emmons county for many years and Is a real estate operator and newspa per man. JACK RABBIT HUNT FOR OYSTER SL'PI'EK COFFEE A middling steak and first-rate coffee are better than middling coffee and first-rate steak. Con sider the cost Ymt frer.r '-lurni (HI mm? M M Aval A competitive jackretbit hunt with the hunters at Two Rivers Is now be ing planned by sportsmen In this city, to take place next Sunday says the Walla Walla Bulletin. A party of twenty two persons from here is de sired, and these will be matched against a like number at Two Rivers, the side killing the msot of the lone eared tribe of bunners to partake of an oyster supper at the expense of the losers. The Walla Walla party will leave here Sunday morning over the Northern Pacific for Two Rivers at 6:30. Keelr Convicted of Manslaughter. If. J Keely, Northern Pacific train dispatcher at Plains, Mont., has been convicted of Involuntary manslaught er In connection with . the wreck which occurred at Olive, Mont., In Heptembw last. At the Pendleton. F. V. Roberts. Portland; David Wilson, , Spokane; W. E. Lewis, San Francisco, P. D. Smith. Portland; C. it. Travis. Chicago; J. D. Cnsev. Hil- gard: H. R. Hogue, Walla Walla; M. S. Weide and wife, St. Paul; A. P. Bradbury, Portland; A. Boblet?, Port land; C. K. Moore. St. Joe. Mo.; G. D. Galley, W. M. Freeman, Portland; S. O. Xewton, San Francisco; M. P.. Tra vis, Chicago; L. B. Russel. Athena; C. G. Hlckok. Portland; M. Asher. San Francisco: Kugene Wright, R. M. McCrea. N. J. Barth, Portland; Wallis Brunsdon, ,1. W. Hitchcock, Starbuck; Thos. Rergons; Frank Roberts, Hepp ner; Paul David. Seattle; G. S. Rob inson and wife, Chicago; W. J. Hong land, Rosalia, Wash. Make a note now to get Ely's Cream Balm if you are troubled with nasal catarrh, hay fever or cold In the head. It Is purifying and soothing to the scnt!t!vn membrane that lines the air passages. It Is made to overcome the disease, not to fool the patient by a short, deceptive relief. There Is no cocaine nor mercury in it. Do not be talked into taking a substitute for Ely's Cream Balm. All druggists sell It. Price 50c. Mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren Street, Xew York. Eight Dollars! From Pendleton to Spokane and return via the O. R. & N. tickets will be sold on account of the National Apple show from December 6 to 11 inclusive, good for return until De cember 15, and costing $8. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are antiseptic and soothe pain quickly. Insist upon DeWitt's Kidney and Eladder Pills. Regular size 50c. Sold here by Tallman & Co. Second hand goods bought and sold. Best price paid. Empire sec ond hand store, Empire block, across from N. P. depot. Phone Red 3201. For Sale. Fine chicken ranch. Coops and all buildings In good condition. Also 255 acres good wheat land adjoining. Enquire of Anton Nolte. Pendleton. MOTHER WRITES IN BEHALF OF LIBRARY With , eager anticipation I heard by accident a number of ladles discuss ing plans for (oh.Joy) a free public library for Pendleton. The very first (lui'stlon before I said "with a bath," I asked the hotel clerk on my arrival in "Pendleton the Beautiful" was j "where Is the public lihnyy?" Alas and yet alas there was none. Xo mat ter: It Is Just around the corner, now. Try if you have any imagination, t( think of a bookless world, a bookless town and O, dear, a bookless homn. Anil we all know all book lovers know how many years It takes to Kiitiit-1 (lui'lll I n il Jim I Ml itll (hr beoks we so want to read nnd there .ire many families who can not afford ' to lmv books, onlv now and then a i.lft l,,,.iL- 'in,l Hint in',,,,. f.,iM- ..i.ii. I have young people who hunger always for books, and stop and think, Just for a moment, what goo books and ET fronl the h. known, houw in the Nor.hwc.t. " ui tt-.-.i ui uimna nn-aii in our i rn ksublishcd in I'onland in 1M young people, our hoys nnd girls. How ; 1 4 quart GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE $4.90. X"SjjUflwii - CYRUS NOBLE aW to you f-XX?3i ' riliiod .xpreu office, f-aMMVf rn,:t. .tnK..:'!-. 1, i, nM Im- ,n V 3 A nnr nlfihnnff.wliiLpv hntllril hv flip liiclillcr. Gu.r.ntccd to the United States Government, ind to you, to contain nothtnf execptinf pure straixhl whiskey. Many ol the railroads use L.yrus tNoblc almost exclusively, So do the bi steamship companies. So docs nearly every bif metropolitan botcL Because it's pure. Because it's acd in wood, n Because it has that sod, delicate, palatable flavor of the ripened train, often mentioned but rarely found. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EsUbLhed 1864 105-107 Second Street Portland. Oregon CUT T THIS UNC (NO II.TC-OA W. J. Van Schujnrer & Co, rwtW, 0i. EacloKd plcue find $4.90 lor wWii pteaie scad aw at oace by cspren, prepaid, four quart GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. Km - KXAMm real all the book friends of my young er days (nnd are still) were to me. Pear Little Hab and ePtty, what good influences they brought and later the close Intimate friendships with Liz zle Ilezam. Ruth Pinch nnd Little Donnlt. Dear little Ponnlt, how well acquainted we are, all my dear "book friends" and the color has gone t!irot!h all my life and my girl friends who were such nn lnfhiene for good. Miss Coppertlp nnd Miss Sllpperkin. I wish all the girls In Pen. dleton to make their acquaintance when the new free library is started soon. Let's have "wagon loads" of Rudder Orange. Every family that has not taken turns reading Rudder Orauiro aloud to each other evenings has ir.issed a lot of Joy and "PluU ari'i's Lives" for our hoys all of this Interesting truth. Moreover, sta th -in. go .1 round to the new free pub- tistles taken directly from reports lit library in the new city lull and get from 950 cooperage mills in all parts Plutarch's Lives, my dear hoys in- ' of the I'liited States show an Increase stead of going down town this even! of $1, 5(19. CSS, or 11 per cent, in the Irs. Two of our greatest Americans value of last year's product over that sild: "I began to grow and to think of the previous year." v hen I first road "Plutarch's Lives" I In the home libraries these are some j Dangerous Operation, of mother's and father's ravorltes. Ai is the removal of the appendix by a f.-w cift books sent to John and An. 'surgeon. No one who takes Dr. na. Put a public library fits all taste ! K!ni?.g NVw Life Pills is ever subject we , ;.n seleet to suit ourselves or Just I Cll t0 thls frightful ordeal. They work go and "cruise around." That's what o quietly you don't feel them. They I like to do. a thoughtful maxlum'CUro constipation and malaria, 25c, fiom my friend Oenrge Elliot. "Ant Tallman & Co.'s and Pendleton Cm Out du Caupoa 4 Sm4 T-4.r T3j laugh with Jerome K. Jerome". friendly eomiady" sort of glow to ward Elizabeth of "(iernian Oardner-' fani" In my own little honi" circle ono always wanted stories with babies lr and -little orphans who after great distress for several chapters were loved and adopted Into beautiful homes or little barefoot newsboys go. Ing through cold and hunger and finding a man in the last chapter who not only bought all his stock, but took him to a warm, brightly lighted, near '. y restaurant and gave him a swell "feed." or I mean dinner. The quiet one wanted fairy tales with lots of king's knights and princesses and lat er became a student of mythology and fi:eek history. The other always said "Oil. tales of the sea, mama, with nilors and shipwrecks and ships of all kinds." What would I have done without a free library? Pendleton is one big family nh iiTlke. only different. We must have our free public library we are all to. get her in this, aren't w e. A. MOTHER. Cenle June Xlssen. Xote. A portion of this article was published by the East OreRonlun sev. eral days ngo. However Mrs. Xlssen failed to submit the entire article ai that time. The article s republished by request. Drug Co.'s drug storesv Hoii-tekecping Rooms. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent in East Oregonlnn building. Rooms thoroughly renovated; steam heat; electric lights, hot and cold water, with bath. Enquire at office. Medicine That Is Medicine. "I have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy Is Electric Bitters; a medicine that Is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions," says W. C. Ktestlcr. of Halliday, Ark. Electric Bitters purify and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and Impart vigor and energy to the weak. Your mon ey will be refunded if it fails to help you. 50c at Tallman & Co.'s and Pen dleton Drug Co.'s drug stores. MILLIONS I'Olt HAllltELS. Leav your orders for Xmas trees at Stark & Duke's poultry house. Phone black S791. Pendleton Circle Attention. All members of Pendleton Circle No. 527, W. O. W., are hereby noti fied that there will be a special meet ing of the circle in Odd Fellows hall. Thursday ufternoon, December 10th, at 2 :30 o'clock. Important business and members requested to attend. MARY KXItiHT. O. X. Kodol is made of natural digestive Juices found In a healthy stomach, and it digests all food completely. Ko dol s pleasant to take, and Is guar anteed to give relief In any caso of stomach trouble. Sold by Tallman & Co. Studio Now Open. W. S. liowman is now ready for business in his fine new studio. First class work at reasonable prices. Your photography work cordially solicited. Home made bread at Ingram's gro cery Saturday. Made fresh for Sit urday's trade. Phone your order Main 37. WSHBB And many other painful and distressing ailments from which most mothers suffer, o r. n Ka n , , - I t h t K.r r- n ygfmmmgm' mi v, uvuiuiu vy u 3 l ll Mother's Friend. Thisrem- II 's a God-send to expect- Ulll IllVfUIVIOf VUllJIIIg Until through the critical ordeal with safety. No woman who uses Mother's Friend need fear the suffering incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its dread and insures safety to life of mother and child, leaving her in a condition more favorable to speedy re covery. The child is also healthy, strong and' good, n o f 1 1 rH Jnr book containing alua ndlUrCU. tie Infonnauon wilJ ba aut free by writing to BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta. Ga. FBIHKQf Amazing Number of Stoves I'sVd An nually In America. Washington. The farmer with his potatoes and his apples, the miller with his flour and meal, the hardware man with his nails, the cement manu facturer, and the many other users i of the faithful slack barrel, that com bination of staves, hoops and heading, which Is not Intended to hold water or something stronger In fluid form, used forest products last -year having the enormous value of $15,800,263. The average man would little sus pect that the humble barrel plays so important a part In the expense ac counts of the American farmer and manufacturer, yet figures complied by the census In cooperation with the United States forest service develop A Daily Occurence Passengers &i delighted with the service and treatment on our ...Four Transcontinental Trains... Complete in Every Respect PULLMAN PALACE AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. PINING CARS WITH A LA CARTE SERVICE. HEATED AND LIGHTED BY MOST MODERN METHOD. Between West and East m Any passenger representative of the company Is prepared to quota fares and give other information. All Inquiries gladly answered. W. ADAMS, AGENT, PENDLETON, OREGON A. D. CH ARLTON, A. G. P. A , Portland.Or. Read the East Orefonlao. COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL OAL f'OAL COAL PENDLETON LUHrlBER YARDS COAL COAL COAL COL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL PRICES RIGHT PRICES ";fIT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES COAL PRICES RIGHT PRICES I IT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES COAL LUMBER Everything in Building Material COAL Genuine R.ock Spring Only BEN F. HILL, Mgr. PHONE MAIN 546