-C4t.fr:: ...... . rtn ifcAt:. . , EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OUEfiOXIAX, PEXDLETON, ORECOX, TI KSDAV, IUX KMBEK 8, 1008. PAGE T1IPE. i a Oil For a Warm Bath Room A bath in a cold room is a "shivery "operation and is extremely liable to cause colds. The bathroom above all should he kept warm. This is easy and the bath is a comlort il you have a ERFECTION (Equipped with Smokeless Device) It may be carried from any other room !o tlie lath room, which it will heal while you arc preparing lor the bath. Impossible lo turn it too high or too low. The most economical heater you can buy intense heat lor 9 hours with one filling. Thc?a.V& Lamp is,he bcj' larp ,or t all-round house- bold purposes. Gives a clear, steadv light. Made ol brass Inroughoul and nickel plated. Equipped with the latest improved central dralt burner. Handsome simple satislactory. Every lamp guaranteed. II you cannot get beater or lamp at your dealer s. write our nearest agency lor descriptive circular STANDARD OIL COMPANY (laeorporaled) MOIIK I-'OOTBAIJj ii: i,ai;i:s nvanxoits AUK TIIK WORST EVIL roinpiiny j. Team Will Meet Ii Lynn, Mawi. Mrs. Lonora Lake of! (ihihm CoiiimktcIuI Awx-lnilon. PI. Louis, nnu of the lendiiiK tefriper- Two all-star football teams re iinco lecturers, who upoke nt u big presenting Co., L. thn local militia no-llfoiH.. rally here nearly created a and the La Grande Commercial club panic among 2000 formers when she announced from the platform that who bad changed her mind about drink being the worst evil of tho country and denounced bachelors an being worm; than "hoi lions who run drink dives." A storm of hisses greeted her wordH. "It In the bachelor who today In the great evil of America," she said. "It Ih the bachelor who fosters the temperance re-, will meet In thlx city on New Year's day, playing a return game. The two teams will alno play In La Grande on ChrlctmuH. The organization of Co. L'h team was perfected lant evening and the line up will include Cliff Turner, iuarter back und captain, George Strand and Louis Carglll, right and left halves, Tracy I faker fullback, and for the line men Elmer .Storle, Marnhi-11 Spell, E. Marsh, liean, Devlin- and Engdal!. rum evil and who spends his time InjCaptiun Dan I, riymthe will coach the uives. j L is nanus ne learns as ft bachelor that ruin him as a married man. Let reformers devote their at tcntlln to this crying need more husbands. team, La Grande's team Includes Ralph Reynolds, captain, lien Grout, Gran ily ami Arlle Hay, Hean, Alstott, Gllllland, Herr, Scott, Hawley, Uacon, If men can only be made to see and Chilil'Ts. Tho money received their after life all depends on an early from the game In La Grande will be G F! F A T SEA-CO 1 OF ENG NEEDING FE SOFT E marriage, with a good home and , a good wife, life will be easy, then there will be no need for us to fight the drink evil. It will die of itself." IDAHO CATTLi: SAID TO UK IIKALTIIY Dolse, Ida. Idaho cattle arc practically free from tuberculosis," was the statement made by State Vet. eiinarlan Xoble when shown a bul letin Issued by the university bac teriologists of California showing that K out of every 100 cattle tested by Iheni in the state had been found to have the disease. "In testing cattle in Idaho." Dr. Xoble stated that, "we have found very few cases of tuberculosis, ex cepting In one herd where the per centage of the animals affected was very large. The records kept by the federal bureau of animal Industry at the offices of the public abbatoirs show that of the cattle and hogs ship ped from the state by two consign ments of cattle and one of hogs were found to contain tuberculosis." devoted to the park fund In that city. Oullty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit money Is noj worse than substituting some unknown worthless remedy for Foley's II,oney and Tar, the great cough and cold' remedy that cures the most obstinate! coughs and heals the lungs. Pendle- ton Drug Co. New York. Deo., 8 Hundreds of men are being rushed southward to work on the completion of the gre.it Florida Kust Coast Hallway, follow ing the decision of Judge Hough of tho 1'nlted Slates Circuit Court. In dismissing, as without cause of ac tion, the so-called peonage cases that had been brought by the 1'nlted States Government against agents of the railroad. While these actions were pending In the courts the men In charge of the construction work on this sea. going railroad, which is to be Henry M Flagler's greatest achievement, were loath to push forward with the same amount of energy that had been displayed prior to the action of the Attorney General In taking cogniz ance of the reckless charges of labor slavery thnt had been made. Kvery effort to make un for lost time now will be put forward by Vlce-Pres ident Joseph H. Parrot, who has been In charge personally since the work began In June of 1905. Fully 2,000 men now are employed south of Knlglit's'Key and more workmen are being sent to the field of opera Hons each cloy. .?iuii 3D MilcM of Ocean Vice-President Parrot, who now Is In New York on business connected with the great extension which Is Jumping over a stretch of thirty miles of open ocean and over thirty miles more of submerged keys and lagoons to connect Key West by direct line with Miami, now estimates that this, one of the most novel engineer ing enterprises of modern times, will be completed and trains running for Its full length within a year. Already the linn is completed and trains are running for eighty-four miles south of Miami, right down to Knight's Key, Work also Is being pushed forward from Key West up and over forty miles of roadbed has been constructed by the gangs thnt are working northward to meet the other workmen who rapidly are mov ing south. This means that a totnl of 124 miles has been completed out of the 156 miles of road surveyed from Miami to Key West. Greatest Font of All. The greatest of nil the engineer ing feats on this wonderful line, however. In yet to be completed. This U the eleven mile gap from Knight's Key to Hahln Honda where the line is being carried over the open ocean on concrete arches. The effect of tho great extension on traffic to Havana, however, al ready has boon felt because now the steamers for Havana meet the trains at Knight's Key and take passengers and freight from that point to the To clean the skin, you must use soap; pure soap ; Ivory soap. Never mind if it does cost only a few cents a cake. It is infinitely purer than most soaps that sell for five times i':z price. There is no "free" alkali in Ivory Soap. That ii why it will not injure the finest fabric or the most delicate skin. Ivory Soap 9941oo Per Cent. Pure. Cuban capital Instead of eighty-four miles north at Miami. Wnen the line Is completed to Key West huge railroad car floats will take rntlr trains across the Florida Straits to Havana, a distance of ninety miles without compelling passengers to leave their car seats or sleeping car berths and without the necessity of breaking bulk on a slgle consignment of freight. This will mean that the Cuban sugar planter will be enabled to load his product on a freight car sidetracked at his plantation, have the car hauled by rail to Havana, floated to Key West and then rall hauled right to New Tork or any other point without any of the expense, trouble or damage dangers of a second handling. This great project, which Is being financed, from beginning to end, by Mr. Flagler personally, generally is regarded by engineers as the most expensive stretch of railroad over built, the average cost of construc tion, from end to end exceeding $100. 000 n mile, while the additional cap ital requirements for docks, channel ing, car floats and equipment will bring the total cost approximately to $30,000,000. Already Mr. Flagler has expended upwards of $15,000,000 on the work. It was more than a year and a half ngo when this great work was inter rupted by the Cnlted States Attorney General and charges were made that laborers on the railroad work were held In bondage, compelled to work practically without pay and were sub jected to various sorts of oppression. Peonage Charge Dismissed The case was presented to the Fed eral Grand Jury in New York and In dictments, charging conspiracy, were found against Edward J. Trlny, of Jacksonville, Fla., resident labor agent for the road; against Francisco Sabbla, who has a private bank nt 225 Powery In this city; nnd against Frank A. Hough and David K. Hurley, who were employed by the company to take south the gangs of workmen that were engaged In New York. At an expense that has been estimated to be as high as $500,000 the Gov ernment's attorneys, after throe years of preparation, had their cases liter ally thrown out of court, as being without foundation, Judge Hough not even requiring the attorneys for the railroad to present their defense. What this vast enterprise will mean when completed, to commercial Cuba, belongs to the realms of fancy, but It Is doubtful If Its importance could be exaggerated. Its utilization also would give the t'nlted States a tre mendous strategical advantage, from n military standpoint, were It neces sary at any time to rush troops to the Island Republic. Futhermore, in view of the tremendous possibilities for the future of Cuba, Panama and South America, the Fhigler mad will supply the closest link connecting the United States with those countries. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Cces Laxative Cough Syrup. Its laxa tive quality rids the system of ' the cold. Pleasant to take. Best for c hildren for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold by A. C. Koep p( n & Ilros. Glmstly Crime. Wallace, Idaho, Dec. 7. With two fearful gashes in his head, his facej beaten to a Jelly and his neck broken the holy of a man believed to be an other victim of the murderous gang which has infested the railroad con struction camps in this vicinity was found Friday 15 miles from Enaville on the Idaho Northern. Robbery Is believed to have been the motive. The victim was known as "Billy." He was i teamster. Foley's Orino Laxative cures chron ic constipation and stimulates the liv er. Orlno regulates the bowels so they will act naturally and you do not have to take purgatives continuously. The Pendleton Drug Co. R1MTKD CIU'ISKK SINKS AM) is i:aisi:d AGAIX Bedford. Mas., Dec. 7. The cruis er Yankee, which was pulled from Hen and Chickens reef. Friday, sank In deep water Saturday, off Penikese Island. A hundred and twenty men were aboard, but were saved. Later she war saved and now lies on an even keel with her masts, funnels and bridge rigging above the water. Pineules for the kidneys are little golden globules which act directly on li e kidneys. A trial will convince you of quick results for backache, rheumatism, lumbago and tired worn out feeling. 30 days trial $1.00. They purify the blood. Sold by A. C. Koep pen & Bros. Kiglit Dollars! From Pendleton to Spokane and return via tho O. It. & N. tickets will be sold on account of the National Apple? show from December 6 to 11 Inclusive, pood for return until De cember 15. and costing $8. A pill in time that will save nine is Rings Little Liver Pill. For bilious ness, sick headache, constipation. They do not gripe. Trice 25c. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The man who puts all his faith in himself usually despairs of the universe. Slifc'3 CATARRH :! PrMfn Halm &&yS A..J J uiouui uuilii lfy'."e1BALW 1 SKVKX PERISH UHKX OIL BARGE SINKS Halifax. X. S., Dec. 7. Seven men perished when the Standard Oil barge No. 101 foundered in a gale Thurs day night off Seal islands. is quickly absorbed Cues Hclicf at Onco. It clean -( s, sootlio; buiis ami piotects i0 uis-:if(l men:. r:iii':rcJultiu.'iom ill and drives tic J Pendleton Cloak & Suit House 25 0 Less on all Ladies Coats Coats that sell regularly at $10.00 will sell at $7.50. Coats that sell regularly at $15.00 will sell at $11.75. Coats that sell regularly at $12.00 will sell at $9.00. Coats that sell regularly at $18.00 will sell at $13.50. Coats that sell regularly at $20.00 will sell at $15.00. Coats that sell regularly at $25.00 will sell at $18.75. Coats that sell regularly at $40.00 will sell at $30.00. This includes all Rain Coats and Children and Misses Coats in stock. A January Sale in December. At the Up-to-Date Store .w'l.v' a Cold ia'tho fcyK"1 stores the Senses of HAY FEVER Tasto and Sau l!. Puilslse ."0 cts., atDrug pisls or by mail. Iu liimiil form, 75 cents. Ely Broihers, 5tJ Warrcu Street, New York. Nothing clears up remote difflcub ties better than doing Immediate duties. mm e Agricultural Yield Increases. Washington, Doc. 8. Professor Milton Whitney, chief of the bureau of soils, has .reported that tho farm ing lands of the United States aggre gate 838,591,774 acres, and that the yield per acre of all cereal crops have increased. The bureau of soils Intends to make an Investigation of the soils of the semi-arid belt of the northwest with a view to ascertain ing the nature of the soil and what It Is adapted to and how It can bo best Improved. A SPLKM1I l!i:IKIY I'OK TIIK OLD I OLKS lew Know What to Do Wlien Kid ney! Art- Weak and Should Try This Prescription Anyone Can Propure the- Mixture by Shaking Ingredients Well In a Dottle. I Our Tea and I I Coffee Service I The First National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Report of Condition November 27, 1908, to the Comptroller of Currency. CONDENSED TO crilK A COLI IN OXE DAY. Tnke LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature is on each box. 25c. For fate 7-year-old sorrel marc; weight 950; gentle family horse. Con cord buggy and harness. Will sell scpnnit. Address Box 570, Pendle ton, Ore. The great majority of men and women at tho age of 50 years begin to feel the first signs of advancing age In some form of kidney trouble and bladder weakness. Few are entirely free from thnt torturous disease, rheumatism, which Is not a disease In Itself, but a symptom of deranged function of the kidneys, which have become clogged and sluggish, failing In their duty of sifting and straining the poisonous waste matter, uric acid, etc, from tho blood, permitting It to remain and decompose, settling about the joints and muscles, causing in tenso pain and suffering. The bladder, however, causes the old folks the most annoyance, espe cially at night and early morning. Hundreds of readers who suffer will find the following, which Is known as the Dandelion mixture, tho most harmless and effective treatment to clean the system of rheumatic poisons remove irritation of the bladder and relieve urinary difficulties of the old people. It Is a true vitalizing tonic to the entire kidney nnd urinary structure, relnvlgoratlng the entire system." The Dandelion mixture consists of the following prescription, the In gredients of which can be obtained from any good pharmacy at small cost: Compound Kargon, one ounce; Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well In a bottle and take In teaspoonful doses after each meal and upon going to bed; also drink plenty of water. This prescription, though simple. Is always effective In the diseases and afflictions of the kidneys and bladder and rheumatism. is said by our customers to be excellent, because they were never served with any better Tea or Colfeo since they began drinking either. There is a del icacy of aroma and a peculiarly attractive flavor to our Teas and Coffees which soon makes them popular favorites In the most particular households. All we ask is that you will tost our claim by a trial order. We know that you will afterwards admit the Justice of our claim. Owl Tea House Phone Red 3581 Kesourccs. Loans and discounts. )1, 113, 261. 29 Overdrafts 21,653.14 IT, S. bonds 257,425.00 Other bonds and war rants 21,656.21 Bank building 20,000.00 Cash. Cash on hand ..$138,611.10 Due from banks .... 326,539.73 Redemption fund ... 7,000.00 472,150.83 $1,906,046.47 Liabilities. Capital stock t 200,000.00 Surplus and undivid ed profits 102.961.32 Circulation 140,000.00 Due to banks 39,201.82 Deposits subject to check 1892,692.27 Demand certifificates of deposit 483,889.66 U. S. deposits 45.000.00 Cashier's checks .. 2,301.40 fotal deposits 1,423,883.33 1,906, 046. 47 I, G. M. Rice, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge' and belief. G. M. RICE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of November, 1908. C. K. CRAXSTOX, , (Seal.) Xotary Public for Oregon. If conservative business methods, strict adherence to banking laws, coupled with the fact that the officers will not use the bank for personal ends, are banking principles which appeal to you, we solicit 1 your business. Byers' Best Flour b made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread la aasar. ed when BTKRS' BEST FLOUR la used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor. kUkA4v 60 YEARS' fTLI. EXPERIENCE m m . v tm m m - Trade Marks - Designs Copyrights Ac. 4nrnn .ending a .ketrh .nd dprtpflnn ni. qulrklr urwrtiOii our opinion frM whptli. mi Invention Is proOAblf patentable. CnniniunlrM. llniKMrKMlyoillldftlllnl. HANDBOOK " i'almU ent frw. l1til atfmiry for wurlng palutr. 1'atenta taken tlirouuh lluiin A Co. roculre Iptclal nolwa, wll bout charv. fa Ilia Scientific American. A niniltomflr ItlnatnilM ltlT. f JirMt ell filiation of an? wltnoue Journal. Terms. M Tar : fonr niontbs, f L gold bf all nswsitnalara. KUNN&Co.36'8-'-New York franco OHipo. 6TS V Pt- WasMnf (on. IX u The East Oregonian-Journal Pony Gonlest This Coupon Good for 5 Votes Before Dec. 12, 1908 This vote to be counted for Name of Boy or Girl No.. .Street. R. F. D. Postoffice. Send to the Pony Man, EastOregonian, Pendleton, Or. ii J c a