DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, ITUDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1908. PAGE FIVE. EIGHT PAGES. 11 tiKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammtmmBmmmmmmmmmmmKtmmmmmmmmm Friday and Saturday Bargain Days In Our Dress Goods Dep'L. . 1 000 yards latest fall and winter patterns will be on sale for these two days only. See Corner Window All GOe Dress Goods 36c All 75c Dress Goods 47c All 85c Dress Goods 68c All J 1-00 Dress Goods 77c All $1.25 Dress Goods 97c All $1.50 Dress Goods , $1.14 All $1.76 Dress Goods $1.38 All H.G0 Bear Cloth $2.05 AH $3.00 Bear Cloth $1.09 F. E. Livengood & Co. Teutsch's Old Place PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS Country sausage at Ingram's. Bowman photo studio now open. Fresh Olymplu oysters at Hohbach's. Fresh Eastern Oysters at Ingram's. Say! See Rader's rug sale Satur day. "Gas" sad Irons at W. J. Clark & Co 's. Howard heaters at W. J. Clarke A Co.'s. 124 ruga for $15 der's. I All kinds of good dry wood. See Mlnris. Fine rugs and Ingrain carpets at Grahams. j Best nut coal. Give us a chance Oregon Lumber Tard. j See Mlnnls for good dry wood that burns. Lots of It on hand. Fine home-inudu country sausage u: Ingram's grocery Friday. j Gas sad Irons cost lc an hour to op ; trate. See W. J. Clarke & Co. For Kent Three rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 301 S. Main. I Oak wood, the heat producer, for sale at the Oregon Lumber yard. j Phone Friday for an order of that nice country sausage at Ingram's. Got our prices on Cascade fir wood sold. Best price paid. Empire sec ond hand store, Empire block, across from N. P. depot. Phone Red 3201. While in Portland recently W. R. Graham picked up some remnants In furniture and If you are looking for bargains It will pay you to call and see them. 1)1 KK OF NORFOLK HAS LOVE FOK HIS DKiMTY. London. The Duke of Norfolk, hereditary ear! marshal of England, and the premier peer of the realm, resents the slightest attempt to lower his selRnorial dignity, although he j personally Is unassuming even to Saturday at Ra- ,.hallneM. I An Instance of his ducal pride in his ancestry was given the other day when he sternly forbade the sale of the historic tilting helmet of his an cestor, the hero of Flodden Field, which hung over the ducal tomb In Framllngham church, Suffolk. The rector had received an offer of $2,r.00 for the 400-year-old helmet, but the duke Immediately notified him that the relic must not be sold. IIOIIIIACII HAS ATTRACTIVE Tl I A N K SCJ I V I XG Ml X DOW Will Moons was a business visitor today at Adams. Henry Collins was a business visit or today In Myrlck. D. 13. Ross of Hermlston, was a business visitor fn Pendleton today. Charles Meyers of Walla Walla was a Thanksgiving visitor In Pendleton. A. Jullen of Helix, was In Pendle ton today caring for business matters, F. W. Beatty of Notln, was a visit or In Pendleton last evening among friends. J. N. Burgess, the Pilot Rock sheep man, was a business visitor in Pen dleton today. R. N. Stanfleld came up from Echo today to look after business matters In Pendleton. Judge T. P. Gilliland spent Thanks giving with his boys at the ranch south of town. Floyd Anderson came down last evening from Pilot Rock to care for business matters. Miss Maude Cook spent Thanksgiv ing In Weston, a guest of her friend, Miss Viva Warren. ,U, Albee of Pilot Rock, was a vis itor In Pendleton today, looking af ter business affairs. Justice Richards of Athena, was a visitor In Pendleton today looking af ter business affairs. J. M. Bentley is confined to his home, 408 Jefferson street, by an at tack of the grippe. George Runyan of Pilot Rock, was a visitor In Pendleton yesterday look lug after business affairs. Clark Nelson has accepted a posi tion in the sheriff's office and is as sisting in getting up the new tax roll. Homer I. Watts and wife of Athe na, were visitors in Pendleton yester day In attendance at the football game. Mrs. T. J. Samuel and son Dunlap, of Dayton, Wash., are visiting In Pendleton, guests of Mrs. Samuel's daughter, Mrs. C. J. Mitchell. Omer Stephens of Umatilla, re turned to his home in that city this morning after witnessing the football game In Pendleton yesterday. Mrs. Taylor Green, of Glasgow, Mont., wife of one of Montana's sheep kings, is a guest In Pendleton of her sister, Mrs. Bert Huffman. Mrs. Green is accompanied by her son, Andrew J. Green, and is on her way! to California to spend the winter in hopes of benefiting the son's health. orate state functions, while he pro duced the same effect upon hla royal hosts. The courtiers likewise found little likable about the monarch, who seldom drinks or smokes, Is an ar dent follower of the Salvation Army, possesses no humor and whose only game la lawn tennis. BOOKS FOR LIBRARY. Valuable Additions Made to tlic Pen dleton Academy Library. Pendleton academy's library move ment has received a great Impetus from a number of valuable contrlbu- tkns made recently, according to Prof. F, K. Noordhoff, who Is In charge of the library movement. Among these contributions Is a ten volume set of the Century dictionary by Monte B. Gwinn, a Standard dic tionary and dictionary stand by A. C. Funk, a set of Macaulay's history of England and other books by E. L. Powers. Other recent contributors are Mrs. T. C. Taylor, T. J. Morris, Miss Maude Bentley, Mrs. W. J. Furnish and Mrs. T. M. Starkweather, the latter con tributing a full set of Dickens. Mr. Noordhoof says more than 350 volumes have already been contribut ed In addition to the 000 volumes of government reports presented by Con gressman Ellis. BOY SHOOTS HIS FATHER TO SAVE MOTHER'S LIFE Elizabeth, N. J. Defending him self and his mother from the attacks of his drunken father, Albert Messig, Jr., 18 years old, shot his father, Al bert Messig, a butcher, four times. Two bullets lodged in Messlg's head, a third shattered the bone In the right Jaw and a fourth lodged In the right shoulder. Messig, according to the son's story, had been drinking for several weeks and was almost crazed from the ef fects of liquor. One morning he In-1 "Dress Up" m M JJvI fl f ' ,'' i the Dinner Table There Is no place In your home more deserving, nor from which you can derive greater enjoy ment and "home comfort" than the DINNER. TABLE arJ NICE DISHES. Our White H AVIUM) German China, Porcelain China and Glassware MAKE IDEAL HOLIDAY GIFTS Call and see the beautiful lines on our balcony get acquainted whether you buy or not we are always ready to show goods. Ingram's Grocery Headquarters for Dishes, Glassware and Kitchen Utensils. "ON PAROLE." One of the Big Events of the Sea son at the Oregon Theater. With the presentation of Louis Evan Shlpman's great military story, "On Parole," the patrons of the Ore gon theater are to have their first glimpse of a play that has been made notable by being produced "by Mr. farming and the manner of deriving more profit from agriculture. The same board solicits a credit of $55,000 for the coming year for the im provement of the butter Industry in Siberia. Vfi.n rt. at f Vi n fntfctt thoatAr slated that his wife go driving with!New york c wth y, t Serrano him. She refused, and he attempted to choke her. The boy tried to In terfere, and the father pulled a re volver from his pocket. He fired a shot at his wife which went wild. He then pointed the pistol at the son, but before he had time to fire the boy wrestled the pistol from hjim and shot him with another revolver. YOr.XCi WOMAX HANGS IN AIR BY ONE FINGER EMPRESS OF Itl'SSIA NEARLY ASSASSINATED. One of the most attractive Thanks giving windows was that shown by Hohbach's bakery. A well cooked turkey was the masterpiece of the showing, and was handsomely deco rated in most approved style. Around were gouped fine pastries and con and slab wood. Oregon Lumber f(.ctions which Hohbach makes Yard. 1 For Sale 16 head work horses from 1 to 8 years old. Inquire this office. Beautiful lino of new Ingrain car- Wnrrunty Ikvtls Filed. Dora Kennedy et vlr to Birdie. S Oliver, $225. Lot 12 In block 44, Res fixation addition to town of Pendle- l.ets Just received at Grahams. None ton. better. A modern quire of Lot Court street. Wanted permanently Small tage, furnished or partly Address, Box 687. cottage for rent. In Llvcrmore, 11 East cot- furnished. J. E. Cherry et ux to John G. Rich aidson, $3000. Lots 3 and 10 In block 12 in Raley's addition to Pen dleton, Ore. Sablna Wattenberger to J. ' H. Koontz, $1400. Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 of , block 108 of Reservation addition to Pendleton, Ore. I Artistic photography for Presents. Before making your Christmas of fering be sure and call at the Wheel er studio and see some of the later things In artistic photography things that are nice and make appreciable gifts. Don't put this off until It Is too late, as It takes a little time to produce high class work. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Inquire Mrs. E. R. Swinburne, 314 Lewis street. For Sale Five-acre ranch, well Improved, 1 miles east of Pendle tcn. Address Bos 570 P. O. Gus La Fontaine has Just received a fresh lot of crawfish, crab and oys ters In the shell at the Quelle. M. B. Keys cab stand at Golden Rule hotel. Phone main 25. Special j mttrimtl Meii to'.Meet. (mention given to parties and dances. I The prnat,olm1 Brotherhood of See Coutts & Hays, agents for the Maintenance of Way Employes will jiopuhir Oregon Fire Relief assocla- moet for (s nnnUal convention in tlon. Over Bond Bros, store, Pendle- x,,w Orleans on December 7. ton, Oregon. ! Second hand goods bought and Country sausage at Ingran's. IMPORTED BAY RUM Distilled from the leaves; has that delicate, aromatic, oriental odor which makes people who know "what," consider their toilet or bath incomplete without it. It is void of that stinging, burning sensation, but has just enough "bite4 to make it soothing and antisep tic and acts as a panacea to even the most delicate skin in weather that tends to chap and roughen. In fact, 'tis a fine toilet requisite. Ask for an original bottle of the Pyramid Brand. AniKierdiuii. Holland. Nov. 27. AdvltfH received here Unlay declare that nn attempt iion the life of the Hnstfian empress tlowngrr yewterdny failed only hy a narrow margin. She Is overcome by the shock and Is under the care of a physician. An anarchist reached the royal carriage, eluding the guards, nnd was seized us he was about o fire at the empress. KICillT-Honi LAW INVALIDATED IVY COl'RT. Tulsa, Okla., Nov. 2. Oklahoma's fight-hour law Is believed to be In validated by the decision of a local court today, acquitting the new state paving company of violation of the law because it showed the men were anxious to work more than eight hours. Preparations have been made to fight the case on an appeal by those Interested In the law. STRIKERS DRIVEN BACK BY RIFLE BULLETS Perth, Amoy, N. J., Nov. 27. Troops today are guarding the plant of the National Flreproofing Com pany In anticipation of an attack by drink-crazed strikers who made a rush on the plant last night and were driven away by bullets. Nearly all the strikers are foreigners. EMPEROR WILLIAM WORRIES HIMSELF SICK. Berlin,' Nov. 27. The. kaiser is 111 today nnd It Is reported in court cir cles that his physical breakdown is attributed to worrying over recent po litical affairs that upset the empire. He Is suffering from Insomnia and his old trouble in a defective ear. Stcninor Goes on Rock. Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 27. The steamer Northland went ashore on Enterprise rock near Plumpers Pass. In a fog this morning and was pulled off by the steamer Princess Royal and lowed to Village Bay undamaged. Water extinguished the fires. Green Lake. Miss Mabel Blanch- ard, residing at 7432 Fourth avenue northeast, was the victim of a pe culiar accident which came near de priving her of her right forefinger last week. Miss Blanchard was standing on a ladder trying to adjust a clothesline when the ladder slip ped from under her. In falling her right forefinger caught on the hook to which she was fastening the clothesline, and there she hung until she was helped down and Dr. H. C Dyer summoned to attend her injury. The finger was terribly lacerated, the muscles and sinews being practically stripped from the bone on one side. Seattle P.-I. 'Vaiiderhilt Orders New Yacht. Glasgow. American millionaires promise to create a beneficial com petition In the building of magnifi cent yachts. Cornelius Vanderbllt has atked Clyde shipbuilders to estimate for a magnificent yacht of 1600 tons t-i be ready next season. Austria Increases Border Patrol. Budapest. The Austro-Hungarian patrols on the Servian frontier are fcclng strengthened In consequence of reports that Servian troops recently fired across the Danube at a point near Zemendris on a party of Aus- trians. and Charlotte Walker in the leading roles. In securing it for the northwest circuit, Mr. Charles A. Mai snail has secured Mr. Wlllard Mack and Miss Leono for the two principal roles originated by the two artists mentln ed above (Mr. Serano and Miss Walker). It has generally been conceded by the eastern public that the perform ance given of these two parts by Mr. Mack and Miss Leone have been quite as satisfactory as were given by the originals. "On Parole" is a vivid thrilling story of the southern confederacy, that absorbs the listener and divides his sympathies between Major Dale (Mr. Jack), the union officer, and Con- i stance Plckney (Miss Leone), the V,rginia gentlewoman, both struggling to do what they consider their duty, in spite of the great love which has sprung up between tnem. Mr. Mack and Miss Leone, sur-l rounded by a most capable company, j are coming over this territory for the first time with a complete produc tion of this most cleverely constructed, drama of those much to be regretted days of 61-65. "On Parole" will be at the Oregon on Tuesday, December 1. Model Farm Schools hi Russia. Consul James W. Ragsdale, of St. Petersburg, reports that the chief board of agriculture Is soliciting a credit of $30,000 for the organization of 45 exemplary farms, where stu dents as well as peasants, Inhabitants of the adjacent localities, could study and learn In practice more rational We have Just received an other large lot of very fine dia monds which we have in mounted or loose. Just as you like. They are the best kind. They are the kind with a flash. They are the kind you want They are the lowest in price, considering the price of any In the city. They are all marked in plain f!g-jres. They are the kind that does not lose value. We are here to satisfy you with quality and price. Louis llunziker Jeweler and Optician, 726 Main St If you see It In the East Oregonlan, It's 80. Before Retiring Any unpleasant after effects from a late supper may be quickly dispelled, and restful sleep assured by taking a dose of the world-famed correctives BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Ererywtae. In boxes 10c and 25c. The East Oregonian-Journal Pony Gonlesl This Coupon Good for 5 Votes Before Nov. 28, 1901 This vote to be counted for Name of Boy or Girl No Street: R. F. D. Postoffice. Send to the Pony Man, EastOregonian, Pendleton, Or. ril'PIXG TO CONTINUE DESPITE DISCI SSION 75c KBiP.P 1HE DRUQ STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST MS London. Little or nothing seems likely to come of the resolution In re gard to the regulation of tipping passed by tho Congres of Hotel "Keepers In Rome. Once more the vexed question has been ventilated In the newspapers here nnd on the con tinent, but without apparently ad vancing it one step toward a settle ment in any other way than by the present system. In the discussion here one thing was apparently agreed upon: that of all the world's cities New York is the one In which the largest tip Is ex pected and tho least done to earn It. SYF.1KX'S KING TOO SLOW FOR GAY COI IIT. London The king and queen of Sweden, the handosemst royal couple of Europe, will be ns glad to leave Windsor castle today as the king and queen of England to see them depart. The magnificence of the ceremonials n: Windsor oppressed the king of Sweden, who Intensely dislikes elab- ' New Arrivals at the Pendleton Cloak and Suit House FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A new lot of Ladies plain tailored Suits, the prettiest we have shown this season. A new lot or Ladies Skirts direct from New York. Also a line of Ladies Silk Waists and Silk Petticoats, La Princesse Corsets Styles up to the minute. AT THE UP TO DATE STOKE 0