East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 23, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r.GE four,
Published Kelly. Weekly and 8eml Weekly,
at Pendleton, Orison, by the
Kelly, one yrar, by mall $3 00
Pally, all month, by mall 2.R0
Dally, three months, by mall 1.25
Dally, on month, by mall ' .SO
Dally, one yesr, by carrier T.oO
Dally, lx month, by carrier S.TS
Dally, three month, hy carrier LPS
Dally, one month, by carrier 65
Weekly, on yer, by mll 1.50
Weekly, lx month, by mall 73
Weekly, four month, by mall 50
Henil .Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50
BemlW'eeki, lx month, by mail... .79
fteml We;:.y. (our months, by mall.. .60
The Dally Kant Oregonlsn i kept on tale
at the Oregon ew Co., 141 otn ft reel.
Portland. Oregon.
Chicago Bureau, POO Security building.
Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 four
teenth street. X. W.
Member United Press Aasoclatlon.
Telephone - Main 1
Entered at the poetofflce at Pendleton.
Oregon, a teoond-cla mall matter.
Sages are not really wise
Till they read In Folly's eyes
Wisdom that escapes the
Lore that puts to rout all rules.
Tell me, sages, what love Is!
Silent? Oh. what fool would
Kiss or laughter, glance or sigh.
Waiting for your slow reply?
Sages, tell me, what is life?
Mumble you of "Joy" and
. "strife"?
While you definitions give
Fools like me rejoice to live!
While you labor, dig and seek.
Dull of eye and gray of cheek
While you study, delve, explain.
Define, examine, think, refrain.
Search to find the meaning of
Life and Death and Joy and
Laws discover, reasons frame
You forget to play the game!
Pages are not really wise.
Lacking wisdom to revise
Ail thev teach and learn
By the laughter of us fools:
Don llaniuis.
There is Joyous news for Umatilla
county in the announcement from
Washington that the federal govern
ment will establish an experiment sta.
tion upon the Umatilla project and
will pay half the cost of maintaining
the same.
Through the influence of President
W. J. Kerr of the agricultural collegb,
the department of the interior has
been induced to take vigorous action
It: the matter. This js evidenced by
the announcement that Secretary
Garfield has set aside enough money
tj construct the needed buildings and
equip the station.
Seemingly all that now remains for
local people to do is to secure from
the state sufficient money to meet the
other half of the maintenance cost.
It should be an easy matter to do
this, especially in view of the strong
delegation this county has in the leg
islature. Nevertheless, nothing
should be left undone in the matter.
The, people of the west end should
get together and C that the neces
sary appropriation is made by the
slate. It is a matter of vital im
portance to the west end and the sub
ject should be handled accordingly.
Through the establishment of an
e.perimental farm upon the projec.
untold good will result to the settlers
ii: that section. In the settlement of
the west end there are many prob
lems to be worked out. The success
or the project will depend largely up
on the methods followed by the set
tiers. If properly conducted, as it
doubtless will be, the station will b
able to give advice that will be worth
thousands of dollars to settlers in that
arid empire.
Of almost equal Importance to this
county will be the establishment of a
(!ry land experimental station in one
of the counties west of Umatilla.
Through the work of President Kerr
the department ' has agreed to give
the same aid to a dry land station
that it will to the one upon the Uma
tilla project.
Though It would be preferable to
have the dry land station in this
county, yet it will be of much benefit
to Umatilla county farmers even
though located In Morrow, Sherman
or Gilliam. The climatic condition
there are much the same as In thU
county. The work done will apply
here as well as there.
All In all, the news from Washing
ton I the best Umatilla county has
received for many months and Pres
ident Kerr is entitled to high praise
for the good he ha accomplished.
Now it Is said that a lull has been
oidered In the antl-atatement fight
ar.d that for a month the organ of
pledge-breaking will say little or
nothing upon the subject. The re
ctnt attitude of some of those papers
Indicates that Instructions are being
followed closely.
It would have been to the credit of
Oregon had the attack never been
undertaken. The attempt to defeat
Governor Chamberlain for the sena-
tcrshlp Is one which, whether It suc
ceeded or not, meant discredit to this
state and to the people thereof.
When the people of the state en
dorsed Chamberlain last spring and
also chose a statement 1 legislature,
that should have settled the senator-
ship completely. It did settle it with
the rank and file of the people.
Seemingly the attempt to break in
to the statement 1 phalanx has failed
and failed miserably. It deserves to
fail. In the first place it was not a
move In behalf of the republican
party as has been claimed. It was
Inspired by people who dislike the
direct primary system and by people
who hope to profit personally In the
event of Chamberlain's defeat.
The heart of the republican party
of Oregon has not been In the fight.
The average republican Is against the
move. Some of the biggest republi
cans in the state have denounced the
scheme in unmeasured terms. Even
In the executive committee of the
Union Republican club of Portland
there was strong opposition to the
move. The president of the club and
Its most Influential members were
oi posed to going Into the fight. Out
side workers were responsible for the
resolution that was finally passed.
So far the attack upon statement
No. 1 and the honesty of the legislators-elect
has been a fizzle. May It
continue to be such.
By taking up the subject of better
highways for the reservation the good
cads association is entering a field
where there is much to be accom
At the present time the roads upon
the reservation are not what they
should be. Though the reservation
embraces the best land in the conny
the roads are practically left to take
care of themselves. So badly cut up
dc they become at times that com
fortable travel across the reservation
K out of the question. The grades
are poor, the bridges bad and often
Then upon top of all this, there 1
no official highway across the reser
vation. Stockmen wishing to cross
the Indian land must pay toll and
have their herds or flocks guarded
by a band of Indian police.
This is not right in any sense of
the word. If the Indians are to be
citizens they should share in the work
of civilization as well as In the gain.
The roads upon the reservation should
be laid out along model lines and
maintained as well as any In the
And there is no reason on earth
why stockmen should be charged for
crossing the reservation. They
should be forced to observe proper
care In crossing and if damage is in
flicted by the herds or bands the In
jured parties should be fully recom
pensed. But toll should hot be charg
ed. In the past the government people
have indicated that highways might
be opened across the reservation.
Put thus far nothing has been done,
possibly because the subject has not
been brought before them. Now that
the good roads officers are taking the
matter up let it be hoped that some
tangible good will result. The East
Oregonlan hopes that the result will
be better roads and free open high
ways across the reservation.
Senator Fulton has announced In
Washington that the legsllators will
break their statement 1 pledges and
refuse to elect Governor Chamberlain
senator. But where is his commission
as the spokesman for the Oregon leg
islature or for the people of this
President Kerr is somewhat of a
congressman himself. At least he has
gotten results In the matter of the ex
periment stations and it did not take
him lang either.
Don't forget the woolen mill and
the Commercial association revival.
These two things Pendleton needs
badly. Help them along.
A man who stuttered badly went to
a specialist and after ten difficult
lessons learned to say quite distinctly,
"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
peppers." His friends congratulated
him upon this splendid achievement.
"Yes." said the man doubtfully,
"but lt'a 's-s-such a d-d-ducedly d-d-d-dlfficult
rem-mark to w-w-work In
to an ordln-n-nary c-c-conversatlon,
y'know." Everybody's Magazine.
Harry Fields, who was arrested at
the international boundary for ob
taining $1000 worth of diamonds In
Vancouver, B. C, on bogus check,
has pleaded guilty to nine eharges of
Baby, baby, where have you been?"
"I fell dow n uh" mud."
"You've dirtied your dresa and
scratched your skin!"
"I fell down uh mud."
"What on earth Is mother to do
With a bad little, sad little boy like
Who doesn't do what she tolls him
"I fell down uh mud "
"Didn't you hear me call you back?"
"I fell down uh mud."
"Yes, and you crossed the street, car
"I fell down uh mud."
"Suppose you had been hurt awfully
Poor mamma would cry so If you
Do you want poor mamma to feel so
"I fell down uh mud."
'.'Supposing a horsey had come that
"I fell down uh mud."
"Or a choo-choo nuto had listen!
"I fell down uh mud."
'Gracious heavens, he'll drive mo
Was there ever such a persistent
Oh, mamma's not pleased because she
"I fell down us mud."
"Haven't I didn't you listen, dear!"
"I fell down uh mud."
"Don't you say that again! You
"I fell down uh mud."
"Can't I leave you without a guard?
Didn't I say to stay in the yard?
I've a notion to spank you spank
you hard!"
"Ow wow wown uh wud!''
"There, there, sweetheart; that didn't
"Come to mamma; who cares for
Ifell down uh mud."
"Mamma will cuddle him; stand on
her knees;
Put your arms 'round her and give
her a squeeze;
Tell her you love her. Now, whisper
It; please!" "
" uh mud."
Edmund Vance Cook.
Easy to drift to the open sea.
The tides are eager and swift and
And whistling and free are the rush-
iim' winds
But, oh, to get back is hard and
Easy as told In Arabian tale.
To free from his jar the evil sprite,
Till he rises like smoke to stupendous
oh, nevermore, can we prison
him t'ght.
Easy as told in an English tale,
To fashion a Frankenstein body
and soul,
And breathe in his bosom a breath .of
But, oh, we create what we cannot
Easy to drift to the sea of doubt,
Easy to hurt what we cannot heal,
Easy to rouse what we cannot soothe,
Easy to speak what we do not feel,
Easv to show what we ought to
. conceal,-
Easy to think that fancy Is fate,
And, oh, the wisdom that comes too
late! Oliver Huckle.
At a London dinner recently the
conversation turned to the various
methods employed by literary genius
es. . Among the examples cited was
that of a well-known poet, who, it was
said, was wont to arouse his wife
about 4 o'clock in the corning and
exclaim, "Maria, get up; I've thought
of a good word!" Whereupon the
poet's obedient helpmate would crawl
out of bed and make a note of the
About an hour later, like as not, a
new Inspiration would seize the bard,
whereupon he would again arouse his
wife, saying, "Maria, Maria, get up!
I've thought of a better word!"
The company In general listened to
the storv with admiration. but a
merry-eyed American girl remarked:
"Well, If he'd been my husband I
should have replied, 'Alpheus, get up
yourself; I've thought of a bad word!"
Everybody's Magazine.
nnvamnr Vtonil of Washington has
honored the requisition of the Ore
gon oiithnrltles. for R. L. Leffel. under
arrest at Seattle and wanted at Port
land for larceny.
Restored to Health by Vino!
"I was run down and weak from In
digestion and general debility, altso suf
fered from vertigo. I saw a cod liver
preparation called Vinol advertised un4
oecided to give it a trial, and the re
sults were n.ost gratifying. After tak
ing two bottles I regained my
strength and am now feeling unusually
well." Henry Cunningham, Elder Bap
tist Church, Kingston, N. C.
VlnoI Is not a patent medicine but a
preparation composed of the medicinal
elements of cods' livers, combined with
tonic Iron and wine. VlnoI creates
hearty appetite, tones up the organs
of digestion and makes rich, red blood.
In this natural manner, VlnoI created
strength for the run-down, over
worked and debilitated, and for deli
cate children and old people. For
chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis
VlnoI Is unexcelled.
All such persons In this vicinity are
iflked to try VlnoI on our offer to re
fund their money If II falls to give -t-a
rendtotea. Orefc.
We Give
The Pendleton Savings Bank, always known as
the staunch Friend of Farmers, Stockgrowers
and Merchants, is now a National Bank, con
ducting its business under the supervision of
the U. S. Government, under the name of
The American National Bank
NO. 9228
Capital, Surplus and Profits $250,000
4 per cent.. Interest on Time Deposits.
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent.
"Once Our Customer, Always Our Friend."
tip I'v-;-!!
The Eilers way of selling Pianos gua
rantees satisfaction, eliminates chance,
and places a high grade Piano within
the reach of everyone.
A beautiful line of instruments to make your selection
from at
or lalking
Machines PIANO
I a m m ft i m
Records 813 Main St.,
It Will Not Fade
After it is worn
1 2 months it can
be cleaned and
will come out as
bright as the day
you bought it, we
guarantee this
Capps Clothing
to be absolutely
all-wool, prices run
from $12.50 to
$20.00 per suit.
Wonder Store
Despain & Bonney
The East Oregonian-Journal Pony Conlesi
This Coupon Good for' 5 Votes
Before Nov. 28, 1 908
This vote to be counted for
Name of Boy or Girl.
No. Street
R. F. D.
Send to the Pony Man, East
Byers' Best Flour
' ' Is made from the choicest wheat that grow. Good bread Is aasur-
! ed when BITERS' BEST FLOUR to Med. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled
Barley always on hand.
! ! W. 8. BYEHR, Proprietor,
Daily East Oreonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week.
Savings Bank Facilities
National Bank Security.
Your Home
Circle With
a Piano
A piano In the home makes for
a happy family. You owe It to
yourself as much as to your fam
ily. Have you ever taken this
point of view?
Hfll LF. .busiest
Oregonlan, Pendleton, Or.
Biggest I
Best I
Ten Good Reasons Why
You Should Stop at
"The Cornelius 99
The Best in Portland. .
Situated In the center of the
shopping district
One block from the clanging
street cars.
Not eo expensive as some other
hotels .
Sixty rooms with private bath.
Long distance and local tele
phones In every room.
Writing desk In every room.
Carpeted throughout In the best
velvet carpets.
The rooms are furnished In solid
Every room contains a heavy
solid Simmons brass bed on which
Is a 40 or 60-pound hair mattress.
The furnishings and general ap
pearance of the public rooms must
be seen to be appreciated.
Alder streets, Portland's newest
and most modern equipped hotel,
solicits your patronage and assures
you good service and courteous
treatment. An exceptional hotel
for Eastern Oregon families who
jo me to Portland shopping and
When next In Portland give us
a chance to make you look pleas
meets all trains.
N. K. CLARKE, Mgr.
C W. Cornelius,
St. Joseph's Academy
Pendleton, Oregon
An Tdeal School for
Boys and Girls.
Under the direction of the Sisters of
St Francis, of Philadelphia. Resident
and day pupils. Special attention
given to music and elocution. Stu
dents prepared for teachers' examina
tions for county and state certificates.
For particulars address
Sister Superior
Tticy Stand the Strain.
Our Winona Wagons and Hacks,
and Rex Buggies are built to stand
Let us show you our Fairbanks
Morse Engines and Scale the best.
We solicit your wagon repairing,
machine work and carriage painting.
Charges are moderate and only skill
ed workmen are employed.
Don't you take any chances with
your fuel supply this winter pur
chase our Rock Springs conl and you
will receive a product that will posi
tively give the maximum of heat with
the smallent of consumption.
Our wood can't be excelled,
Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage
Company. 'Phone Main 178.
Also Fine Fresh Meats
Delivered Promptly at
Reasonable Prices.
'Phone Main 18.