TEX PACES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OKfeKrf, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBERS 18, 1908 PAGS3 FIVKi J n r se GET TOGETHER MICH IXTEKEKT MANIFESTED i. co.mixu meetinx Albany AjuiIo Fair MM. KuvHfiil Ever Held In 'Hint t'lly Oregon Dairy Association 'Ki'omiil.ed WonIiIiikUiii Ilffc linlly Will IK Helil at While Kulinon Kuilroiul Development in Nortliuest. Portland, Oro.. Nov. 16. Intercut In the Joint meting of tho State llor tlcultural society and the Northwest Fruitgrower' association Is unlvcrsa throuKhout tho this part of tho I'nlt ed Slutoa ami British Columbia. The mate association holds a convention In Portland Tuesday, December 1 thin Is followed by two day' meeting of the northwoHt association. Con ventlon und exhibit will occupy two floorH of the Woodmen's hall, 11th and Alder streets. A nlh'ht session will be held n the convention room on Tuesday, and a reception will be tendered to the delegates to ,uth (conventions on Thursday evening, December 3. by the Portland Com mercial club from 8 to 11 o'clock The prizes for this show ure very much the most valuable ever offered and an enormous attendance Is t ticlpated. Albany Apple I 'air. The Albany apple fair occupied the tenter of the dune In Oregon activi ties last week. Albany gave Portland, Eugene and Salem nil object lesson In entertaining that It will take tiies t itles a long time to eiiial. The town Is growing and building hurd surface pavements, while apples shown were equal to the best. Orejrou Dairy AK-lalloii. Tho Oregon State Dairy association has been recognized by th agricultu nil department at Washington, 1). C. and assurance Is ghyn that govern ment experts will participate In tho convention on I lerenilicr in ami 11 at Salem. A rate of a fare and a third for the round trip has lieen made from all points In this state. Whllo Salmon Itally. Klickitat county's citizens Joined a monster optimistic rallv at In Whlti' salmon. Wash., last Saturday. Export publicity mi ii ami railroad of. flclals were present from Portland to take part In the event, wbl.-h was mu of the most successful ever held in the Evergreen State. Wallowa Hallway. In line with the general railroad development of this northwestern country wan the completion of the railroad from Elgin to Enterprise, which affords an easy market for the Wallowa valley. The final terminus will be Joseph. Advertising I'oriv. Xo rriore Interesting talk was ever made before (he Portland Ad club than the address delivered by Dr. W. T. Williamson on "Suggestion thu Chief Force of Advertising." Mem ber and their friends filled the -,iall. ItlW.LAIt LOST TIME IX TltYINK OX OYEKCOATS. DHuyoJ T"o Ijoiib In Trying mi (Jar liieniH ami lie Wn Arrived While Liming Store. Detroit, Mich. William Plfer, a Htovemaker, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Dunross as he was emerging from a large hole In the plate glass window of tialely's store shortly after 8 o'clock at night. Plfer willingly told how be hap pened to be coming out of the hole. "I was cold, officer, and as I was passing the store I noticed a lot of overcoats In the window," he said. ("Thinks me, I'll have one of those, but the windows were locked and I couldn't reach them. J went around In the nlley, took a large brick and put It through tho window. Then I crawled In. "I tried on flvo or six overcoats, but they didn't suit me. They didn't have any of those straight-back ef fects,' nnd that's what I wanted. 1 was Just coming out of the window when I bumped into this gentleman." Several suits of clothes were piled up Inside of the window ready to bo carried off. The window is worth several hundred dollars. FROM SlOKAXE TO ' POItTIiAXI) IX 10 HOURS A cut of six hours In the time be tween here and Portland will . be made by the Spokane, Portland and Seattln road when It begins operating Its passenger service, which will be within a. week or 10 days, nccordlng to a statement made by President Howard Klllott In Portland a few days ago, says tho Spokane Chronicle. lie also Informed President Ooodall of the Spokane Chamber of Com merce that n, 10-hour passenger ser vice would be given between the two cities. The plan Is to put on two pas senger trains each way dally, one leaving Spokane In the morning nnd one In the evening, making it possible for one lo leave here In tho morning and make the entire trip by daylight. l. days, and no less than six hours each day. Miss Hands was recently visiting ut the home of this business man when ho remarked that ho did not think a woman could paint n sign elevated more than a short distance from the ground. Miss Hands ut onco declared she would accomplish the feut If give tho opportunity. The 'sign on tho Kanter building Is RG by lfi feet. It Is but a few feet from the edge of the roof, and the sidewalk on Monroe avenue is 120 feet below. Miss Sands will have to work on a scaffold 16 Inchon wide. IAKMEKS FAVOR. Ol'EX RIVFR. I.ewNioii Commercial Club Tuklnic Slock Subscriptions!. The plans of the Lewlston Com mercial club to secure stock subscrlp t.ons to the Open River association hi the prairie sections tributary l.ewiston will be heartily supported according to tho statements of prom Inent merchnnts and farmers from the upper country who have visited t lie city during the past week, says the Iewlston Teller. I'he people of the upper country feel the opening of tile rivers be 'ween Lew.ston and Portland will re suit In a material benefit to every In dustry. The merchant will be grant ed u material reduction upon the freight tariffs; the farmer will mar I; ft bis products at a reduction of 60 per cent from present charges, und the independent electric railways now being constructed and planned will be afforded an outlet for the tonnage gathered along their lines and will be given an opprtunity to hid for the lellwiy nf inland freight deposited a LewiMon by the Independent line of steamers. All of the conditions and benefits tonnected with the opening of the water transportation from Lewlston o the sea have been carefully con idered by the prairie people and now- thai the open River association Is ready to place tho Independent learner In operation between Lewis Ion and the portage road, the project will he liberally supported. iui.i.ek legally dead. I.v Stmngf Refills' to Re Put Up Manifold Murderer. Chicago, Nov. 16. That Herman Millek. the Ii'ihomlan hypnotist and fortuio- teller who was convicted of the murder of several members of the 'rzal family. Is legally dead, Is thi lintel plea to be made by Attorney Mlneklcv before Judge Karnes in an itt"inpt to save Hilbk from the gal- ws when the court convenes to pro mise sentence on the "evil-eye" inisuiier tomorrow. Itllli k was sentenced to be hanged ist summer. The day of xecutlon line, but the United States court ok a hand In the case and Hllh'k uos given leave to appeal to the su preme court of the United States. That nut found that it had no Jurisdic tion and the case came back to Judge Harnes fr re-sentence. It Is now l.ilnn il that in the absence of any rder rescinding or postponing the retinus sentence of death, Ulilck, In legal theory. Is already dead, and eiice cannot he sentenced to pay anv leiialty whatsoever. It Is not considered likely that this lea will he upheld by the court and Is highly probable " that the arch- olsoner will again be sentenced to 'hanged by the neck until dead." itholle priests and sisters have been utlve In attempting to prove Billek's Innocrpce. but while their efforts have nded to discredit some of the evi nce adduced at the trial, it has not en sufficient to remove Itillek from the shadow of the gallows. IX Sl'RF HRKAKS I.FCi OF YOUTH n.VTHIXG. While bathing at Ocean beach yes- rday morning John Sodorqulst, 310 light street. 19 years old, narrowly escaped death by being struck by n avy log hurled against him hy the waves, says the San Francisco Exam iner. The Impact was so terrific as to break the youth's right leg nnd to nder him unconscious. Friends of Sodorqulst saw the accident and wad ed out to his assistance. He was re- nsoltated and later treated at the Central Emergency hospital. WOMAN TO PAIXT SIUX 120 FEET FROM (iROUXI). Detroit, Mach. If the loading par tlinn In a most unlquo wager follows out the requirements she must meet ; to win the hot Dotroltcrs will be treat ed to tho uncommon sign of a local young woman artist, Miss Flossie jrfcinds, painting a hugh billboard on the top of the Kanter building, on tho Campus. The other party to the wager Is a well known business man. Tho terms tate that In case Miss ' Sands falls to paint tho sign sho will ' forfeit $100 and same amount will go to her If she succeeds. The terms also require that she work on the sign Tacoma, Wash. The body of Mel Ormes, the missing timber cruiser. was round Friday a snort instance from Puyallup. Ormes left that town October 22, to go on a hunting trip. It Is believed the trigger of his gun caught In the brush, the charge entering his breast, near the heart. Ray Clark has been arrested at Seattle, us the pal of Walter Rrynnt. a lfi-yonr-old forger, who enjoyed high life in that city for several days last week on forged checks. GOOD ROADS CAMPAIGN. Yakima Asrfoolutlon Going After ProiMiHltlon In Earnest. The much advertised good roads campaign to be carried on In Yakima county now appears to bo assured. I When the executive committee of the Yakima County Good Roads associa tion met last evening Us members in structed Secretary H. J. James of the Commercial club, to see Prof. Lan caster of tho University of Washing ton, and Samuel Hill, president of tho Statu Good Roads association, and ask them to outline a campaign, fix ing dutes, places of meeting, etc. It Is the desire of the Yakima county organization that the meetings bo held tit an early dute. Mr. James will see the above-mentioned good roads ex ports at Walla Walla next week when the National Educational congress is held In that city. Prof. Lancaster has recently return-! ed from Paris, where he went to ut- j tend the International Good Roads meeting. He Is perfectly familiar villi conditions In the Yakima valley. Mr. Hill has also made a study of the. requirements) for good roads In this. county. The knowledge of both these men will be a material aid to the Yakima association In getting the good roads plan Into operation. I Yakima Republic. "Dress Up" the Dinner Table MOTHER COMPELLED IX) A DOIT HER OWN DAUGHTER Unique in the annals of the county court is the petition to adopt her own daughter, filed this morning by Mrs. Anna E. Hudson, says the Journal She wishes to adopt 7-year-old Lulu Fern Hudson, who was given to Mrs, James Martell three years ago, when it was believed Mrs. Hudson would live only a few months. But Mrs. Hudson recovered and Mrs. Martell lied. The petition shows that In 1905 Mrs. Hudson, who Is a widow, lived In Utah with her child. She had gone there hi the hope of regaining her health but believed that she would not ve longer than n few months, and the little girl was adopted by James Martell and his wife. Mrs. Hudson lid not die, however, and the child has been with her practically all the time. When Mrs. Hudson again re- otered her health she returned to Oregon, in the meantime Mrs. Mar tell has died, and Mr. Martell Is re-' garded by law as the parent of the , little girl, through the adoption In ! 'tah. He has given his consent to the adoption of Lulu by her mother, 1 t$i Z- fi 1' ' r ,i in j '" i'l. 1 : 'if Uj There Ih no place In your home more deserving, nor from which you can derive greater enjoy ment and "home comfort" than the DINNER TAIiLE and NICE DISHES. Our White HAVILAND German China, Porcelain China and Glassware MAKE IDEAL HOLIDAY GIFTS Call and see tho beautiful lines on our balcony get acquainted whether you buy or not we are always ready to show goods. Ingram's Grocery Headquarters for Dishes, Glassware and Kitchen Utensils. REMXAXT OF RACIIEM)RS' j (11 II HOLDS A MEETING Cleveland, O. The original Pache- ors clul) of Cleveland, which num bered 2"0 at Its founding on Octo ber 29, 1896, held its annual meeting Thursday with four members present. ' President Reilly, for some time tho, only one on hand, diverted his mind from the harrowing loss sustained by the club through matrimony by call ing the meeting to order and giving himself a unanimous vote for presi dent for the ensuing year. Later on Martin Sanders, Edwin C. Davies and Dick Stowe arrived and were elected Vice president, secretary and watch man, respectively. Before election they had to swear solemn vow of total abstinance from matrimony. Taking the mem bership list the president then call- d the roll, but nobody answered yes." as some pretty girl had said for each one of them. Piano Arrivals An entire new stock of the choicest high grade pianos now being shown at 8 1 3 Main street. The Foremost Makes of America We asure our patrons The Highest Quality and best value obtainable. Full line of Edison Victor, Columbia Talking Machines Eilers Piaio House 813 Main Street, Pendleton - - Oregon mrj WILL PLAY RASKET V i BALL OX SKATES About 10 young men are practicing hard for a place on the roller skating basket ball team which Is to represent McMinnville this year against the earns In the Willamette valley. Among the towns to be played are Falls city, Xewberg, Dullas, Salem, oodburn and Roseburg. Although this Is the first year for basketball on skates here, McMinnville will be rep resented by an excedlngly fast bunch and will undoubtedly make a credit able showing against the older and more experienced teams of the neigh boring cities. Dayton, Wash. Tho wonderful re turns from apple orchards In the Touchet valley are interesting the people all over the country. The latest record Is made at Tomona ranch, the orchard of J. L. Dumas. From 30 trees, covering 3-10 of an acre, 547 boxes of apples were gathered this eek. This Is an average of over IS oxes per tree. The receipts from the S47 boxes were $ T 6 4 . 2 i . Of the total 72 boxes were sold for $1.50 per box and 75 boxes at 75 cents per box. This yield from an acre would bo 1 S -3 boxes nnd the gross receipts from the same would be $2547.50. Read the East Oregonlan. Half Soles Sewed on Bet ter and Cheaper Than Others Can Nail Them. Now open In my new loca tion with a fine line of men's shoes, all sir.es, styles and prices. I only keep the kind that wear. A. Eklund, The Reliable Shoemaker Main Street, next to Queen Chop House. OXLV MACHINE TO SEW ON IIALF SOLES IX TTIK COUNTY. V;.: . a - LADIES, You Can Do Your IRONING for 1 CENT an HOUR No Smoke, No Dirt No Ashes No Carrying Wood and Coal. JUST BURN GAS and use the new GAS SAD-IRON for $4.00 Saves Time, Temper, Trouble and Money. Always Ready for Use. Get the Sad-Iron from W. J. CLARKE & CO. and the Gas from Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. A Daily Occurence Passengers are delighted with the service and treatment on our Four Transcontinental Trains... Complete in Every Respect n i.LMAX I'ALACF AND TOFKIST SLEFFIXti CAKS. D1XIXC; CAKS WITH A LA CAKTE SFKVICF. HEATED AND LIGHTED HY MOST MODEKX METHODS. Between West and East 0 Any passenger representative of the company Is prepared to quote fares and give other information. All inquiries Kladly answered. W. ADAMS, AGENT, PENDLETON, OREGON A. D. CH ARLTON, A. G. P. A , Portland,Or. Nature Provides but one California It Is the naiural winter home of many thousand of the world's best people. Under the gentle Influence of Its mild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds. such bathing, boating, fishing .driving; such picnics, parties and "Jollflcatlons." :GO TO: Los Angeles, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, Santa Barbara, San Diego, 'Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Cruz or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, congen ial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accom modations and numberless attractions and conveniences. The O. R. & N. Co. Connecting with lie Southern Pacific Co. Makes Inexpensive round trip excursion rates to California. A six months stopover ticket, Pendleton to Los Angeles and return is $68.70 Corresponding rates are In effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cal ifornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reserva tions, etc., call on, telegraph or write F. J. QUIXLAX. Agent Pendleton. or WM. M Ml'RKAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. IOKTLAXD, OKIXiOX. WOOD or COAL HEATERS Either New or Second Hand Small, Medium and Large Sizes. New Heaters $3 and up Second Hand ones at your own price. Come here and I'll save you money v. STROBLE, 210 East Court street. Phone Black 3171 At Last We have a first class player piano at a reasonable price. Fully war anted by one of the large piano facto ries in New York. Buying for tcash and having no rent to pay we can sell for less money than any house in Ore gon. Agent for Steinway, Knabe, Emerson and others. One piice to all. Folding Organs. Jesse Failing IKMVLIXG. IULLIAKDS, POOL. Pastime Parlors "Jim" Estes, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Candle3, Soft Drinks Shooting Gallery.