East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 17, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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'New Crop" Now Here
Your Holiday dinner will not be complete with
out these table delicacies. We have everything the
season affords in dainty eatables.
Walnuts Figs Winter Apples
Almonds Raisins Cranberries
Cocoanuts Citron Honey
New Crop-Strictly Fresh-Phone Your Order
Standard Grocery Co.
Where small orders receive the same
attention as the large ones.
Phone Main 96
1 '
Preliminary Arrangements Made and
Committees Appointed at Last
Night's Meeting Final Plans Will
Be Worked Out Monday Evening
Big Parade Will Be Spectacular
Feature Will Be Given Thanks
giving Evening.
x-enaieton s nre department will, on
Thanksgiving evening, give its first
annual Thanksgiving ball, which, aa
cording to plans arranged by the
board of toremen last evening, will
be quite the most Joyful occasion so
cially seen here in many days.
Arrangements for the ball, which
were blocked out at a meeting last
evening include the most careful at
tention to every detail of the dancing
festival from the ice water, which
will, be handled by "Bill" Bogart, to
the big illuminated parade of the fire
men under the direction of Chief
vaughan and Assistant Chiefs Drake
and Anderson.
The parade will be at 8:30 and will
The very hour a cold starts la the
time to check it. Don't wait It maj
become deep-seated and the cure will
be harder then. Every hour lost at
the start may add days to your suf
fering. Take
F & S
Cold Capsules
Used in time they save all that
might fol'w sickness, worry, ex
pense. They never fail.
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists.
be made up of the various companies
of the fire department and the foot
ball teams of Pendleton High school
and Columbia College which have
been invited to participate.
The various companies of the de
partment will march with their equip
ment, which will be handsomely dec
oated for the occasion, and will car
ry torches. The line of march will
be illumined by red fire, etc.
At last night's meeting, in prepara.
tion for the event the following com-
fmlttees were chosen:
On parade Chief Vaughan, Assist
ant Chiefs Drake and Anderson.
On printing Drake, Milarkey and
On ticket sales Vaughan, Drake
and Anderson.
On music A. J. Gibson.
Floor A. J. Gibson.
On decorations A. J. Gibson,
chairman; Hook and Ladder com
pany, Barnhart and Stroble; Hose
company Xo. 1, Bellinger and Mur
phy; Xo. 2, C. Penland and Corby;
Xo. 3, Kees and Rogers; Xo. 4,
Thompson and Matlock; Xo. 5. Tan-
del and Cook; Xo. 6, Leonard and
Peters; Xo. 7. DunlaD and Hlbbard.
On check room A. Lange.
On ladies room E. Baker.
On ice water Wm. Bogart.
The department accepted the kind
offer of D. B. Waffle to do any haul
ing necessary to the succes of the af
following these appointments the
meeting last night was adjourned. A
special meeting will be held at 7:30
Monday evening next to continue ar
J. H. Bowlsby, a practical uphol
sterer and cabinet maker, has leased
the room in the East Oregonian
building formerly occupied by E. T.
Wade. He will open an unholster.
ing shop in that location and do gen
eral work in that line.
Mr. Bowlsby was formerly in busi
ness in Astoria.
If the tea is good you
ask for a second cup; if
ask for the
not, you
Tour t
ir-.nrj II ion dont
Cheap Umbrellas
Grow on every bush. You
can find them here, there
and everywhere. But of all
the poor bargains that it is
possible to make a low pric
ed umbrella comes pretty
close to being the limit.
You may never have
thought of coming here for
an umorella In which case
you haven't been Investing in
umbrellas as wisely as you
" might have done. Our um
brellas have got to measure
to an extra high standard. They have got to be so thoroughly
good so superior in looks and quality that in your admiration
you almost forget to ask the price.
A generous selection here. For a present they are perfection.
Winslow Bros.
Postoffice Black
Good Banking Service,
Together with ABSOLUTE SAFETY, is what every one de
sires. This kind of service can only be given by experienced bank
ers who devote their whole time to the banking business.
This bank confines its business to the safe keeping of Its de
posits and In the loaning of Its resources in such a manner that
they will be perfectly safe and can be collected when due.
W nft-r Vnn Ahantnt safety m our ample resources and in
the experience of our officers, and we solicit your account
Commercial National Bank
.United SUtes Depository
A. B. McEwan and wife of Athena,
are In the city on business today.
Abe Molstrom of Myrlck, was in
today curing for business affairs.
Win. Schwunts of Havana, was a
business visitor in Pendleton today.
Frank Reed and wife of Adams,
were in town on business yesterday.
Mrs. W. B. Gillette of Echo, visited
among Pendleton friends last evening.
L. P. Watson of Hoidman, was a
visitor InPeiuileton on business today.
W. B. Flnley of Heppner, was a
business visitor In Pendleton today.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Watts of
Athena, were visitors In the city yes
terday. Mrs. Jinks Taylor of Athena, was
a visitor In Pendleton today among
Charles Brotherton was In from
Athena today, caring for business
Henry Ireland of Sumpter, was a
visitor among Pendleton friends last
Louis Hanson and I. H. Bentley
were In from Hoidman yesterday on
O. P. Brigham of Hermlston, was a
visitor In Pendleton last evening on
Mrs. S, J. Wilson of Echo, was a
visitor in Pendleton on business last
Frank Hilbert and sons of Camas
Prairie, were visitors in Pendleton
Conductor Kelsey is resting easier
tcday and Is slightly improved in
John X. Gentry and Claud Higglns
of Hoidman, are business visitors' in
town today.
P. E. Colburn and wife of Athena,
were in the city yesterday on a trad
ing mission.
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon of Athena,
was in Pendleton yesterday, calling
upon friends.
H. D. Peterson, the Milton attor
ney, was a business visitor yesterday
in Pendleton.
Mrs. T. C. Warner has returned
from a Sunday visit with friends In
Walla Walla.
C. L. Ives, nurseryman from Irrl-
gon. was a business visitor in Pendle
ton yesterday.
Bert Cowan and wife were in the
city yesterday from Meacham, on a
trading mission.
W. L. Knight and wife and son of
Helix, are visiting with relatives In
Pendleton today.
W. H. Skinner of Hermlston, was
in Pendleton last evening caring for
business matters.
J. W, Hardisty and A. KInler of
Long Creek, are in Pendleton today
laying In supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sheridan of
lower Butter creek, are in the city on
a trading mission.
Ernest Knight returned yesterday
from Helix, where he has been visit
ing for a few days.
R. Jenkins of Pilot Rock, was a vis
itor In Pendleton yesterday, looking
after business affairs.
E. H. Brown of Echo, was a
visitor in Pendleton last night car
ing for business matters.
Mrs. Lee Moorhouse, who has been
visiting friends at Haines, has return
ed lo her home in this city.
Judge W. H. Ellis Is attending the
meeting of the State Woolgrowers' as
sociation at Heppner this week.
Mr. and Mrs Jenks Dudley of Athe
na, were visitors today caring for
business mutters In Pendleton.
Prof, and Mrs. J. S. Landers are in
Walla Walla In attendance at the ed
ucational conference at Whitman".
O. E. Harper of the Pendleton
rreamery, left today for the Wallowa
county to look after business affairs.
E. H. Brown, editor of the Echo
Register, came up from that place
last evening on a brief business visit.
Misses Ima and Ida Cherry have re
turned from Helix, where they have
been spending a few days with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Xewport return
ed to their home In Hermlston this
morning, after a brief business visit
in Pendleton.
Geary Klmbrell has returned to his
home ,n this city after spending the
summer on a surveying contract in
Josephine county.
Dr. Fred- Lieuallen and wife left
this morning for their home In Pi
lot Rock after a brief visit among
Pendleton friends.
Water Commissioner Brown, Tay
lor and Moore, together with Engl
neer Kelsey, visited the work at
Thorn Hollow today.
A. D. McCully, R. C. McCully, F. D.
McCully and C. Hartshorn of Joseph,
with Tom Tullivan of Portland and
Maud Cohron and Rose Chanvll of
La Grande, were members of an au
tomobile party from the latter city,
8 YL
Li, LiJa
V7 T7
Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats are
At the
Busy Boston Store
You have often heard of Sales where they claim to cut
the price in two, but when investigated are not what they
seem. Here we are giving all the Men's Youths' and
Boys' Suits on our tables Half Free.
Just Think of It! You Can Get
$30.00 Stein-Bloch Suits for only .
25.00 Suits of all kinds for only ....
20.00 Suits, many of them for only .
15.00 Suits, and great bargains for only
40.00 Overcoats are Half Free, you pay ...
30.00 Overcoats are Half Free, for only . . ' .
20.00 Overcoats are Half Free, it just takes
10.00 Overcoats are Half Free, they cost you .
5.00 Children's Suits given half away for
$3.00 to $5.00 Values in Boys' Knee Pants Suits, all styles,
fabrics, patterns and colors, only
Boys' Pants, 75c to $2.00 values for only
. $12.50
. $7.50
. $15.00
Get Yours' and the Boys' Winter Suits Here and
Now and get them for HALF.
Roosevelt's Boston Store
Where You ALWAYS Trade to Save.
arriving in Pendleton last evening.
The young ladles returned today to
their homes, while the men continued
on to Heppner to attend the wool
growers' association meeting.
County Superintendent F. K. Welles
and Dr. H. W. Bleakney of Pendle
ton academy, were visitors In Walla
Walla today, attending the Whitman
educational conference.
Ernest Knight leaves tonight for
Denver where he will spend the win
ter with his 'brother, Clarence. He
will also visit in Kansas and Nebras
ka before returning to his home In
this city.
Paul Hemmelgarn returned yester
day from Pasco, where he went to
meet his mother from Perham, Minn.,
who Is visiting him. Mrs. Hemmel
garn Is a venerable lady of 70 and
has not seen her son' before in 20
First Apprnranee of Dandruff a Fore,
runner of Future Bnldnesa.
Tliat such Is the caso has bmn con
clusively proven by scientific re-ean-h.
Prof. Unna, the noted European skin
specialist, declares that, dandruff Is the
burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp, csur"i
by parage destroying the vitality In
the hair bulb. The hair becomes Hfelsi.
and. in tlmo, falls out. This can be pre
vented. Xewbro's HerpIrM kllU this dandn-fT
germ, and restores the hair to its natural
softness and abundancy.
Iferplrlde Is now ued bv thousand' o'
people All satisfied thnt It Is tin mo'
wonderful hair preparation on the tn-ir
ket to-day. ,
flold by ieadlnr drugeMs. Pond 1 Ir
tampa for sample to The Herplcldi Co.
Detroit, Mich.
Two lUea 1 centa and tl.tt.
A. a Koeppoa A Bra ,3.
A party of eight Pendleton people
who accompnled Jonathan Johnson,
the Canadian Pacific colonization
agent to Calgary, Alberta, last wet-K
to buy wheat land in the Bow river
valley, have about all returned homo
and so far every one returning home
made purchases of wheat land.
Thos returning home so far are A.
Fluppe, who purchased a section and
a quarter for his sons, Krnest and
Herbert, near where the Knight
brothers, Dell McCnrty nnd Mrs.
August Slangier bought; Will Hum
phrey, who took a half section for
himself and a quarter for Robert
Stott; J. H. Wallace," who took a
quarter section; Dr., T. M. Hender
son, who took a section and a half,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hrown, who
took a section and a quarter. I
John Dand remained to look for a
block of five sections together, and)
Bert Whitman Is nlso looking for a
large tract for himself and brothers.
Including Mr. Dand's purchase, the
party bought about 10 sections of
Canadian Pacific land at $10 and $12
per acre.
All are enthusiastic over the pros-
ieiis in yiiueiitt uiiu mum ui me iuiiuj
purchased by them will be farmed
next year. Mr. Rupp is thinking se
riously of going to Missouri for a car
load of mules with which to start
several sod breaking outfits In
No. 527, Women of Woodcraft, extend
a vote of. thanks to the proprietors of
the Peoples Warehouse and all the
employes thereof, for the beautiful
window display which appeared in
the windows of the above mentioned
Peoples Warehouse, and which was
dedicated to Woodcraft In the city of
Pendleton find especially to the Wo
men of Woodcraft Hallowe'en mas
querndc ball of October 30, and also,
be It
Resolved, that a copy of these res
olutions, under the seal of Pendleton
circle Xo. 527. W. O. W lie sent to
the proprietors of the Peoples Ware
house and that they be printed In the
papers of this city, besides appearing
In the minutes of this, the regular
session of the circle.
Dated this 5th day of Xovembi
Shaffer Convicted.
In the district court at Lewlston,
Idaho, Saturday, Clyde Shaffer was
convicted of murder In the second de
gree for killing Joseph Scott last
summer. He will be sentenced at the
end of the present term of court.
The Dime.
"The Inn of Death" Is a most sen
sntlonal and weird film at the Xcw
Dime today and together with the
other pictures shown makes a mos
attractive offering to the patrons 'o
that place. Across, the street at the
Old Dime, Dunbar's songs are prov
Ing a popular feature.
The Orplifuin.
The children will bo Interested In
The Humpty Dumpty Circus' at the
Orpheum today. "Cock Fighting in
Seville" gives a splendid presentation
of that popular Spanish sport. The
song Is "Violets."
M. J. Ruckley, general superintend
ent; D. W. Campbell, division super
intendent, and Thomas Walsh, divi
sion superintendent of the Washing
ton division, all prominent O. R. &
X. officials, have been here today
thp; messrs. ttucmey ana uampbeii are
II.. ., . n a . .. .
snrlnir In the vicinity of Strathmore. rR 1,1 ",ec,a' c,,r ul ana
Alherta. Mr. Johnston will leave 1 derstood they will remain for several
U'llh another nnrtv for Pnlorflrv flhoilt days.
Xovember 20.
Whereas, the Peoples
o; this city willingly and of their own
accord went to the trouble nnd ex
pense of dressing their store window
In such a manner as to aid material
ly towards the success of the Hal
lowe'en masquerade ball, given by
Pendleton circle Xo. 527, W. O. W
on October 30, 1908, and which we
further believe has done much to a
vance the cause of Woodcraft In thla
city, therefore, be It
Resolved, That Tendleton circle
Oeorge Roberts, who owns the old
Srth Richardson place and the Platter
Warehouse i,place below town, la preparing to put
In a water system which will place
every foot of those places under Irrigation.
Charles Potts enjoyed his breakfast
better than ever because his wlfo
served him Folgor's Golden Gate
Coffee, ground Just before using.
Born On Saturday, September 7,
to the wife of Ed, B. Kidder of North
McKay, a daughter; 8 pounds.
The back is the mainspring of
woman's organism. It quickly calls
attention to trouble by aching. It
tells, with other symptoms, such as
nervousness, headache, pains in the
loins, -weight in the lower part of
the body, that a woman's feminine
organism needs immediateattention.
In such cases the one sure remedy
which speedily removes the mn.tp.
and restores the feminine organism
to a healthy, normal condition is
Mrs. Will Younsr. of A nnhimMa.
Ave., Rockland, Me., says :
" I was troubled for a lonff lime wtttt
dreadful backaches and & pain in my
side, and was miserable in every way.
I doctored until I was discouraged and
thought I would never get welL I read
what Lvdia E. Pinkham'a Veliki
Compound had done for others and
decided to try It after taking; three
bottles I can truly sat that I never felt
o well In my life."
Mrs. Aucnistlis Lvnn. nf tfanf. Worl
Pa., writes to Mrs. Hnkham:
"I had very Revere backaches, and
pressing-down pains. I could not sleep,
and had no appetite. Lvdla E. Pinir.
ham's Vegetable Compound cured me
and made me feel like a new woman."
J or thirty years Lvdia K. VinV.
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has ln t.h
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been tmnhlnH nHf h
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-ing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizziness,or nervous prostration.