DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1008. EIGHT PAGJCL PAGE SEX. STITEBT OF EXPENSES OF III C ,1s 31.!: 14.90 4.50 2.50 18.S5 6.85 1492.90 31.10 577.23 70.00 336.68 260.00 100.00 257.11 5S.33 252.00 83 Vor the month of Oetober. 1908. County Court anil Coinnikftdonor. Salary of T- r- C.illlland, county JuJce J100.00 SaUry H.'i.uv Wi.lk.T. ,-.unty i ommissioiii'r : 20.00 w i; T.. .-onnix 1'iimmissionor 20.00 .-ni.ii '. . . Hr,v W.iVk.t, r.ultou.i faro ami Ins. r H. lv !.'. r.i;l: .'.il t.irr ami In, roiiils Can;- Ker.nily, '.ivory hire w- i..n. liven hire KusVll & Lain, livery htro 3.00 $ 196.S5 Circuit Court. Mii. auo ami vor 1i m f.'r witnesses ami jurors, etc Justice Court. J. H. Tarkof. ju.-ti.v foes i T. Millar, lustice fees T. P Gimiano, constable -" J W. Torwilligor, constable 3-20 Sheriffs Office. Salary T. P. Taylor, sheriff 208.33 Salary A. C. Funk, deputy sheriff 100.00 Salary B. C Wilson, deputy sheriff 100.00 Salary J. A. Blakley, deputy sheriff 100.00 H. R. Newport, State vs. Qulnn. et al 32.00 T. P. Taylor, State vs. Sutherland 36.90 Clerk's Office, Salary Frank Sallng. clerk Salary R. T. Brown, deputy clerk 100.00 Salary D. F. Frlvett, clerk stenographer Recorder's Office. Salary F. W. Hendley, recorder 160.00 Salary F. W. Hendley, deputy hire 100.00 Tren.su rer's Office. Salary G. W. Bradley, county treasurer 100.00 School Superintendent's Office. Salary F. K. Welles, school superintendent 160.00 Salary Mary Shea, stenographer 21.00 Frank K. Welles, traveling expenses Aug.. Sept., Oct 86.11 Stock Inspector's Office. Salary John H. Bryant, stock Inspector Assessor's Office, Salary C. P. Strain, assessor 125.00 Salary- H. P. Whitman, deputy assessor 90.00 Salary Grace Dorothy, assessor's stenographer 37.00 Tax Rebate. W. P. Temple, rebate taxes paid twice 26. S3 Current Expenses. Irwin-Hodson Co.. supplies 92-0 Jack Huston, supplies 14.35 Pendleton Tribune, publishing expense 16.00 Pendleton Tribune, supplies IS. 50 East Oregonian. publishing expense 16.00 East Oregonian. supplies and printing 63.15 Underwood Typewriter Co.. typewriter 52.50 L. G. Frazier, supplies 21.40 Frank Salinp, postage and express 62.90 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone l.o Hartman Abstract Co.. Abstract, Roork 10.00 Other supplies 27.25 Court House. Moussu & Co., cement floor, basement 67.75 X. W. flas & Electric Co., lights 40.00 PendMon Water Com., water 15.00 Henry Knpitike, Ice o- Charles Lane & Son., window glass J. SI. GHliland, janitor Other expenses Care of Poor J. A. Prake. Oregonian. poor farm R. H. Wilcox Co.. supplies Pacific Coast Elevator Co.. seed wheat 13.00 A. C. Koeppen & Bros., drugs 22.40 Fred Walters, supplies 25.62 Alexander Department Store, supplies 45.25 Wm. Hogeard. Exp. James Ross 13.15 B. L. Burroughs, coal 9-00 John Taylor, labor on farm 30.00 Central Meat Market, meat 7.55 Palace Drug Store, drugs, R. Smith 18.50 B. F. Sharp, medical attendance R. Smith 14.00 Pioneer Drug Store, drugs R. Smith 3.95 J. B. McDill. salary superintendent 100.00 W. G. Cole, county physician 35.00 Other expenses . 27.70 i Insane. F. E. Livengoixl Co. clothing L. St. Clair 5.71 . Election. P-r diem am mik-aze, judges and clerks 1627.90 .iu.,ris of election (vn Henry Stamper, d'.-Uvenr.J ' T D. Tavlor, expenses on ballot boxes . . . J. R. Shork'.ey. el-anin school hou .... E.t.: i-ireg..i!an. .-Iw-tlon ballots and notice Cn.,k A- Perry, supplies J. E. i: ii. rum rent polling place v. ti W..U.T1-. r,-.,im rent nr.. 1 i n sr nlace ... J., i. it. park-, makinsr official count Lou!.- S--ho!l, Jr., making official count R. F. J'dmson. registering voters F. P. Sw.'iyze, r'-srl-terir.g voters A s. Tvarson. jeffist-ring voters Miscellaneous. Join W. Kir.,l.r-:i. surveying lands D. J. McFaul. sai.ry health officer J ........ ,. . ,, ,.,,.r,o.1 la. 00 .cunrrv. r.r'Mii'.e u-r i. iu.... .1. W. Iyk-s. truant officer 441.60 4.00 75.00 1.70 9.00 9.75 209.35 385.S7 5.71 More Excitement and Larger Crowds Daily at the GIGANTIC iONEY RiBDK SALE How on at the ndleton Clook & Suit House Buyers become more enthusiastic as they visit each department. They have commenced to realize that we are giving them the greatest bargains they have ever tecured in the history of the city. Prices Have Not Beei Marked Up Here But Seasonable Merchandise Is Actually Selling At Below Cost. Suits Coats Millinery Waists Furs Skirts Shoes Underwear Shawls Notions All have felt the knife they must be turned into cash.. 7.50 8.95 1.50 96.30 S.55 5.00 5.00 6.00 2.40 12.30 4.70 1809.60 Ladies and Misses Suits and Skirts A big lot of suits for ladies and misses will throw them on one ta ble and to be sold for less than the cost of the lining:. Values up to $10 now $2.09 Ladies' H2.50 suits now.... $5.99 Ladles' $15 suits now $8.49 Ladles' $13 suits now $0.89 Ladies' $20 suits now $11.29 Ladies' $25 suits now $14.49 Ladies' $30 and $35 suits now $19.00 These suits come In all kinds of materials and all the popular shades. Ladles' and misses $3 walking skirts 09c and $1.40 Ladies' and misses, ,$4 walking skirts now $1.90 Ladles' and misses' $5 walking skirts now $2.99 Ladles' and misses' $6 and $7 walking skirts now $3.90 Ladies and misses $9 and $10 walking skirts now $5.99 Ladies and misses' $12 and $15 walking skirts now $8.00 A big lot of children's dresses to be sold for 911c, worth three times the price. Bebbings, Etc. 30c pillow case's now 18c $1.25 sheets, full size, now ... 70c $1.50 white bed spreads now 09c ?c cotton towels now 4c 20c Turkish bnth towels now lie 30c Turkish bath towels now 10c 200 umbrellas worth $1.50... 79c Ladies, Misses, Childrens, Infants Coats These coats come In all lengths, materials, shades and can fit any one. Over 500 wraps to be sold at sacrificing prices. We' have over 100 coats In all sizes, some worth up to $5.... 09c There are only one and two of a I kind and we are determined ta dispose of them at any price. Our regular new line has also been re duced below cost. , All materials and shades. Ladles' and misses' $10 coats now $5.00 Ladles' and misses $15 coats now $8.40 Ladles' and misses' $20 coats now $11.20 Ladles' and misses' $25 coats now $11.05 Ladles' and misses' $30 and $35 coat now $10.50 Ladies' fur coats to be sold at ?reat reductions. $35 fur coats now $21.50 Ladies' Duck Urand raincoats, $6 value $2.90 Ladles' silk rain coats, $20 value, now $9.40 Shoes for Ladies This department Is a store In it self, where you will be able to get shoes for less than the cost of the leather during this sale. Ladles' $2.50 Old Comfort shorn now $1-30 Ladles' $3 dress shoes now.. $1.99 Shoes for Ladies Misses. Childrens & Infants Ladles' $3.50 dress shoes now $2.29 Ladles' $4 dress shoes now ,.$2.K9 Ladles' $3.60 vlcl kid oxfords now $2.1 Uulles' $4 patent kid oxfords now $2.19 Ii dies' $2.50 patent kid oxfords now $1.3 Misses' $2.50 heavy school shoes now $1.49 Misses' $3 dress shoes now ..$1.09 Hoys' and girls' $2 heavy school shoes now $1.39 Hoys' anil girls' $3 dress shoes now $!.! Infants' shoes, $1 values, In black, tan and white, now 30c Remember, this sale lasts only 7 days more and is for cash. REMEMBER THIS SALE ONLY LASTS SEVEN DAYS, SO WE ADVISE EVERYHODY TO COM E EARLY. OCR ClU'NTKRS. OCR SHELVES AND OCR FLOORS ARE LOADED DOWN WITH THE HICHEST GRADE MERCHANDISE FOR LDIES, MISSES. CHILDREN ND INFANTS. AND MARKED AT PRICES THAT WILL AMAZE YOC. WE MENTION ONLY A FEW OF THE THOUSANDS OF HAR G UNS WE OFFER. AND WE WANT YOU TO READ EACH AND EVERY PRICE, WHICH WILL GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF HOW THINGS WILL RE SLAUGHTERED. RAILROAD FARE PAID TO PURCHASERS OF $15 AND UP. LOTS OF HELP TO WAIT ON YOU. Pendleton Cloak and Suit House, K'SMSi The McGill Mercantile Co., Sale Managers SQUEEZING WATER OUT OF LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITIES. George It. Sheldon Says Net Earnings Are IM'Ing Sjeiit In Improve ments. Gemge R. Sheldon of New York, a director of the North American com pany, which controls and operates the public utility corporations of St. Louis who Is here with other members of the board for the annual inspect'm of the properties, said last nRnt that during tha past five or six years the board has been squeezing the water out of the stock of the local proper ties by putting bark Into them the net earnings, says the St. Louis Globe Democrat. He declared that the stock was watered through no fault of the present owner. 4.04 61. Si To and $6657.1 4 4fi. )3 49.11 24.00 340. 50 Union 56.00 S4.2.'. 27.io 74.22 30.25 164.7", 143.89 W. Pilot Roek -ni l vjt of c-noral fu Komi and Highway. D-'ri't No. H. E. We.ver. road Supt. N. Milton ,5i''? DNtri'-r No 3. r V.. Ilnber. road Supt. S. Milton 1 'A .'n i. v.. i i in i i,, road Supt. Valley 49;,l) r,!,tr!-t No. r.. I. F. Lavender, road Supt. E. Weston r:--rir N. t,. Frank Kin, road Supt. Weston l,i,.tr!ct No. 7. Josh D. Oish, road Supt. Mountain d Sunt. S. Athena . r,u-r;, t , 11 H C. Dunninsiton, road Supt. Helix -' t No. 14. Charles rhaney. roa 1 Supt. r. :. i- fhrf Traver. road Sunt. Fulton D-trir t No. 16.' J. W. Whitman, road Supt. Yoakum 20.50 i.- v,. n T H Saline, road Supt. Echo 441. 4 Diniir-t No. 1!'. J. K. Arkell, ro?d Supt. Hoeue T.i-trirt Xu (. Alex HuJson. road Supt. 8. McKay D;-tr!rt No. 21. James Nelson, road Supt. Vinson I!. Noble, road Supt i.i...:... v.. o. v.!.ri..u F!!v road Sunt. Willow Springs Tonri.-t No. 2r.. A. J. Mors, road Supt. Alba 2X-".1 I i -t r i f t No. 26. I'klah DiMri't No. 2!. J F. Thomas, road Supt. P.Ingham Springs Dihtri't No. 32. A. R. Maekey. road Supt. Riverside Distri t No. 3:,. P.. L. Oliver, road Supt. N. McKay t.- x-,. -c t it ir:.Vim mail Sunt. Hermiston Di'-tri-1 No in. C F. Hargrove, road Supt. N. Holdman 101.00 District No. 3S. W. H. Hell, road Supt. N. Gilllland 1 13 40 Miscellaneous. per.dMon Roller Mills. mr.Vlntr l"vy above bridge over Umatilla livi-r. east of Pendleton Frank Saling. freight on road supplies t. . t.. v. fv. r-virf4hlp erader ii..!.i.. r.'dinni, wagon and wheel barrows 207.85 J. M. Cook, labor Inlat.d Empire Lumber Co.. lumber L. '. Kothrock. marker L. C. Rothroik. viewing road J. V.. Bennett, marker J. Iv Bennett, viewing road Piter Scott, flagman John W. Kitnbreli. surveying road W. J. narke &. Co., supplies NOTHING ELSE IT SEEMS BELIEVES EVERY PEBSOX WHO TRIES IT People IIcto Pli-nseri Over Simple Prescription for Home Made Kid ney Cure Many People or Pendle ton Have Made Up This Hecl Betniirkablo Tales of Bel-f Told. 1.40 6.50 29.15 81.25 183.65 1275.00 21.95 325.00 3.20 .60 2.00 12.30 2.00 12.30 2.20 28.60 7.10 Total paid out of road fund $5329.54 Rlng'i Little Liver Pills for blllons nesB, sick headache. They keep joa well. A. C. Kleppen ft Bro Leave your orders for Xmag trees at Stark 4 Duke's poultry house. 'Phone black $791. To make up enough of the "Dande lion treatment," which is claimed to be relieving nearly every sufferer who uses It for backache, kidney com plaint, sore weak bladder and rheu matism; get from any good prescrip tion pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Kargon and three ounces Com pound Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Shake well in a bottle and take In teaspoon ful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. Those who have tried It claim that It acts gently but thoroughly on the kidneys, relieving backache and blad der trouble and urinary difficulties before you realize It. Many cases of rheumatism are known to have been relieved within a few days, the pain and swelling diminishing with each dose. This simple recipe Is said to strengthen and cleanse the elimlna tlve tissues of the kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only rheumatism, but numerous other dis eases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urinary trouble whatever should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as It Is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after a while. Nature Provides but one California it is the naiural winter home of many thousand of tho world's best people. Under the gentle Influence of Its mild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds. such bathing, boating, fishing .driving; such picnics, parties and "Jollflcatlons." :GO TO: Los Angeles, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica. Venice, Long Bench, Santa Cruz or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, congen ial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accom modations and numberless attractions and conveniences. The O. R. 8c N. Co. Connecting with The Southern Pacific Co. Makes inexpensive round trip excursion rates to California. A six months stopover ticket, Pendleton to Los Angeles and return is 1.70 $68. Corresponding rates are In effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cal ifornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure In giving you all of the Information and assistance at our com For tickets, sleeping car reserva tions, etc., call on, telegraph or write F. J. QUINLAN, Agent Pendleton, WM. M'MUBUAY, Gen. Pas. Agt, PORTLAND, OREGOX. BANK GUARANTEE This bank has a Capital of A Surplus and Undivided Profits of Additional Shareholders Liability Total, $200,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 $500,000.00 As compared with the amount of our deposits, don't you think that half a million dollars is a very safe margin and guarantee against any possible loss to our depositors? The First National Bank Pendleton, Oregon. Known For Its Strength! BOWLING, BILLIARDS, POOL. Pastime Parlors "Jim" Estes, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Candles, Soft Drinks Shooting Gallery. Do You Want to Buy a Home? 1 can sell you desirable town property, well improved and ready to move into, from 1200.00 up to 4000.00 Easy terms. I can also sell you Irrigated Lands In tracts from S acres up 10 10 acres. I am agent for Deschutes Irrigated Lands. Price 40.00 per acre including perpetual water right. I can sell you Lewiston Orchard Tracts, from 5 acres up to 160 acres, prices vary according to loca tion and nearness to city. Easy payments. 1 have Fruit Lands in the Umpqua Valley for sale, and will improve the land for you while you continue your present employment, You can own a tine, orchard in a few years, if you buy this land and pay for it in small monthly pay ments. Call at my office and let me explain these propositions to you. &. E. TARBET Room 5, Basement of American National Bank BId'g. Cor. Main & Alta Sts., Pendleton, Ore.