East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 16, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A beautiful assortment of Silk Waists
just received, all the new shades
and all sizes.
$5.00 to $9.00
Ladies - and Misses Coats
and Suits Greatly Reduced
This Week.
1 50 Suits and 300 Coats to choose
from, all absolutely correct in style.
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Teutsch's Old Place
Howman photo studio now open.
Fresh Olymplu oysters at Hohbach's.
"Gas" sad lrona at W. J. Clark A
Co 'a.
Howard heatert at W. J. Clarke A
All kinds of good dry wood. 8ea
Best nut coal. Give us a chancs
Oregon Lumber Yard.
New crop raisins, nuts, currant
cranberries at Ingram's.
See Mlnnls for good dry wood that
burns. Lots of It on hand.
Gas sad Irons cost lc an hour to op
rite. See W. J. Clarke A Co.
Oak wood, the heat producer, for
sale at the Oregon Lumber yard.
Fine Weston mountain potatoes for
winter keeping, at Ingram's grocery.
Get our prices on Cascade fir wood
and slab wood. Oregon Lumber
For Sale 16 head work horses
from 1 to 8 years old. Inquire this
Winter aDDles. yellow yams, celery,
lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, etc, at
Ingram's grocery.
For rent Store room In the East
Oregonlan building on Main street
Inquire at this office.
For Rent Furnished six room
house, all modern conveniences., Ap
ply 711 Cosbie street.
For Rent 6-room modern cottage
on north side, one block from bridge.
Apply Bowman Photo studio.
For Sale Five-acre ranch, well
Improved, ltt miles east of Pendle
ttn. Address Box 570 P. O.
see Coutts A Hays, agents for the
popular Oregon Fire Relief associa
tion. Over BonJ Bros, store, Pendle
ton, Oregon.
Lost White bull terrier; answers
to the name of Fits. M Using since
October 1. Reward if returned to 700
Wet Alta street.
Found Saddle and bridle near In
dian school. Owner can have same by
notifying James Guyer, box 168, Pen
dleton, Ore., and paying charges.
For Sale, Cheap 20 head of young
cows, suitable for feeding or stock.
Bargain if taken Immediately. For
further Information, address A. E.
Hasrall, Pilot Rock.
Two fine office or store rooms In
the East Oregonlan building for rent
very reasonable. Steam heated, elec
tric lighted and In good location. En
quire at this office.
All this week subscriptions for the
East Oregonlan pony contest will
count double.
Lout K. of P. watch charm, Ma
sonic and Odd Fellow emblems on re
verse side with Initials M. A. R. Sult
uble reward. M. A. Rader.
Live chickens, ducks, turkeys and
geese wanted at Clark's grocery.
Highest market price paid. Dressed
poultry every Friday and Saturday.
Remember the place, Clark's grecery.
Next Mating or Orcgon-Mulio Organ
1nlloii to IV- at Vnlo.
An announcement of the third
meting of the Oregon-Idaho develop
ment congress has been received by
Judge Lowell of this city, who has
been prominent in the work of that
organization. A delegation of 15
members Is expected from every af
filiated commercial organization, to
the meeting of the congress to be held
ol Vale, Oregon, on December 16, 17
and 18.
Subjects to be discussed and acted
upon will be of such nature
as state aid for railroad building and
public highways, better roads, the
opening of the Interior, the Ooos bay
harbor, closer unity between Oregon
and Idaho, the needs of each state,
and such other subjects as may sug-l
Rest themselves to the program com
A five minute talk will be given
bv one member from each delega
tlon upon the greatest need of his
section and how best to brln gabout
the desired results.
$100 Rewaro, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleas
ed to learn that there Is at least one
dreaded disease that science bis been able
to ear la all Its iUcm, and that Is Ca
tarrh. Halls' Catarrh Cure Is the only
posltlre cure now known to the medics'
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly npon tbe blood and
mucous surftces of the system, thereby de
stroying tbe foundation of the disease, and
giving tbe patient strength by building
up tbe constitution and assisting nature
In doing Its work. Tbe proprietor bare
so much faith In Its curative powers that
thay offer One Hundred Dollars for any
cue that It falls to cur. Send for list of
testimonials. Address:
V. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
DeWltt Kidney and Bladder Pills
are unequaled In cases of weak back,
backache, inflammation of the blad
der, rheumatic pains. Antiseptic and
act promptly. Sold by Tallman & Co.
Gus La Fontaine has Just received
a fresh lot of crawfish, crab and oys
ters In the shell at the Quelle.
dA Y-'HU m
Distilled from the leaves; has that delicate, aromatic,
oriental lor whichmakes people who know '! what,"
consider their toilet or bath incomplete without it. It
is void of that stinging, burning sensation, but has
just enough "bite" to make it soothing and antisep
tic and acts as a panacea to even the most delicate
skin in weather that tends to chap and roughen. In
fact, 'tis a fine toilet requisite. Ask for an original
bottle of (the Pyramid Brand.
K E If P E M
J. H. Day wee In from Juniper Sat
urday on business.
R. R. Lewis was a visitor Sunday
at Echo and Hermlston.
J. H. Bentley was In from Hold-
mun on business, Saturday.
E. B. Shaffer of Pilot Rock, was
In Pendleton on business Saturday.
John Peters of Myrlck, was a busi
ness visitor In Pendleton Saturday,
Walter King of Meacham, wa a
Sunday visitor with Pendleton friends
Mrs. Fred Shoemaker was a visitor
with friends in Walla Walla Sunday.
E. J. Sommerville returned Batur
day from a week's visit In Portland.
Newt Newtson of Vanaycle was a
business visitor Saturday, In PeadLe-
D. C. Brownell and wife of Umatil
la, are business visitors in the city to
J. H. Wallace returned yesterday
from a week's trip to the Alberta
Allle Knight left yesterday for
Portland, where he will spend the
Gunder Turgeson of Stanton, was
in the city today, caring for business
Dan P. Smythe waa called to Ar
lington yesterday, by the illness of his
Mrs. Clara McClavy returned Sat
uiday from a brief visit with frlenda
at Helix.
Charles Morrlsette and wife of
Adams, were visitors in Pendleton
Mrs. Harry McBrlde of Athena, was
a visitor In Pendleton on business
Mayor N. A, Davis of Milton, was
a visitor In Pendleton on business
Wm. Humphrey returned yesterday
from a trip through the wheat district
In Alberta.
Charles Serrell, the reservation far
mer, has returned from a week's visit
at Portland.
Oliver P. Morton of Hermlston,
was a Sunday visitor among Pendle
ton friends.
Joe Smith of Hermlston, was a vis
itor In Pendleton on business Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Otla Whiteman and son of
Athena, were business visitors Satur
day in this city.
Charles Mathews, the Pilot Rock
sheepman, was a business visitor In
Pendleton today.
Mrs. C. II. Skinner of Hermlston,
was a business visitor in Pendleton
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Newport, -are up
from Hermlston today looking after
business concerns. , .
John Thomas and wife of Echo,
were visitors last evening In Pendle
ton, among friends.
A. B. Montgomery, cashier of the
bank at Helix, spent Sunday with' rel
atives in Pendleton.
Mrs. W. F. Westerberg of Heppner,
is a visitor In the city today caring
for business affairs.
Mrs. Edna Cunningham of Echo,
was a visitor In Pendleon last eve
nlng, a guest of friends.
Link Mann was in Saturday from
his ranch on Birch creek, laying In
supplies and calling on friends. -R.
N. Stanfield returned to his
home at Echo, Sunday morning after
a brief business visit in Pendleton.
E. B. Haywood and Mrs. A. E.
Haywood of Heppner, are visitors In
the city today on a business mission.
Mrs. Robert Tharpe and daughter,
Miss Lula of Athena, were visitors in
Pendleton Saturday on a trading mis
Miss Mae Taylor went to Portland
this morning and will be the guest of
business college friends for several
W. F. Woodstock, formerly of
F.cho, but now a resident of Baker
City, was a visitor in Pendleton yes
Al A. Roberts of La Grande, was a
guest at the Pendleton yesterday-
while calling among Pendleton
Mrs. R. M. Dorothy of Milton, is
visiting in Pendleton, a guest of her
daughters, Misses Grace and Lurle
Leo Ferguson of Walla Walla, was
a visitor Sunday In Pendleton, a guest
at the home of his brother, C. J.
Ernest Ruppe came In from Pilot
Rock, where he is editing the record.
to spend Sunday with his folks In
J. A. Bagwell was In Pendleton,
from Myrlck today, singing praises
of a little son that arrived at his home
last week.
Hon. C. A. Barrett of Athena, was
a visitor in the city Saturday, a guest
at the Pendleton, while caring for lo
cul Interests. .
Roy Alexander returned Sunday
from Bak'er City, where he had at
tended the Baker-Pendleton game and
visited friends.
J. C. Clove, formerly of this city,
but mon- recently of Calgary, Is reg
istered at the Pendleton while visiting
among old friends here.
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Lleuallen arrived
this morning from Walla Walla, and
visited briefly with Pendleton rela
tives and friends today.
Dr. S. W. McClure and Dr. W. H.
Lytle left this morning for Heppner
to attend the meeting of the state
wool growers' association.
Mrs. Arthur Lambert of Pendle
ton, has been spending the post week
with MeMlnnvllle relatives. Mc
MinnvlUe Telephone-Register. .
F. C. Oxmah, a prominent sheep
buyer who Is wintering a big band
at Durkee, Is a guest at the Pendleton
while Looking; after business matters
H. W. King, engineer for the
Western Land A Irrigation company,
In the- construction of its headworks
at Echo, spent Sunday at his home
In this city.
Fred LockJey, formerly of the East
Oregonlan, but now manager of the
Pacific Monthly, was a visitor In Pen
dlcton last evening, a guest among his
many friends.
Miss Telia Keubler, who has been
In St. Anthony's hospital for several
weOks, has now convalesced suffi
ciently to be removed to the Lamp'
kin home, 212 E. High street
M.. J. Buckley, general superintend
cnt of the O. R. & N. and D. W.
Campbell, division superintendent,
were visitors In Pendleton yesterday,
looking after matters in connection
v.ith the road.
Van Wilson and wife, formerly of
this city, but for the last three years
residents of Alberta, returned to
Pendleton last evening from that
country, having disposed of their
holdings there.
Major McFatrldge of the Umatilla
agency, came in last evening with Col.
A. M. Tinker to meet Inspector Z.
Lewis Dalby, who arrived yesterday
from Washington to look over the
conditions of the reservation.
(Continued from Page One.)
double barreled pistol with which she
shot herself before the horified moth
er realized what was happening.
The pistol was held within a foot
ol the woman's breast and the flash
of the powder set fire to her dress,
inflicting serious burns before It was
extinguished by Officer Kearney, who
arrived a moment later.
Although she passed a restless
night. Mrs. Slaughter is not in a dan
gerous condition this morning and
the doctors believe she will undoubt
edly recover.
No reason Is assigned by the woman
for her deed. "I don't know why I
did It; I don't know," she moaned
this morning when asked. According
to Mrs. King the woman has been
despondent for several months over
111 health and other things, and has
threatened self destruction She Is a
sufferer from heart trouble.
The pistol used was one of a very
old type and the fact that the cart
ridge was a "short," carrying but a
little powder, probably permitted the
rib to turn the ball and saved the wo
man's life.
Mrs. Slaughter is about 40 years of
and Is a widow.
Attention KnlgliH.
.Damon lodge Xo. 4, K. of P., metse
In regular session this evening at 7:30
Thursday Afternoon Club.
The Thursday Afternoon club will
hold an evening session Thursday of
this week, at the home of Mrs. H. J
Bean on Tustin street.
Notice of Fire Election. .
The members of the Pendleton fire
department are hereby notified that
there will be an election held In the
council chambers on the evening of
Monday, December 7, from 7 to 9
o'clock, at which time a chief, first
assistant chief and second assistant
chief will be chosen for the coming
year. Signed,
J. L. VAUGHAX, Chief.
Hustle, rustle, all this week for all
the subscriptions turned In will count
We have Just received an
other large lot of very fine dia
monds which we have In
mounted or loose. Just as you
like. They are the best kind.
They are the kind with a flash.
They are the kind you want.
They are the lowest in price,
considering the price of any In
the city.
They are all marked In plain
They are the kind that does
not lose value.
We are here to satisfy you
with quality and price.
Louis llunziker
Jeweler and Optician,
726 Main St
ItVill not Fado
After it is worn
12 months it can
be cleaned and
will come out as
bright as the day
you bought it, we
guarantee this,
Capps' Clothing
to be absolutely
all-wool, prices run
from $12.50 to
$20.00 per suit.
IV on dor Store
Despain & Bonney
' It)
Eugene Washington 15, Oregon 0.
Spokane Spokane high 11, Broad
way high 11.
Albany Albany high 10, Oregon
state normal 6.
Berkeley Stanford 12, Berkeley S.
Los Angeles St. Vincents 12, Utah
Agricultural 0.
Reno Xevada university 26, San
ta Clara 0.
Pullman W. S. C. 4, Idaho 4.
Pittsburg Carlisle 6, Pittsburg 0.
Washington Georgetown 0, Vir
ginia 6.
Princeton Tale 11, Princeton 6.
Annapolis Navy 5, Pennsylvania
state 0.
Ann Arbor Pennsylvania 29, Mich
igan 0.
West Point West Point 6, Wash
ington and Jefferson 6.
New Haven Harvard Freshmen 6,
Yale Freshmen 0.
Chicago Chicago 6, Cornell 6.
WUllamstown Williams 24, Wes-
leyan 4.
Amherst 51; Mlddlebury 5.
Providence Brown 12, Vermont 0.
Syracus Syracuse 28, Tufts 0.
New York New York university 5,
Union college 5.
Military Dances Start.
Company L will start their series
of informal military dances for the
winter on Tuesday evening, Novem
ber 17. All friends of the company
are Invited to attend.
mi l-c rrnrn TV A TO 14 TYS
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
nm. staaa nf Ttnhinff RHnri-
Bleedlng or Protruding Piles In 6 to
14 days or money rerunaea. ouc.
So like Pendleton People Have Learn
ed Ilow to Get Rid of Both.
Backache and kidney acne are twin
You can't separate them.
And you can't get rid of the bach
ache until you cure the kidney ache.
If the kidneys are well and strong,
the rest of the system Is pretty sura
to be in vigorous health.
Doan's Kidney Pills make strong,
healthy kidneys.
B. Logadon, living at 1223 Y street.
La Grande, Ore., says: "I have bean
subject to attacks of kidney trouble
and backache for four or five years.
The trouble was always severe and
became more frequent as time went
on. I had pains in my back, head
aches and the secretions from my
kidneys caused me to arise many
times during the night, i had heard
so much about Doan's Kidney Pills
that I decided to try them and pro
cured a box. I took them but a short
time when the pains disappeared and
my kidneys were restored to their
former good health. I am glad to
recommend Doan's kidney pills to
For sale by all dealers. Price to
cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Uni
ted States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Housekeeping Rooms.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In East Oregonlan building.
Rooms thoroughly renovated; steam
heat; electric lights, hot and cold
! water, with bath. Enquire at office.
A Daily Occurence
Passengers are delighted with the service and treatment on our
...Four Transcontinental Trains...
Complete in Every Respect
Between West and East
Any passenger representative of the company is prepared to quote
fares and give other Information. All Inquiries
gladly answered.
A. D. CH ARLTON, A. G. P. A , PortIand,Or.
The East Oregonian-Journal Pony Contest
This Coupon Good for 5 Votes
Before Nov. 2 1 , 1908
This vote to be counted for
Name of Boy or Girl
No. Street
R. F; D.
Send to the Pony Man, East Oregonlan, Pendleton, Or.
II Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat
J and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
in the