EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OJtEGOXIAN, PKNDLETOX, OREGON. TI'ESDAY1,. IWVEMBER 1, IMS. AVE 8JCVJCX. Coats Coats Coats For Women, Misses and Children If you intend buying a coat at all this winter, right now is the time. Our stock is complete consisting of our 400 coats including Bear Skins. Every style made is represented. Ladies and Misses Coats from $5.00 to $47.50 Childrens Coats from $2.50 to $19.00 We are offering special reduced prices in some department every day. F. E. Livengood & Co. Teutsch's Old Place LOCALS 1 Freh Olymplu oyster at Hohbach'i. "Cas" ad Irons at W. J. Clark A Co 'i. Howard heaters at W. J. Clarke A Co.. All kinds of good dry wood. 8e Minn Is. Best nut coal. Give us a chance Oregon Lumber Yard. New crop ra I h! n s. nuts, currants ranbcrrli s at Ingram's. See Minnls for good dry wood that burns. Lots of It on hand. Gas sad irons cost lc an hour to op crate. See W. J. Clarke & Co. Oak wood, the heat producer, for sale at the Oregon Lumber yard. Fine Weston mountain potatoes for winter keeping, at Ingram's grocery. Oct our prices on Cascade fir wood and slab wood. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Sale 16 head work hontes .fiom 1 to H years old. Inqulro this office. ' Winter apples, yellow yams, celery, lettuce, radishes, tomutoes, etc, at Ingram's grocery. For rent Store room In the East 'Oregonlan building on Main street Inquire at this office. ft. Louis exposition 60-cent piece :s ven out by mistake. $2 reward for return to Ingram's grocery. For Sale Five-acre ranch, well Improved, i miles east of Pendle tcn. Address Box 670 P. O. Gus La Fontaine has Just received .a fresh lot of crawfish, crab and oys ters In the shell at the Quelle. Found Saddle and bridle near In dian schiMiI. Owner run have same by notifying James Guyi-r, b"x 16S, Pen dleton, Ore., and paying charges. See Coutts & Hays, agents for the popular Oregon Fire Relief associa tion. Over Bond Bros, store, Pendle ton, Oregon, For Sale. Cheap 20 head of young cows, suitable for feeding or stock. Hatcaln if taken Immediately. For further Information, address A. E. Hascall, Pilot Hock. Two fine office or store rooms In the East Oregonlan building for rent very reasonable. Steam heated, elec tric lighted and In good location. En quire at this office. Ijeave your orders for Xtjias trees at Stark & Duke's poultry house. 'Phone bluck 3791. Professor ImuU A. Hepburn of Mil waukee, Wis., teacher of dancing. Classes now forming In Pendleton. If you wish to learn dancing, see Mr, Hepburn at Ellers Piano House. Live chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese wanted at Clark's grocery, Highest market price paid. Dressed poultry every Friday and Saturday. Remember the place, Clark's grocery PERSONAL MENTION Hexoinotliylenoictraiiilno The above Is the name of a German chemical which Is one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kid ney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetra mlne Is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric sol vent and antiseptic for the urine Take Foley's Kidney Remedy os soon us you notice any Irregularities and avoid a serloiV malady. Pendleton Drug company. To those afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheuma tism, Tlneules for the Kidneys brings relief with the first dose. Hundred! of people today testify to their re markable hearing and tonic proper ties. 30 days' trial $1. They purify the blood. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Involuntary Ilnnkmpts. Boston. An Involuntary petition In bankruptcy against Bartels, Thelon and company, shoe manufacturers of Chelsea, was filed here Thursday by Boston creditors. The firm October 6 made a general assignment. The liabilities are estimated at $500,000 and assets $250,000. The genera business depression Is said to have caused the firm's troubles. XoiUv of I-Mro Election. The members of the Fendleton fire department are hereby notified that there will be an election held In the council chambers on the evening of Monday, December 7, from 7 to 9 o'clock, at which time a chief, first assistant chief and second assistant chief will be chosen for the coming year. Signed, J. L. VAUGHA.V, Chief. WW do We have Just received un other large lot of very fine dia monds which we have In mounted or loose. Just us you like. They are the best kind. Tli. y are the kind with a flash. They are the kind you want. They are the lowest In price, considering the price of any In the city. They are all marked In plain figures. They are the kind that does not lose value. We are hero to satisfy you with quality and price. Louis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician, 728 Main St. Itaw Luiifr. When the lungs are sore and In flamed, the germs of pneumonia and consumption find lodgement and mul tiply. Foley's Honey and Tar kills the cough germs, cures the most ob stlnato racking cough, Jieals the lungs, and prevents serious results. The gen uine Is in the yellow package. Pen delton Drug company. A searching party has been sent out from Taconia to try to find M. C. Oinies. who left on a cruising trip two weeks ago and has not been heard from since. He took a gun with him, saying he had seen a bear, and it Is feared he either shot himself acci dentally or was killed by the bear af ter wounding it. Women Do Work. In the province of Shlma, on the south coast of the Japanese empire, women are the sterner sex, and not only do most of the work In the fields but are also employed ns divers. HoiiHekeepliiK Room. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In East Oregonlan building. Rooms thoroughly renovated; steam heat; electric lights, hot nnd cold water, with bath. Enquire at office. T. O. Yates of Pilot Rock, was a visitor In Pendleton yesterday. J. A, Bugwell of Myrlck, was a bus iness visitor In Pendleton today. D, J. Kirk of Milton, was a busi ness visitor In Pendleton today. John Bryant, county stock Inspec tor, came up from Echo last evening Mrs. R. Beam of Pilot Rock, was h visitor In the city today. F. M. Evans of Freewater, was a visitor in the city on business yester day. Mrs. B. F. Hamilton of Echo, was a visitor in the city on business last evening. H. B. Calderhead of the Northern Pacific, was In Pendleton on business yesterday. Mrs. Elsie Whnrburton of Hold man, is a visitor In Pendleton on a shopping mission. Mrs. C. L. Roadrick of Irrlgon, was a visitor In Pendleton last evening on a trading mission. Mrs. Fred Hendley returns tomor row from a month's visit, with rela tives In Portland and at Echo. R. R. Johnson, the Hermlston atr torney, came up on the evening train yesterday. Frank McKenzie and bride return ed today from their wedding trip to Portland and Puget sound points. J. M. Leavens of The Dalles, was a visitor in the city today calling on friends and renewing old acquaint ances. George D. Hascall, representing the Remington Typewriter company, is In the city In the Interest of his ma chines. Wm. Roesch, sr., Is home from Grungeville, Ida., where he has been looking after .business matters for some time. C. D. Gabrielson of Salem, arrived this afternoon In Pendleton, to adjust the fire loss at the Coppinger home on Sunday evening. Senator Heyburn of Idaho, passed through Pendleton last evening on his way to Washington to continue his duties In the senate. J. J. Hindeman and wife, former rtsidoiits of this city, but now of Mil ton, were visitors yesterday among their many Pendleton friends. Elam Shaw of Portland, has accept ed a position with the Nissen Imple ment Co. and will move his family to this city in the near future. Joseph Koontz of Chew elah, Wash., Is a visitor in Pendleton a guest of Fred E. Hendley. Mr. Koontz Is a brother of J. H. Koontz of Echo. John Nissen, the Main street Im plement dealer, made a flying busi ness trip to the Echo country yes terday, returning last evening. F. B. Swayze of the First National bank of Hermiston, was a business visitor In Pendleton last evening, re turning this morning to his home. J. P. Winter, J. J. Hamley and Danj Bowman returned last evening from a goose hunting trip in the Hoidman country. They brough buck 22 geese. Mrs! FT. A. Cox of Athena, passed through Pendleton lust evening on her way to La Grande to attend the meet ing of the State Federation of Wo men's clubs. Mrs. George Hartman was a pas senger today to Walla Walla, where she is a guest of Mrs. Charles Myers. Mrs. Hartman will remain to attend the Pope-Ankeny wedding. Mrs. Caroline Brlstol-Kelllher of Salem, left Pendleton yesterday after a brief visit with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Geer, for La Grande, to attend the meeting of the State Fed eratlon of Women's clubs. George Horseman came down last evening from the Potts country. Wheat in that district never looked better, according to Mr. Jlorsemnn, and several of the farmers are now doing their fall plowing. Mrs. Lee Moorhouse left last eve ning for La Grande to attend the meeting of the state federation of women's clubs. From that city she will go to Haines to visit friends be fore returning to Pendleton. W. H, Daughtrey of Portland, with H. S. Budgell of North Yakima, and E. P. Croark.n of Echo, who are as sociated with him In the sale of the l"matilla ranch, were business visit ors In Pendleton last evening. Mesdames C. J. Smith, T. M. Stark weather, George Clark, Lee Moor house and Linn Sturgis left last eve ning for La Grande as delegates to the state federation of women's clubs meeting to be held in that city. AS OPE.V LETTER. To the Editor of the EaHt Oregonlan. and I Want tlio People of Pcndlc ton to Know Tliat I Write the FoU bowing Voluntarily. Harry L. GoodVll. I write these few lines out of grati tude for what Mi-o-na has done for me for dyspepsia and Indigestion. I have sufferefl for the past five years, and have tried different doc tors, but have had no relief uatil I bought a 50 cent box of Ml-o-na from our drug store (R. W. Knowlton's) here a short time ago. The first box did me so much good that I immediately purchased anoth er one, and I now feel better than I have at any time in the past five years. Am able to eat anything and everything, and get a good night's sleep afterwards. Was so bad at one time that all I was able to eat for over a month was a raw egg In a half a glass of milk, two or three times a day. 1 would earnestly advise anyone suffering as I was from dyspepsia, to give this remedy a fair trial. I re main, gratefully yours, Harry I. Goodiel, No. 9 River street, Asta- bula, O. Mi-o-na is the only logical dyspep sia remedy on the market today. It is not a digester. It does not con tain .a particle of pepsin. It cures by building up the muscular walls of the stomach, and making the atom ach so strong and perfect that It Is able without artificial help to digest an ordinary meal with ease, and with out discomfort. The experience of Mr. Goodiel Is a common one, and it is safe to say that Ml-o-na tablets have cured more acute and chronic diseases of the stomach than any' other medicine. Tallman & Co. sells it at 60 cents a box. and guarantees it to cure or money back. Announcements Special postponed business meeting of company L at the armory hall to night. Every member Is urged to 'be present to consider business connected with athletics. Wood's Liver Medicine In liquor form for malaria, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and blad der, brings quick relief to biliousness, sick headache, constltpatlon. Pleas ant to take. The $1 bottle contains 2 4 times quantity of the 50c size. First dose brings relief. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. CAMPAIGN AGAINST DRI NKS INAUGIKATED IN SALEM. An Error. It was erroneously slated In this pa per Saturday that Hen Hill had been appointed manager of the Oregon lumber yard. It Is the Pendleton yard of which Mr, Hill has been ap pointed manager. The city of Salem as the only wet city in the Willamette valley, has be come the mecca of the boozer, and the number of drunks on our streets of late has been Increasing, says the Capital Journal. They come from the dry and famished towns up and down' the river where saloons hav been abolished, and get a ibottle or fill up at the bars, and then want to see the sights of the city. The common plain drunk should be run out and the streets cleared of all such day or night. The matter is engaging the attention of the police department and the mayor and may result In a sweeping order to clear the city and the streets of drunks. One thing Is certain. If Salem has to stand for all the drunks in the valley It will soon make public sentiment enough to put this city In the dry list. The boozer element seem to think they have licenses to come to the Cap ital City and parade the streets In an intoxicated condition. No such war rants exist, but Indications are there will be a lot of warrants issued to char the streets of all such. The sa loon men do not allow them to hang around their places and there Is no place for them but the city Jail or to be ordered out of town. Ernest March of Weston, was in Pendleton last evening on business. H KIDNEYS II THE BLADDER MAKI SOME IP AN I) TRY IT, ANYWAY Worst Forms of This Weakness Readily Kt'llovt'd by This Simple Home Made Mixture Only Haiin les Ingredients I'sed and Any Druggist fun Supply Them. "Good housekeepers don't buy ground coffee," says Mrs. Brown. "It loses lis strength Is not near as good as Folger's Golden date whole roast, ground Just before using." Ladles Attention. Our fall line of ladles' party slippers just arrived THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Where h pays to trado. Hun: lug Hind; Swan. A black swan, recently brought from Australia and valued at $100, has escaped from Regents park, Ta conia, and a dozen men are hunting It. Bought McLaughlin's House. Jack McLaughlin, formerly cashier at the O. H. & N. freight office, has sold his home on South Johnson street to Julius Whlttock, foreman at tile scouring mill. Three More Drunks. Three drunks appeared in the po lice court this morning and wore given the usual prescription as medi cine for their misdeeds. Son I Horn. To Mr. and Mrs. Helnlck, yester day, was born a son. Good Roads Bonds Beaten. The proposition to bond Snohomish county, Washington, for $500,000 for the construction of a system of good roads, has been defeated. If you see It In the East Oregonlan, It's to. Here is a prescription that any one can m.x at home. Any good prescrip tion pharmacy can supply the ingre dients named at little cost; being composed of vegetable extracts, it is harmless and Inexpensive. Best of all it does its work well, relieving ev en the worst forms of bladder trou ble, frequent urination, backache, kidney compluint, and by Its direct action upon the eliminative tissue of the kidneys, makes these most vital organs rid the blood and system of waste mutter and uric acid which causes rheumatism. Here it is; try It, if you suffer. Fluid extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle ami take In teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. Former sufferers often state that one week's use shows curative results in nearly every Instance, and such j symptoms as lame back, frequent do-j sire to urinate, pain in bladder and j even chronic rheumatism are gener-i ally relieved within a few days, the' pain and swelling diminishing with each dose. ' ItejSfr rmsi is put i t. x yj wm ry ?f'j fc ea . ae or mon- Win," 50 ith ear- When you buy a real good hot water bo, m the first thing you see is "Caution: do no use with boiling water" f The Thermolite Hot Water Bottle is absolute ly the only exception, but to the contrary you are directed by the manufacturers to "boil from 10 Lo230 minutes." Mighty good else you couldn't do this. Then, too, the Thermolite stores heat, stays hot from 5 to 10 times longer than an ordinary hot water bottle. The usual price for the 3 quart size (the price is printed on the box) is $2.50 guaranteed for two years. We have placed on sale six dozen of these $2.50 bottles at a very special price of 75c one to a customer but you must surrender the two year guarantee as each tag is numbered and we have to send them into the house as soon as sold. They are the guaranteed bottle but are closing them out as a new style bottle will be on the market, as it is al most impossible for the manufacturers to buy a grade of rubber now that will stand this boiling test that these bottles have. Come early as this is all we will have unless the Chicago House sends us more. We have asked for 12 dozen more. ANOTHER. SPECIAL BuraeUs Fine Confections, half pound boxes of Chocolates and Mixed Candies. Its the usual 25 size 15c for HALF POUND BOX STILL ANOTHER SPECIAL We have on display in our window a genuine oil tanned Alligator Ladies Hand Bag valued at $50. We started the sale at a special price (same price as asked by one of the largest department stores in New York City at one of their special sales) $38.50 and this prices will be reduced 25c each day, until sold. We believe we have the best selected line of Alligator Hand Bags in the city. Come in and see if you are of the same opinion. KOEPPENS The Drug Store That Serves You Best. The East Oregonian-Journal Pony Conlesl This Coupon Good for 5 Votes Before Nov. 14, 1908 This vote to be counted for Name of Boy or Girl No. Street R. F. D.. Postoffice Send to the Pony Man, EastOregonian, Pendleton, Or. A Daily Occurence Passengers are delighted with the service and treatment on our ...Four Transcontinental Trains... Complete in Every Respect n l.Ut.VX PALACE AM) TOCKIST SLEEPING CARS. PINING CAKS WITH A LA CAKTE SERVICE. HEATED AND LIGHTED BV MOST MODERN METHODS. Between West and East Any passenger representative of the company is prepared to quote fares and give other Information. All Inquiries gladly answered. W. ADAMS, AGENT, PENDLETON, OREGON A. D. CH ARLTON, A. G. P. A , Portland.Or.