East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 06, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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15 Ladies' New Suits
Came in Today By Express
Brown, Navy, Green and Wine
The prettiest lot we have
shown this season.
$25.00, $27.50, $30.00 and $32.50
Call and See Them
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Teutsch's Old Place
Frcith Olymplu oystera at Hohbach'i.
"Gas" aad Irona at W. J. Clark &
Howard heaters at W. J. Clarke A
All kinds of good dry wood. See
Wanted To hire one team. O. A
skates free at the rink ask Ire
land about It
Dressed Chickens Saturday at In
gram's grocery.
Best nut coal. Give us a chance
Oregon Lumber Yard.
To skaters Ask Ireland how to ge
free tickets each week.
se Mlnnla for good dry wood that
burns. Lots of It on hand.
Fuil Mood y;'"" Trf-cliorii roosters
for $1. at Ingram's grocery.
Celery at Clarks grocery on Satur
day. Five cents per hunch.
Gas sad Irons cost lc an hour to op
erate. See W. J. Clarke & Co.
Oak wood, the hent producer, for
sale at the Oregon Lumber yard,
For Kent New well furnished
Imu-e. Inquire ti07 Willow street
Home made Ronton brown bread
and white bread at Ingram's Satur
Hot chocolate, tomato bullllon,
clam bullllon and sandwiches at the
Get our prices on Cascade fir wood
and slab wood. Oregon Lumber
For Hent Furnished housekeeping
rooms with gas. Apply 302 Water
For Kent Six-room house. In
quire 513 Franklin street. 'Phone red
For Sale 16 head work horses
fioin 1 to S .wars old. Inquire this
For iti'iit Two furnished rooms,
K.ngly or en suite. Mrs. Stillman, D01
Water street.
Wanted Hy woman, position to do
cooking or housework. Address L.
W., this office.
For Pale Flve-ncre ranch, well
Improved. IV. miles east of Pendle-
ti n. Address I3ox 570 P. O.
Gus La Fontaine has Just received
a fresh lot of crawfish, crab and oys
ters In the shell at the Quelle.
Please remember the house warm
ing at the rectory of the Church of
the Itodccmer tonight at 8 o'clock.
Lost Sunday evening, small gold
liccklaee, with goldstone cross attach
ed Kcturn t this office for reward.
Wjuited Hoy of 16 years or over to
work In printing office. Good oppor
tunity to loarn tho trade. Steady em
ployment. Apply at once to East Ore
gonl.m office.
For Sale. Cheap 20 head of young
cows, suitable for feeding or stock,
liaigaln If taken Immediately. For
further Information, address A. K.
H.iseall, Pilot Itock.
Live chickens, ducks, turkeys and
geese wanted at Clark's grocery.
High".-! market price paid. Pressed
prill try every Friday Mini Saturday.
K member the place, Clark's grocery.
Wryfrimiiscr Syndicate I PurclwmT
of Large Truot.
Oroflno, Idaho, Nov. 6. The sale
of a large tract of Indian land adja
cent to the present townslte Insures
the growth of Oroflno, for with the
land In possession of white owners
clear title can be given to purchasers.
Jerome 3. Day of Moscow purchased
80 acres of this land, while the Clear
water Tlnipcr company; the Weyer
haeuser syndicate, purchased a largo
tract The real reason for these pur
chases Is not known, but It is regard
ed as significant and Indicates that
Oroflno will be the central point when
the Clearwater timber is being milled
and marketed.
Local property owners have been
anxiously waiting for some announce
ment' In regard to th proposed dans
or the Vt eycrhauser syndicate, for it Is
believed that the timber will be mill
ed near Oroflno. The buying of land
adjoining the townslte is regarded as
Important, and If If becomes known
that the Weyerhaeuser syndicate will
build a mill near Orofino activity In
real estate. Is expected.
i.owi.i.L woman si.i:i:pk
Lowell, Mass., Nov. 6. Miss Louisi
ana Pletta, who has at various times
astonished physicians by her long
slumbers, Is ngaln asleep. She has
not been nwake for five days. Her
last long sleep was from June 5 to
June 2!t, and on various other occa
sions she had slept from one to three
weeks without waking. Physicians
are at a loss to explain the cause of
the peculiar malady. Miss Pletta
seems to suffer no ill effects from her
long sleeps, and when she awakes Is
under the Impression that she has
slept but a single night.
Miss Dolly Cobb of Weston, is vis
it ing Pendleton friends.
W. F. Stock of Cove, is a business
visitor today in Pendleton,
F. A, Gangrow of Cayuse, Is visit
ing In the city on business.
Dr. Hlankcnshlp of Uklah, is a bus
iness visitor In Pendleton today.
Mrs. K. Bradley of La Grande, Is a
guest of Pendleton friends today.
Miss Mary Plckard was In from
Cayuse lust evening to visit friends.
G. M. Morrison and family of Ad
ams, were Pendleton visitors yester
day. L. W. Furnas of Ilermlston, was a
business visitor last evening in Pen
dleton. M. O'llarra of Weston, was In Pen
dleton today looking after business
Miss Lena Edmonds of Elgin, was
a visitor in Pendleton last evening, a
guest of friends.
H. V. Crossland and wife of Uma
tilla, were visitors In Pendleton to
day among friends.
Jack O'Brien has sold the Coliseum
skating rink to Pendleton and Baker
City parties. La Grande Observer.,
W. H. and Fred Williams, promi
nent attorneys of The Dalles, were In
Pendleton today on legal business.
Hon. Jay Bowerman, state senator
from Sherman and G, 111am counties,
Is a business visitor In Pendleton to
day. J. D. Slater has returned from Pen
dleton, where he was Interested before
tlie supreme court. La Grande Ob
server. Mrs. F. A. E. Jackson of Portland,
is visiting In Pendleton a guest at the
home of her parents, Hon. and Mrs.
G. W. Bradley.
It. C. Frazler of Boise, was a vis
itor in Pendleton yesterday, calling
on friends and looking after matters
of legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Matlock left
last night for Portland and the Wil
lamette valley where tbey will visit
friends for several days.
It. It. Butler of Condon, recently
elected republican elector from Ore
gon, was a visitor in Pendleton today,
stopping at the Pendleton.
Mrs. Peter O'SulIivan and daugh
ter, "Mary O Sullivan, left today for
Pendleton, to visit friends for a few
days. La Grande Observer.
W. W. Cotton left last evening for
Walla Walla, at the close of the grain
rate hearing in this city at' which he
represented the O. K. & N
A card from George F. Ititqhey, a
carpenter formerly well known In
this city, but now making his home
In Spokane, brings the news that his
family Is all well. 1
Judge M. D. Clifford and O. H.
Mount returned 'yesterday to their
homes at Baker City after a couple
of days in Pendleton in attendance
upon the supreme court.
Judge Freemont Wood of Boise,
who presided over the trial of Hay
wood In that city, passed through
Pendleton last evening while on his
return from a Judicial visit to north
ern Idaho.
Hon. . H. Brooks of Ontario is
Pendleton attending the supreme
From t'otiglw, Colds, Soro Throats
and Hoarseness, hy Using Ifyomnl,
When you cutch cold you want to
get rid of It as quickly aa you can.
You don't want to lie around the
house for a week swallowing nause
ating drugs. You know when you do
this that you are not only making
your own life miserable, but are a
nuisance to everyone about you.
Why not avoid ull this; why not
relieve your cold in f.ve minutes; why
not cure it over night? You can do It
by using Hyomel, the sure and guar
anteed cure for colds, coughs, sore
throut, catarrh, bronchitis and asth
ma. Hyomel Is medicated and antisep
tic air; you breathe it Into the lungs
through a small pocket Inhaler, and
,ts soothing influences as It passes
over the Inflamed membrane of the
respiratory tract, stops the' mucous
and the cold Is cured. A complete
discharge, allays the Inflammation,
and the cold is cured. A complete
Hyomel outfit costs II and Tallmanj
& Co. will refund your money if It
falls to cure,
Iliishund and Wife Cured.
I had a bad form of catarrh. My
left nostril was closed entirely. There
was also ft constant dripping of blood
from the bright.. I only used Hyomel
a little over two weeks, and am now
cured. My husband was also cured
of catarrh and lung trouble two years
ago by Hyomel. Mrs. Harry Obney,
Alliance, Ohio.
The laying of the track to Joseph,
the Wallowa county terminus of the
O. It. & N. extension, was completed
yesterday, says the La Grande Star.
There is work for about two days
more for the tracklaylng gang in the
way of putting down sidings and a
"Y." When this Is done the only
thing which remains Is that of level
ing up and ballasting the roadbed
and then the regular train service
over the entire extension will begin.
Under the present plans and ar
rangements the regular service will
begin Monday, November 16. It Is re
ported that the first through train
to Joseph will leave La Grande the
Saturday before and will lay over at
Joseph until Monday. On the latter
date trains will begin running In both
directions and the service will then
be duly inaugurated. There will be
for the present a mixed train each
way dally between La Grande and
Grand Rapids, Mich. "Grandma"
Truesdaye, an inmate of the county
home, celebrated her 103d birthday.
She Is extraordinarily bright and
shook hands with everybody. There
Is no doubt as to her birth. She re
members the war of 1812 clearly. She
was born in New York In 1S05, and
danced with Lafayette when 19. The
Prince of Wales, now King Edward,
stopped at her house In Chicago when
he was touring the country. Her fath
er once owned a large part of Chicago
but lost it all.
Havana. Cuba, Nov. 6. The fune
ral of Tomaso Palma, formerly presi
dent of Culm, was held here this
afternoon. He was given elaborate
military and state honors. The cor
t ge was followed by throngs of sor
rowing people.
The failure of the newspaper of
Joseph (ionic and Doctor Alfred
Zayas. candidates respectively for
president and vice-president on the
" ' ' ' ' seribcr
to Join in the common expression of
sorrow and pny a tribute to the dead
patriot, may damage, the chances of
the liberal ticket.
court session. He was elected state
representative at the June election
and was a classmate of Attorney C.
T. Godwin of Freewater.
Hon. C. A. Barrett, representative
from Umatilla county and president
of the Inland Emplre'Graln Growers'
issoclatlon, was among those testify
ing before the railroad commission at
its grain rate hearing yesterday.
Martin Miner, formerly a resident
of tills county, but who has lately
been fanning In the N'ez I'ercc coun
try, has rente,l his farm and moved
Into Pendleton to give his children
School advantages during the winter.
Peter O'SulIivan of . La
is a visitor in Pendleton to-j
Portland, Ore., Nov. 6. United
States Commissioner Cannon has un
der advisement the evidence submit
ted In the preliminary examination of
Charles A. Straus. the suspended
cashier of the Portland postoffico.
charged with a shortage of over
$4 1. Whether the ease will go be
fore the next federal grand Jury will
be announced Tuesday.
Read th Bast Oregnnlnn.
I n. reave Per Capita.
Canadian textile workers have
elded that the weekly
should be Increased from eight to
cents n week, and that representation
should be made to the government In
such a way that the law stating that
women and children should not be
allowed to work over 5.1 hours a week
should bo enforced.
day. Mr. and Mrs. O'SulIivan bin!
planned to make their home in Uma
tilla county prior to the wreck of the
bank at La Grande In which
their funds were all deposited.
C. E. Troutman, architect, formerly
of this city, but now located at Ab
erdeen. Wash., In a letter to the East
Oregonlan mentions the fact that he
Is well and prospering and that Aber
deen is building until he has more
worn man lie can comfortably care
Game Violated.
Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 6. The at
tention of the authorities of this
county will be called to flagrant vi
olations of the game laws. It Is
charged that some sportsmen In dif
ferent sections have killed ducks and
geese In excess of the number allowed
by law.
Free skating tickets given
each week at Ireland's rink.
Prc-ci iptloii Which Is said to Re
lievo Chronic Chmn of Rheumatism
. C'nti lUislly Ho IVopiirod by Any-,
olio This Is t Vita inly Worth Try-!
Ins. i
New York. Nov. fi. It was an
nounced from the offices of the Stan
dard Oil company today that word has
been received from United States Dis
trict Attorney Randolph of Memphis,
that the federal suits against the
I ,il ... ... 1!
de- lounTiiuj oj malaria,
contributions , m,iu,"',l.ri,r lr"" Member 9 a.
ijacRson, icnii., would lie continued
omiiiMueiy. li is uniiKcly I lie cases
will be heard until after the present
term of the federal court In Tenne.
sec, which will lie concluded earlv In
A Snap In Watches,
A ladies gold filled
case, guaranteed for
year's, with n fine Amer
ican made movement, for
$15.00. They are beau
tics and have our Individ
ual guarantee back of
LoiiIh Hiinzlkor,
Jeweler and Optician,
726 Main St.
9 9 9 9 9
Tho Orphoiiiii.
The children will enjoy the "Dog
Ambulance" at the Orpheum today.
The picture shows the use made of
those animals In war by foreign na
tions In delivering medicines stud ban
dages to the wounded. "The Fortune
Hunter." a comic film. Is another feature.
Tho Dime Twins.
"Walrus Hunting In Siberia," a film
depicting the dangers and excitement
of that sport, Is a feature at the Old
Dime today. There are other pic
tures, too, none of them repeaters,
and all "the kind that don't hurt the
Portland, Nov. 6. Scores of pas
sengers were rut by glas and other
wise Injured early today when two
ears collided in a dense fog on Twenty-sixth
and Clinton streets. Men
"ere hurled from platforms of both
cars and others were thrown against
the windows, shattering them. Wo
men were trampled upon In the aisles
Baby Is Scalded to Doalh.
The 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Q. N. Crabtree, near Seio, Ore.,
died Thursday, as a result of burns
sustained from falling into a tub of
boiling water while the mother was
doing the family washing, Monday.
Cut this out and put In some safei
place, for it is valuable and worth
more than anything else in the world;
is you should have an attack of
rheumatism or bladder trouble or any I
derangement of the kidneys what-l
The prescription is simple and can!
be made up by anyone at home. The
Ingredients can be had at any good
prescription pharmacy and all that
is necessary is to shake them well inj
a bottle. I
Here it is: Fluid extract of dan-
delion, one-half ounce; compound !
Kargon, one ounce; compound syrup j
of sarsaparilla, three ounces. j
Take 41 teaspoonful after each meal;
mid at bedtime. A few doses is said ;
to relieve almost any case of blad-j
drr trouble, frequent urination, pain
anr scalding, weakness and backache, I
pain above the kidneys, etc. It is,
now claimed to be the method ofl
curing chronic rheumatism, because
of its direct and positive action upoiii
the ellminatlve tissues of the kidneys, j
It gives them life and power to sift'
and strain the poisonous waste mat
ter anil uric acid from the blood, re-1
Moving the worst forms of rheuma-,
tlsm and kidney and bladder troubles..
The extract dandelion acts upon the
stomach and liver and Is used also
extensively for relieving constipation
and indigestion. Compound sarsa
parilla cleans and enriches the blood.
There is nothing better than Kargon
compound for tho kidneys.
This prescription Is safe to use at
any time.
Clcak Suit House
Ladies and Misses
new tailored Suits
Ladies tailored Coats, Fur
Coats, Jackets, Muffs and
Capes are specialties for to
morrow. Womens Coats
$16.50 to $25.00
Matchless styles and quali
ties are here at prices we ask.
We saught out the lines that provide the
maximum of fashion. Use the worthiest quali
ties of coatings and give the most careful tailor
ing, yet do not stretch the buying point beyond
your means.
At the Up-to-Date Store
"' When you buy a real good hot water bottle,
the first thing you see is "Caution: do not
use with boiling water"
The Thermolite Hot Water Bottle is absolute
ly the only exception, but to the contrary you
are directed by the manufacturers to "boil from
10 to;30 minutes." Mighty good else you
couldn't do this. Then, too, the Thermolite
stores heat, stays hot from 5 to 10 times longer than
an ordinary hot water bottle. The usual price for the
3 quart size (the price is printed on the box) is $2.50
guaranteed for two years.
We have placed on sale six dozen of these $2.50
bottles at a very special price of
one to a customer but you 'must surrender the two
year guarantee as each tag is numbered and we have
to send them into the house as soon as sold. They
are the guaranteed 'bottle but are closing them out as
a new style bottle will be on the market, as it is al
most impossible for the manufacturers to buy a grade
of rubber now that will stand this boiling test that
these bottles have. Come early as this is all we will
have unless the Chicago House sends us more. We
. have asked for 12 dozen more.
Burnells Fine Confections,'
Chocolates and Mixed Candies.
half pound boxes of
Its the usual 25 size
We have on display in our window a genuine oil
tanned Alligator Ladies Hand Bag valued at $50. We
started the sale at a special price (same price as asked
by one of the largest department stores in New York
City at one of their special sales) $3S.50 and this
prices will be reduced 25c each day until sold. We
believe we have the best selected line of Alligator
Hand Bags in the city. Come in and see if you are
of the same opinion.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best.
The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron-
It is the advertising medium this section.