East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 02, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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pack rac.rn.
Don't Overlook the
Little "Good-to-Eats"
In addition to the great stock of staple
groceries there's a large assortment of ap
petizing relishes and the little luxuries
which add to the enjoyment of a meal.
.Many helpful suggestions will be noted by
glancing over our counters and shelves.
Standard Grocery Co.
Where small orders receive the same
attention as the large ones.
Phone Main 96
victory m
Pendleton High School Eleven the
Better Team By More Than Sat
urday's Score of 10 to 6 Would In
dicate Weston Normal's Heavier
and Victorious Team Was Gives
Surprise of Its Life Old Style
Game Played.
!MniuigT f t ailMtrnmh ComlMiny
Evaded Police Restriction.
Necessity Is the mother of lnveu-
: tlon, mill acting under that stress
Sat urilay the manager of the Pyles
Oanieragraph company at the Eidson
! cleverely evaded the pollen restric
tion against "spielers" before the
moving picture shows of this city.
I When the company opened Its en
gagement In Pendleton the manager
i acted as spieler until warned not to
I do so by Chief of Police Gurdnne. Tie
then sought counsel of City Attorney
Boy Raley,
, "Hut you let these other fellows
use their phonographs and pianos,"
he protested, when the city attorney
declared that "spieling" would not
"You are perfectly at liberty to use
a phonograph or piano," sagely ans
wered the man of law.
The answer was nn Inspiration to
the manager. He proceeded to se
cure a phonograph, made a couple of
records of his spell and from that
hour canned spellbinding; set forth
the attractions at the Eldson In ar
tistic manner and saved the spieler'
voice In the bargain.
Pendleton high school's clean cut
victory over the Weston Normal
.l.vfin finfnrilnv nn Vntlftrlr fiM was
frankly a surprise to local football ! c,0ied ne ame-
fanatics, who, while expecting to see
a close game, had figured the dope
as being strong for Weston, although
they did expect a close score. As It
was the relatively close score of Sat
urday does not give an adequate idea
of the superiority of the locals over
the heavier and older pedagogues.
the field Weeton sports were not hav- J row1n-
ing an easy time placing the money
they had brought with them. Within
one minute's play, however, there was
a plethora of Pendleton money and
no takers, and not for one moment
after that was there a bit of doubt
or discouragement among Pendleton
rooters, not even when Niles broke
free for his Jong run down the field
for a touchdown on a beautiful for
ward pass, for In the attacks on Wes
ton's line the green and orange lads
were playing circles around their op
ponents. Throughout the session the ball
was in Pendleton's possession by far
the greater portion of the time, and
Captain Baker was able almost at
will to play the tackles through the
Ime for good gains. Indeed the lo
cals stayed closely by the old fashion
ed football, and took but few chances
on newer style plays. They were oc
casionally forced to punt, but much
less than their older opponents.
Pendleton resorted, to the forward
pass but once, that on a fake kick
which was one of the prettiest plays
of the whole game, and which was
ground winner. There seems but
little doubt that had not Weston's
weak line been" the logical point of at
tack that the locals would have made
a strong showing In the more open
form of play.
Baker and Storle were both strong
In gaining through the line. Kimball
did -good work In receiving punts, and
Devlne, with his boot made the game
safely Pendleton's, although In the
last seven minutes of play the locals
weakened slightly and there seemed
a chance for Weston to get through
the line for a touchdown. But the
high school fellows tightened up and
an lnter-change of several ptfnts
Pendleton s defense was strong
against all attacks upon the line,
which never wavered, though Weston
made some short gains around the
end. After Niles' lucky get-away on
the forward pass for a touchdown,
the locals managed with splendid
v.-ork to break up that play for the
Normal and It did but little service
Weston had Waten Walla Walla
Waitsburg and Milton, her team was
heavier, older, and had had the serv
ices and attention of a coach through
out the season, but the locals left no
doubt of great superiority and show
ed that Pendleton has the material
-which will without question make a
strong contention for the state championship.
Roy Rltner returned yesterday from
a three months' trip fn the east, hav
ing made the Journy as a represen
tative from Oregon to the national
convention of Redmen. which met In
Bridgeport Connecticut during the
month of August.
Mr. Rltner visited In New York
city, and saw several big ball games
there; also took In "Washington, and
stopped at Detroit and Chicago on his
way home. He enjoyed the vlst Im
mensely. During most of the trip he
was accompanied by Warren Brown
formerly with the reclamation serv
ice at Hermlston, but now stationed
on the Yuma project.
The very hoar a cold starts la lh
time to check K. Don't wait It may
become deep-seated and the cure will
be harder then. Every hour loat at
the start may add days to your suf
fering. Take
& S
Cheered by the splendid showing
made by Pendleton against Weston
Normal, and confident that the local
boys will do even better against the
husky gladiators of Baker City, a
number of local business people and
enthusiasts as well as high school
students will attend the Baker game
Friday in that city. As special arr
rangements have been made for Pull
man accommodations for the party
those intending to go will do well to
gtve their names to Manager Sturgls
that accommdations may be reserved
for them.
Oregon Theater Crmvdenl R. , But
ler and Jmlpe MKJInn Kxko for
Four Hour In Ih-half of the Re.
publican Candidates Portland
Judge Defends Tart's I,abor Record.
KffevUve Organisation for Better
lligluwiyt Secured and Resolutions
1'iimmiI lit SiHfluI meeting .Satur
day Afternoon Dirt Rondti, Fi
nuiicc, Legislative and Membership
Committee Are Appointed.
That one road supervisor should
direct the work of the entire county ;
was urged by the Umatilla County
Good Roads association in a resolu-1
tlon passed Saturduy afternoon at a,
speclul meeting called by President
H. J. Taylor and held In the rooms of'
the Commercial association.. Other
steps toward securing an effective!
organization in the good roads move
ment wore taken.
Several representative business men
and farmers were In attendance, and
County Judge Gilllland and Commls-1
sloners Lee and Walker, who were,
present, assured the association of a
hearty desire on the part of the coun- j
ty to cooperate In the work.
With Jesse Hales as chairman, a1
committee was appointed to report!
upon the advisability of and prob
lems connected With building dirt!
roads together with that of special1
district taxes to cover the cost of the1
work. The other members of the
committee are Dave Nelson and
Frank Sherman.
President Taylor will serve as
chairman of the committee on legis
lation which consists of the president,
Dr. C. J. Smith, Dr. W. G. Cole, L. L.
Mann and G. W. Phelps.
Montie B.. Gwlnn will act as chair
man of the finance committee and
Charles MeLeavy, Jim Lleuallen and
E. L". Smith will be co-workers.
The ladies were given the task of
securing membership to the associa
tion and on the membership com
mittee with Mrs. Sam Thompson as
cnairman were appointed Mrs. W. J.
Furnish and Mrs. Gideon Brown.
(Continued from page 6.)
L'wd In time they ave all that
might follow slcknees. worry, ex
per.se. They never fall.
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists.
Shorter Days,
Longer Evenings
Through the summer perhaps
you were able to bear the an
noyance of defective vision be-r-ause
tiit evenings were long
;ind you read less by artificial
Wehl. But now attend to your
eyeB, for lamp light Irritates
them and gradually they will
become weaker and weaker.
Call any time and we will ex
amine your case.
Vinslow Bros.
With no outside assistance Record
er Hendley and Deputy Lewis during
the last month broke all records of
the recorder's office, doing about one.
half more business than has ever been
done In one month by the office be
fore. The fees received during the
month amounted to J604.S0. while
other rnstruments receive! by late
mall Saturday would have Increased
the total about $7 had they been re
ceived in time for recording during
the month.
The largest previous month's busi
ness amounted to about $500, but was
at a time when the instruments ! out along thlr line of march.
brought 15 cents per 100 words In
stead of 20 cents as at present.
P&tir Drunks.
Four drunks, two of them disor
derly, were before Judge Fitzgerald
this morning. The worst offenders
were mulcted $10. or given a choice
of five days. The others got off with
a $5 contribution.
"Whoop "er up" ras the key of the
big republican rally Saturday evening
at which R. R. Butler, republican
candidate for presidential elector and
Judge Henry McGinn, were speakers;
And the republicans did "whoop er
Not one stone was left unturned
by the local managers to secure to
the speakers as big a crowd as was
possible, with the result that the
opera house was crowded.
At 7 o'clock the festivities were
opened with a parade characterized
by Judge McGinn as the greatest thing
of the sort he had seen since '96, and
which he frankly admitted In private
was a better showing than could be
made In the same weuse in Portland.
It was a great occasion for the
small boy a regular circus parade
with Fourth of July celebration at
tached. Headed by the party leaders
In automobiles, behind which march
ed the band playing 'Kptrlted and
martial airs and 130 men with
torches. There were 10 automobiles
In the parade, and prominent In each
was a transparency predicting ruin
In event of Mr. Bryan's election, or
conjuring up the ghost of past panics.
Illuminated Pnrmlc.
The parade formed at the repub
lican headquarters on Court street and
marched to the Bowman hotel corner
when it turned retracing Its steps to
the opera house. The tine of march
was Illuminated with Roman candles
by friends of the marchers along the
street, and many of those in the pro
cession shot the colored balls of fire
If We Have Your Business
We appreciate It. If not, we want It Our treatment will
convince you of our sincerity. We are prepared to serve you In
all the lines of legitimate banking. We pay Interest on time de
posits, and have safety deposit boxes for rent
Commercial National Bank
United States Depository
the progress of the marchers several
giant firecrackers were touched off.
Prominent In the parade were many
out-of-town republicans who had
made a visit to Pendleton for the pur
pose of attending the meeting.
The success of the leader's plans
was shown In the fact that a good au
dlenre greeted the speakers at the
opera house, when the meeting was
I called to order by Chairman Rleh-
J. F. Waller and wife of Adams, ' ards, president of the Taft and Sher
were In Saturday on a trading mis-'"!"" clubs of the county.
slon. Hutler, who Is eastern Oregon's
r candidate for presidential elector. In
an able way- made the conventional
republican campaign speech. Through
it all stalked the bugaboo of "hard
times" which the speaker declared
would syrely follow In case of Bryan's
McGinn Defends Tart.
Judge McGinn, who followed Mr.
Butler, spoke on decidedly different
and broader lines, discussing for the
most part Judge Taft's labor record
while on. and off, the federal bench.
Judge McGinn is an enthusiastic and
warm admirer of Judge Taft, and de
voteij n portion of his discussion to
fulsome praise of the candidate. Ho
appealed f(,r support for the repub
lican ticket upon the record of the
Roosevelt administration and In view
o' the fact that Judge Taft was Mr.
Roosevelt's personal candidate. The
discussion was scholarly, and remark
able In being In Its first Instance an
appeal rather to the brains than to
the prejudices of his hearers.
was a royal indulgence
two hundred years ago.
Tis yet.
Tour trorer returns your money U yo liaa'l
h'cs SitiiiUuf Leal; we pay bin
Ralph Wagner of Pilot Rock, has
been In town today.
J. A. Marquis and wife were In on
business from Adams, Saturday.
Prof. Hampton visited Saturday
evening with friends In Weston.
T. W. Ayres has returned from a
brief business visit at Baker City
C. W. Steen of Milton, was 'a vis
itor Saturday evening in this city
vmion weaver or ik.-no, was a
Sunday visitor with Pendleton friends.
Miss Verna Vanander of Milton,
was a visitor Saturday In Pendleton.
tarn rveison len yesterday for a
brief visit with friends In Walla Wal
la. S. D. Peterson of Milton, was a vis
itor on business in Pendleton Satur
J. EL Taylor was a business visitor
from Echo, In Pendleton Saturday
H .M. Cockburn was a Milton vis
itor In town on a business mlsson
F. O. Cllse, one of Walla Walla's
optitlanc, was a Saturday visitor In
R. Osborne was down from his
home at Milton Saturday, on a trad
ing mission.
Charles Smith was in from Adams
Saturday evening, visiting among
Pendleton friends.
J. W. Etter, a well-known resident
of Pilot Rock, has been In the city
today upon a short business trip.
E. P. Coarkln, salesman for the
I'matilla Ranch people, was a Sun
day visitor among Pendleton friends.
C. J. Mitchell and wife have re
turned from a pleasant, visit In Day
ton, Wash., with Mrs. Mitchell's par
ents. Mrs. Jessie Edgerton of llermls
was a visitor Saturday, with Pendle
ton friends while on a trading mis
J. M. Kyle of Echo, was a guest
at the Pendleton while in the city
Saturday in attendance at the Taft
Lawrence Canfleld came up from
Hermlston Saturday evening to attend
the Kirk-Taylor nuptials at Pilot
Rock Sunday.
President R. C. French of the
Weston normal, attended the great
Pendleton-Weston football game In
this city Saturday.
Charles Lelbenstien of Sumpter,
former editor of the Sumpter Ameri
can, was in Pendleton Saturday, re
newing old acquaintances.
Attorney General A. M. Crawford
Is n guest at the Pendleton while at
tending the session of the supreme
court which opened today.
Roosevelt's Boston Store
The crave of man, is to stay
young" this is possible by wearing
they have the college snap, give you
style and fit in one and are unequalled
in the quality given for the price.
Not Freakish, but Stylish Novelty.
Range in price $20 to $35 per suit
We are sole agents and assure satisfaction.
PvAAW rf
11.11; Kv
(Continued from Pag 1.)
"I want to see every depositor In
any bank I am Interested In absolute
ly guaranteed every cent he entrusts
to our keeping. It Is to the Interests
of the people and the Interests of the
bank, and If the people this election
do net adorse the bank guaranty
plan I shall dispose of my interests
in the hanks. I have said It, and I
mean tt. If Taft Is elected and I
can't sell my stock I will give It
A treat In store for friends of the
Eagles lodge, together with the mem
bers is a dance and clam-bake plan
ned for Friday evening, N'ovembcr 6,
In Eagles' hall.
Admission will be by invitation en
tirely, and those lucky enough to be
remembered will be assured of a
splendid time. Johnson's orchestra
will furnish music for dancing from
9 to 11. following which the bake will
take place.
The regular monthly business meet
ing of the Commercial association
will be held one week from tomor
row evening Instead of at the regular
time, President Alexander having
postponed the meeting on account of
election night.
A Daughter Iinrn,
To Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Hubbard,
on Saturday, was born a handsome
baby girl.
Take Notice.
Having disposed of our hardware
business, and wishing to leave Pen
dleton within a few days, all persons
Indebted to us will please call at once.
We must have settlement.
643 Main street, Pendleton.
J. C. Smith of La Grande, former
owner of the Smith lodging house
and the Mint saloon In that city, was
a visitor In Pendleton Sunday while
on his way to Uklah to look after
some timber holdings In that district.
('. J McKenzle of Mlton, was a vis
itor In the city Saturday, caring for
business affairs.
J. W. Perlnger was a visitor from
Adams In Pendleton Saturday,
A marriage license was Issued this
morning to Josephine Edna McGinn
and Ed Johnson.
On Saturday a license was Issued
to Royal E Taylor nnd Helen S.
Kirk of Pilot Rock, who were mar
ried at the home of the bride In that
city Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Warring
ton, before a small company of Im
mediate relatives and friends.
Hoy Goes to Prison.
Frank Walsh of Butte, Mont., Just
past his 1 Sth birthday, was sentenced
by Judge Dolan Wednesday to serve
a term of one year In the state's
prison on a plea of guilty to a charge
of burglary.
"is J "A hT '
Ederhcimer, Stein 4 Co.
We guarantee
satisfaction when
you buy
There can be no satis
faction in Boys' Clothing
unless the makers have
done their work in an
honest, thoiough, consci
entious manner. Not only
does the durability and
wear depend upon this,
but style, fit, neatness and
everything that makes
clothing attractive as well
as useful.
The makers of XRAOOOD
produce better clothes;
that's why we guarantee.