East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 02, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Special Correspondence
lYcscnt Gravity System Supply'1 Not
Sufficient fw Snmmer Xecdsr Two
Different Plans for Increasing Sup
ply Suggested Proposed Improve
incuts to Cost $0000 or $7000.
rtakery Man Will liaise Chickens
..lYv!er lo Have a Photographer
County Suierimomlent Vlslu
School "Saints of God" Holding
Housing Tent Meeting.
nrcr.iTio.N to hi-tiiimxg
lUv. Mr. Miller of Walla Walla,
who has ton the minister in charge
of the services at Ingle chapel for the
last two worths, has resigned ana
Brother Vernon Cook has again ac
ctpted the pastorate.
Wiliam Lloyd of Moadowbrook
f.irr.i. who has been spending a few
w et k. in Si'Ok.ine, returned home yes
terday. J. p. M.. Parian of Portland, is
Tisltir.g with his son, A. L. McFarlan.
Of Ferndale.
G. W. Crabttee. who formerly con
ducted the Freewater bakery, has
started to run a chicken ranch and is
meeting w;tli good success.
W. M. Heiil has gone to Walla
Walla, where he will engage in th
drsyage business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kacker of Sunny
s.de. have returned home after a
pleasant visit with their son at We-
Oliver Cheley of Grangeville. Ida
ho. has been spending a few days at
Vincent, the guest of his brother-in-
law. James KlrK.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Baity of Sun
ryside, have gone to Oklahoma where
thev will reside.
Theo Danner of Athena, has rent
ed the photograph gallery opposite
the times office and will be In Free
water every Monday from now on.
Frank K. Welles of Pendleton, su
perintendent of schools, has been vis
iting the schools in this vicinity.
Miss Maud Duff of Ferndale, haa
secured a position as teacher In the
Punhaven district, her duties to com
mence November 19.
J. S. Vinson, who went to Taooma
On a business trip, has returned home.
The "Saints of God" are holding a
rousing tent meeting on O. K. Good
man's ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Green of
Sunnyside. accompanied Miss Elma
Fra:er. started last Saturday to drive
to Long Creek, where they will re
main some time visiting relatives.
F. B. B'.ake of Adams, has been
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Ilev. J. II. Hoadley ami Wife Wel
comed Hack for Stvond Year
Little liaby Seriously llurncd Willi
Kettle of Hot Urene White llil-lxno.i-t
Are Busy Kpworth League
Fleets Officers.
Seven Tears of Proof.
"1 have had seven years of proof
that Dr. King's New Discovery is the
best medicine to take for coughs and
colds and for every diseased condi
tion of throat, chest or lungs," says
W. V. Henry of Panama. Mo. The
world has had 33 years of proof that
Dr. King's New Discovery Is the best
remedy for coughs and colds, la
grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis,
hemorrhage of the lungs, and the
early stages of consumption. Its
time'y use prevents the development
Of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee
at Tallman & Co.'s and Pendleton
Drug Co.'s drug stores. 50c and II
Trial bottle free.
Music Teacher.
A. H. Johnson, Instructor of ban!
and orchestra in Pendleton academy
will accept a limited number of pu
pils on violin, cornet, clarionet or any
band or orchestra Instrument Pu
pils may join the academy band an
orchestra if they so desire. Studio a
Pendieton academy. P.esidence, 601
pr,t srr'-t: phone. Black 552.
P.ead the Eatt Oregonlan.
There I a Heap of Solace In Being
Able to Depend Upon a Well-Earn,
ed P.epuiatlon.
For monti.s Pendleton readers have
seen the constant expression of pra se
for Doan's Kidney Plils, and read
about the good work they have done
in this locality. Not another remedy
ever produced such convincing proof
of merit.
Mr?. H. Swaggert, living at 81J
Gaid-n street, Pendleton, Ore., says:
"Eotr my husband and myself have
Uf d boan's Kidney Pills with the
rr.oft gratifying reauKs. Mr. Swag
gert -vas troubled severely with his
ba' k and kidneys for a long time and
never rece ved any relief until Doan'f
Kidr.'y Pills were brought to his at-
Milton, Nov. 1. A reception was
given to Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Hoadley
Tuesday evening at the M. E. church
to celebrate his return to them as
their pastor for the second year.
Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Hen
derson and the welcome addresses
were made by W. Craig and Profes
sor Howard. Mr. Hoadley replied in
his usual happy manner, thanking
them for the kind words 6poken.
There were some good numbers on
the program and the members of the
Epworth league served light refresh
ments. .Many useful donations were
left at the parsonage as a token of
..ppreciation and love.
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. E.
K. Henry was painfully but not fa
tally burned Wednesday when a ket
tle of hot grease was spilled on It.
William Biggs of Prosper, Wash.,
is visiting with J. E. Cherry.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
L'nlon met at the home of Mrs. Lee
Berry- this week. An excellent paper
was read by Miss Walker, who was
the delegate to the state convention
at Portland. Mrs. S. S. Shields, who
also attended the convention, gave an
interesting account of the proceed
ings. Plans are under way for a ral
ly to be held In the near future, with
the Freewater and Vincent unions.
Epworth League OffietTS.
The Epworth league society of the
M. E. church, south, has elected of
ficers for the coming year as fol
lows: President, Miss Jessie Frazier;
first vice-president. Miss Zelma Fra
zier; second vice-president. Miss Es
ther Compton; third vice-president,
Mrs. W. C. Howard: fourth vice-president.
Miss Laura Bruce; organist.
Miss May Frazier; secretary, Miss
Lois Shangle; treasurer, Ernest Mer-
rlfield: agent for Epworth Era, Car-
rossa Reese.
The new cottage school building is
finished and Miss Delia Samuel is the
teacher In charge.
The democratic rally which was to
have been held Saturday night, was
called off to permit the local demo
crats to attend the big rally In Walla
P. H. Wilson has sold 230 acres of
wheat and dairy land, near the state
line, to Chris Hellberg, the consider
ation being 112.500. Mr. Hellberg
gets Immediate possession and wdll
build a handsome residence.
The Hellberg place on the south
fork of the Walla Walla river, con
sisting of 200 acres of fruit and pas
ture land, has been sold to P. H. Wil
son for t009.
Amos Drnaris has bought 320 acres
of pasture land from Chris Hellberg
V.r 12000.
Weston, Ore., Nov. 2. (Special.)
The city council of Weston Is now
considering plans for rebondlng the
town In order to extend the present
water system to make it fully ado
quate for the needs. At the present
time the water Is taken from a spring
on Pine creek two miles above the
town. The wnter comes partly from
the spring and partly from a well.
Puling the winter months the supply
from the spring Is ample but In the
summer time It Is necessary to pump
water from the well.
It Is now the desire to extend the
system so ns to provide a gravity
supply that will suffice for the entire
One plan now In mind Is to con
struct a concrete well across the bed
of Pine creek at the point where the
present supply Is derived. This wall
would go to bedrock nnd It would
raise the water In the little stream to
such an extent that there would be
plenty for Weston's needs without
resorting to pumping.
The other plan In mind Is to de
velopy several additional springs In
the vicinity and thereby secure the
needed amount of water.
It Is estimated that the proposed
improvement will cost between $6000
and $7000. It Is the plan to have
the people of the town vote upon the
bond Issue at the town election In De-
On Friday of last week Marlon
O'Hara killed a deer In the pasture
of his place on Pine creek one and
a half miles nbove town. The deer
was a young buck and Mr. O'Hara
found him In the pasture early In the
morning. He shot him with a 22
c.'illbre rifle.
J. M. O'Hara has just received a
letter from his brother, Jasper
O'Hara, well known in this county. In
which he tells of a big hunt he en
gaged in In the coast range moun
tains near Central Point, where he
now lives. He killed a bear that is
declared to be the largest ever seen
in the Coast range, and also four
Saturday night the students of
the E. O. S. N. S., held their annual
Hallowe'en party In the girl's dor
mitory. It was a most enjoyable, af
fair and was attended by the student j
body, faculty and friends of the
school. !
Dr. J. A. Best of Pendleton re-!
cently made a visit here to attend G. 1
A Real HELPER, to the Woman
who whiiU to know
Illustrates Latest Stdson'i Styles
Monthly Maftaiinn
uWcripli.ii prii-e, 1.(W pr jtu.
Sin J If Copiri. lUcrutt.
One Year
to anyone answering this tdver
tiaeraeat, and scadinK two new m
icriberi for one yer, t 1100 each.
All May Manton attnrM
10 cent each
Pattern of any garment shown her
can beobtaineilataar of the man?
torea telling May Manton Pattern
or from us direct on receipt of price
10 cents; br letter mail, 2c. extra.
Order ry autatxr lad (rr
Fall and Winter Catalogue
New Readr; lie. by mail.
Nay Manton
Given Freo
with yearly takacriptioti to
Dressmaking At Homt
at $1 09
Pukiaa Sheet, Lateet Shirt WaUU,
1 cent stamp.
Pattern Agency
I hri to
May ISantoo Patter Co.
DeQraw, who was very 111, but Is now !
Miss Eva L. Wood, who had the
primary department In the Weston
schools last year, Is now teaching in
the Lentz schools, near Portland. Miss
Wood also taught formerly In Pen
dleton and Is widely known as a very
capable teacher.
At tlw Pendleton.
Pauline I-derle, R. R. Buttler, "La
Grande; A. M. Tinker, A. E. McFat
r:dge. Agency; Mrs. M. R. Andre,
Athena; I-o Fhupe, Denver; D. C.
Lazr. Weston; Hon. Henry Mc
G.r.n, A. Branin. Portland: R. B.
Wad. Boise; E. A. Anderson, Port
land; J. M. Baker, ft. Louis; J. M
Jtik-r. St. Lou: James M. Kyle, A. J
B. Thompon. Eerio; R. M. Johnson,
fig-r-t New Husband: Jo Koppenhei-j
rrer. N. Y.; J. W. Hatfield. Portland: j
Thos. NestT. Port: Robert D. P-ikln,
.K.'im: F. E. Van Haven, San Fran-'
i" '; r. A. Barrett. S. F. Wilson. A j
A. Fo, Joe N. S'-ott, Dr. J. ft. Pla
mondon Tom Howard. Ath na; J. E. ;
Cat, E. E. Koontz. Chicago: N. A.
Ma'klin. New York: Tom Britten.;
Portland: Chas. K. Stein, New York;1
J. P. C'roff. Kan:.s City; J. W. Irwin.
Tacoma; Sam Dennis. F. A. Cllse, Ta
finij; M.s Delia Downs. Portland;
L. A. Hudson. Jno. Swartz, Chlrago;
Mrs. C E. More, I. Hoehria, We-,
nat'-he. Wash.; A. fia.Iey, Seattle;!
Ft. F Nylander, Portland; Verna '
Vaoand'-r, Milton: E. C. Skil'-s. Se-i
'atile; v. E. Humphrey, San Fran-1
ciMi; Ft. S. Bean, V. A. Moor... A. M. j
"rawford. Salem: M. If. F'a'ton, Spo-k-ir
e; fm. Mah r, E Ft. Hardwl k, I
;.' F. Coyne, Portland; P. Grant'
Waiia Walla: Al HoNt"!n, Cleveland,
i) . Jule Stanberg, New York City;
See the Twin-Dime Across the Street.
Moving Pictures Like Life
Entire change of Program every Sunday, Tuesday
and Friday.
Absolutely fire-proof and the best
ventilated theatre in the city.
A Better Show at the Same Price
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERNACH, Proprietor
Change of Program
Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
Absolutely New Pictures.
Johnson's Orchestra will Play Evenings,
Best Picture Machine Made.
Adults 10c, Children 6 to 10 years 5c,
Children under6 years, Jfree.
r 3 Ffanna Seattle: V tl'iwli-n
ter.tkn and he procured a box at the ,,,.,,,. j A Hr!,.y, Vai,.. ore-.;
!;.( II. F'ontlfiy, Kalamazoo, Mlh.;i
W. Tannahill. Iwifton; J.i
Pen!ton Drug Co. They gave him
(Treat relief and he thinks very high
ly of them. I alno used Doan'i Kid
ney Pills ar.d found that It anly re
quired a few dost to remove the
larr.e'eFS arid tain caused from dis
ordered kidneys. I really believe that
k dney trout.le would be lend prev
alent If more eufferei kne ol
Doan'f Kidney Pills." (From jtate
rier t given in 1901.)
T-tiI anil Provrn.
Mri". Fwagirert was again Interview
ed on November 16, 1007, and nald:
"We etill continue to ue iJoan'g Kid
ney P lis and find them Jut an t
fectlve as when they first came to
our notice. We keep them In the
houee at all times and really think
we could not get along without
F"r tale by all dealer. Price (0
rents. Foeter-lliiburn Co., Fiuffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan'e
and take no other.
''Ihlng, Weriat'hee,
n 'ter, Spokane.
Waf'i.; If. H.
Pacta. I
" e do not sell goods at cort. Doi
,., iMni. fr,r & rntntj thrjt o'hers do.
We ack you to come to the Wonder!
."tore for bargains Friday or anv other'
Fj.Wi-t Kl.lney and l:!add-r
are nrieqij.-ijed jri r;i- of weak hack,
backnehf.. ItiflarnmaMon of the Mad
der, rheumatic pains. Antixcptle arid
act. promptly, .-'old l.y Tail man "o.
Two fine office or "tore rooms tn i
the Kat OrcKorilari building for r'nt
very reasonable. Kteam heated. A-e-trlc
lighted and In good location, En
quire at thla office.
Pleasant .sure. easy, fafe little
liver pllta, are rWItt's IJttle F.arly
Riser. Sold by Tallman & Co.
Entire Change of Pictures and Songs
Every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.
Entire Change of Program
Lindsey & Deweese, Props.
Next to the French Restaurant.
Entire Change of Pictures and Songs.
Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. ,
Admission 10c
Children 5c
Edison latest and best "Underwriters Model" picture
machine absolutely fire proof.
Open afternoons 2 to 5. Evenings 6:30 to 10.
Eidson's latest model "Underwriters" machine.
Best Imported and Domestic Films
Sown as they should be shown."
tin-; r.K.i)i:itsiup
In raring for men's outer garments
without qii'v-dlon belongs to us.
(.Mir work In the kind that lasts,
and aclls to the appearance and wear
of garment, yet our charges have the
winning way of being always satisfactory.
City Steam Dye Works
'Phone Main 1S9. 20H E. Alt
i JpWi hi I i iii