page rwo. bAILV EAST PRECOX IAS, VES PLUTO X, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOIIKU 20, 11)08. EIGHT FACES. The Peoples Warehouse 3rd FRIDAY SPECIAL SALE In Which Meritorious Merchandise of Worth is Sold for One Day Away Below Usual Price Take Advantage. 12 l-2c Sideband Flannelettes at 9c yard They come in striped brown, navy, cardinal, light blue and tan, with figured sidebands or borders hard to obtain, and regular 12 l-2c values, on sale Friday only at yard 9c SI. 25 Black Taffeta Silk at 95c yard 36-inch wide oilboiled, all silk taffeta, our reg ular $ 1 .25 grade, on sale for Friday only at 95c SI. 25 Cotton Fleeced Blankets at 98c pair Full 1-4 size in white, greys or tans, our splendid SI. 25 value on sale for Friday only at, pair . 98c $7.00 All Wool Bed Blankets at $4.95 These come in white, tan or grey, extra large sized blanket of pure fine all wool fleece, excellent $7.00 values on sale for Friday only at . . $4.95 25c Snow White Cotton Batting at 18c roll Pure snow white cotton, soft and fluffly; our reg ular 25c batting on sale for Friday only at . 18c 75c Corset Cover Embroidery at 45c yard 12 choice new patterns from to choose, regular 75c values for Friday only, yard . . 45c $2.25 Fringed Bed Spreads for $ 1 .85 Extra large fringed spreads, cut corners and new patterns on sale Friday only at each . $ 1 .85 Ladies $4.50 White Linen Waists for $2.65 Made of pure irsh linen in regular tailored style, unlaundred waists of excellent $4.50 value on sale Friday only ...... $2.65 LADIES HATS AT HALF PRICE The best and most stylish Hats 93 beautiful Fall Hats from which to choose. NORTHWEST NOTES Tried for Killing Xogro. I.a llrnude. Ore. The state rested Its (Mho In the Mooro murder trial lii're Tuesday ami tlie defense has placed several witnesses on the stand. The Kim Iti maintaining it was cold- blooded niuriler .entirely unwarrant ed, while the defense will he justltl ahli hiimlelde. The defense maintains j that after tlie quarrel between the ne j gro and .Moore, both slioephorders, j had waxed warm, that Moore cau j I, oiled the negro not to approach him, displaying a revolver to emphasize his I r marks. was convicted In the Justice court at Lebanon recently of selling liquor In violation of the local option liquor law and given tho maximum penalty of a fine of $500 and n sentence of 30 day in the county Jail, was convicted again In the state circuit court on an appeal from the Justice court verdict. Hansard has been sentenced seven times for violation of the local option liquor law since I, Inn county went "dry." KoscImii'i: Team Wins Cup. Uoscbuig, die. As the result of a score of tilij made by a team of com pany D. Oregon national guard, of ills city, the company is confident of having won the trophy, a silver cup, for the third and last time. The high est score against the Ko.scburg team had to compete against was 6S2, made by the Cottage drove team on Man day, the latter team having been un til today's shoot at the head of the contest, losing to Uosehurg by tho nar row margin of 13 points. A .Murderous Assault. Vancouver, Wash. Chief of Police Secrist, Deputy Sheriff Johnson and Deputy Marry Hulger of Portland, are searching for the two thugs who held up and stabbed George L. Heston, On Uayden Island shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Heston lies In a hospital In this city with slight chance of recovery. Two knife thrusts In his left side and one In the breast make chances for recovery against Heston. stylish Hats 93 beautiful Fall Hats Great Special for Friday Only HALF PRICE Pendleton's Sensational Ladies Suit Sale Closes Saturday Evening. High Grade Suits at a Great Sacrifice Extra Charge for Alterations. Avail yourself of the opportunity to"jave. $20 and $22.50 Suits at $25 and $27.50 Suits at $32.50 and $37.50 Suits at $14.85 $18.50 $24.50 The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade Save Your Coupons Merchandise purchased on Credit Thursday, Friday & Saturday will go on Nov. Acct I'iiiils Si. too mi Sidewalk. North Yakima, Wash. Logan II. Roberts found Jliu0 lying on the side walk on Yakima avenue near First street Tlie money was two certifi cates on a bank In Kasoia, Minn. The f.nder advertised his find, and by night an elderly man named A. A. Johnson called on Mr. Roberts and proved the cash was his. Dig Pilch I .'0(1 I'tH-t Iong. Wilson Creek, Wash. The town council yesterday visited the flats above town and made plans for a huge ditch to be cut. by w hich It Is hoped ' to confine the spring flood waters of Wilson creek so that no damage will j Tiiicf Huns Into I'olirp, icsull to the proposed water works Aberdeen, Wash. James Daily Is system. It was decided to cut a ditch In Jail here charged with burglary. feet long. 13 feet wide at the Daily entered the home of Captain unipn reasiey wntn tlie family was bottom, and six feet drop It Is thought this will be large enough to start a channel, and that the water will keep It cut. ! Ilillyai'd Voles fur ItoudM. Hillyard, Wash. Much Interest was taken in the special water works eloc- tion Tuesday. One hundred and thir ! ty votes were cast. 06 being in favor ' of municipal ownership. This Is the ' second time the people have voted In favor of this plan, j In the election today the city asked for bonds of $3!,onn and expects to ! carry this election through. absent and carried awny furs belong ing to Mrs. IVasley. Wh.le making away with the plunder Dally fen into the hands of Chief of Police Dlrmlng ham, when there followed a struggle In which the chief was successful, the assistance of two firemen, Albany. ;ht Times Convicted. Ore. O. 1!. Hansard, who Cilpsies Raid Ilalton Store. Hatton, Wash. A band of wander ing gipsies struck town Friday and two of the women went Into one of the local meat markets. While one of them was endeavoring to persuade the woman In charge to allow her to toil her fortune, another busied her self purloining pieces of meat from' the stock. They were later arrested. E 50C ALIS I i am INDICATIONS POINT TO llll. 1.(1 IT'S KI.IXTIOV i Riil liag of Social Revolution I lids I air to lie Raised in Congros for i'irst Time Republican ami Dem ocrats PraiOfally Concede r.hstioil of Socialist from the I-mwr I ji.t Side District of New York. one of a great group of Socialist par liamentarians now to be found In tin leg -dative halls of all the leading powers of the world. Germanv i Fram e, Austria am! Iiclgiiim all have I large and powerful socialist dolcga iti 'iis In their parliaments and all of j the other legislative bodies have at least a few socialist members. A I victory for Ititlquit would place the j Cnited States n line with the F.uro- pe.m nations ami mark a great step I forward for the vast international par ty which is seeking everywhere to overthrow existing governments and establish a new heaven and a new! hi Id on the basis of the cooperative' commonwealth: Cures "Woman's WcaKnesses. Wo refer to that boon to weak, nervous, itiffuring women known as Dr. i'lorce'a Favorlto Prescription. Dr. .lolin Fyfo one of tho Editorial Staff of Thk Eclectic Mkihuai. Hkvikw say of Unicorn root (llrlimltis IHnim) which Is ono of the chief Ingredients of io "Fa vorlto Prescription": "A remedy which Invariably acts as a uter ine Invlirorutor makes for normal ac tivity of tlm entire reproductive system." lie continues "In llcloliliin we liuve a medica ment which mom fully aiinwcrs the uIkjvo purposes imih iii ulUtr ttrvtf with u hlrh I urn aaimilnteil. In tlie treatment, of diseases iki cidlar to women it is seldom thai a casn la hivii which does not present sonic Indication for this ri diul agent." lr. 1'yfe further says: " The following are uimuiir the leading Indications for lleloiiias it ulcnrii root). I'uiu or aching In the hack, with . leucorrlio a : atonic (weak) condltimTV of the reproductive orwans of Sionien, mentiti depression and Ir rltublllly, til xiiiated v.itlfchronlc diseases of the roproduytlve igrtns of women: cuiisiniit sensation Jt bent In the region of tlm kid nevat tuwrrliagl:! (tloodlnir). due to a weak ened coiiltlon ufilie reproductive systems anienothietyVtfresscd or absent monthly erlocl,iWiilg''(roui or accompany ing un I iaoi'.nll condition of the diu'esilve oigans and . inlc (thin blood liaMt: drummf sens'ons la the extremo lower part of tho ahdihneu." . . , , f more or lcof the ntvye symptoms BFe"TrTeiii;;'ii tiMlMnZM, oel.ter -than taioPirjeri ej .FaVuhU? I Te VTTi'iToTiToi i c fl imTirXIii.g inmvui en uSoI'tt ii.IT Is Unicorn root, or Helonlaa, and tlm iieilical properties of which It most faithfully represents. Of (olden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of " Kavorltc Proscription," Prof. l''lnloy Klliugwuod. M P . of Iten nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "Itlsnn limiorliint reru-dy In disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions and general enfcehleinent, It Is Useful." Prof. John M. Sciidder, M. !).. late of Cincinnati, says of (iolden Seul riwf "In relation to Its geiiul eiiei ts mi the ysten thrrt Oi m mrilicim oi um ttlmui u hirh Ut i tnub ji-nrml unniiiiri! y i uttinUm. It III im(i'r.i rctrardisj fta tltt tonic useful hi all deliilltated si ales." Prof. It. Ilartliolow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of (loideu Seul : Valuahle In uterine liemorrliatfn. monor rhagia (llootllng) and congeNilvo dysmeuor rhiea (iialntul inenstniallonl." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all tho atsive named In irredlcnu and cures tho discuses for which they art roconiuieuUcU. formed to protect the Interests of tho land owners and aid the Klickitat Ir rigation company In carrying out tho enterprise. A corps of engineers Is already In the field, and will com plete the survey for the company as soon as possible. More land Is to be covered In this Irrigation project than any deal of tho kind ever attempted In the state of Washington. Wheat is now raised In that section with great success, but even with a small flow of water the crops will be largely Increased, There are also portions of the Horse Heaven country that will develop Into a flour ishing fruit region as soon as water Is turned on the land. Would Mortgage t" Ftorm. A farmer on P.ural Route 2. Em pire, C3a., W. A. Floyd by name, says: "Pucklon's Arnica Salve cured the worst sores I ever Raw; one on my hand and one on my leg. It Is worth more than Its weight In gold. I would not be without It If I had to mortgage the farm to get It." Only 2fc at Talman & 0.'s and Pendleton Drug Co g. I.K'I Ti:it I'KOM LOADON TO pkkix ix sixti:i:x days. TIE "SILK If present appearances are not de- iceitful, Morris H.llquit of New York,1 will l.kely he the first socialist cnn gnssmun to take his seat in the Cni ted States house, of representatives and the red flag of social revo-j Pit ion in the midst of that august; body. If elected, as now seems prob able, Hlllquit will have as his constit uents the people of the lower east' side, where J. (!. Phelps Stokes and Kobert Munter, tlie famous "parlor socialists," are also running for tlie state assembly. I I loth republican and democratic! leaders admit that the socialists 111 this particular section of the c.ty are making heavy Inroads nmng their fol lowers and that a very large propor tion of tin' first voters on the east fide below Fourteenth street enroll under the emblem of the banner or the up-lifted torch. I While the socalist campaign in nil the districts where there Is among i the population socialist element worth i i i have with them all of tho good things ! considering It a lively one. ami w h.le, to cat, drink, chew and smoke their' '"-cording I" leading socialists. Had a Cl'fcie Cull. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Ho tel. Vaughn. Miss., says: "For swver ill months I suffered with a severe eoiurh, and consumption seemed to have Its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discov ery. I began taking It, and three bot tles affected a complete cure." The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat business. hab-r l world wide. Sold at Tallmar .' Co.'s ami Pendleton Drug Co.'s drug store. China's pnstofflce business is In j creasing rapidly. The business dur lug I'.m; shows a gain of nft per cent over the previous year. The Increase In the receipts over expenditures is correspondingly large. There are JS03 working postofTloes and postal agencies In China, an tn.-re;f of "07 over piioi. To rilhviy development of China, particularly the connection with the Trans-Siberian route, v'lleh permits London b'lters to re icb IVk'n In 1 fl '.vs. Is attribute,; the Inr v. we l .'citsi: iii:yi:n iwioifiis imti: wit ii:i:i; vriox. The land owners of the Horse Heav- n fountiy. the t"rrlto:-y lying In a portion of the counties of Klickitat, Yakima ami lienton, are forming an organization to promote and hasten the Irrigation of that country. A short time iiKo a meeting was held at liickleton. and a corporation Saved Ills Wny'u l.Hr. "My 3-yenr-ohJ liny was badly run. Jtlpated, had a high fever and wis In an awful condition. I gave him twi doses of Foley's Orino Laxative and the next morning tllo fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orlnn Laxative snvd bis life." A. Wolkusli, Casliner, Wis. Pendleton Drug Co. For rent Store room In tho East Oregonlan building on Main afreet Inquire at this office. this Pendleton, Cre., Oct. '1 Kditor Kait Oregonian: i It was a partly d.sappointed crowd iiid'-e 1 who were attracted at an early hour yesterday forenoon by a select-1 i-d coterie of Taft boosters leaving town in automobiles in royal and rich' stie. Pendleton had never seen the like before. The disappointed part, of the crowd was made up of good, honest, patriotic republicans who for1 the paft month have been answer. ng appeals for money by going deep down Into their Jeans and handing ut f'- coin for . jp posed bene-j fit of th; . O. P. Many of them were poor men "horny handed sons' of toil, indeed" who had implicit j confidt nee that their contributions, would be economically ued to assist. Mi. Taft In defeating Mr. Hryan. . How d.sappointed were these good.' but credulous and unsuspecting citl-1 en when about li "f Pendleton's big Ida" officeholders, bankers, Uw- years, et al wearing costly tailor; I unpretentious never have at their I ummand, drove down Main street with yells, with flags, with battle In s gnia, whooping it up for Teddy's '.idipted son Mr. Taft. Disappoint ed! Well, yes. Not a "horny hand ed son of toil" among them not a tired clerk, not a tired bookkeeper, not expenses paid it is an Incentive forj iJ true In all parts of the country, the them to boost for Taft. Ninth congressional d strict. where Why did they not take some two or 'Hlllquit runs for congress and Stokes three "horny handed sons of toll" and Hunter and William Mailley, ed with them? Why did they not take' Itor of a socialist daily in .that city, a tired clerk, a tired bookkeeper, a! "re candidates for the assembly, Is tired servant of some kind or why; the frenzied center of the socialist rt'd they not show some appreciation propaganda Just at present. On fin of the common people? average twenty-five meetings a night It was a jolly set of good fellows, j with audiences aggregating some 2T,. out for a Jolly good time, but the! 000 are held In this district, which at votes they will make for Mr. Taft the last census had a population of a careworn laboring man amongj can be counted on the fingers of one 214.56S. them Just simply a coterie of select; hand and the reaction It will have In! An Orator, good fellows wearing silk stockings lining up the "horny handed sons of! , far ni, intellectual ability nnd or not a man among them who eats bread ; toll" for Mr. Hryan will make n long atorical fervor are concerned. T I i 1 1 -by the sweat of his brow and these1 parade on the day of the election. If ,Ut will not he overshadowed by men, to, all pretty good fellows of every town of the size of Pendleton many of tho representatives elected by their kind, of cours- pretending tojand larger in the United States could: the older parties. He Is a lawyer by go out and teach those of whom j send out such a Jolly get of good fel-' profession, and has written many so Thornas Carlyle said: ()W bent on having such a Jolly good ' clologlcnl works that hare rommand- "Two men I honor, and no third. 1 time as this Jolly good crowd, Mr. j e, attention by reason of their clar First, the toilworn craftsman thatjTaft would be snowed under by an ty, style and comprehensive trent with earth-made implement laborious-, overwhelming vote and Mr. Hryan, ; mPnf nf the subject. He Is n Russian ly conquers the earth, and makes her! who is in sympathy with the "horny, ,y hirth, having boon horn In Riga handed sons of toll" would be elect- hi 1863. and this makes him popular ed by an overwhelming majority. : with the thousands of Russlnn-Amerl- AN 1S-YEAR-OLD MEM HER OF THE HUYAN-KERX CLUB. man's. Venerable to me Is the hard; hand; crooked, coarse; wherein not-! withstanding lies a cunning virtue, In-1 ijefi.asibiy royal, as of the Sceptre of. this Planet. Venerable, too, Is the! mad" ( lothli g. loud silk stockings, , t Ugg-d face, all weather-tanned, he kid gloves and other hab. laments of soiled, Its rude Intelligence; for expensive wearing apparel that poor j it is the face of a man living manlike." , "Hardly entreated Rrother! For us . was thy back so bent, for us were thy ! straight I robs and fingers so deform led." Yes, and te these good citizens how to vote. Four-fifths of the honest farmers "horny handed sons of toll" know more in a minute about poll tics and how to vote than thin select crowd can tell them In a month. They all should know It but a nice little automobile outing while the roads are good and the dust will not nettle upon their good clothing and while they people and the unassuming and the COFFEE Insist on the roaster's name; never mind the country it grew or is said to have grown in. 'our crocoi rrturnt rour oonj U ft torn 1 A Jeweler's Kxporli nee. C. R. Kluger, The Jeweler, 10B0 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk 0 hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the ir regularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all auffere's, as It cured me after the doctor and other remedies had failed. Pendleton Drug Co. If you see It In the East Oregonlan lt' o. cans inhabiting the lower east side. Mr. Hlllquit received his early ed- ueation at the Riga Oymnnslum. He came to the I'n ted States with hlsi parents In 188(1, and graduated from. the Now York Cnlversltv law school. I with the degree of LL. D., in 189.",. He, 1 -I'tYcd law iiee f et time, nnd V-eii a member of the socialist. pi-v and a leader In 'ts cotincllq since He has been n delegate to 1' iv nti of the national conventions of the party In the ITnltod States, and hi aided In framing the party plat form of principles One nf his works. "The History of Socialism In the Uni ted Ptatos," Is looked upon as the standard authority on the subject. treated. If Mr. Hlllquit is elected, he will bo ; QiUS J j I i Hip v Keeps Frost 1 n 1 Don'l you dislikt ta leave the warm living room ami undress in a cold bedroom where the frost is ihi !: 01 the windows? No need lo any Lngcr a PERFECTION Oil Keafef (Equipped with Smokeless Device) makes any cold room cheerful and cozy in a trice and keeps it so. It has a smokeless device that means no smoke no smell no bother just direel intense heal. Finished in japan and nickel. Crass font holds 4 quarts, burns 9 hours. Lastly car ried about. Every heater warranted. 1 ft 41 1 i is unequalled for its brilliant. sleady lt(?ht, fimp'c construct;rn and absolute safety. Equipped with the ber.t central draft burner. Made of brats, nickel dated. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer docs nol handle the Rayo Lamp or Perfection Oil Heater writa our nearest agency for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporate) i A if