East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 28, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    U J 1 . TXBP 1 sv OEHIHGE0ITI0K
VOL. 21.
NO. G415.
Ruin and warmer to- j VagSaT Urml CJS the ads in today'. East
night; tomorrow rain I V AsMl vJwi k5i v X ! ,IIBBI V Oregonlan. yau are
-i ''.wVt1' ready to go shopping.
Chicago, III., Oct. 28. It. C. Piatt,
claiming to he a business man from
Tacoma, full three stories and escap
ed uninjured last night after a desper
ate fight with robbers In an apart
ment building. He encountered the
burglars In a hallway and grabbed
one by the neck. The men struggled
to the fire escape, through which
III O O lu me sue cnenjic, liiiuu&u nuiiu
LOCal LaWyerS bay blipreme Platt fell to the ground and landed
n p . iii a n I on a pile of rubbish.
Court Decision Wont Affect i
renaleton. I growing firm retires
medford's charter
from legislation
Lewlston, Mont, Oct. 28. The sale
of nearly 30,000 head of sheep here
this week by Walte, Elliott and Peck
to Yellowstone and Fergus partleB,
" "" marks the retirement of another big
Only CltMn May Now Amend CImrtor.s Montana wool growing firm which
ami Municipal Measures Io Not fr many years has figured In the
business, the iirm w.u winter ls.uuu
lambs and dispose of them next
SiiM'rM'lo State (Ylniinal Luws
Medford Secured SK' lal Charter
Before Constitutional Anientlineiit
Wan Passed Echo of Former Lcc
Native Fight In Wliieli Senator
Pierre Was Ix-alT, I
1 1
Was to Get Option on Timber
Land io Exchange for I iflu
ence in Congress.
Train Backs Into Crowd of a
Thousand People Some
Are Injured,
Portland, Ore., Oct. 28. The annu
al convention of the Northwestern
Unless lncal lawyers are completely Fruitgrowers 'association, represent
mlstaken the supreme court's decision log Montana, Idaho, Washington,
In Hi,. Medford case w.ll have no ef- Vh- OW" a"'1 "rM Columbia.
will meet in Portland the first week
feet whatever upon the status of pro- ,n ,oc,.lnhl.r ln conjunction with the
hlbltlon or In any other town without annual meeting of the Oregon State
a charter which, like Medford's, gives Horticultural society.
tae town the exclusive right to regu-
late the saloon business. RIFLED MAILS TO
This Is the belief of Attorney J. P. PAY OLD DERIS.
Winter, Col. J. II. Raley and the local -
bar In general. j Dellingham, Wash., Oct. 2S. It Is
Press dispatches sent out from Pa- hi lleved that A. W. Headley, the mail
lem yesterday made the deduction carrier who confessed to rifling the
that the court's decision means that malls In Bclllngham, did so to lift a
any city may amend its charter and heavy debt which has been burden
thereby secure the right to control lug him for years, a part of which
the saloon question irrespective of the was created to relieve the sufferings
rest of Its county. " of his first wife. He has been making
Hut It now seems certain that this heavy monthly payments.
deduction was wrong for the fallow
ing reason:
Medford's charter was given It by
the legislature before the constitution
al amendment giving cities the right
to amend their charters was passed.
In the Medford charter It Is provid
ed that the city of Medford shall have
exclusive power regarding the liquor
harness. The charter being granted
by the legislature sulisejucnt to the
adoption of the local option law Is
repealed as far as Medford Is concerned.
Tut under the present constitution
the right to amend charters rests xavnl Hero Diilarcs the Lfctle Drown
alone with the cities. A city cannot
ehanne Its charter and make it con-,
f I let with a slate criminal law which
the supreme court has already held
the local option law to be. I
The Medford charter, being granted
by the legislature, Is a state law and
so supercedes the local oplion law as
far as Medford Is concerned. (
Derails OKI Fight.
( nrloiH Side Light Thrown on Re
publican Ylee-Prcsldcnlliil Candi
date by Secretary of Ijitc Republi
can Senator From Pciin) Ivanla
Sherman Was Not Only to Secure
Timber iJiml for Almost Nothing,
Hut It Was in Nature of Dribe.
Xcbraskan Says lfc Dcllovrs Demo
crats Will Carry New York, Dull
ana, Ohio, Kentucky l.nd Rhode
I-Iand Denounces Roosevelt for
Campaign Aclhily Declaring Office
Belong to the People and That
President Cannot Dictate His Sue-ccssor.
Washington, Oct. 28. Regarding
! New Mexico' land deal, alleged to !
I'eekskill, N. Y., Oct. 2S. A serious
have been a scheme to secure valua- I at cident was narrowly averted today
Sacramento, April 28. It was
learned today that every express train
from Oregon to California, since Sat-1
urday, has been guarded by an extra!
corps of road policemen. The Wells
Fargo guards have also been armed
with sawed-off shotguns. i
A warning was received Saturday!
by private dispatches from Red Bluff
that an attempt would be made to
hold up No. 14, the Oregon texpress
northbound, near Ager, Just south of
the Oregon line. It is now thought
the Information was unreliable.
sen is we
La Grande Bank Wrecker Was
Turned Over by Bondsmen
Tacoma, Oct. 28. Bloodhounds late
yesterday found the body of Fred W.
Kloeber. missing since October 19. in Surety Hecomes Afraid the Embezzler
the mountains, lying face downfard.
half a mile from where the body of
Julius Kumel, his companion, was
found Sunday. The position of the
body Indicates that he had stumbled
over a log and that his head struck
a tree, breaking his neck.
and Forger Would Sot Stay Held
for $15,000 When Amount of
Shortage I.s So Much Greater
Case Dismissed In Justice Court
Reported That Shortage Will Ex
ceed $200,000 Street Rumor Of
Romance in Connection With Fall
Havana, Cuba, Oct. 28. The fight i La Grande, Oct. 28. J. W. Scriber,
v u Z w i hi m v 1 he ' -r . ' fm ' ?U'!'PUl at I between the liberal and conservative 1 accused of embezzling thousands ot
T, n i 7 M, ven,,, i,V'rrirn' f ? Z Wa,8 " part'CS f0r suPremac- throughout the ! dollars from the Farmers & Trader.
Ue .s,nato! Quay of I ennsl anl,., the gidn.g and the Bryan special was sIanJ ,s becoming more bitter and ' National bank will appear in court
has made a statement throwing a j backed up several blocks. A thous- hfl3 ro,ulted In the charges that the ' h's afternoon Tin iroceedtnL growing
rurious side light on the bill, which I and persons were behind the train n.ierals stole nrlvat nroLrtv alomr "1"PI!!!! ".5
' j -- --.vui 1119 Bctwuu aiicst! tauscu .ar-
lie declares was traded for the Ne.v
Mexican statehood bill.
Wright said: "The report that
Sherman was the author of the Hin
der bill Is wrong. The real author
was W. H. Andrew", now territorial
delegate from New Mexico. Andrews
entered Into an agreement with Sher
man and other members of the house
ral were knocked down and tne route of their campaign excur- ' u.rdav by G. F. Coolidge'. who signed
before the emergency signal j slons. ; of 15 000 bond on
ed. ' ... . .. ..., ,
and several
was pull
Bryan quo-ted the crowd by appear
ing on the platform and speaking.
Bryan said he believes the demo
crats will carry New York, Indiana,
Ohio, Kentucky and Ithode Isalnd.
I At roiiL-hkecpsie Bryan denounced
of representatives Involving the trans-, Koosevelt's activity in tne campaign,
fer of an option on timber land which I declaring It wa Impossible for a pres
he held. He sui rendei ed his option ! , U a to t leet his successor. He said
on the lands conditionally. One of j the office belongs to the people.
the terms of the agreement was that j
the New Mexico bill pass congress. t ,()vrnTT it.-ivi.-w wiinri."
"Matters eventually went bad for,
Andrews, as the statehood hill schei.e
was blocked in the s.nate. In the
meantime it looked as though the bill
the charge of receiving $300, know-
SUMMARY PUNISHMENT ling the bank to be insolvent.
METER TO CHICKEN THIEF. ! Coolidge wanted to be released from
his responsibility for the appearance
Los Angeles, Oct. 28. With his 1 of Scriber.
skull fractured, Casper Benson is ; After hearing the evidence the case
thought to be dying as the result of a j was dismissed by the justice before
beating and being tied to a tree by : whom it was brought, upon the ground
neighbors who found him In a chicken that the case was a matter for the
coop last night.
Viitually Eery Resident in Village
Helix. In Plan In l'otee riwra-
which had already passed the house, i,,,,,. 1IIU
r making the grants of lands, would ,,',. , , ,
I ., , ,,, , ,.,,... Cleveland, Oct. 2i. In order to
jiihs I ue M'O.llC HUIlllIK 111 .TllUP. .... la
. . . ,. ,, . i compel the telephone companies to
I 1 . I I 1 1( lit.-. u'. ......
Wright says Andrews told his
troubles to a friend who promised to
kill the bill, which he did.
I '.sea led OMivlet Caught.
Tacoma. Oct. 28. Frank Brown
who escaped from the Salem peniten-' ,.,
Men Are Sailing for a Fight With I . tWf) nlonth(, KO 1)V swmn,ing
l iu le Sam and Will Seize- Sinileglo
Iidnts in the IMclflo at An Fairly
Date Suys They Are Inciting tle
Filipinos to Insurrection.
San Franc, sco, Oct. 28. Congress-
(iinko hi Illinois.
Cairo, 111., Oct. 2S. A severe earth
,;ral e was felt here last night. ' It
man Hobson tried to make his audi-, lasted five seconds but no damage Is
The Medford charter nnd charters ut political meeting nere lasi n-poi u-u.
for several other towns were secured "lKht believe Japan Is eagerly seeking!
fom the state legislature four years a war with the United States at an Boom Era for Wallowa.
niro KeveiMl ii.-h nhnrie,. early date and that only the presence! Theodore Shell, a member of the
cured before the game was d.scovered of a big fleet ,n the me. fie will pre-1 Mieii-i omns .Meicaiune i. o. oi i-,,0r wlres In underground conduits,
bv the local tuition legislators When vent a conflict. I Iowa, was in the city last night on;
put their wires underground, which is
one condition of the promised water
works and lights, the residents of the
village of Hudson have started a boy
cott on the companies and ordered the
telephone instruments taken out of
their residences and places of busi-
Of the 3a0 telephones in Hudson all
the Willamette river amid a rain of, but al)0Ut 2n. it is said, have been
bullets, was captured here today by,' ordered out and m iy of those who
would not comply found the wires
Having the telephone wires put un
j O.i r .T' "jn l Is the only condition that
st ands between Hudson and the prom
ised water works. A special commit
tee, with Mayor Sullivan as its head,
litis been negotiating for months with
the Central Union and Peoples' Tele
phone companies to have them put
Deputy Sheriff Desmond
1 federal court and was out of his Jur
I isdiction.
i It is believed that Coolidge will
press a similar charge before United
' States authorities. It is not known
j what other steps he will take to se
l cure his release from Scriber's bond.
U. S. Marshal to La Grande.
I La Grande, Oct. 28 It Is under
' stood here that a United States mar
;hal will arrive In La Grande this
. .ening and will arrest J. W. Scriber
upon additional charges growing out
Strengthened Greatly.
the trick was made known a hot fight He declares tliat Japan lias nor- misiness, says me ii i.nmue i..usc,-
ensued upon the floor of the senate rowed a biilion dollars to be used in er. lie returned on mis mornings
and In the same Waller M. Pierce, preparing for' war and that overtures j train. To the Observer Mr. Shell
Joint senator f,r this district.' led the "f peace on the part of Japan were , stated that since the town of Wallowa
fight for the local opt;onlss. The to delude this nation into returning lia,l men reaene.i i ine u. & .v!th VU,1K Santa Kos;l fironl.
Milium Interests wore n.fn;ilo i tile lialtlesllips to tile Atlantic so JU- ousiness nan Ki e.iuy niei eu.-cu in no
Santa Rosa, Cal. Diil R
Medford Io IJe Dry.
was scalded in a train wreck at No-
That Medford itself will go drv the hi the Pacific, He declared there are
next time the subject Is voted upon 6fi,000 good Japanese soldiers along
In that city is firmly believed by Rev. the western coast and In the United
O. L. Hail .pastor of the Medford States.
Baptist church, who Is now here. j Hobson said the Japanese are coti
"At the last election the wets won tinually Inciting the Filipinos to In
hy only 10 or 15 votes," declared Mr. surrectlon.
pan could seize all strategic points ; lines. Building operations are vt Miany weeks ago
gressing rapidly, many having already
underwent an
operation this
delegation of
, oilier sk in-p r:i f I ini-
been started and rapidly Hearing com-, lnill.,,lir .,.,.
,,i, ,,..o. .-m... n ow ,i- fl.it,lllls from Ks., .,,, r,.talu.
, d. The past few months have seen, m.( to Uaf;u1 furnsh th(?
,. (.:.v,lapments than years of the ,kin.Braft!) ro,)Uil,Hi. making the to-
past' ' tal about 2o0 that have done so.
One of the extensive Improvements, ,. . 1ftn .
Hall today. "It Is now the general Re discussed the school question in at Wallowa is the construction of a tl.ansformi to the young man's leg to-
sentlment In Medford t hoi ll ivlll irn the first iiart of his sneech and urcod large warehouse for tile Wallowa
dry at the next election. The fact the voters to go to the polls and help I Mercantile company. The Mimnaughj
that the saloonnien carried the mat- elect Bryan. houses, too, will lie under process or
ter Into the courts after the county' construction" ere many months.
COUGARS MAKING RAID j M Enterprise tilings are no less ac-
ON ROSEBURG SHEEP, alH" ,u"-e '' pst:lle l,ims-
fers nave been made of late, une
had gone dry has aroused a resent
ment and many will now vote dry who
formerly were against prohibition."
Mnxlin Gorky Has Sure Enough Wife
Si. Petersburg, Oct. 27. If Maxim
Uoseburg, Oct. 2S Cougars are
making a raid on a band of sheep be
longing to I.eiinder Mathews. They
Gorky again v sits New York he will bayc killed 1". Several of these anl-
brlug with him his "sure enough" units ami a black bear have been seen
wife. The marriage was a secret one, In this vicinity this fall,
and It was several weeks before the
fact leaked out that Gorky was mar- J. W. Sowers, a well known sheep-
rled to Mine Anderlff, the former wife man of Malta, Mont., perished In a
of the noted author, Leonldus Andre- snowstorm Wednesday. His dead body
iff. was found Thursday.
Almost 4000 acres of fine pasture Hon two ln township four north or
land In the northeast part of the, range 37 east; the southeast ininrter
county was transferred by a deed, of section 25, the south half of the
filed with County Recorder Hendleyj north half; the north half of south
today by A. L. Demarls and wife to west quarter, the northwest quarter of
the McMlllen company, a Washington, southeast quarter, the northeast quar-
of (he latest sales is the one where
Cull Smith has disposed of his moving
picture machine and outfit to his for
mer partner, Mr. Sh ruder, and Roy
corporation. The price paid was $21,-
092 45.
The tract Is said to embrace some
of the finest pasture lnnd In the
mountain section of the northeast
Umatilla. The new owners will use It
as range In connection with heavy
stock Interests In that concern.
The property In the transfer In
cluded the east half, northeast quar
ter and north half of southeast quar
ter of section one; the northeast
quarter .southwest quarter, east half
of northwest quarter nnd southwest
quarter of southeast quarter of sec-
ter of northeast quarter of section
26; the south half of the south half
of section 28; all section 33; the
southwest quarter and the south half
of northeast quarter of section 34;
the enst half, the west half of the east
half, and the northeast quarter of
northeast quarter of section 35 and
all of section 36 of township five
north of range 37 e. w. m.
Therefrom Is excepted certain tim
ber now standing on a portion of the
land, which, together with the right
to fence the same. Is reserved by the
Car Checker Shot.
Drawing back his lantern to strike
a holdup man who had ordered him
to throw up his hands, Car Checker
Williams of the N. P., was shot and
probably fatally wounded by a bandit
at Pasco last night, according to word
brought to the city this morning, says
the Walla Walla Bulletin. Williams
was engaged in checking up the cars
in the yard in checking upjhe cars
The command to elevate his hands
nerved to arouse Williams' combatlve
ne.xs and as he drew back to hit the
man the latter fired, the bullet pene
trating Williams' lung.
Hermann Trial Po-rponcil.
The trial of Dinger Hermann, in
dicted In connection with the Oregon
land frauds, has been again postponed
and this time indefinitely, or at least
until the attorneys In the case come
together at some definite time and de
cide upon n date for trial.
Some friends have
two operations for the
submitted to
removal of
Caught By Own Fire.
Ventura, Cal., Oct. 2S. J. F. Kicf
for of Santa Paula Is dead and James
Hatcher of Ford Rivas, both forest
rangers, is suffering from severe
burns as the result of being caught
In a pocket of a canyon by a fire they
made. Kieffor was living with an in
valid son In a tent. The men started
the fire In the brush and It burned so
fast they could not escape.
yui !lltb Ot u si.lJ. ot tne wrecking of the Farmers and
, Traders National bank. Bank Exam-
landslide May Give ate to Bryan i"er W.lson has not quite finished his
Though Chances Are That Result work but wiU cIo!e nis task totVBht-
It is now known that Scriber s short
Will Re Close-Three Week Ago;age wi be more than $200,000.
Democrats Would Have Won Sig-j Deceiver Neider this morning took
mil Victory Hut Republicans Have charge of the bank"s affairs.
According to a rumor current here,
Mrs. T. N. Murphy, one of the sure-
' ties on Scriber's bond to the extent of
Chicago, 111., Oct. 28. In a review $2,n00 is engaged to him. The same
of the political situation in Ohio, giv- ,umor states that a week before the
en in the Chicago Record-Herald to-1 C1.ash came Mrs jIurl)hy was warned
day, Walter Wellniati says: "Ohio bv gcrlber t0 withdraw her funds from
will be close with a chance for either tbe bank.
Taft or Bryan to get a verdict by a .
slender plurality, or it will go to Bry
an by a landslide.
"If the votevhad been been taken
l 1
Salem, Oct. 2S. A. h. Brown, chief
rnn:::",eer of the salei.i uatc:- coinna-
night the republicans have gained and nv ( ., pi-oivt'n-'' man,
feel hopeful. The democrats are cer-; was 'run "over by a frightened team
tain they will win the state for the r y .,,., ctr,ft today and seriously
national ticket, but there are many i,,jul.ed. Brown was' on hi-- bicycle
three weeks ago the state would have
niilii fnt. Uri'on nurinff tha Incl frrl- '
uncertain elements.
"The most probable outcome is a
close election like 1892."
r". 1 v.'.' unable to get out of il.e way.
His skull was fractured an-.l an arm
and leg broken.
VAI.DEZ WITH $100,000
Tuft Men FraiWlc.
Portland, Oct. 2S. Frantic endeav-
Peter Monohan, who made the first Attracted by the cries of a woman,
big strike on Valdez creek last year, attacked in an isolated spot near the
arrived in the city yesterday on the railroad track at Homestead, the crew
Victoria, says the P. I. He was very of a switch engine stopped their train
successful in his operations this sea-' and rushed to her rescue, says a Sac
son, but says there is nothing new be- ramento dispatch.
yond the fact that the men who are They found Mrs. F. W. Leonard,
in there have done well. Mr. Mono- w f0 of a it.aI painter, defending -her-han
would not say how much money self against two men, one of whom
he brought out as a result of his sum- escaped. The other was captured af
mer's work, but fellow passengers ter a furious struggle,
say that he had $100,000. Sergeant Henry Balz, acting chief
Mr. Monohan says the Valdez creek f police, recognized the accused man
district is much better than generally by an "Examiner" clipping as John
supposed, and that the pay streak be- Harigen, who was arrested In Oakland
low him was located by Dan Kain nnd December IS. 1903, and charged with
that next year the latter's company holding up John Davis, railroad tow
will be working In very rich dirt. On erman, at his station,
other creeks new finds are being
made. '
Instead of coming out by way of
ors were made here to raise funds for Gulkana be went down the Susitna
the use of the Taft managers in New river and came out by way of Seward.
York, Ohio and 'Indiana. Dr. Henrv R
Benson F. Bidwell. 73 years oi l.
says the miners who are coming and his son, Charles, were sentenced
Roy Kills Brother.
At Gate City, Wash.. Saturday, It.
A. Patton, aged 19, was shot and in
slnntly killed by his younger brother,
William, after a quarrel. It Is claim
ed (he shooting was necldent.il, but
the bov his been arrested.
Coe. with headquarters In the Port
land hotel, has requested the biggest
houses In Portland to give contribu
tions He asked two for $500 each.
It is unknown how much he collect
in from Yentna are telling of the
riches of that district.
Bryan on Tafl's Trail.
New York.' Oct. 2S. Bryan left
this morning on his up state cam
paign, where he will follow Taft's
Moes ;tl Times; Asks Divorce.
Because she was forced to change
her home 39 times In her married life,
Mrs. Jennie E. V. Jarrett today asked
a divorce from James E. Jarrett. says
a Fort Wayne, Did., special. Th
couple were married in 1891. Mrs.
Jarrett said the family had been eject
ed from 16 houses for nonpayment of
rent and had moved out of others to
avoid process.
Yesterday's linsclmll.
Los Angeles 7. Portland 3;
Francisco 5, Oakland 4.
to a term of from one to 10 years in
the penitentiary today by Judg
Laughlin of Chicago. They wero
charged with making hundreds of dol
lars by means of a swindling machine.
I,os Angeles,
initials "K IV
Oct. 2 S. Bearing the
' burned so deeply in-
I members of tli" fraternity, where they
ileft their valuables, then thrv went to
to their foreheads that It Is feared West T-ake park where tiny were
they are marked for life. Edgar Lusk , diu ke.l and given dry clothing. Next
and Frank Ritchie today admitted j tin y weer taken t a "baunt
th' .v h id been branded during their j ed' house where they were h.indcuff
Ir.itiatlon Into the Kappa Delta fr.i- e l and had their lees hound w ith
ternity Thursday night. Their pa- j wire and It was there the branding
rents are Investigating. j operation occurred. They had to
The boys were taken together to , borrow ear fare from a stransT to
the home of Chester Crank, one of the i get home.