East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 09, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ., , . - . . , - '-:-.-"-:;-, .
1 ' I
t I
! I
Exceptional Showing of
Our last shipment of Furs came in
yesterday, 400 of them,
all nobby and new direcl:
from the fa&ory. All
the new shapes are now
being shown.
Throws and ties $ ,25 to $22.50
Muff Sets $3.50 to S40.00
Call and see the pret
tiest assortment ever
shown in Pendleton. i) ' TT
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Teutsch's Old Stand
Messrs. Xolson, Ilarton, Kroner, Hare
ami Ogle Cull 4,IhiulnirmI Vet
cram" Into Lino for Democratic
C'uiKlfihKi'H, Holding They Stand for
(llO GOfMl Of (llO MUShOH.
City Brevities
Fresh Olymplu oysters at Hohbach's.
Dressed chickens at Ingramt Sat
urday. All kinds of good dry wood. See
Mi nr. Ik.
Try those Isahelle grapes nnd quln
res at lngrams.
Hst nut coal. Give tin a chance
Oregon Lumber Yard.
Ste M limit for good dry wood that
bums. Lota of It on hand.
Extreme bargains In Oregon wool
.blankets nt The Wonder Store.
Protect your family and yourself.
Join the Fraternal Ilrotherhood.
He sure and see us before you get
, your fuel. Oregon Lumber Yard. -Home
made white bread and Bos
ton blown bread Saturday at Ingrums.
New shipment of quinces and Isa
bel!" grape jUMt urrived at Ingrams.
Wool blankets, wool socks, wool
Hliirt!. wool underwear, at The Won
der Store.
Get our prices on Cascade fir wood
and flab woo 1. Oregon . Lumber
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
fur rent. Kniiilre at East Oregonlan
All kinds of trannfer work done
promptly. Stansbcrry & Milne, phone
' Main &
We have what you want. The Fra
ternal Brotherhood pays accident, a
well ns Insurance.
F"! .Sale Five-acre ranch, well
Improved, 1 tulles east of Pendle
ti M. Address Box 570 P. O.
Dr. Cole has resumed practice. Of
fice Judd building. Phono Main 1S7.
Residence phone Main 138.
Lost Between Frank Duprat's and
Main street, set of plans and speclfl
lutions. Ie.ive nt this office.
lint L'l Fontaine has Just received
a (ri H lot of crawfish, crab and oys
ters in the shell at the Quelle.
For Rent 1280-acre ranch; 1100
acres mi miner fallow. C'outts & Hays
looum 12-M John Schmidt block.
Lost Thursday evening, on Alta
street between Cnxble and Main streets'
a ladles brown fur. Finder leave at
Ingram's grocery.
Found Purse on road east of
town. Owner can have same by prov
ing and paying for this ad. Address
box 570 P. O., Pendleton, Ore.
"Cut prices" In all lines at Good
man Hardware company's , We are
retiring from business and no goods
reserved during our cut price sale.
Graham's regular prices on talking
machines arc as low and Jower than
the prices charged elsewhere at so-
called sales. Latest records arriving
Wanted A good middle-aged wo
man or experienced girl to do gencr
hi housework In a home of three.
Good wages to right party. Apply at
once at 515 Bush street.
The Fraternal Brotherhood pays
four ways, accident, disability, -old
oge and death. For further informa
tion apply to J. T. Mahoney, deputy
ruprcme president, 612 Willow street,
telephone Black Hit.
List One black. ladles' hand
purse with handle containing soma
liver and several deposit checks on
the l'.-mk f Echo In favor of Miss
('"elm Palmer. Finder will please
If a ve the same at this office and re-'
i elve reward.
7 .
The Old Dime.
The new program at the Old Dime
today Includes: "An Apprentice's
Heroism." a feature film; "An Ob
stinate Singer." "The Novelist of To
day." "A Flower Girl's Gratitude" and
the illustrated song, "liye, Bye, Dear
ie" The Orjilicuni.
The Orphcum's bill Includes the
"Salome," n beautiful reproduction
of the sensational dance. "Jo Jo, the
Boy Detective," and the illustrated
song. "Loving Time."
Tin- Now Dlmo.
"The Pardon." "A Strong Gale,"
"The Gambler nnd the Devil," "A
Romance of the Alps" and the Illus
trated song, "I've Taken a Fancy to
You," are presented.
Tin Pastime.
The program consists of "The Cul
ture of Voice." "The Shepherdess"
and the Illustrated song, "When You
Wore a Pinafore." '
Tho Eldson.
"The Hull Fight." a feature film,
"The Pardon" nnd "A StronR Gale,"
with an Illustrated make up the program.
Oregon populist loaders of bygone
days are now anxious to have all of
those who followed the banner of the
peoples party vote for Bryan In the
coming election. As an effective
means of bringing such actions about
they have Just Issued the following
proclamation to their former political
To the Populists of the State of
Oregon In compliance with the wish
es of many old-lino populists, and In
obedience to what seems to be a pat
riotic duty, your committee of four
years ago now asks your Berlous con
sideration of the following sugges
Momentous Issues affecting the per
I petuity of the rights of the people are
dependent on the results of the pend
I Ing presidential campaign. Tho old
I populists who courageously led the
I vanguard for the people's rights, Just
reforms and the square deal 20 years
ago cannot remain silent now.
I What Tuft Policy Means.
Divesting the platforms of the two
i.lil parties of their unnecessary ver
blage, and stripping the contest of all
Its partisan clap-trap for catching the
popular ear, we clearly discern three
distant tendencies represented by the
presidential candidates of these par
ties. The Ideas and policies represent
and advocated by Mr. Taft tend to
ward a centralized government re
stricting the rights and power of the
people, wlille the ideas and policies
advocated by Mr. Bryan tend In the
opposite direction, seeking to enlarge
the rights and power of the people.
The republican candidate, Mr. Taft,
frankly admits that he Is opposed to
direct legislation by the people under
the principles of the Initiative and
referendum, and to the election of
United States senators by direct vote
of the people, and the publication of
campaign contributions.
In a public address on this subject
a little over a year ago, on August 17,
1907, at Oklahoma City, tn the state
of Oklahoma, Mr. Taft said:
"You of course, will do as you
please, but If my advice Is worth any
thing to you, I'd vote No, because
your constitution does not furnish
sufficient power to the proper admin
istration by public officers, and when
you put the Initiative and referendum
In the constitution you give the people
power beyond what they can safely
exercise. You give them the right
to Interfere with public officers, and
they will destroy your government
beyond stability, safety and sound
After six years' trial there l.t no
clause In the constitution of the state
of Oregon that would today receive so
large a popular vote as the initiative
and referendum.
Taft on Direct Elections.
And on the question of electing
stumors by direct vote of the people,
Mr. Taft said In a public lecture at
iiile university some years ago, thatl
"No law should be passed unless it
had the support of a majority of the
people, ami any law enacted without
Has Cured Thousand Will Cure Too
or Money Back.
This Is the little Hyomcl Inhaler,
the little, doctor that has cured many
thousands of sufferers, from catarrh,
bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, coughs,
colds, and grip.
Iw's so easy and pleasant to cure
yourself with Hyornel. Just pour a
few drops In tho little Inhaler, and
breathe It In. The healing, soothing
and antiseptic air will reach every
nook and crevice of the mucous mem
brane of the nose nd throat; will stop
tho irritation almost Immediately;
will allay the Inflammation; drive out
the foul odor; kill the germs and cure
the disease.
"My wlfo has been using Hyornel
for two months for catarrh and pul
monary trouble. She has received
more relief and benefit'than from any
other treatment." E. S. Parrett, Jef
ferson, O.
"Hyornel cured mo of terrible ear
ache and buEzIng In the head. I
would not be without It In the house
for'a single night." Mrs. 8. P. Full
er, Columbia, S. C.
Tallrr-an & Co., the druggists, sell
Hyornel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) and
guarantee It. A complete outfit, In
cluding Inhaler, only costs $1, and an
extra bottle of Hyornel, If afterwards
needed, will cost but 50 cents.
Well Known Minister and family Ar
rive IX'in Port bind to Make Tlielr
Homo la This City Daughter an
AocoiuplMu-d Musician Entire
Family Plca.-xfl With ApiMiirancv
of City of Pendleton.
popular assent behind it would be a1
Dr. T. B. Ford, declared by tho
Portland Oregonlan to be the most
widely known Methodist minister In
the Oregon conference, In company
with his family, arrived In Pendleton
last evening to enter upon his new
duties as pastor of the First Metho
dist church In this city.
The new pastor and his family were
almost overwhelmed with the enthus
iastic reception tendered them at the
train last evening by the large num
ber of local Methodists and they are
loud in their praises of the business
like appearance of the city and the
delightful climate. Dr. Ford Rays
Pendleton Impresses him as being one
of the best cities of Its size he ever
saw. He therefore enters upon his
new pastorate with the same If not a
greater degree of enthusiasm than
has marked his work In other fields.
In speaking of his removal from
Portland, to this city the Portland
Oregonlan has the following to say
concerning him and his work:
Why He Is Known.
"The transfer of Dr. Ford. F. B..
was one of the big surprises of the as
signments. He Is perhaps the most
widely known of the Methodist mill
isters In the whole conference, having
served eight years as presiding elder
(now superintendent ) on the Eugene
district, and four years as pastor of
the Sunnyside Methodist cnureh. Hi
I w orK lias ulnars uccit 01 ine oiiieM
I crder and he has been very success
ful wherever he has labored. Under
his ministry the Sunnyside church
Cloak (Sb Suit House
Fashionable Ready-to-Wear ap
parel for women. Fine styles and
fine qualities. All the newest plain
or fancy effects in the best liked
Walking Skirts in
grand variety, dark
worsteds, plain ser
ges and panamas in
black, brown, blue
and gray. Style and
finish are apparent
in all of them.
We have a large assortment at prices from $7 to $25
At the Up-to-Date Store
special year's work In history at
Dr. Ford will preach his first ser
mon in Pendleton next Sunday morning.
For Sale.
One of the very best wheat farms
In Gilliam county, Oregon, consisting
of 800 acres, all plow land, and all
now In summer fallow ready for sed
lng; fair Improvements with drilled
well, yielding plenty of water, on
place; situated near Olex, on county
road. Address R. T. Cox, Portland.
For Sale.
The C. E. Fell residence, corner
I'ush and Washington streets. A
modern cottage and a good bargain.
Apply nt the premises or to O. D.
A dainty scarf pin Is one of the
titatot pieces of Jewelry a person i
can own. we nave a nice siock 01
them in either gold or gold filled,
ranging from "So to $10.00 each.
'Call nnd see them. No trouble to
show goods at our house.
Louis Hunziker
Jeweler and Optlclnn.
726 Main St.
Sanctuary Chapter.
The Sanctuary Chapter will meet at
the old rectory tomorrow afternoon nt
:t o'clock.
M miler 1st Confessed.
Leander Cox, who shot his wife at
the family home In Seattle Monday
night, has confessed. He has been
(barged with murder in the first degree.
Hot or Cold Bottle
Tne new vaoum bottle, will keep
contents hot for 24 hours, warm
for 48 hours, and cold for 72
hours. Two sizes, pints $5.00,
quarts $7.50.
nullity." And as senators cannot be so
elected by the people 'without the
United States senate first submits the
necessary law. It follows that all ef
forts to select United Slates senators
t'lider our direct primary laws are.
according to Mt. Taft, useless nullities.
On these two great questions, the
most Important of all those nt issue
in the present campaign, Mr. Bryan,
the democratic candidate, Is directly
opposed to Mr. Taft. nnd stands sol
idly with the people, nnd has publicly
everywhere advocated direct legisla
tion and popular election of United
Mates senators for the last 20 years, j
On these two great issues, so vital tot
the rights and liberties of every free-i
man, every old populist should make;
the choice. The two great parties so'
overtop 'and overshadow nil others'
that it would nnlv li..lim. (i,., I.,,.,..... I
ance of the present cnmpalgn to re
fer to the tariff, currency or other
hackneyed subjects.
It Is to the honor and glory of our
state that It was the first of nil the
states of our union to carry the star
spangled banner of the neonle's
piospered well, and he was also in-
i strunieiital in assisting in other or
Ionizations In the neighboring com
"Prior to coining to Oregon. Dr.
Ford was presiding elder of Seattle
district, and still earlier in his min
isterial career he held the same po
sition In the Little Rock, Ark., dis
trict. He has contributed largely to
the periodicals of the denomination,
and his book on the presiding elder
ship Is the only work of the kind ever
published and had a wide sale.
"The church at Pendleton, to which
he was transferred, Is one of the most
magnificent edifices in northwest
Methodism, It being a new building
costing $35,000. Pendleton also has
a nice parsonage, and is an altogether
desirable appointment. It is in the
t'llumbia River conference,, one of
the strongest conferences in the west.
A Splendid Family.
But not alone in the acquisition of
Dr. Ford is the city to be congratu
lated, for In addition to his most es
timable wife, the family, which will
make Its home here, Includes two
daughters, who will prove a valuable
Music Teacher.
A. H. Johnson, Instructor of band
and orchestra In Pendleton academy,
will accept a limited number of pu
pils on violin, cornet, clarionet or any
band or orchestra Instrument. Pu
pils may Join the academy band and
orchestra If they so desire. Studio at
Pendleton academy. Residence, 601
Post street; phone, Black 2852.
There will be a grand ball given
at the German hall In Middle Cold
Springs, Saturday evening, October
10. The public Is Invited. There will
be lunch served and all are promised
a good time. Johnson's orchestra.
Admission $1.
Warranty Dcorts Recorded.
Julia Anna Parr et vlr to Frank S.
Curl, $1. northeast quarter northeast
quarter, section 23, township 3 north,
range 24 E.
Otls,R. Arnold et ux et al to Belle
Todd, $2250. Northwest quarter
northeast quarter and lots 1, 2, 8, 9,
10 of section 1, township 2 north,
range 32, E. W. M.
Charles Bushman to James T. Lleu
allen, $4500. East half northeast
quarter, section 10, township 3 north,
range 34, E. W. M.
Cordes A. Casebere to Western Ore
gon Trust Co., $1. Northeast quarter
southeast quarter, section 31, north
half southwest quarter, southwest
quarter southwest quarter, section 32,
township 6 south, range 30, E. W. M.
James M. Rice to Charles B. Isaac,
$2250. South half north half south
west quarter and north half south
half southwest quarter, section 2,
township 1 north, range 32, E. W. M.
Harry R. Newport et ux et al to W.
R. Stewart, $300. Lots 7 and 8, In
block 1, Hermiston, Oregon.
Mm. R. Stewart et ux, to W. J.
Emry, $1200. Lots 7 and 8 inblock
1, Hermiston, Oregon.
Quitclaim Deed.
Minnie E. Stillman to H. G. New
port. $:6.10. Lot 3 in block 46 In
reservation addition to Pendleton,
Off for the Pendleton Busi
ness College. The best in
Oregon. Come learn to be
an expert accountant or ste
nographer. Write to J. Glenn Miller for catalogue
and other information you may desire
rights to the front, and to triumphant;1"1'1'""11 '" 1,10 SlU'lal ''lenient of the
victory in constitutional enactments, i cnurcli and city. I ne ckkt uaugiuer,
lorever securing to the people thc'Miss s'",i,- ls 11 graduate of the Con
right to make their own laws and ! "crvatory of Music of the University
choose their own senators by direct j"f r,'K"" nn W1IS assistant Instruc
lc glslatlon nnd the direct primary. And j ,"r 1,1 l,il1110 department for two
It Is to the honor nnd glory of the !",'"'s' sl,, ls a,si1 11 '"'aiiist of
old populists that they led tile battli. j abllit'. Miss Ivy is a graduate of the
for these rights of the people. And 1'uw'", "lKn S('llm)1 "ni1 ,;"01' llt'1"1
now half the states of the union, nnd ! ,,(' 11,0 Willamette University at Sa
more than 50 cities of our country,;10"'
are following where Oregon led tile T!,, remainder of the family con
procession. We cannot now afford to!Ms,!! "f ,w" s",ls' 01in is
take any backward step.
And now for these considerations,
nnd nt this crisis of public affairs, we
appeal to our fellow citizens, the battle-scarred
veterans of the old popu
list party, nnd respectfully nnd enn
dldly submit the ' question: "Ought
we not to vote for William J. Bryan,
rather than for William H. Taft?"
Itespect fully submitted.
Don't overlook our big reduction
sale. Everything In the hardware
ltnn nt frrentlv rednppit nrlnoa tt f Via
j next 20 days Goodman Hardware
ed 111 business in Portland, and Pur-
Bess, who was professor of history at
the Montana Wesieyan University for
two years, but who Is now takiiiK a
Save Sickness
The prompt and sure relief
given in acute stomach, bowel
and liver complaints, has
created an annual sale of over
six million boxes of
SsU E rorywhers. la boxes lOe. and 2Sc
See the Twin-Dime Across'the Street.
Moving Pictures Like Life
Entire change of Program eveiy Sunday, Tuesday
and Friday.
Absolutely fire-proof and thebest
ventilated theatre in the ci'ty.
A Better Show at the Same Price