East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 30, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    . j,.,,;ip4.tnnHWilHW
-"fcj-f-w- : 'r- r,'' .-' v. --...
Shirt waist Specials
For Fair VeoIt
See Corner Window Display
All the new creations, in Net, French
Flannels, Madras and Linen now be
ing shown.
Madras tailored Waists with linen collars, all shades $2
Pretty Net Waists in white and ecru . $5.90
French Flannels, a dozen patterns . . $2.50
Dont Forget that Suit, Coat or
Skirt, our Stock is Complete
Ladies Suits . $15.00 to $40.00
Ladies Coats . $5.00 to $40.00
Ladies Skirts . $3.97 to $20.00
F. E. Livengood & Co.
TeuLsch's Old Stand
MEN 10
Jiiiih C. Ireland on Trial Today for
Stealing; Town from Athena Livery
Wahlo FcrgiiHon ProHccvim; Dun
I. Sinytlio Defend C'aoo Nearly
Heady for Jury.
Tilil Ml) CUM
Mttlforil Niitlrf Help to Care for Eu.su
ern Nil( Coming. Into State
lino!" Muii )M-4ils to I'ortluntl
to Suggest GimkI Town to Send
Tlicm to Pendleton Mil)' (Jet Sunic
Hc-uHh From Well Conducted
Publicity Movement.
Help Wanted Respectable city
wants assistance In caring for aur
p.us settlers. Can't take cure of all
tn people coming In.
How would an "ad" like that look
vlth Pendleton's name attached? Vet
Ii ndlcton may be forced to appeal
fur assistance in tearing for the new-
. in.ra If the advertising campaign
.hci, in to bo Inaugurated here In car
ta il mi with the name degree of suc
cess that Willamette valley and
A dainty scarf pin lf one of the
rtat'st pieces of Jewelry a person
can own. We have a nice stock of
them in either gold or gold filled,
ranging from 7.V to $10.00 each.
Call nnd see them. No trouble to
show goods at our house.
Louis Hunziker
Jeweler nnd Optician.
"26 Main St.
southern Oregon towns seem to have
received from Judicious use of book
It ts und boost material and the co
ngelation of the Oregon Development
l ague. Such cities as Salem, Eu
gene, The Dalles, Ashland, Grant's
Pass, How-burg- nnd Medford are
rapidly growing In population, while
the country surrounding Is receiving
additions to Its permanent resident
list dally from the east and south
west, where the efforts of the league
have been especially directed.
A wimple communication to the
Commercial club of that city, Is given
by the Portland Telegram to show
how the favored sections of the state
are profiting by the systematic action
of the organization engaged In adver
tising the state's Inducements to
In meseekeis. It Is from A. H. Mil
ler, secretary of the Oregon Develop
ment league at Medford, Jackson
county, as follows:
"I am up against a proposition and
wish to ask your advice. There are so
many people coming to Medford with
their furniture by the carload that
the Southern Pacific tracks are get
ling so filled that we will not be able
to get in cars to ship the apple crop.
"There is not a house of any kind
In town that can be rented. As I was
having to go to dinner last evening
a man whom I had met last March
on a tour of Inspection staggered up
against the boll. ling and called to me.
He was faggej out with house hunt
ing with no success. His car of goods
had arrived and he can't find a place
to put them. There are half a dozen
In the same fix.
"Possibly you can suggest some
remedy or toll me of some town In
Oregon that really needs these peo
ple. 1 will be very glad to divert-a
few families until we can adjust our
si Ives somew hat. Any Ideas that you
can present will be thankfully re
(( Ived. Eight families have come
direct from an Indiana town and I
am told there are some more packing
up. We must do something, so I
leave It up to you."
Appearing by counsel In the cir
cuit court this afternoon, the men re
cently Indicted by the grand Jury for
breaking the prohibition law asked
to be given until tomorrow morning to
plead. Their request was granted
and unless a further delay occurs they
will plead before Judge Bean In the
Further Indictments were brought
In by the grand Jury today, but noth
ing regarding the cases has been yet
made public.
Ireland on Trial.
Practically the entire day hag been
taken up with the trial of James C.
Ireland, who Is accused of having
stolen a team from the McBrlde sta
able at Athena.
Ireland Is being defended by At
torney Pan P. Smythe, while C. J.
Ferguson Is prosecuting. The state
completed Its case this forenoon and
for the defense Ireland himself was
upon the stand this afternoon as his
own chief witness.
From all appearances the case will
go to the Jury this afternoon.
At ai. clasH meeting held yesterday
ufternoon two of the high school
classes elected corps of officers for
this year.
At th? senior class meeting Alfred
Euster v.'as chosen as president; Miss
Gertruile Jordan as secretary and
Miss fjora Warner as class reporter.
It has been young Euster's Intention
to leave the school when his family
moves to Portland, but his class
friend. are hopeful that he will not do
ho. He Is also a member of the foot
ball fjearn and If be leaves he will be
mlssnd by his gridiron associates.
At tho Junior class election held!
yesterday officers were chosen as fol
lows: Harvey McDill, president; Roy.
Rowland, vice president; Brook Dickson-,
secretary and treasurer; and
Edith Slater, class reporter.
The Junior class this year Is un
usually ftrong both in number itiid
In the character of Its members. There
are 45 Juniors enrolled this year and
among the number are some ot the
most enfluential In the school.
At the meeting yesterday It Wei de
cided to give a class play somo time
this year and the production wtll be
"Tho College WMow," Georgv Ado's
clever comedy.
(Continued from page 1.)
For Sail.
One of the very best wheat farms
In Gilliam county, Oregon, consisting
of 800 acres, all plow land, and all
now in summer fallow ready for sed
Ing; fair Improvements with drilled
well, yielding plenty of water, on
place; situated near Olex, on county
rond. Address R. T. Cox, Portland.
Vocal music Quartet "Oregon."
Hon. A. M. Crawford, attorney
Hand Patriotic airs.
The program committee Is not cer
tain whether Governor Chamberlain
will be In attendance on Thursday or
Friday, nnd they hope that other
state officials will be present nnd
participate In the exercises of Oregon
Pioneer Day a SueoeM.
Yesterday afternoon's program
was of especial Interest to the large
number of pioneers who were pres
ent. Though the address delivered
by Hon. J. D. Lee was more than
ordinary, the talk by Colonel J. H.
Haley on "Reminiscences," dealing as
it did with the early history of Pen
dleton and vicinity, was perhaps of
more Interest to the people of this
city. After paying a high tribute to
the Stirling worth of the early pio
neer, the colonel told of the wonder
ous transformation when has been
worked out In Pendleton and Vina
till: county since he first came here
in 1S62.
Addison Hennett. who address on
"Fruit." had been carried over from
the day before nlso delighted his
hearers, as usual.
George Hartman, Jr.. assistant
cashier of the First Na.Uonal bank,
and former first HeutenaM In the sec
ond Oregon Infantry, has been ap
pointed as a member of Governor
Chamberlain's official, staff. He has
the rank of lieutenant colonel and his
appointment was made last week
when the staff was revised.
Made Harness for 65 Years.
On this afternoon's Northern Pa
cific train there arrived Mr. and Mrs.
William Hamley of Kendrlck, Idaho,
parents of J. J. Hamley of the Ham
ley harness store, whose guests they
will be for some time. William Ham
ley is probably the oldest harness
maker In the northwest, having been
engaged In the business for 65 years.
His son, J. J. Hamley, has been In
the business for 34 years.
National Ieagtie.
The New York club lost Its place In
the lead of the National league pen
nant race yesterday by dropping to
Philadelphia, while Chicago was win
ning from Cincinnati.
At New York First game, Phila
delphia 2; New York 8. Second
game, Philadelphia 7; New York 1.
At Pittsburg First game, Pitts
burg 7; St. Louis 0. Second game,
Pittsburg 6; St. Louis 5.
At Boston Boston 6; Brooklyn 2.
At Clncifnati Cincinnati 2, Chica.
go 6.
American League.
At Cleveland Cleveland 6, Phila
delphia 4.
Second game Cleveland 9; Phila
delphia 0.
At St. Louis First game, St Luls
6. New York 0. Second game, St.
Louis 2. New York 1.
At Chicago First game, Chicago i
Boston 1. Second game, Chicago 2,
Boston 0.
At Detroit First game. Detroit,
4, Washington 1. Second game. De
troit 7, Washington 3.
Coast league.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles, 5-9-2,
San Francisco. 4-4-4.
At O.iklmd Oakland. 9-6-1; Port
land. 4-6-3.
Northwest League.
At Tacoma Aberdeen. 2-5-0; Ta-
coma, 0-4-2.
At Butte Butte, 4-6-2; Seattle,
At Vancouver Vancouver 6
Spokane, 4-6-2.
Clark's Grocery
544-546 Main St.
Try a pound can of our
Genuine Arabian Mocha & Java
Imported from Arabia and not a
South American imitation.
Queen (imp House Sold.
Van Puymbroeck & Beddow, pro
prietors of the Queen Chop House,
the Main street restaurant, recently
lemodeled after having been damag
ed by fire, have sold out to T. Olesen,
who will take charge at once. Olesen
was a member of the firm of Olesen
& Hansen, proprietors of the Maze
saloon, which went Into bankruptcy
Immediately after the county went for
o. n. & N. orrieiais.
General Superintendent
lot or Cold Bottle
The new vaoum bottle, will keep
contents hot for 24 hpurs, warm
for 48 hours, and cold for 72
hours. Two sizes, pints $5.00,
quarts $7.50.
Buckley and Tom Walsh, superinten
dent of tho Washington division of
the O. R. & N.. arrived in Pendleton
last evening in their private cars, hav
ing Just completed a tour of Inspec
tion of the Washington division.
Buckley's car was attached to No. 2
and taken on east while Walsh re
turned to Spokane today, his car hav
ing been attached to the noon train.
Home from the East.
Miss Ethel Fraker, who has been
in Minneapolis for the past four
months, studying vocal music under
Professor Willard Patten and visiting
her sister, Miss Mytelene Fraker, re
turned home last evening.
San Francisco, .Sept. 30. Despite
the fact that he announced yesterday
that he would fight the deportation
proceedings against him at Washing
ton, Robert T. Bosnian, the Chinese
millionaire, whose admission that he
had two wives kept him out of this
country, announced through attorneys
today that he would return to China
and drop the fight.
Pendleton Cloak & Suit llouso
Is the place and now
is the time to make
your selection of a
Ladies Suit, Goat or Raincoat
We can save you money
on anything in our line
We are showing a
new arrival of
Suits, Goats and Petticoats
Misses and Children's
Coats, ladies and miss
es Skirts, Furs, Hand
Bags, Belts and Corsets
Ve are Headquarters for Underwear
At the
City Brevities
Portland, Sept. 30. Pursuant to the
Jction of the city council, at the so
licitation of "Mayor Lane, in appro
pr'ntlng funds for 10 additional pa
trolmen to be used In eradicating the
social evil from Portland, chief of
Police Gritzmacher Issued orders last
night to the detective bureau to notify
all women in the North End that they
must vacate the premises occupied by
them within one week from today.
Fine Havlland at Ingrams,
Fresh fruits, vegelablea, Ingrams.
Try La FonUIne's Sunday dinners.
Fresh Olymplli oystera at Hohbach's.
All kinds of good dry wood. See
Try those Isabelle grapes and quin
ces at Ingrams.
Best nut coal. Give us a chance.
Oregon Lumber Yard.
Dressed chickens for Sunday's din
ner, Saturday at Ingrams.
Children's bear skin coats at $2.75.
worth $5. Wonder Store.
Second-hand hack for sale cheap.
Inquire at Ingram's grocery.
See Mlnnls for good dry wood that
burns. Lots of it on hand.
Every fruit on the Pendleton mar
ket can be found at Ingram's.
Bed sheets, 72x90 Inches, at 49c each,
worth 75c. The Wonder Store.
Protect your family and yourself.
Join the Fraternal Brotherhood.
Be sure and see us before you get
your fuel. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Lost Pair gold spectacles In black
case. Finder leave at this office.
New shipment of quinces and Isa
belle grapes Just arrive! at Ingrams
Get our prices on Cascade fir wood
and slab wood. Oregon Lumber
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. Enquire at East Oregonlan
AH kinds of transfer work done
promptly. Stansberry & Milne, phone
Main 5.
Just received, fresh shipment of
Swift's premium hams and bacon at
Havlland, crockery, glassware and
kitchen utensils of every description
at Ingrams.
Notice Furnishings for tale and
rooming house to rent. Inquire 621
Garden street
We have what you want. The Fra
ternal Brotherhood pays accident, a
well as Insurance.
For sale Scholarship In Pendleton
business college at big reduction. Ad
dress Box, 74, Echo, Ore.
He who hesitates la lost. Send In
your application to Pendleton Lodge
No. 324, of the T. F. B.
Dr. Cole has resumed practice. Of
fice Judd building. Phone Main 117.
Residence phone Main 138.
Girl wanted for general housework
in a small family. Inquire 809 West
Court street Phone Black 3852.
W. R. Graham, while in Portland
recently, purchased a fine line of Co
lumbia graphophones to be added to
the stock of the Pendleton Furniture
co. ;
Don't overlook our big reduction
sale. Everything In the hardware -i
line at greatly reduced prices for the
next 20 day9 Goodman Hardware
Lost Gentleman's open face gold
watch with shoestring attached, near
Adams about two weeks ago. If the
party who was riding the grey mare
and carrying a bundle found It or
whoever found it. please leave same at
this office.
To Fair Visitors Buy a farm. In
southern Oregon for $200 and you
get a town lot in Lakeview free. Pay
able $10 a month. Get particular!
of Pendleton Investment company,
American National bank building.
Transfer Sheep.
Eleven carloads of sheep were
transferred here today from the line
of the O. R. & N. to the Northern Pa
cific. The sheep were loaded at Hll
gard and are being shipped to Tacoma.
Home cooking Thursday nnd Friday
nt Ingrams.
Iur New liirtliH.
The following births have Just been
To Mr and Mrs. R. Forster, a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hodgens, a
To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwartz,
a 12-pound son.
To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Royce, of Ju
niper, a daughter.
New Snlewliuly.
Anthony's Cloak and Suit House
has been fortunate in securing the
services of Genevieve Harris of Athe
na, as saleslady. The new employe
has had years of experience In this
line of work and she Is considered a
valuable addition to the already ef
ficient force In a store which Is rap
idly growing in popularity.
New Mill Foreman.
A new foreman for the Forster
planing mill arrived this morning
when a son was born to Mr- and Mrs.
R. Forster at their home on College
Bead t9 East Oregonlan.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 30. It was
discovered today that arms and aniu
nition arc being regularly smuggled
from Vancouver to aid Chinese ban
dits and pirates on the western side
of the Pacific. When the steamer
Empress arrived at Hong Kong on the
last trip she had many packages label
ed "Soap," but which contained am-unltion.
FMilug Open to All.
Portland. Sept 30. AH along the
banks of the Columbia river there Is
great activity today among fishermen
owing to the order of Cnlted States
Judge Wolverton to the effect that
fishing is open to all licensed fisher
men pending a decision of the I'nlted
States supreme court In the Christ
Nlelson case.
The First National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Report of the Condition, September 23,
To the Comptroller of the Currency.
A Healthy Family.
"Our whole family has enjoyed good
health since we began using Dr.
King's New Life Pills, three years
ago," says L. A. Bartlet of Rural
Route 1, Guilford, Maine. They
cleanse and tone the system in a gen
tle way that does you good. 25c at
Tallman & Co.'s and Pendleton Drug
Co.'s drugstores.
Wanted To rent a good four or
five-room cottage with bath. Must
be close In. Address P. O. box B.
latest record for Columbia graph
ophones at Graham's.
Loans and discounts ...$
United States bonds....
Other bonds and warrants
Bank building
906,300. SS
Cash on hand. $146,019.60
Due from '
banks .... 4S2.814.2S
fund 7,000.00 635,833. SS
Capital stock $ 200,000.00
Surlpus and undivided
Profits 83.149..05
Circulation 137,500.00
Duo other banks 32,880.78
Deposits 1,421,466 09
I, G. M. Rice, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
G. M. RICE. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September, 1908.
(SEAL.) Notary Pubttc for Oregon.