East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    page eight.
Anyone i;. fcllr. "oso" is
not v. c!l. Liu r iv t aotirij r!;:ht is the cau?e.
Dad liver means bail licahii, bad slomach
and bowels olten bad kidneys unhealthy
complexion blues headaches all kinds
of ailments.
A bad liver becomes a good, healthy active one when
treated with
I CT. (' 5 a-r Conner M
Better than pills for liver ills.
Never gripe, sicken r.:r act violently always effective.
Take an tablet to-night
r.r.d you'll feel better in the
Get a 25c Bex
A. H. Lewis Medicine Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Wht-ther the colleges of the north
vest will stand by the agreement to
disbar from participation In their
ports all athletes who violated the
rules governing amateur athletics
which they enure. 1 into at the con
ference held ru-re last fall will soon
be known, says the Walla Walla Bul
letin. Should ail prove loyal to their
pledce it will mean that valuable ath-j
Utes from at least six colleges mustj
he disbarred from further competi-j
tion on the grounds of professional-j
ism. The following, clipped from the,
Oregon Daily Journal, gives some-'
what of an ida of the effect it will
have on the different schools:
Within the next three weeks it will
be known whether or not the north-!
western colleges intend living up to
the conference rules adopted at Wal
la Walla last fall.
So far as is known locally, there
are offenders from Whitman, Idaho,
Washington Ptat. Oregon Agricultur-j
al, and Oregon University. Whitman, i
the originator of the conference Idea,
has already declared that three of her
crack athletes, including the captain
fif her ftoa!l 'earn, must go, Tht-lj
!!! ib a hard biow to the mission-j
arls, and one from which the teami
Whitman's disqualified athletes are
Walter Brubaker, the heady quarter
back and captain of the football
squad, who played summer baseball,
and Stanley and Vincent Borh-ske,
brothers, who were members of the
semi-professional baseball teams In
the inland empire during the summer.
Washington State college's offend
ers are Vaughn Jones and Frank
Frown, two excellent baseball play
ers. Idaho's man who violated the
amateur rules Is Captain McOlee of
la.st season's baseball team. These
are the ones known to the conference
Whether or not the University of
Washington can present a clean slate
is not yet established. If such is the
case the fact will be quite a feather
in he cap of the evergreen college
In the past Washington's athletes
have not been wholly above reproach
and the reports from Seattle this year
will be watched with considerable interest.
may not recover.
Oregon Cllejrlnn Offend.
The frankness of Whitman should
be extolled. It would not be Justice
to the northern colleges to try and;
cover up the delinquencies of the.
Oregon Institutions. Both the state j
university and O. A. C. have athletesj
who have played summer profession-1
el baseball.
Curtis Coleman, the f;rt 'varsity
end. fllsrcearded the rules this sum- ;
met and played basegall with the
Falem team of the Trl-City league, a
semi - professional organization.
Whether or not he receive. 1 any con
sideration is not the question. He
played with professionals and that i.
tantamount to professionalizine him-j
self according to the ,. A. I. If j
Oregon permits Coleman to play on I
the football squad this fall or the'
baseball nin" next spring, it will be
a direct violation of the conference
Perhaps more than one baseball
spectator at the Tti-rVy b-agijf games
wondered at the identity of a spectar
u'nr catcher t".ing under the name of
Buplo. He was none other than the
r..y r Otto Moore, crack backstop of
the Or-L"in Agrleiiltural college, i
M M.re played with St. Johns.
A Sure-Enough Knocker.
J. C. Goodwin, of Reldsvllle, N. C,
soys: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve is a
sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A
bad one came on my leg last summer,
but that wonderful salve knocked It
out In a few rounds. Not even a scar
remained." Guaranteed for pile,
(.or, burns, etc. 25c at Tnllmnn &
Co.'s and Pendleton Drug C'O.
Don't Bum Trash.
Parties are prohibited from start
ing fires and burning trash within the
city limits during the present dry
period, as they endanger property to
loss bv fire. By order of
Chief Fire Department.
Wood's Liver Medicine in liquor
form for malaria, chills and fever,
regulates the liver, kidneys and blad
der, brings quick relief to biliousness,
sick headache, constitpatlon. Pleas
ant to take. The $1 bottle contains
2'i times quantity of the 50c size.
First dose brings relief. A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
.Mippllo to Be Tortieu for Purity lte
foro Purelm.stiiff.
Samples of potatoes and onions
were spread out before Major 11. J
Gallagher, In charge of the United
States army purchasing commissary,
at Seattle, the other day, by bidders
who wish to furnish soldiers station
ed at North Alaskan posts with those
vegetables for the next eight or nine
months. There are nearly 100 sol
diers in extreme northern posts and
these will be fed 237,900 pounds of
potatoes and 37,600 pounds of onions
before navigation opens next July.
Major Gallagher will award the con
tract for the shipment, to be made be.
fore Ice bars the way of vessels.
The most careful Inspection of all
food samples Is made, even to the ex
tent of chemical analysis before con
tracts are awarded, and another In
spection Is made of supplies before
shipment to the posts. The care
taken to assure the best and most
wholesome food for the soldiers does
not end even at the seconj Inspection,
fur observation Is kept of each pro
duct as it Is consumed to ascertain
if there be complaint or dlssatlsfac- I
The purchasing commissary is
equipped with a complete laboratory
and to this .Major Gallagher resorts
if a slight suspicion rests upon any
food product. The administration of
the office also requires an expert
knowledge of all vegetables, their
value as foods, and the relative nu
triment afforded by the hundreds of
Major Gallagher cut a, potato In
half, and as he rubbed the two pieces
together, observing the result, said:
"We try to give the soldiers the best
of everything. Awards are not al
ways made to the lowest bidders. We
take into consideration the quality,
and no poor food Is purchased under
any circumstances. Since the passage
of the national pure food law, our
work has been greatly facilitated.
For instance, here Is a bottle of caU
sup. The label shows the exact
amount of preservative. If that la
bel is not correct, the manufacturer
can be sent to the penitentiary. I
would not hesitate to report any such
violation of the law.
"The food purchased for the army
stores, where officers buy their sup
plies, is the best the market affords.
These cost the government nothing,
for the money expended Is returned
as officers make their purchases.
Neither profit nor loss is made on
the stores, the department calculating
on coming out exartl yeven."
A Smile All the While
is the expression of enjoyment of those only in good health.
You have never seen an ailing person smile the
smile that means a smile.
Ghirardelli's Cocoa
I offer for sale the N'3 of the NWU
of section 17, Tp. 3 north, range 35,
K. W. M.. being SO acres about three
miles south of Athena. Oregon.
Price JfO per acre. Inquire of F. S.
I.eGrow. Athena. Oregon.
lid not
r had '
land every
semi-pro t
tl.e AfL'.es
l.-il L''UU IV,
that place.
wait until the clleg.. .'!
,. d. but came to Port-f-'unday
to play with bis
miniates. IV- wo-k w-ith
largely n por!!dv. fo
ff,(-l'f t -'.rv.ii to
To those afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble, backache, rheuma
tism. Plncules for the Kidneys brings
relief with the first dose. Hundreds
of people today testify to their re
markable healing and tonic proper
ties. 30 days' trial $1. They purify
the blood. A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Fre to You and Every Sister Suf
lerlno from Woman's Allmants.
I am s woman.
J know womnn'ii suffering??
1 have found the cure.
I will nviil, free of any ehnnre, my home treat"
mcnt wi t fuil instructions to any sufTcrer from
woman'.", -'ilrnenta. I want to tell ull women about
Xiuh cure you, my reader, for yourself, yourduuirhtcr.
your mother, or your Hi.sler. 1 want to tell you, how
to cure yourselves at home without the- help of a
I dort...-. Men cannot understand women's sulTeraiirs.
Whut we women know Irom experience, we Know
Utter than any doctor. I know that my home treat-
I m. nt i fata and euro cum lor l.eucorrnoea or
v nlllsh discharges, Ulceration, Displacement or
1 F.llinir rif t ho Womh. Profuse. Scanty or Painful
Kerwus. uterine or uvaruiu lutums ur ui,,"t"i
alo pains In the head, back and bowel, hearing
down UtllnifJ, nervousnns. creeping feeling up
the plne, melancholy, delre to crv, hot flaahes,
weariness, kidney and bladder troubles whera
caused by weaknesgcf peculiar to our sex.
I want it) send you a complete ten day's treat
ment entirely free to provo to you that you can cure
youraelf at home, 'amly. quickly and aurely. K
nu.mt.r. that It will coat you nothing to irive the
treatment a complete trial : and if you should wish to continue. It will coat you only about U cents a
wwk, orlmsthantwoeentaadny. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send
ine your name and address, Ull me how you suffer if you wi.ih, and I will Bend you the treatment
for your raw. em irely fr-. In plain wrapper, by return maiL I will alao send you free of cost, my
took "WOMAN'S OWN MliDICAL. AUVISliR" with explanatory illustrates showing why
women sufTer. and bow they can easily cure thenuelves at home. Every woman ahoulo have it, ana
leuro to think lor herself. Then when the doctor says "You must &3ve an operation, you can
decide for youraelf. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my borne remedy. It eureaall,
old of young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a almple home treatment which speedily
aul effectually cures Leueorrhoea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Xounf
Ladiee. Plumpness and health always results from Its use. .
Wherever yoq live, I can refer yoa to ladies of your own locality who know and wfll gladly tap
any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cure all women's diseases, and makes women well,
tron. plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ton day's treatment la yours,
alao the book. Write today, aa yoa may not see this Oder acain. Addreae
MRS. M. SUMMERS, Boi H. Notrt Dam, Ind., U. . A.
. - ... -
V'- C K
aa m
Don't l ike rH--lsl)il of CViiuiiorcc
The long looked for decision of the
interstate commerce commission on
the. cases of vital Importance to the
lumber shippers of the west has at
last been annoutced. At the first
glance local shippers feel that they
have been handed a lemon.
The decision boiled down as inter
preted by local shippers is that the
Interstate commerce commission has
told the railroads that they may in
crease the rates on lighter material
than fir to an amount not to exceed
10 rents a hundred more to ship over
the same distance than fir. Hereto
fore no distinction has been made on
materials or efforts made on the part
of the railroad to grade lumber.
The following dispatch outlining
the decision was received today
through the Associated Press:
Washington, Sept. 4 In the case
of the Pacific Coast Lumber Manu
facturers, tin- St. Paul H Tacoma
Lumber company and numerous oth
er concerns, against the Northern Pa
cific and l!l other railroads, also the
case of the Southwest Washington
Lumber Manufacturers' association
against the Northwestern, Burlington
and other roads, and the Oregon and
Washington Lumber Manufacturers'
association, the KaMern and Western
Lumber company and nine other lum
ber concerns against the Union Pa
cific, Oregon Short Line and eight
other lines, the interstate commerce
commission has authorized the rail
roads to establish differentials not
exceeding 10 cents per 100 pounds
above the rates on fir lumber between
the same points.
This authority is with the provision
that no such differentials or a dif
ferential of less than 10 cents exist
ed prior to November 1 last, and that
differentials prescribed In the case of
the po Hatch Lumber company and
others against the Northern Pacific
and other carriers must he observed.
The commission says that this per
mission does not constitute sanction
for the Indorsement of the establish
ment of higher rates for a shorter
haul than for a longer haul In the
same direction, when the shorter la
Included within the longer.
builds up the tissues of brain and body and aids the
young and old in the enjoyment of real
health, besides it pleases imd
delights the palate.
30 cups of a delicious drink
Ask the grocer.
AilviYtlslng Men Think I"st muster
General Has Too Much Latitude.
An effort to obtain a law through
which the power of the postmaster
general In Issuing fraud orders
against publications may be curtailed
Is to be made at the convention of the
Associated Advertising Clubs ot
America, being held this week In
Kansas City.
The clubs believe it dangerous to
the rights', liberties and property In
terests of the people and business
community to place In the hands of
the postmaster general the power to
Issue fraud orders on evidence "satis
factory to him" or to excluda a pub
lication from second-class mall priv
ilege after It has ojico been admit
ted thereto.
They argue Jhat such power makes
It possible for him through mistake
or otherwise to ruin the business of
- I
a person, mm or niiiini.ii "
tends to enable him to curtail the
liberty of the press.
A resolution will be offered asking
that the power now reposed In the
postmaster general b; taken from him
and vested In the federal courts and
that the law be so framed as to re
quire that neither the use of (he malls
nor the socond-cl.iss mall privileges
b' taken away until a hearing has
been accorded the person affected.
Entire Change of Pictures and Songs
Every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.
Passeil Examination Succe-fully.
James Donahue, New Britain,
Conn., writes: "I tried several kid
ney remedies, and was treated by our
best pryslclans for diabetes, but did
not Improve until I took Foley's Kid
ney Remedy. After the second bot
tle I showed Improvement, and five
bottles cured me completely. I have
since passed a rigid examination for
life Insurance." Foley's Kidney Rem
edy cures backache and all forma of
kidney and bladder trouble. Pendle
ton Drug comany.
Stop Thief
Checker Fiends
Enterprising Flourist
Littie Cripple
New Illustrated Song:
Somebody's Sweetheart I Want to Be.
Admission 10c
Children 5c
Edison latest and best "Underwriters Model" picture
machine absolutely fire proof.
DeWitt'i Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve Is the best thing to use for piles.
Sold by Tallman A Co.
Gathering Tlmlier for tlio Fnlr,
W. II. Wehrung of Illllsboro and
M. D. Wisdom of Portland, president
and secretary of the Oregon state
commission for the A.-Y.-P. exposf
tlon and directors of the Country
Club and Livestock association, left
for Coos bay this morning, says the
Oregon Dally Journal. They will kill
two birds with one stone while In
that country. From their long affili
ation with the slate board of board of
agriculture and tlielr Important work
In developing the harness race game
In, tho northwest their Invasion of
Coos hay has Interest at this time he
cause they hope to secure a strong
representation of the fast horses as
ajOOOSicelroiiram Q!J IvtSl
,-si o k coiTJTJYErrazw.omroTiiE
llV.4-1 vfeisTiacTrmjiTDisn.ficj tkom
I r JkV I ; FCVs-IN1) L.MF1KE .rMlJft'b'lv?lL
well as of the livestock shown at; Crush ana mi in feed or salt. Proper dose in tablets
the fair now ,n progress thereat the. M k YoUr Stock Look Like the Top Price
north Pacific race and stock meet f
here four weeks hence. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls, They are made from the active pWrAlfle or the
condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran Are Just
as ood when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug law. Ask for
Quick Relief for Anlhma Sufferers, and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Cbi-Ven Cholera,
it., on Tar nfforrla Im- Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, CollctablelsorU ise Powder,
Foley s Honey ana lar airoras ira Cur or Bjrb wjM L(niment Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.,
mediate relief to asthma sufferers In incorporud; Capital Stock 1300,000,00) Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. Ai - -
tne worsi sianes ana u iaen in umo (
will effect a cure. Pendleton Drug
Co. 1
Read the East Oregonlan.
Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week.