East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    I iwtf if i wm - .
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Operated All Over Hie Pacific Xorth.
west ami Meowd Many rcople
Was About to Got Married ami Set
tlo Iovn.
a nil Forry, and probably other aliases
ns well, mnilo a specially of gun
stores. He. has been In the city one
month, according to his own state'
nients. He obtained a check book Of
the Merchants' National bank, and
made It a practlco to buy a shotgun
or rifle, Rive a check In payment nd
then pawn the weapon. He kept his
check book right up to time, making
out each stub as he wrote the checks
Work Easily Traced.
In this way his bank book was In
the hands of the detectives. He never
had an account In the Merchants
bank, according to Its officers.
Though Adams has been operating
In Portland for a month the matter
was not placed before the detectives
until this week. Detective Price nO'
Portland, Sept. 5. Two days befor
he had planned to quit his criminal
career In Portland, go to San Fran
cisco and marry the young girl with
whom he fell In love almost as soon Ulfled every gun store In the city to be
as he reached this city. Edward O. pn the lookout for a man of Adams
Adams, a man of many aliases, was description Monday night, and yes
arrested last night and Is now In the
county Jail awaiting the ac tlon of the
grand Jury.
Adams" mode of obtaining a living
was simple bluff, with a capital B.
When Detective John Price accosted
him at Fourth and Alder late yester
day afternoon he pretended deep In
dignation. "I am a real estate brok
er as you will see by this card. My
office Is In the Concord building,
room 22. Here are my bank refer
ences. I think It Is a wonder If I
can't go about my business In this
city without being molested by an of
ficer." Finally Confesses.
Put Adams' bluff did him no good
terday he was Informed by H. Beal
that Adams had been In his store but
a few moments before, trying to pass
a check on the Merchants bank.
Price saw a man who answered the
description going Into Olds. Wortman
& King's department store. He left
by the Sixth street entrance, going at
once Into Meier & Frank's to hide his
trail again. Price stuck to the trail
despite all of Adams' turnings, and
stopped him as he. was about to en
ter the Honeyman Hardware com
pany's store. A fountain pen with gold
bands and extraordinarily long fin
gers were the means of Identification.
Patrolman Hyde and Price escorted
him to headquarters where a confes-
wlth Price, and soon afterward he slon was soon forthcoming,
confessed and declared he is willing
to begin sentence as soon m possible.
According to his check book he has
cashed a total of $217 worth of bad
checks here.
Adams' young sweetheart, a pretty
In Adams' pocket was a check boolc
of the Seattle National bank, almost
used up, and It Is therefore believed
he played a similar game In Seattle.
He will tell nothing of his history.
of Portland to Indignation occurred
yesterday, afternoon In the southern
part of the city. It ended In the ar
rest of John Close, a wooddiopper 45
years old, who was positively Identi
fied as the man who had led little Ida
Fendel, 4 years old, from her home at
Front and Hall streets.
Giese was captured because after
outrunning Ills pursuers he ambled
along Front street near Curry to
watch a fire engine climb the hill In
answer to an alarm. He did not see
Patrol Driver Gruber with the police
vehicle on the other side of the fire
apparatus, but Gruber saw and rec
ognlzed Glese as the man wanted, and
he was at once arested.
Glese was bundled Into the putrol
wagon despite his protestations of In
nocence, and F. M. Bowe, a concrete
worker on Corbett street, who had
been In the chase but dropped out,
overtook the wagon and got In to
guard the prisoner.
When the forelgr colony on South
Front street learned that the man
who had tried to kidnap the little
Fendel girl was In the wagon In front
of the Fendel home, a score of angry
women surrounded the wagon in an
Instant, and had It not been for tfee
timely arrival of other officers ft
Is probable that Gleso would have
been dragged out and beaten.
Glese was today charged with cfilld-
stealing. He la heavy and brutal-
looking. He will appear In court tomorrow.
Giese promised the little girl can
dy if she would walk with him. From
Front and Hall he led her near the
Luckel, King & Cake soap factory,
ut here some of the boys who had
tarted in pursuit overtook him and
he was forced to flee. He ran through
Terwllllger park and over the hills
A number of the stubs in Adams' for a long distanct.
young girl in a big sailor hat, visited (bank book showed checks made out j Finally circling back toward the
him In the detention cell of the mu-Jfor "cash." On these he obtained j center of the city, he collided with
nicipal court this morning, and after I over $100. Among those who cashed Gruber and the patrol wagon. Offl
a private conversation there sat with j worthless checks for the clever sharp-jeers Kvans, Wilson and Rudolph had
him In the courtroom while he was'er are McAllen & McDonnell, Bur-1 been In pursuit over an hour. Be-
undergoing the formality of waiving; roughs Gault, Hudson Arms com- fore the policemen were near enough
pany. National Wine company, Rob-1 to ttop him. Giese had forced his
erts Bros, Owl Drug company, P. L. pursuers to pause by throwing rocks
Thompson and the Portland Gun &
Bicycle company.
examination and being held to ap
pear before the grand jury under $1,
bonds. They were to have gone to
San Francisco tomorrow, and there
they were to be married. Both the
girl and Adams declare marriage was
their Intention.
With tears streaming from her eye
the girl who lost her fiance at the
last moment left the court. She was
till crying when she turned Into the
crowd on Third street.
Adams, otherwise known as Ferree
Women of Portland Surround Pris
oner nii! Officers Require Rein
forcements. Portland, Sept. 5. One of the most
exciting chases for a child thief which
ever stirred the fathers and mothers
straight at the crowd at his heels.
Mrs. Anna Fendel, mother of the
little girl, swore out a complaint,
charging Giese with child-stealing this
morning. He has been Identified by
the little girl. To stop her from
screaming he put a piece of chew
ing tobacco In her mouth, but aside
from her fright and the stains of the
tobarco juice the child was uninjured,
' Health how many-
would give fortunes to enjoy
the greatest of nature's gifts and to be
able to give
A Smile All the While
Ailing tots cause pity fretful young people cause
wonderment irritable men and women cause surprise.
To enjoy perfect health the body must be built up
and the mind invigorated by perfect food.
is the perfect food drink its use will bring quiet to
breaking nerves strength to the weak and
contentment to the strong besides it is
delicious and appetizing.
30 cups of a delicious drink
(.la- of Peer Killed Illm.
W. H. Sisson, a former saloon
keeper of Hope, Idaho, after spending
the evening In the Xagel saloon,
Stevens and Front avenue, accepted
the invitation of a friend to have a
glass of beer and after drinking It sat
down In a chair and a few minutes
later died.
Sisson was about 60 years of age.
He had been staying In the Nagel
I hotel for about three weeks, being
father-in-law to Chris Nagel, proprie
tor of the hotel. He had been trou
bled with drpsy and rheumatism. He
Is said to have a soon who is a sa
loon man In Spirit Lake, Idaho, and
several oth"r children. Coroner Wit
ter, who went to the Bceno of the
death and ordered the removal of the
body, said that death was duo to
dropsy anil kidney trouble.
Oito agel, son of the proprietor,
who was tending bur at the time of
ti c death, said: "Mr. Sisson had ta
ken only that one drink as far as I
know. Shortly afterward he sat down
in a chair and I noticed he was sick.
Before we could get to him his body
had begun to grow stiff and he was
dead when we reached him."
The body was taken to Buchanan's
undertaking rooms.
If you see it In the East Oregonlan,
It's so.
11 o o o
. f sr.-.. . a
(Hi-. ' t. : '
ft. :V Z
For Men and Young Men who care to
be Well Dressed.
This line includes all Nobby Patterns
and Latest Styles. Specialties for
Young Men. See Window Display.
f I f h
brsor KNOWING VOWj. g