DAILY FAST OUK,;oXIAX. I-KMHjKWX. OUOX. SATIK.VY, SKlTO.UKH 5, 1008 TEN PAGUU. R0CER1ES ARE AN ABSOLUTE necessity to every numan ucm. H-iv von enter the world until the day you leave it you "have to ntronize. directlv or incurecuy. sjumc arocerv store. You have to eat to keep alive. " Among the earliest lessons taught in life is a regard for your diet, by select in only fresh and wholesome food, and a regard tor your purse by practicing the we established rules of economy. We can sell vou fresher and better goods and more ot them for cash than you can buy elsewhere on open account. Look over our stock, cret our prices, and be .convinced. DOX'T HI NT WITH 1XKJS. Standard Grocery Co. Court St., Opp. Golden Rule Phone Main 96 Attorney ;eueinl'n Division KwbliU Divr Hunter I'Miiji Hounds. Otto Turner. deputy game warden, has Just received notice from K. O. Stevenson; state game and forestry warden, saying that deer may not be hunted with dogs at tiny time or tne viar. "The Impression that It Is lawful to kill deer by .doffs during the o.on onsnn has Kone forth," says mi. in a letter to his deputy. wlsl! to state that in accordance with a decision rendered by the attorney Koneral It Is unlawful to kill deer pursued by dogs at any time of the year, and that the law In regard to the same will be rigidly enforced. BURROUGHS BUYS mi vis wo TEffflS IWI FOR SCHOOL WORK YOtXCJ lUSlXIXS MAX MAKKS A CILVXGE Will Handle ltivk .Spring umi WimmI nml Cinient SiiiHvsKor Xt Yet Xtiiiuil for Lumber Yanl sltlon laatx Family Will HiMiialn TnnMnirIly u City. JlllST MEETING THIS FORENOON. .Music am! Drawing Instructor Yet Xml lTo-IHVts Indicate Lursc AttiHHlniKV. Xixvsvitttling Adilltion. ai Tiiclier No Chang In Text. Rooks. in the afternoon. The test books this year are the Mine as those used lat year. Under the present law the text-books of the stale are selected for a period of six years and as the selection was made a year at,o no changes will be made for five years. Superintendent Landers states that little children intending to enter the Lincoln school on the north side, this winter, should all do so at this time. It is possible a beginners class may not be started at any other time In the year. At 10 o'clock this morning all the teachers of the Pendleton public schools met with City Superintendent Tenders at the high school and for an hour the work that is to be taken up Monday was discussed and instruc ..... i,.on Fverv teacher was lions wnr 6t,w. 1 -. attendance. The local teaching corps Is now completely filled excepting the posi tion of music and drawing instructor. During the summer the school board elected Miss Carina to that position but she failed to accept and the place is yet unfilled. It is a new position and the music and drawing instructor .in i.h thnsp lines in all the 111 n..w schools. Should the attendance be heavy, as Is now indicated, it will be necessary to select an additional teacher for the Hawthorne school. The public schools will be opened Monday, though but little work will be done that day owing to the fact tha It will be Labor day. After the lupl's have been enrolled In. the fore noon those in the grades below the f-th will be dismissed In order to purchase bonks and the higher grades w'll be dismissed for the same pur- FUNERAL OF MRS. ROBEHTS. It Will IV Held at HiTpner at O'clock Tomorrow! Forenoon, Tk. rm.ilns of Mrs. A. A. Roberts were brought over from La Grande on train No. b ia.i msi held here until 8 o'clock this morn ing. At that time the body was placed on board the local train to be taken to Heppner. The funeral will be held there at 11 o'clock tomorrow-morning. Many relatives and friends left for Heppner this morning to. attend the funeral, among the number being Congressman and Mrs. Ellis, Dr. E. A. Vaughan. the Misses Florence, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keeney and others. The relatives who were at La Grande also accompanied the remains, SKATING UIXK POIH'LAR. First Xlglit of Season Drew Crowd to Ireland's IMurc. The Ireland skating rink was a pop ular place last night and the manner In which It was patronized Indicates that the management will not lack for business during the winter. tw nleht was the opeuWig nignt of the season and for the first time In several months the electric sign una lighted and the big mechanical band poured forth lively music. From g o'clock until 10 the rink was wen filled and the evening was enjoyeu by skaters and spectators allkeA WILL MOVE TO TOWN. J. X. HurRCtw Renin X'orth Side Dwel ling f.-r the Winter. J. X. Burgess, manager of the Cunningham Sheep & Land company, has rented the residence of Mrs. liura D. Nash on Logan street, and will move Into the same next week. He will have his home here during the winter in order that his children may have the advantages of the schools. Mrs. Xash will leave within a few- days for Portland where she expects to spend the winter. A business deal of considerable In terest was completed here today when Ben L. Burroughs purchased the coal and wood business of Henry Laatz. The trade goes Into efrect next Tuesday and after that time the busi ness will be owned and managed by the new owner, Mr. Laatz going out' of business In this town. In his new business Mr. Burroughs will have the exclusive agency ior the Union Pacific Hock Springs coal and he will conduct a general fuel business, handling both coal and wood. He may also carry cement. At present Mr. Burroughs is the manager for the Pendleton Lumber; company, and he has had that posl-1 Hon since that lumber yard was pur chased of R. Forster a year and a half ago. He has already resigned that pos, Hon and will give up the work there as soon as his accounts can be check ed up. It Is not yet known who his successor will be. According to Henry Laatz, he will remain here for several months at least, and perhaps will continue his residence here permanently. At present he does not know Just what In will do, but says ne may uec.ur t engage in some other ' business la this city. ffifflfa he FOR SMITH Suit Asulnst Frank Brother-ton. A suit was filed here last evening to collect $526 from Frank Brother ton, the plaintiff In the action being the Severance Broughton company. The amount Is alleged to be due for merchandise. The suit was filed by Carter & Smythe, attorneys for plaintiff. OBJECTS TO MILTOX'S SCHOOL DOMINATION Lively Contest Now on Before t"c Boundary Bonn! Ca-mbln IHWitors Both Factions l-rrewiuer Claims TuxiKlon With While Milton tun n -' Oojivts to Division. THREE YOUTHFUL PRISONERS Accused of Robbing George Hewitt and Await Juvenile Court. ti,.-.,., i.va the oldest but 12, are li'i'i v' . ' ' now in the county Jail charged with larceny from the person. Ther are Willis and George Cane and Sidney Leonard. They were arrested yester- dav charged" with having sioien i.sv from George Hewett, the Helix far mer, while he was Intoxicated. Until last evening the boys stoutly denied t'.elr innocence, liui ai msi the older Cane lad broke down, and admitted he had" taken the money. He said he then divided It with the other boys. All three boys are now being held for the juvenile court. Th( COLDS very hour a coM Marti U j Hard to Beat. J. Hiatt on State Line, has a fruit record that will be hard to beat, three Oraventrteln apple trees from which ... -iw,i tints season and sold "8 IP in-nrn v verage of 40 cents d ..uAr.-.. ii v .... . . -i u if Tlnn't wfc.it It may, . ,,.. ointr in add - lime to cnc. - - ,n'f,f the box. tne iai""J u.o become deep.-4 tnd the cure wll , of the box h0xe8.Freewater v. i, hrn Every hour lost at tb oftrt may add day to your suf- firlfiR. Take i F & S Cold Capsulss tion about Times. Used In time they save all might follow sickness, worry, penses. They nevr fall. that Back from Coos Kay. t,, nrf Mrs. H. S. Garfield have returned from Marshfield where the former was called to attend -ws. Fred Gordon, formerly, of tnis cu. Mi8S Gordon is suffering from tuner- culosls. Enwuscment Announcement. n,i Mrs. J. H. Ferguson an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Rena, to Mr. Fred Lnnsdale Hartman of Portland. trict from Tallman & Co. 1-padirver DriiKffists. mm ww I of 1 SH;il-An'c I I vitq l!r' . ...ir, the Bchoola are In A verv large number or cnnaren a ,mmedla"te need of glasses and yet are unaware , of it. EDUCATION depends largely on the use of the eyes. If child's vision. WINSLOW BROS. Jewelers-Opticians Postolfice Blk.. PenJletoft This afternoon the commissioners court room at the court house Is ...ith ninmir-nre furnished by rinKiMK mi" . . , the contestants In the controversy over dividing the Milton school dis trict so as to place the town of Free- water in a district by itswr. -mu w..i1r Is before the district 1 11V 111 3 - , boundary board, wnicn v ... . Mty ludge. two commlMiOR- III , lilt" v - - ers and the school supclintenaenu The arguments In the case were tak on up at 1 o'clock this afternoon and had not yet been finished at i. xe , mi. nr,t nass upon the prop- llii i u in,. . nsition until a later day. In behalf of Freewater. Attorney T. Godwin, Mayor Mitchell and'D. e ..i,.,,n. editor of the Freewater Times, addressed the board. They .... , that the present situation Is highly unjust to them, that they are ,,,i t., rmv taxes In a scnnoi in '-'" , ,.i,w.li thev do not control urn. which they receive unsaus.-u. . . ,.v..w.l serice. ;,..'.....nna the Milton side in the . . r Trover and NMlllillli members of the school board. several other prominent Milton Thov nhlert to the division Oi 11,0 school' district, claiming that It Is . .. ,nlnlnln tne niore economical io district as it Is. fight for the division oi t..D district arose some months tk ago and it was brought netore u. boundary board once before, but was tried out on its merits. This time It is up to the boundary board to set- the question. Colonist Travel Heavy. 'Westward Imlgrant travel is now heavy owing to the special colonist rates now In force. Last night and the night previous It was necessary, to run two sections of train No. J and there Is no indication of diminu tion In the travel. The special rates will be on all this monm. , - have ranch Here for the Winter. A. B. McCarty and family - i in town from their moe'i on west of t.wn and, they will be here ,irm the school year. Bird Mc carty, a son, Is a student at the' high school. MIsm Fit Gnll t.il,.. and Mrs. Thomas Fltz Get- m.i announce the engagement of their daughter. Frances Marie, to Mr. t.uy ... . , i iv r.f Seattle. 1 "e Uicnarn v .!." --j wedding will occur In October. The Milton tie THE REASON WHY ! Do you know that this ba.k Is growing more rapidly than any oL bank , the countyT Watch ourtatemenU to the comp t roller and see. We carry a larger re-erre than any bank in h county Our customer, and the pub..c at large fee. more at lorn our bank than any In the county, why-because we ake their Interest, our interests. If you hare money to deposit or need money, come in 1 us. Commercial National Bank United State Depotitory -ft A M 1 mi L Cl of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Taylor wish to express their sincere manv kindnesses shown them oy friends during the Illness of their son F-.rdie J. Taylor. Also for the floral tributes which made beautiful his last resting place. Eagle Show Khi The following Is the program now on at the Eagles Show Shop: "The nnnr knight and the duke's daugh- ter" "Heavy seas," "Human vultures" ,.,.r family's holiday." The song Is "Two Little Baby Shoes." In the shades of Brown and Green, to be worn this winter; the new shape re taining rim, interchangeable and many other new features .'. Just Received and on Display. BOSTON STORE Where All Can Trade and Save. THE SHOW SHOP Cor. Main & Court Sts. A. C. Friedly, Mgr. Count of Monte Cristo The Wig An Automobile Romance New Illustrated Song Since You Called Me Dearie 1 1 bwuiwi mi iiiiii in immmm.AMmwvtmmimtmammBmr'A MOW PEN HG llli' Letting each Individual define the word for himself, nobody Is meam DO YOU GET UP WITH A IAME BACK? Udncy Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost evervhody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful Kilmer's Swiunp Koot, the great kid ney, liver and blad der remedy. It is tne greainic-i-ical triumph of the ,;,,nteeiith century ', discovered afterycars of scientific researcti by Dr. Kilmer, the .i,.nf lcidnev and , .. i io wnndcrfllllV bladder fipecum ..... - ur. mi -"-,, ', ,,. ;f voll lun-e SB-Sfcffi: ork and in P",",1?.; ry case that a proved so successful in every c ,pPcial arron?ei.n.-" wllo,iave which all 1 ea sample We. V, hen r er nd sel jour generous offer iutlii8pup- Address to ur.js.ii""-' VI . 1 lis. - ' w- WI Idling fifty-cent ana-- jZZ,. 0ol a r size iw' ' - .. ,,,, .v, old bv all eoo.1 druf?f?ists. Don t make loiupyaiiB ..-,.ihpr the name. ,y niiKue, wr'. Swanio-Root. ?WdThXle.s:-Bingha1Uto, N. Y., on erenr bottle. Everything Arranged for the Public s Convenience. First-Class Floor, Best Ball-, Bearing Skates Made. Music Every kill Come out and enjoy yourself while the evenings are cool. ELLIS IRELAND. PROPRIETOR. 1 '"TV -