V - PAGBSTX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDliETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1008. EIGHT PAGES. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Woman Attacked by Rattler. Mrs. Albert Johnson encountered a rattler last week at ber home on upper Canyon creek that attacked her with the ferocity of a famished hyena, say the Blue Mountain Eagle. The snake with malignant demeanor started the attack and pursued Its Intended victim until a well directed blow severed Its venomous head from Its writhing, colling body. Mrs. Johnson was work lng on the garden and the first Intima tion that she had of the presence of the reptile was when It struck at her, hitting on her apron and falling at her feet at started after her and rapid ly colling struck again. A blow from garden hoe which she held, quickly dispatched the determined foe. Rattlesnakes have appeared on up per Canyon creek this summer In larger numbers than usual, there being scarcely a day but what some one re ports the killing of one or more. The long dry weather It is thought has something to do with the presence of such great numbers this summer. May Move to La Graikle. There Is a prospect that the Island City M. & M. company will rebuild their implement warehouse at La Grande, says the La Grande Star. The company owns the quarter block north of the La Grande National bank build ing, a fine location for an Institution of the kind, that was recently a total loss by Ore. The matter is as yet a little indefi nite as it will be necessary to ha? this Question passed upon by the stockholders of the company, a meet ing of whom is to be held at an early date. When this meeting takes place the whole situation will be reviewed and the problems involved will be these. Whether to rebuild at once or wait un til a later date; whether to rebuild at Island City or to rebuild on the com pany's vacant lots in La Grande. To Protect Quail. Realizing the scarcity of quail and the danger of their complete extinc tion in this vicinity, County Game Warden C. L. Whitney Intends putting forth strenuous efforts to prevent their killing in this section during the com ing hunting season, until the legisla ture meets, when he thinks laws will be passed absolutely prohibiting their destruction for a term of five or six years, says the Walla Walla Bulletin. Inasmuch as the season for the kill ing of grouse and chickens opens to morrow, Mr. Whitney Is aware that there will be quite a few hunters who will be tempted to kill a few quail on the sly, notwithstanding that this is unlawful before the first of October, and has accordingly enlarged his force of assistants until he now has 40 dep uties stationed throughout the county to watch out for these lawbreakers. house and machine shops, which will give employment to many men. Walla Walla Is Sued. Asking that $25,000 damages be ren dered, and that the city be enjoined from using the waters of Mill creek, the Blalock Fruit company yesterday afternoon began suit In the superior court against the city of Walla Walla, says the Statesman. The plaintiffs allege that they have been damaged $10,000 tuts year from lack of water for irrigation purposes, a like amount last year, and $6000 in other ways. Further, they ask that the city be enjoined from using the waters of the creek through the new pipe line or in any other manner. The fruit company claims that their lands are of little value without water and that, as the waters have been in terfered with, they are losing heavily In their crops this year. Peculiar Accident. While driving In from the mount ains last Sunday evening with his wife, E. L. Freeland met with an ac cident in which he received a frac ture of the left leg just above the an kle, says the Heppner Gazette. When near Hager's place Mr. Free land stopped the team and got out of the buggy to shoot a bird. In coming back to the buggy he stepped on a small rock which slipped under his foot, throwing him down, which caused the fracture. After considerable difficulty Mr. Freeland succeeded in getting back Into the buggy and drove to the Hepp ner sanitarium, where the fracture was attended by Dr. Kistner. Mr. Freeland is now resting well MAIL ON RIP ARIA LINE. Now Service Will He Great Con. venlcnee for Inland Empire. Mall cars with clerks will be placed on the Lewlston-Rlparia train as soon as authority has been received by Chief Clerk Elwell, to whom the Commercial clug addressed a letter early this week asking that the river mail service be Inaugurated, says the Lewlston Teller. Such was the Information contain, ed in a letter received tQday by Sec retary J. A. Cook of the Commercial club. Mr. Elwell states he has rec ommended the installation of the mall cars and clerks and la dally ex pecting authority to Inaugurate the service. He states everything has bten done Uiat can be done up to this time and only lacks the authority to place the new service In operation. The Inauguration of the car and clerk service will greatly facilitate the delivery' of mail Into all of the lower river sections, eastern Oregon and southern Idaho. Letters mailed in lewlston will reach the coast the fal lowing morning and the same delivery will be made upon coast mall for Lewlston. 4. Joe McCabe Coining Hack. The latest issue of the Two Rivers Tribune publishes an extended article which is so minute in detail that It seems founded on facts, regarded lm nrovements contemplated by the Northern Pacific in that region. In view of the fact that Jos. McCabe Is slated to return and take charge of the Northern Pacific 's branch lines as general manager, no doubt there will be something doing before snow flies. The Tribune says the track between AInsworth and Attilia Is to be raised in order to avoid heavy grades; that Two Rivers is to have a modern de Tjot; that Wallula is to be made a di vision point, supplied with a round DOING THEIR DUTY. Scores of Pendleton Readers Are Learning the Duty -of the Kidneys. To filter the blood is the kidneys' duty. When they fall to do this the kid neys are sick. Backache and many kidney ills fol low. Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan's Kidney Pills cure them all. Mrs. Putnam Yeck, living In Elgin, Oregon, Bays: "I had known of the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills before having occasion to use them. When suffering from an attack of lame back, accompanied by pains through my kidneys, I procured a box and began their use. If I sat long the pains were always more severe and I experienced a languid, dizzy feel ing upon first arising in the morn ing. Doan's Kidney Pills banished the backache, regulated the action of my kidneys and lifted a great burden from me. I cannot express my grati tude toward Doan's Kidney Pills for the good they have done me." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted State. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Big Sheep Sale at Caldwell. The largest sheep sale consummat ed for years was closed at Caldwell yesterday afternoon when George Y. Gray, who lives in Nevada, about "5 miles from Reno, sold to John T. Jones of Los Angeles 34,000 head of old sheep for $85,810, says the Boise Cap ital News. A pick of 5400 of the sheep brought $2.65 each and the remaining 28.600 sold for $2.50 each. In addi tion to the above sale Mr. Jones also purchased 20,000 lambs at $1.80 each. Some of the old sheep are to be ship ped to Chicago and the remainder will be grazed on the range in Ne vada until the market improves. Narrow Escape IYom Sickle. P. H. Thompson was In the city Tuesday and told of a narrow escape that befell him last week. He was running a mowing machine and cross ed a small ditch which he did not no tice. The jar threw him from the mower seat and he fell in front of the sickle. The team quickened up and went for some distance before he was able to extricate himself. Mr. Thompson was badly scared, but when he finally got clear of the machine he found that his overalls had been literally clipped to pieces, but otherwise he was not injured in the least. Wallowa Sun. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lm-as Coon tr, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he I ii-nlor partner of the firm of F. J. Che ney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and 8tate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HCNDKKD 10 U.Alt 8 for each and erery rase nf Catarrh tliat cannot be cured t the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK 3. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, tbls 6th day of December, A. D., issn. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and ma co'ii surfaces of the system. Send for tes timonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family 1'llls for constipation. HOUSES TO RACE WITH NO DRIVERS Spokane, Aug. 17. A horse race between pacers without a driver Is one of the novel features planned for the race meet at the Spokane fair n xt fall. Manager Robt. H. Cosgrove Ij In receipt of applications from three owners of pacers, asking him to put up a 'purse for a guldfless horse race. It has been decided to put on this Interesting race if the owners will accept the conditions. Manager Cos grove has written each owner to see If they are willing to enter and has received a favorable reply rom F. C. Erwln of Hlllsboro, Oregon, who owns one of the horses. The race will be a harness event, the horses starting as usual, with the exception of running the course with, out guidance. If the other two own ers agree this Tace will be made one of the big features of the six days race meet. Northwest Fair Dates. Following Is the list of northwest fair dates: Belllngham, Wash., Aug. 25-19. Big Timber, Mont., Aug. 21-19. Bozeman, Mont., Aug. SI -Sept Everett, Wash., Sept. 1-6. Sclo, Ore., Sept 2-4. Roseburg, Ore., Sept 2-5. Pocatello, Idaho, Sept. 7-9. " Eugeije, Ore., Sept. 7-12. Seattle, Wash., Sept 7-12. Miles City, Mont, Sept. 8-10. Dillon, Mont. Sept. 9-11. Salem, Ore., Sept 14-19. Centralia, Wash., Sept 14-19. Glendlve, Mont., Sept. 16-17. Missoula, Mont. Sept. 21-25.' Portland, Ore., Sept. 21-26. Victoria. B. C, Sept. 22-29. Anaconda, Mont, Sept. 23-26. Marshfield. Ore., Aug. 26-29. Pendleton. Ore., Sept. 28-Oct. 3 North Yakima, Wash., Sept. Oct 3. Helena. Mont.. Sept. 28-Oct. S. New Westminster, B. C, Sept 29 Oct. 3. Spokane, Wash., Oct 5-10. Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 6-10. Davenport, Wash., Oct. 8-11. Lewlston, Idaho, Oct. 12-17. Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 12-17, Baker City, Ore., Oct. 13-17. Boise, Idaho, Oct. 19-24. 28- Excellent Health Advice. Mrs. M. M. Davidson, of No. 379 Gifford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, billiousness and torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word In Its fa vor, for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions. There Is more health for the digestive organs In a bottle of Electric Bitters than In any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. 50 c. For Sale. 640 acres of fine wheat land, five mile3 east of Helix, one-half summer fallow; fine house and barns, and other Improvements. On easy terms. One half cash, balance on time, 7 per cent Interest. Enquire J. M. Bentley, Hartman Abstract Co., Pendleton, Ore. She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith of West Frank lin, Maine, says: "I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medi cine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about It." These painless purifiers sold at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. 25c. Rook of Oregon Poems O.it. "The Song of the Oregon Pine," a little book of original verse by Hert Huffman Is now out and Is on sale at the Frazler book store. Price 50 cents. Printed on fine paper and highly illustrated. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need It. That Is the only time you need to take Kodol. Just when you need It; then you will not be troubled with sour stomach, belching, gas on the stomach, etc. Sold by Tallman & Co. mm LINE TO 110 CREW OF SURVIVORS AT WORK IN CENTRAL OREGON, Work to Determine Nature-of Coun try to He Traversed Will lie Com pleted In Few Days Old Columbia Southern Survey Will Be Followed. The surveyors of the Central Ore gon railroad moved their camps to Culver the first of the week and this week they are running a line south west from Madras through the Opal prairie country to a crossing on Crooked river about Trail crossing, says the Madras Pioneer. This survey will only require about a week's work and is being run for the purpose of seeing what kind of a line could be secured by that route. When this work is completed, which will probably be by the first of next week, the surveyors will return to Madras, and from here It is expected that the survey will go to Shanlko, following the old Columbia Southern survey. This survey goes through the Lyle & Brown gap, down Hay creek to Trout, up Trout for a short dis tance to the junction with Ward's creek, and on up Ward's creek to the Shanlnko flat. There has been some discussion of a line down Indian creek and through Antelope and a survey of that route may be made. The chief objection urged is the ad ditional mileage, as it would Increase the length of the road several miles. It Is believed, however, that a good grade could be secured by that route and some of the heavy work avoided which the Ward creek route would make necessary. The survey between Madras and Shanlko will consume several weeks and If by that time the preliminary arrangements and subscriptions have made sufficient progress construction work could be started at once, as It would require only a short time to make a permanent location and be gin cross-sectioning. If you take Kodol in the beginning the bad attacks of Dyspepsia will be avoided, but If you allow these little attacks to go unheeded it will take Kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condition again. Get a bottle of Kodol today. Sold by Tallman & Co. NEW LIFE NERVE "BRAINr llervitaTablefs,, (Tsuow LlBCL) BE A MAN! Every Inch a man, as nature Intended you to be. NEKVITA TABLETS will quickly restore your health and strength. The only reliable medicine tor lost power, shrunken organs and au evil reaurn oi youiniui indiscre tion or the excessive use of tobacco, liquor and oDium. NERVITA TABLETS hare a record for twenty years. Tena of thousands ol bappy and oroaDcrou men know o( their peculiar potency. Write for booklet. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Jl.tMi per box; 6 Do ss.uu liervita Pills SMS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Against their restorative powers thera can be do possible resistance. J neir inuuence over an nervous disorders is simply supreme. Of pecu liar potency for the upbuilding of the nerve cen ters and restoring- vitality to weak, nervous, hysterical, an;emic women and girls. Brings the pink glow of health to pale cheeks. Used In the private practice of Dr. West for nearly thirty ireara without a suirirestion of failure. Sent by mail on receipt nf price. SO cents per box or 6 boxes lor Si.su. At au uruggisu. FISHER DRUtt CO. 230 1, llnlslt. CHICAGO PEXDLETON DRUG COMPANY Pendleton, Oregon Maternity Ward. Opened at St. Anthony's hospital a maternity wara. wara cnargea, 11.60 per day. Private room charges range from S2 up per day. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is especially recommended for children. It tastes nearly as good as maple su gar. Sold by Tallman & Co. Read the East Oregonlan. WE RECOMMEND SEXINE PILLS. If you see It in tht East Oregonlan, It's so. It makes no difference what is the cause of one's weakness. If it be a tonic . that Is needed, Sexlne Pills will do more than any other tonic. They are the one tonic that strikes at the bottom of all weakness, the nerve centers. They send new vital ity bounding through the body; pro ducing a glow and tingle that revive the languid energies of youth. Sex lne Pills begin by bringing quiet re pose to fluttering nerves and Induc ing restful sleep. Price f 1 a box, six boxes $5, with full guarantee. Ad dress or call the Pendleton Drug Co. This is the store that sells all the principal remedies and does not substitute. Pastime Parlors COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN. MOL1TOR & O'DANIEL, Props. A quiet game, orderly place for a game of Pool, Billiards or Bowling SHOOTING GALLERY. Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery and Soft Drinks. ' Best Tables in the city. Our NfSPMrlllV IS WVWse" tw the Family Trade We are fully prepared to fur nish you the best of lard, sau sages and fresh, smoked or cured meats and fish each day. Central Meat Market Carney & Tweedy, TELEPHONE MAIN 83. 'Phone Main 616. THORNTON MUSIC CO 813 Main Street. ITIGII GRADE PIANOS and ORGANS Columbia, Edison and Victor Talk irg Machines, Records, Cabinets and Musical Merchandise. Hi PASTIME PICTURE SHOW CASS MATLOCK, Prop. Entire Change of Pictures and Songs Every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. SEE! SEE ! The Great Bull Fight. The Rajah's Casket Liquid Electricity Drama in France Galvanic Fluid New Illustrated Song: Starlight Admission 10c Children 5c Edison latest and best "Underwriters Model" picture machineabsolutely fire proof. See the Twin-Dime Across the Street. THE NEW DIME Moving Pictures Like Life Songs by Robert Fenner from the Salt air Palace, Salt Lake AlFMusic Furnished by a Real Pianist. Absolutely fire-proof and the best ventilated theatre in the city. A Better Show at the Same Price ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c The Hot Summer Sim brings no terror to the woman who knows that her kitchen will not be turned into a veritable bake-oven, Why? Because She Cooks With Gas, no heavy coal scuttles to lift, no wood to handle, no fire to feed, just the touch of a match and your fire is in readiness. NORTHWESTERN GAS & ELECTRIC CO. MOCLIPS AND WESTPORT BEACHES Ideal Summer Resorts Easily reached via Northern Pacific Railway with frequent train service. SUMMER TOURIST FARES $60.00 for the round trip to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Sioux City, Omaha, Kansas City, Etc. Chicago $72.50 St. Louis $67.50 Ask your nearest Northern Pacific Agent regarding train service, rates, etc., or address A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon