East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Last Saturday ,0
Before the Fourth ! 'ftfe?
The MonstBapkrup Sae of
, , , The Teutsch Stock
Offers vou merchandise bt every description t actual . . Wtfl v::...
... Mitt it fii . --33
wholesale cost and in many cases less. v0m -:!:' aSSiU'i
1 Don't Forget ' Everybody. We fcai3. only 56c bri the':
dollar for the. f$40,000.00 Teutsch Stock, and are selling
it out accordingly, Everybody , take advantage , of. these
prices today.' ! - Market Day Snaps.
8c CALICO, BANKRUPT SALE . '.' .". .'. '. . .'. '. !'. Sc ' YARD ' '
I..' ' 80 APRON GINGHAMS,' BANKRUPT SALE . . . ........ 5c YARD ' '
15c LADIES' HOSE, BANKRUPT SALE I .' 9c, , , , ,
'. i . 25c LADIES'. TAN HOSE, BANKRUPT SALE ;. 180. . , ' , jj
MENS $10 SUITS, BANKRUPT SALE '. . . . $4.07
Lieutenant Sinyilio Rpw'Ivm C"ny of
Orders In Connection With An
proaHiIng Encampment Will Bo
Biggest Event of Its Kind Ever Held
in the Northwest Pendleton Boys
Will Participate.
of the O. X. &. have not yet been re
ceived, but the entire guard consist
ing of the Third and Fourth regi
ments and Battery A are to be there
August 3 and It Is understood that
the entire trip will be by rail.
Camp Wllllanw Clark will be the
name of the rendezvous at American
Luke where the Oregon National
Guard, toKether with the guards Of
other northwest states will encamp
with the regulars In August. The
name of the camp Is designated In
general orders No. 60, department of
the Columbia, a copy of which has
Just been reo-lved by Lieut. Dan F.
Smytho, commanding officer of com
pany 1. The camp 'Is to be one of
"concentration anil Instruction."
By the terms of the order issued nil
regular troops are to be at American
Like prior to August 1 and company
If, engineers, Is directed to be tber
June I!0, for the purpose of laying out
a camp Kite, preparing a map of the J
maneuver tract, etc.
Four companies of the First In
f.intrv. I". S. A., are to arrive on the
ground July 15 to assist In prelimin
ary work and guard supplies.
The headquarters, band and six
companies of the First Infantry are
to arrive, by marching, July 2!. Two
batteries and band, Fourth Field Ar
tillery, are to arrive July 2S. Head
quarters, band, and three companies
Third Infantry, from Fort Lawton,
arc to arrive, by march, July 29.
The lieutenant colonel and seven
companies of the Third Infantry, from
Fort Wright, will go by rail to North
Yakima, and thence march, to Ameri
can Lake, arriving July 30. Head
quarters, hand and four troops of the
Hth cavalry, from Fort Walla Walla
will march to Vancouver and go
thence by rail to American Lake, ar
riving thee, July 30.
Definite ordefs for! the - fnrtbnianflon
Have You
Eyesight ?
If so, place your case In the
hands of a competent Optician.
Wa use the latest, most scien
tific and most thorough method
of testing tho eyes. We use
nothing but the best lenses.
Our charges are reasonable
and work guaranteed.
Louis Hunziker
Jeweler and Optician.
7IS Main St..
Little KiHlirjim Carlln Set Eire to
House While Mother Was Away.
Four-year-old Kathryne Carlln
wanted to see what a house would
look like afire. So she awaited her
opportunity and when her mother was
In another room, procured a block
of matches and set fire to the struc
ture, says the Portland Journal. Only
the prompt response of the fire de
partment forced the baby to forego
the pleasure of watching her home
burn. '
Mrs. J. C. Carlln, the mother, was
busy about her work when her son,
Harry, aged 13 years, rushed In and
excitedly told her smoke was Issuing
from under the porch. ,
"Run to the freighthouso and teli
them! Quick!" shouted the alarmed
The lad sprinted for engine-house 6,
on Twentieth, between iinielgn anu
Qulmby streets, in the meantime Mrs.
Carlln and neighbors pouring water
on the porch. When the firemen ar
rived they cut away a section of the
porch and extinguished the flames
before they had done 'material dam
age. "Yep," said the little one whin
questioned, "I dropped a match down
due to see, wliat,flngs would look
like burnin',"
Mrs. Carlln, whose husband's voca
tion of saw maker and sharpener re
cently called him out of the city to
a mill, said she had never been care
ful about where matches were placed,
because the children had all been cau
tioned never to touch them, and hith
erto had not disobeyed her injunction.
"There will be no matches lying
around this house In future, however,"
said the woman.
City Brevities
Representative Iiiiild Dealers
Here tills Evening.
This evening Is the time set for the
meeting of the Umatilla county real
estiite men's league and representa
tive realty .men from Varlqtfs portions
of the county are expected to be here
this evening.. Col. JN F. M,cXa,ught
anu'ool. H. (J. Newport of Hermlston
are both here now and other men
from tho west ,e,nd . wllj . cpme -Up. on
he'pvenlng 'train. ' ..,.
The meeting to-night will be held
In response to. a cajl that was sent out
a week ago by Secretary D. B. Cos
tuma. Tho gathering will be for the
purpose, of discussing general prob
lems connected with the development
of the county. But It Is understood
that the chief topic will be the pro
posed publicity bureau.
Ice cream at Hoh bach's.
Don't miss the wild west show.
All kinds of good dry wood. See
See Minnls for good, dry wood that
burns. Lots of It on hand.
Dressed chickens every day. Stark
Poultry House. 'Phone black 3791.
Wanted Furnished house, good
location. Address P. O. Bov 580, city.
Wanted to Rent Furnished house.
Will take good care. Address Box
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. Enquire at East Oregonlan
, All kinds of transfer work done
promptly. Stansberry & Milne, phone
Main S.
For Rent Store room on Main
street In East Oregonlan building. Ap
ply at this office.
Wanted Place to work on ranch
by man and wife. Apply at Palace
lodging house, room 2.
For Sale At a sacrifice, modern
18-room lodging house on Main
street. Apply this office.
ee Stanley Brothers' wild west
show at the ball grounds Saturday
and Sunday, June 27 and 2S.
Lo.st On the streets of Pendleton,
black cojt. Liberal reward offered
for return to Oregon Feed Yard.
Hotel Bowman Cafe Is' now open,
6 a. m. to 10 p. m., a la carte. Straw
berries and Ice cream also served.
Good book case and writing desk,
combined, for sale cheap at 109 Jack
son street. 'Phone red 3031. Apply
For Rent Neatly furnished, four
room, modern house, for .three
months only. Call at 813 W. Alta
street. I
I J,.T. HInkle left on train No. 1 to
duy for Echo.
J. F. . McNaught ' came up ' from
Hermlston lasf evening and Is ; a
guest at the Hgtel St. George.
Mr. and Mri Bert Huffman left
last night for Portland and expect to
vUilt In that, city until Sunday.
" Mrs.' C. E. Nelson arrived home last
evening ty-om Portland, where she
had been Visiting with her sister, Mrs.
SetJx ,C,atlin.
Tr? 3. A. Best returned last eve
ning from Weston, where he had been
attending James Carlisle,' who has
the pneumonia,..
United States Senator Levi P. AnT
keny of' Walla Walla, Is In the, city
today on business. He Is president of
the First National bank.
Mrs. William Slushtr and daughter
Edith, returned last eveitlng from
Portland. ' Miss Eifith has been a stu
dent at St. Helen's hall during the past
Misses Paye ' Gibson and Gladys
Ketching of Pendleton spent Sunday
In Echo visiting Miss Ruth Gibson at
the home of Mrs. M. S. Jones. Echo
Register. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wlnslow have
returned from an extended visit In
western Oregon, having passed most
of the time' visiting with Mr. Wins
low's parents at Sheridan.
i . .
A. K. Smythe, brother of Dan P.
Smythe of this city, Is here today,
having come down last night from
Sumpter where ,the two brothers had
beeii looking utter their sheep bands.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Meiners rave re
turned from Damfort, 111., where they
had been visiting for several months.
On the return trip they were delayed
by the washouts on the Northern Pa
cific. J. A. Borle was down from Wenaha
springs yesterday and In the after
noon made a trip to the agency for
the purpose of consulting with Agent
McFatrldge regarding the roads
across the reservation.
Find Cracksman's Outfit.
While searching' for a coat that had
been lost Friday afternoon, Harry
Jordon, a resident of Silver Beach,
found a lard pall containing a com
plete cracksman's outfit, hidden In a
cedar stump along the railroad track,
about a mile from the Silver Beach
lot or Cold Bottle
The new vacum bot 1 1 e v wi 1 lk.eep
contents ho,t for 24 hours, warm
for 48 hours, and oold for 72
hours. Two sizts, pints $5.00,
quarts $7.60. ' 1
Vwt of Pui'MaiMl Engineer Declares
Measures will be taken for the
. Practice is DaiiuiKlnj; to Slilivs.
suppression of steamboat racing on
the Willamette river, according to J.
I. C. Loekwood, engineer for the Port
of' Portland, says The Dalles Chroni
cle. He made this statement after re
curving a Complaint from. Captain Gil
bert, of tho British ship Crown of In
dia about he qjlgh-rate, of speed at
which ' tho steamers running from
here to The Dalles are being operated.
Gilbert's (Complaint was discussed
at a special meeting of the Port of
Portland yesterday afternoon. His
ship is moored near the drydock at
St. John. He states that on Monday
the steamers Bailey Gatzert and
Charles R. Spencer passed by there
under a full head of steam and came
near causing his ship to break from
her moorings. Heavy swells rolled
agalnRt her and she rocked fearfully.
"That sort of work on the part of
the river captains has to stop hence
forth," says Engineer Loekwood. "If
It Is permitted to go on It will only
be a question of time until some ship
will be bady disabled. There is also
danger that the drydock will be damaged.
Lunclieon to Monte Gwinn.
Montlo B. Gwinn, president of the
Pendeton Savings bank, Is a Port
land visitor, and was entertained to
day at the Commercial club, says the
Portland Journal. He was formerly
prominent In irrigation campaigns,
and was chairman of the executive
committee of the National Irrigation
congress when it held its annual meet
ing at Boise. . He has since made Ore
gon his home and Is located perman
ently at Pendleton.
Sower for Madison Street.
The pipe' Is now here for the sewer
that Is to be placed on Madison street
and the work of laying It Is being
commenced. The sewer will be laid on
North Madison street for a distance
of three blocks and will connect with
the main sewer on Jackson street.
Operation for Pile will not be n
oeonary if you use ManZan Pile Rem
edy, ruaranteed. Price so cents. Sold
by A. C. Koeppen It Bros.
Denver's mammoth audtorlum, In
which the democratic national con
vention will be held. Is now almost
ready and Us doors will be formally
thrown open tomorrow.
Over half a million dollars have
been expended In the construction of
the monster edifice, with the result
that Denver now has one of the best
buildings In the land for entertaining
vast assemblages. Over 12,500 peo
ple can be comfortably seated within
Its walls, giving it a larger seating
capacity than the Coliseum 'in Chica
go, where the republican convntlon
was held, or Madison Square Garden
in New York, i
A perfect heating and ventilating
system and numerous exits, allowing
the building to be emptied within
three minutes, render It one of the
most perfectly adapted halls of Its
kind in the world.
Arrangements for the democratic
convention are now nearlng comple
tion. A platform and rostrum occu
pies the west side of the auditorium,
with the seats for the delegates anu
alternates extending along the floor
of the stage proper. Upon the plat
form will be 445 seats, which will be
reserved for the members of the na
tional committee and for the guests of
honor. The number of seats on the
rostrum will be 101.
Seats for the delegates In front of
the rostrum are arranged nearly In
the center of the building. ' The num
ber of seats is 1005 and immediately
behind this section are the seats of
the alternates, also 1005 In number.
The main entrance Is on Curtis
street. On this side will be 1073 seats
for the general public. The same
plan prevails at the opposite end of
the building, where 826 seats will be
reserved for the general public. Back
of these sections and also along the
Fifteenth street side of the building
are boxes with a total capacity of
544 seats In addition there will be
seating space for 700 people more
at the Curtis and Champa street ends
of the structure.
The front rows in the balcony and
gallery will be reserved for the fami
lies of the delegates, alternates and
convention 'officers. The actual seat
ing capacity of the balcony will be
3626 and of the gallery 1889.
The auditorium is constructed with
out pillars or posts to obstruct the
view, ind the acoustic 'properties are
so perfect that a speaker can be
heard from any part of the building.
The auditorium Is fire proof, no wood
en material of any sort being used In
Its construction, even the sashes in
the windows and the lath being of
A band of music will be stationed
In each balcony. A signal wire will
be run from each band stand to the
desk of the sergeant-at-arms so that
the musical program can be govern
ed at will.
Absolutely no liquor will be allow
ed on tho convention hall premises
during the convention, and those
whose enthusiasm requires to be fired
by Intoxicants will have to go beyond
the "dry" zone to secure even a glass
of beer.
Groat flth-JuIv
Beginning Saturday, s IVlorning
June 27 and Continues ,
! Until, July, 4., (
.1 .. ;.t i.i i ' :
A mighty avalanche of genuine bargains
t sweeping everything before it.
This Epoch-Making, Record
Breaking Sale Event for
This Summer
The price of everything has been
cut and cut deep.
' AT !
Pendleton Cloak
Suit House
Buy of us and it's all right
Bank of Idaho Organized With Cap
ital of 1 100,000.
Articles of Incorporation were filed
this afternoon in the office of the
secretary of state for the Bank of
Idaho, an Institution with a capital
stock of $100,000 cash, which Is to
open the first of next week in the
Precinct 89 (University Park) went
dry at an election held two and a half
years ago, it could not be joined with
a continguous precinct for prohibition
election purposes until a vote In Pre
cinct 89 alone had been had.
Thinks It Saved His Life.
Wester M. Nelson, of Naples,
I says in a recent isiier;
"I have used
quarters occupied by the Capital State ir. King's New Discovery many yeara
bank, the new institution naving se- for COUgh8 and colds, and I think
cured the use of the enelre equip
ment of the building, says the Boise
Capital News.
The new bank will open under the
It saved my life. I have found it a
reliable remedy for throat and lung
complaints, and would no more be
without a bottle than I would be wlth-
most favorable circumstances. haing0ut food." For nearly 40 yars New
secured a well established banking Discovery has stood at the head of
location and the backing of some of
the most substantial and able busi
ness men In the state. Prom the
time the bank opens its doors for
business there will be plenty of mon
ey on deposit for loans and the Insti
tution will be able to assist In the fi
nancial difficulties of the old bank
by taking up some ; of the 1 paper on
which good securities have been giv
en and turning them Into cash, which
can be used to pay the depositors.
st. jonxs DltY.
throat and lung remedies. As a pre
ventive of pneumonia, and healer of
weak lungs, It has no equal Sold
under guarantee at Tallman & Co.'s
drug store. 50c and $1.' Trial bottle
Lost On circus day, small tan
leather satchel, containing valuable
papers to owner only. Finder leave
at this office.
TudffP GantenlMiii Dissolves Injunction J
of Salooiinien.
St. John will go dry In accordance :
with the vote at the last election. ,
Judge Gantenbeln, in the circuit court
yesterday morning, upheld the motion
of County Judge Webster and Com
missioners Llghtner and Barnes no dis- '
solve the temporary injunction which
had previously been Issued against
them compelling them to refrain from
declaring St. John and University Park .
dry until a hearing was had In court,
says the Oregonlan. j
The case was that of Ed Magoon, a
St. John saloonkeeper, against the
Commissioners. The prohibition ques
tion was voted on this year In Pre
cincts S9, 90 and 91. It was the con
tention of the liquor forces that as
"Meet me at the Fountain
Try Our New Drink
Cool and Refreshing
Trensuro Ship Coining.
Seattle, June 26. The steamship
Spokane Is due here Monday with a
million and a half In Alaskan gold
treasure from Dawson and Tukon
river points' Is delayed by the late
opening of the river. A million and a
half Is consigned by mall and the
other ten thousand Is sent by express.
Fireworks Accident,
While fooling with fireworks Sun
day Orvllle Pearson, a boy at Free
water, Ore., was severely Injured by
the discharge of a , Roman candle
straight Into his face. He may lose
his eyesight.
It's easy to reach North Beach
Take Steamer POTTER from Portland
Passengers are now transferred to tho railroad at
MEGLER, fourteen miles up Una Columbia from
Ilwaoo. This eliminates the necessity of steamers
waiting for the tide, and insures a prompt and
regular Summer Schedule
The Steamer T. J. POTTER, leaves Portland
every morning except Saturday and Sunday at
8:30 o'clock.-Saturday only at 2 o'clock P. M.
Remember the Summer rate on the O. R. & N.
is $13.15 from Pendleton to all North Beach
points and return; good until September 30th.
North Beach Is a famous, beautiful place the
niot perfect beach on the whole North Coa.
TIhto are noconnnodnt Ions galore at prices to
suit all tastes; camping facilities without equal
perfect bathing conditions; all sorts of amuse
ments and diversions. Come, have a good rest
aud a Jolly time.
Let us send yon our new summer book, nnd tel
I jnu aH about NORTH BEACH.
F. X. &UINLAN, Local Agent,
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.