East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Almost Covered with Eczema No
Night's Rest for Nearly a Year
Feared Lifelong Disfigurement
All Treatments Failed and Limit
of Endurance Seemed Near.
"With the exception of his hands and
feet, my son Clyde (thirteen years old)
was almost completely covered with
eczema. Physicians treated him for
nearly a year without helping him any.
i 'While they were very kind and did all In
their power, yet nothing seemed to re
lieve him. And I had tried many rem
edies sent to me by kind friend but they
all failed. His head, face, and neck were
covered with largo scabs which he would
rub until thev full off. Then blood and
matter would run out and that would be
worse. Many a time he looked as if
his ears would drop off. Friends com
ing to see him said that if he got weU he
would be disfigured for lifo.
" When it set-mod as if he could pos
sibly stand it no longer, I decided to
try Cuticura. I bought a cake of Cuti
cura Soap, a box of Cuticura Ointment,
and a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent. 1
used them in the evening and that was
the first night for nearly a year that he
slept. This may sound exaggerated
to you, but In the morning there was a
great change for tho better. In about
six weeks you could not have told that
he had ever had anything wrong with him.
I treated him twice a day for six months
and at present he has a fine complexion
and not a scar on his body. This story
may seem overdrawn, but neither words
nor pen can describe Clyde's suffering
and how he looked. Our loading phy
sician. Dr. . recommends the Cuti
cura Remedies for eczema.
Cockburn, Shiloh, 0., June
Frequent shampoos with Cuticura
Sonp and weekly dressings with Cuti
cura stop falling hair, remove crusts,
scalea, and dandruff, destroy hairnara
sites, soothe irritated, itching surfaces,
stimulsto the hnir follicles, supply the
roots with nourishment, loosen the scalp
skin, and mako the hair grow upon a
sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when,
all other remedies fail.
Comjitft Ktlrnul nl IntTiil Tmitmmt for
Every liumnr of Infonu, (hiklrrn. and A'lull
roMim uf I'uUnir dmp (2fc.) to (.'lvalue Ihf Sitn.
Oitlrurn Ointment (Vic.) n Ural the Hkln, and
Cutlrur Keanlvent (toio.Unrlntbe fnrmoK'uorolat.
Cnatod PMI. 2Sc. ivr vnl of 00) In Purify the Wood.
Bold Uirmuthnnt Hi ' v ril. Potter Urug A tbeia.
CO'TV, Hole I'ro"-. T.",0'n.
drUiiicJ I n r c--tie j lijuk on Skin Dlaeaiet.
Mrs. A ley
11, 1907."
oh your Sewing Machine
There Is one sure way of get
Ing what you pay for buy.
from a reliable house that has a
reputation for honesty and Is
here to stay.
Anybody can make extrava
gant claims for their machines,
but they do not remain to make
good their claims. Let us show
you a
or White
Sewing Machines
We prove what wo promise.
Jesse Failing
Every Engine on Mountain Division
of O, R. & N. Preed Into Service
In Moving Enormous Traffic
Means 21 Big Freight Trains West
bound. The La Grande Observer says of
the Immense mass of freight which
Is now accumulated at Huntington
during the past few days, and of the
efforts of the O. R. & N. to move it:
Seven hundred loads of freight des
tined for the west were congested In
Huntington this morning. So com
plete Is the congestion at that place,
that trains are made up on the main
line and sent but as fast as the pow
er supply In the La Grande round
house will permit.
Engines are brought In, and by rea
son of the .modern equipment In the
local round house, cap be sent out
again In a very few hours. This hap
pened today when 367 came in short
ly after 7 o'clock. Passenger en
gines are drafted Into freight service
to help matters.
The mass of freight at Huntington
means approximately zi trains, tn.it
will pass through La Grande before
the congestion Is cleared.
Though the O. R. & N. has an
abundance of power standing Idle, the
officials are reluctant about setting
them up, as they figure the present
strenuous rush of business to be but
The end Is In Sight In fact, as scat
tering passenger trains and some de
layed freight trains are all that are
marked up to go over the O. R. & N.
tracks from tho Northern Pacific.
The flood damage In Morltana has
been remedied and things are moving
along the regular lines now, except
such trains as were healed for the
O. R. & N. before the repairs were
Ma linger of Sagamore Hofol Died
April 27, Still Unlmricd.
It may be of interest to know that
W. H. Tuggle,. better known as Wil
liam Harrison, the manager of the
Sagamore hotel, who died on April
27, has not been burled, says the Ba
ker City Herald. It Is 38 days since
his death and the body has been pre
served In an excellent manner. His
face looks as natural ns If living and
not In the least discolored. Welch
& Co., who have taken care of the
body, have been In communication
with supposed relatives ever since his
death trying to find out what to do
with the body but as yet nothing def
inite has been heard. His daughter,
Mrs. Maude Gardner has been' located
and Mr. West is awaiting orders from
her before burying the body.
Little or nothing has been heard
of Harrison's past life, although Mr.
West has been sending Inquiries for
over three weeks. If nothing Is
heard from his relatives In a reason
able length of time the county will
probably take care of the burial.
Tha Bath of the' Future.
"The hath of the next century," says
T. Baron Russell In his book, "A Hun
dred Years Hence," "will lave the
body speedily with oxygenated water
delivered with n force that will render
rubbing unnecessary, and beside It
will stand the drying cupboard, lined
with some quickly moving arrange
ment of soft brushes and fed with a
highly desiccated air, from which, al
most in a moment, tho bather will
emerge dried and with a skin' gently
Stimulated and perhaps electrified, to
clothe himself quickly and pass down
the lift to his breakfast, which he will
eat to the uccoinpaulmont of a sum
mary of the morning's news read out
for the benefit of the family or whis
pered Into his ears by a talking machine."
Our Special Inducement
For you to dress well on the Fourth of July and
during your Summer Vacation.
We will put on sale commencing Wednesday June 1 7,
our entire Spring and Summer line of Stein-Blocn Smart
Clothing at 25 per cent (1-4) off this grand offer will
last until July 5th 1 908.
The man of 1 7, the man of 30, the man of 50 All
have different views All are reflected in their Clothes
tastes and in Stein-Bloch Clothing .. .'.
We can please you all at a sacrifice of 25 per cent while this sale lasts
See Big Window Display
Alexander Dep't. Store
Store Closed all day Fourth of July
Cut Out and'Brlng in This Ad
It will buy you a drink of
The Jagless Joy Juice
at the
Large Quantity of the Famous
Rock Spring
Now on Hand
The Goal that produces heat
and not dirt. Also fine lot of
good dry wood.
Dutch Henry
Office, Pendleton Ice Sb Gold Storage
Company. 'Phone Main 178.
A quiet resort for the healthful exer
cise of
Only first -class tables used.
Cigars, confectionery, tobaccos and
soft drinks.
Yakima Snfk Ooinimny Revolves
Heavy CoiUiljrumeiit of Stock.
Several hundred head of stock cat
tle arrived in North Yakima Monday
evening by train from Idaho for the
Wiley Land and Stock company and
were this morning taken to th hills,
to the pastures of that company, says
the Yakima Republic.
The animals were shipped from
Murphy, Ida., and arrived in excellent
condition. Mr. James Wiley came
along with tho shipment and gave it
his care and attention. A atop was
made at La Grande where the anl
mnls were fed, watered and rested and
they were given the same care here
last night before being taken to the
There were some 20 cars of the
stock, representing about 40 animals
to the car. Some spleivlld Individ
uals were among the number and the
shipment makes one of the heaviest
and most extensive purchases of the
kind brought to this section for a
very long time. While many of the
animals were grade stock the bulls
in the consignment were excellent spe
cimens of the Durham breed which
the Wiley Land and Stock company
makes a specialty of. Considering
the length of the trip, the heat which
makes railroad travel most trying to
closely packed animals, and the oth
er conditions which govern rail
transportation In this section of the
country, the shipment was peculiarly
free from losses.
A sight of the Immense herd at
the old pond at the stock yards last
night was a sufficient reminder, to
any person likely to lose the Idea, that
Yakima Is something more than a,
fruit producing section. This ship
ment of stock served to show how
large are the Interests In that department.
St. Peter' In Rome.
From the beginning of the founda
tion to the time when the great church
of St Peter's In Rome could be said to
le complete three and a half centuries
ha 'I el.'ipop'l. plfr'iteen architects bad
been '(v.nplo; c 1 inid forty-three popes
bad reigned. The cost of the great
church can never be known with ex
actness. At the end of the seventeenth
century It had cost $.10,000,000, with
out Including the sacristy bell, towers,
etc. The last Important work on the
edifice was done by Tope Plus IX., on
the four hundredth anniversary of the
blrtfc of Michelangelo. New York
Marital Punishment.
"So you have bad It out with your
wife? How did you manage It?"
"Took her up In McLemore's cove.
There there. Is the most remarkable
echo In the world."
"How did that cure her? What did
the echo have to do with her malady?"
"The echo had the hist word." New
York Press.
Men Are So Unreasonable.
The young wife caunot understand
why. if she only has a vase of fresh
flowers on the -table at breakfast, her
husband should find fault Just because
the steak Is burned. Somervllle Journal.
Our Specialty is
I the'Family Trade
We are fully prepared to fur
nish you the best of lard, sau
sages and fresh, smoked or
cured meats and fish each day.
I Central Meat Market
Carney & Tweedy,
Telephone Main 82.
Garden Hose and Refrigerators
Are something that everybody needs now that dry and warm weather
is coming on and. it benooves everybody to get the best for their
money. If that's what you're looking for, call around and examine
my line of refrigerators and garden hose.
210 E. Court Street.
Phone Black 3171
Your Fourth of July Needs at a Saving
We are now passing through the most prosperous period in our history, undoubtedly
due to the simple but effective method of supplying just the merchandise
wapted, at just the price one wants to pay for it.
A Different March,
School Inspector Now, children,
what Id U Unit comes in like J lion and
jX'-es out like a lamb? Small Girl
Please, sir. It's father when mother
has been giving hliu a talking to.
I.o::don Express.
The world Is full of men and women
who do nothing. They generally Im
pose on some one who works too much.
Atchison Globe.
Colorado Suffering from Tcrrlblo
Heat and Drought.
A continued drouth which has last
ed for the past three or four months
killing thousands of head of cattle
and throwing many men out of work
to say nothing of Injury to the crops,
is what residents in the vicinity of
Trinidad, Colo., have been experienc
ing this year.
A letter received by Dr. W. L. Al
len of this city from a relative work
ing in the car shops at Trinidad gives
out the above Information and warns
Idahoans that they are not living In
such a bad section of the Intermoun.
tain country after all, says the Dolse
Capital News.
The letter states that hundreds of
men were thrown out of work a few
days ago by the shutting down of the
big car shops caused from tho fact
that there was on hand an unusually
largo supply of empty cars which had
been repaired and which have not
been able to leave the shop tracks
owing to the fact that the Santa Pe
railroad has cut down on Its trans
portation facilities and the cars are as
a result standing idle.
The men working In the shops
were warned some time ago that they
would probably be laid off, but the
crash did not come until a few days
ago when tho entire crew was thrown
out of work. The road officials could
not offer any Information as to when
they would open again..
The disastrous drought has caused
a great setback to the country. It
has note rained In that vicinity for
many months, and consequently there
Is no range for the cattle, which are
dying off In great numbers. This has
been a severe blow to tho ranchmen.
The fact that rain has not fallen for
so long has caused early hard times
for the present year.
Fine store and office room for rent.
East Oregonlan building. Enquire
this office.
Why doesn't your gro
cer moneyback every
thing: ?
Can't get the goods or,
the money.
Tour rrorer returm your money If roe don't
k. Schilling'! Bill: we pay him
'Phone Main 615.
813 Main Street.
Columbia, Edison and Victor Talk
ing Machines, Records, Cabinets and
Musical Merchandise.
fr&i Hi
' It i
The Only Difference
between our clothing and the high-class merchant tail
ors' is the PRICE. Ours are made especially for us by
America's foremost tailors whose designs are the best in
the world. Every garment has back of It our guarantee
absolute satisfaction.
Men's Shirts for Less
We carry only the very best styles In plains and pleated,
dots, stripes and figures, plain white pleated shirts, at
. tached or' detached cuffs all sizes also work shirts at
your own price.
Hosiery for You
Men's and Boys' hosiery In plain and fancy silks, plaids,
stripes, dots, plain black and tan, to fit you at a surpris
ingly low price.
Neckwear for Men Who Care
The prettiest line to be found anywhere. We are
most In neckwear for "the man who cares."
Shoes for Everybody
and that fit the foot. Oxfords, black and tan, dress shoes,
patents, and every kind of a work shot.
We carry only the best makes. Nicely finished, ' light
weight, unshrinkable underwear, all colors. We can save
you money on the underwear.
Old Hunt's Depot. Cor. Main and Webb
Where You Get the Best Goods for the Least Money
If you see it In the East Oregonlan,
It's ao.
a lill V1VJ :
Will be held on June 27th, owing to the regular day coming on July 4th.
Be sure and attend, bringing what Slock and
Farm Implements you wish to dispose of .'. .'.
A number of good articles already listed and stock
is being registered daily. A Mecca for buyers.