East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Timothy nnd Wild Hay Own Will
Bo Light Sunday School Will
Uave u Picnic Government Lund
IiMinwtor at Work Federal Men
Building Telephone Line Acrosa
Kertene New lino Newly Finished.
DAILY KA&T H5r.UUilA., I u.i i ic vrnw.. iiiik.ii, ........ -"
lAuB iWO. I
- - raMMi imtm w
The Great American Bird on Every Dollar You Have
to Spend Will Flap His Wings and Scream With
Pure Delight When Told of the Great
Sat M
Men's High Grade Clothing At
The Best $15.00 Suits for $ 7.50
The Best 18.00 Suits for 9.00
The Best $20.00 Suits for $10.00
The Best 25.00 Suits for 12.50
Men, Women d Children's Dependable Shoes
Slaughtered in Price.
10c Wash Goods at 5c yd. 15c Wash Goods for 7 l-2c yd.
25c Wash Goods for 12 l-2c yd. 35c Wash Goods for 17 l-2c yd.
50c and 75c Wash Goods tor 29c yd.
All Parasols at Half Price. White Embroideries all at Half Price.
Pure, Clean Groceries at the Lowest Prices.
Don't miss the best Market Day Bargains ever known in Pendleton.
The Peoples Warehouse
jj Where it Payt to Trade
Save Your Coupons
Albee, June 25. Weather fine, the
Into rains coming JUHt in time to give
thu spring grain a good start and
with a few more showers along until
after the Fourth a bountiful harvest
will be assured here.
The timothy and wild hay is a light
crop, but the late rains are helping It.
Members of the Albee Sunday
school will drive to Hldaway Springs
Sunday. They will take well-filled
baskets along and an eiaDoraio
spread In the grove there will be free
to all.
There Is a government land Inspec
tor here now looking over abandoned
claims preparing to cancel them all
and looking Into land matters gener
ally. Undo Sam now has a force of men
building a telephone line through the
Blue mountain stock reserve
Mis. Kruger and son of Tacoma,
and Miss Leota McLeod of Pendleton,
are visiting at the Dixie ranch,
I H. T. Connell, wife and daughter,
icieo, accompanied by M. A. Baker
and wlfe'of Missouri, who Is visiting
i fi.iutlvp here, started this morning
for Heppner by private conveyance
to spend a week's outing
The new telephone line starting at
Ukiah and connecting with the out
side world at the Burns place on the
Yellowjacket road. Is now well un
der way, the poles being mostly
While the boys all went a fishing
a few days ago, Ford Wright of Pilot
Bock, slipped In here and captured
the most charming Miss F.ffle. daugh
ter of Mr nnd Mrs. U-dgerwood, pio
neers of this place. Miss I.edg.-rwood
was raised In this valley, while Mr.
Wright also spent his . boyhood days
here, but Is now a resident or Pilot
Bock, where the young couple will
make their future home. 4
The bride and gro,om both have
the best wishes o this community.
Rev. Levi Johnson Of Pendleton per
formed the. ceremony.
The itS of July celebration will
take place at Hldaway Springs. The
oration will be delivered by Joseph
Hlnkle of Pendleton. All the neigh
borhood of this Blue mountain district
will be represented there.
Hotel St. Goorgo.
Frank M. Mahohne, I. J. Coffman,
Portland; J. F. McNaught. Hermls
ton; E. S. Morrow, Spokane; Mrs. A.
II. Lfppman, PHnevnie; J. B. Collins,
Cold Springs Dam. W. A, Thomson,
Echo; W. T. Sherry, J. Peters, C. R.
Smith, Portland; H. Jacobsen. M. F.
Rohdc, John C. Fox, Edward A. Culp,
A. C. Seoley, V. E. Stuff. K. B. Jam
ison, J. It. Gllbaugh. Portland; Oli
ver P. Morton, Hcrmlston; E. Mac
Martin, Moscow; John Clancy, Port
land; A. lT. Cronwell, Spokane; J. A.
Borle Wenaha Springs; Geo. McGll-vei-y,
Spokane; W. M. Freeman. Port
land; T M. TaRgart, Athena; ZSwett.
J. F. Longley. M. F. Wright, Port
land; Harry Simmons, St. Louis.
American Ooininlwdon Will Confer
With Similar Body from France.
When the Vaderland sails from
Nw York today It will have aa pas
sengers the members of the American
commission chosen to confer with a
similar committee appointed by
France to draw up a new reciprocity
treaty between the two countries
James B. Reynolds, assistant secre
tary of the treasury, is chairman of
the American commission.
On reaching Paris, the commission
will begin immediately their eerlee of
conferences with the French commis
sion. Mr. Reynolds recently request
ed that all persons having commer
cial intercourse between this country
and France favor the commission with
suggestions In the Interest of trade
expansion. Circulars bearing on the
subject were sent to the chief com
mercial and trade bodies of the coun
try. Many helpful replies have been
received, and much data of a useful
character in framing a new treaty la
at hand.
While no attempt will be made by
the American commission to drive a
hard and fast bargain with France,
It is understood that many conces
slons now desired by business inter
ests will be sought.
French wines, works of art, china
ware and manufactures generally will
figure Dromlnentlr in the new treaty.
The commission probably will remain
abroad three months.
Stntc of Ohio, City of Toledo, I.ncas Coun
ty. R.
Frank 3. Cheney mnkes nnth flint hi Is
senior partner of' the firm of V. .1. Che
rey ft Co, doing business In the City of
Toledo, Comity nnd State afnressld, nnd
thnt unld firm will pny the sum of ONE
III NPltrcn IMH.I.AKS for emh and every
rnse of Cntnrrh thnt ennnot he cured by
the use of Hall's Cntnrrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this flth dny of December. A. I).,
(Heal.) A. W. OI.KASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Uken Internally,
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfuceg of the system. Send for tea
tlinoulnls free. I 1
F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo. 0.
Sold by all OruKKlstn. 73c.
Tnke Hall's Family I'llli for constipation.
Fifty-eight Graduated.
Fifty-eight graduates of the regu
lar departments of the university,
three others receiving higher degrees,
were pushed out into the cold, harsh
world of life yesterday afternoon at
the University of Oregon's thirty-second
annual commencement exercises
amid a host of admiring friends and .
relatives, says the Eugene Guard
With this afternoon's program the
class of 1908 passed Into history with
the best commencement week that
the university has ever held Presi
dent Campbell conferred the degrees
on the class
A sure cure, one you can depend
upon. Hickory Bark Cough Remery.
A sure cure, nd it's pure! Use it for
all lung trouble, coughs, colds, hoarse
ness and sore throat. For sale by
any druggist and first class dealer
everywhere. Pendleton Drug Co.
Rutto Racing Meet.
Some of the finest strings of racers
ever seen on a western track will com
pete for the $150,000 In purses offer
ed by the Butte Jockey club during
Its 65 day meet, opening Frlda
Eleven stakes will be decided, worth
$1200 each to the winner, and the
every day purses will average $400
In value. Many of the owners who
took part In the Emeryville meet at
San Francisco have entered their beat
A Congo Remedy that Cures.
Hickory Bark Cough Remedy,
made by the Hickory Bark Cough
Remedy company, of Baiem, Ore.,
guaranteed to cure your cough, or
money refunded. Guaranteed to make
a friend of you. For sale by all drug
gists and first class dealers every
where. Pendleton Drug Co.
Read the East Oregon Ian.