East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 23, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAQB tlX.
wool una
Conference to lie Held in tlw Windy
City May Result In Changes In the
No ether medicine has been so
successful in relieving the suffering
of women or received so many gen
uine testimonials as has Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
In every community you fill find
women who have been restored to
health by Lydia E. Finkham's Veg
etable Compound. Almost every
one you meet has either been bene
fited by it, or has friends who have.
In the Finkham Laboratory at
Lynn,Mas&, any woman any day may
see the files containing over one mil
lion one hundred thousand letters
from women seeking health, and
here are the letters in which they
openly state over their own signa
tures that ther were cured by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has saved many women
from surgical operations.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is made from roots and
herbs, without drugs, and is whole
some and harmless.
The reason why Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound is,sc
successful is because it contains in
gTedients which act directly upon
the feminine organism, restoring it
to a healthy normal condition.
Women who are suffering from
those distressing ills peculiar to theii
per should not lose sight of these
facts or doubt the ability of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
to restore their health.
on your Sewing Machine
There Is, one sure way of get
Ing what you pay for buy
from a reliable house that has a
reputation for honesty and Is
here to stay.
Anybody can make extrava
gant claims for their machines,
but they do not remain to make
good their claims. Let us show
you a
or White
Sewing Machines
We prove what we promise.
Jesse Failing
Market Movement Inaugurated
by Growers of Wool In Effort to
Frustrate Alleged Combine on Part
' of Buyers.
Sam Ballantyne, secretary of the
Idaho Woolgrowers' association, was
In the city last night en route to Chi
cago to meet tlje board of trade,
prominent bankers and railroad men
of that city regarding the wool stor
age warehouse western sheepmen are
desirous of locating there this sea
son, says the Cheyenne Tribune.
It this meeting Idaho will also be
represented by Governor Fred Good-!
Woolgrowers' association, and by
Scott Anderson, of the Idaho asso:
elation. Secretary Walker of the
National and Wyoming associations
left for Chicago this morning Presi
dent Delfelder of the Wyoming asso
ciation Is also expected to attend the
Arrangements have been made for
the various western delegations to
meet the board of trade, prominent
bankers and railroad men of Chicago
at a luncheon there Friday afternoon,
and It Is expected as a result of this
meeting a wool storage warehouse
wllr be erected at once In the windy
city similar to that Just compleed In
Omaha through the efforts of Wyo
ming woolgtowers.
The capacity of the Omaha storage
house, it Is thought, will be severely
tested this season, and one twice as
large is proposed for Chicago. Sec
retary Ballantyne Is an enthusiast on
this latest attempt of western wool
growers to escape the middleman's
profit, and says that a majority of
Idaho sheepmen, now that they fully
understand the plan, are anxious to
see the Chicago project materialize.
According to reports received from
the wool centers of Wyoming, the es
tablishment of the Omaha wool stor
age warehouse has had an appreciable
effect on the Industry In Wyoming.
Eastern wool buyers are becoming
more numerous but very few sales
are made, and wools, especially from
the central part of the state, are be
ing moved to Omaha as rapidly as the!
weather "will pertnit shearing and
The Omaha banks have announced
they are In a position to make liberal
loans on warehouse certificates. With
the low prices offered for wool by
the eastern buyers now In Wyoming,
growers reel they are taking no
chances by shipping to Omaha, where
It Is said some of the larger manu
facturers of the east have already
made arrangements to place orders as
soon as their clips are In.
A Grand Family Medicine.
"It gives me pleasure to speak a
good word for Electric Bitters," writes
Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 438 Hous
ton street. New York. It's a grand
family medicine for dyspepsia and
liver complications; while for lame
back and weak kidneys it cannot be
recommended too highly." Electric
Bitters regulate the digestive func
tions, purify the blood, and Impart
renewed vigor and vitality to the
weak and deblllated of both sexes.
Sold under guarantee at Tallman ft
Co.'s drug store. 50c.
Just Received
Nice line of Men'
Tan and Patent leath
er Shoes at the old
Shoemaker's on Court
Cut Out and'Bring in This Ad
It will buy you a drink of
The Jagless Joy Juice
at the
tUk KMaty as Bla44r Right
Otto B. Frank Arranging Bout to Be
Pulled Off Probably Tills Week.
Admirers of the fistic game will
probably have a change to witness a
fast 10-round bout the latter part of
the week at Meador Park, says the
Walla Walla Bulletin.
Eddie Conners, the lightweight
wrestler. Is also a boxer of no little
ability, having stacked, up against Kid
Scaler, the Spokane pug, and other
prominent fighters. Not being able
to secure an opponent for a wrestling
match. Conners has decided to take
on a boxer by the name of Pearson,
who now lives at Freewater, but for
merly was a resident of Montana.
Otto B. Frank Is In charge of the
affair and Intends putting on .some
other athletic contests In addition to
the 10-round- go, announcements of
which will be made later.
x is 'if
im-mwrn Mr -
: : A
, . m X( .I. ' 1 .Tin r r -n
Un !wtyV. ta. Pvir-litUr, ,KUt. NY.
1 TSiP-tr
All Three of These National Magazines Given
Absolutely Free with the Semi-Weekly or Daily East Oregonian.
Read the following offers, make your choice and send in your
name at once, as these offers are good for a limited time only.
Offer No. 1.
Daily East Oregonian, by mail, 6 months $2.50
Spare Moments, monthly, 1 year . . ,50
The Mother's Magazine, monthly, 1 year . ,50
Dressmaking at Home, monthly, 1 year . 1,00
All for $2.50, Paid in Advance.
Offer No. 2.
Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, 1 year . $1,50
Spare Moments, monthly, 1 year . . ,50
The Mother's Magazine, monthly, 1 year . ,50
Dressmaking at Home, monthly, 1 year . 1.00
All for $1.50, Paid in Advance.
Present Indications Point to a Good
Average Yield of Both Hay and
Crook county will harvest a good
crop of hay and grain this year. If
present Indications hold out Two
weeks ago discouraging reports were
heard from all parts of the county
because of the extremely cold spring
and the great number of windy days.
Then It was thought there would not
be hay enough to feed the teams.
The prospects for grain were thought
to be even worse. Now this Is all
changed. Considerable rain has fall
en and everything assumes a new as
pect. Sunshine was all that was
needed and with It came nights suffi
ciently warm to prevent frost.
All the Irrigated farms In the
country, without exception, will pro
duce an average crop, and tho ma
jority will do much better.
The Crooked river and Ochoco val
leys with their tributaries are waving
green fields of alfalfa and grain. The
dry farms do not look so well, but
nearly all will produce remunera
tive crops.
Fruit has suffered In some locall
ties, but a fair crop in reported. Some
of the orchards have not been
touched by the frost.
The general condition of the range
In good. Forest officials report good
grass for stock In the reserves. The
weather has been Ideal for growln
purposes. Crook County Journal.
Hotel St. George.
Mrs. Welles, Umatilla; It. F. Jen
kins, Portland; J. O. MeN'ab, Portland;
H. tHrtz, St. Paul; S. Oldstein. Port
land; F. W. Hall. Chicago; J. F. Badd
ley, Weston; John Clancy, Portland;
Cllften Cleaver, Echo; E. F. Rockfal
low, New York; E. L. Rlbson, Boston;
Mrs. H. J. Blough, Umatilla; Jessie
C. Moore, Portland; J. J. Hogan, Port-
I. 'tnd; - Charles Berkeley, Portland;
Roy "Tompkins. Athena; John Tomp
kins, Athena; B. Allng, Spokane; J.
Johnson, Portland; F. E. Griff, Denver.
W. R. Ward of Dyersburg, Tenn.,
writes: "This Is to certify that I have
used Foley's Orlno Laxative for
chronic constipation and It has proven
without a doubt to be a thorough,
practical remedy for this trouble, and
It It with pleasure I offer my con
scientious reference." Pendleton Drug
We always did envy a man who
could keep his pockotknife sharp.
Syrup sKis
lleanses trio Swtem Ef f ect
ually.UlspcU lolcU andneaA
ache s due to Constmation;
Acts naturally, acts truly as
a Laxative.
Best forMenmpn and Child-iW-U)ungand
To fet iTsTenpicialEfect
W Iw.the benuine which
has The Jull name of the Com
Ro Syrup Co.
by wham t manufactured . printed en tfi
. rn,fvr package.
size ony. rejular pries Wf twttU
Boats to Resume Run.
After having been closed for sev
eral days the locks In the Columbia
at Cascades were re-opened today.
and traffic will be once more re
sumed on the Columbia between The
Dalles and Portland, says The Dalles
Chronicle. The Bailey Gatzert, of the
Regulator Line, arrived this after
noon on her regular round-trip sched
ule, and the Dalles City will be In to
night. The river has receded .7 of a
foot during the past 24 hours, mak
Ing altogether something more than
a foot since the height of the flood
was reached. It Is thought now that
the waters will subside gradually
to their normal state. The greatest
height reached by the water this year
was 37.1 feet on the 18th Inst.
It Is not definitely known when
the O. R. T. boats will resume ser
vice, though It Is thought the Teal
will make the trip within a day or
one or. me most unrortunate re
sults of the flood In Its relation to
The Dalles was the ruining of sever
al gardens on the beach. Portions
of the beach had been placed under
cultivation and the vegetables were
progressing nicely when the high wa
ter came, and with Its deposit of drift
wood and sediment literally burled
For sale at a bargain, a saloon bus
iness In the best business corner In
Vancouver, Wash., a rapidly growing
city. Possession given July 1, 1908.
Address Box 67, Vancouver, Wash.
While unloading ties at Tekoa.
Wash., Sunday three Greeks were
caught by a falling pile of ties and
severely Injured. One had his hip
broken and one sustained a fracture
of an ankle. The other was not so
seriously hurt. The two with broken
i bones were brought to Sacred Heart
hospital In Spokane.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Northern Pacific Railway
Is directly reached from Livingston, Montana, at low fare In
cluding all expenses of trip, and stopover for this trip can be
secured on any kind or class of ticket regardless of limit of
For full Information as to fares, train service, berth reserva
tions, etc., call on or write
General Agent Walla Walla, Wash. Agent Pendleton, Ore.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
255 Morrison St, Portland, Oregon.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp.
Root, the great kid-
II ncv, liver and blad-
aer remeuy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney ana
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
aric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney troume.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec-
jmniended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder iron oie it win De
found just the remedy you need. It lias
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
orlc and in crivate practice, and has
nrnvpd so successful in every case inai a
special arrangement lias been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
aot already tried it, may have a sample
oottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and bow to
find out if youhave kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reaumg wis
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. Binghamton.i
N. Y. The regular I
fifty-cent and one-
dollar size bottles are a of swap..
told by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swatno-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
snd the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Passenger Time Card
Arriving Pendleton O. R. & N. Leaving Pendleton
Portland Passenger . .
4:10 p. in.
Chicago-Portland Special "
4:40 p. m.
Portland-Chicago E.xpress
2 :55 a. m.
Portland Passenger ....
8:00 a. m.
Chicago-Portland Special
12:25 p. m.
Portland-Chicago Express
1:05 a. m.
Spokane Passenger ....
4 :30 p. m.
Walla Walla Passenger
10 :50 a. m.
Spokane Passenger ....
12:30 p". m.
Walla Walla Passenger
4:50 p. m.
Pasco Passenger
11:30 a. m. and 2 :00 p. m.
Pasco Passenger. 4:30 p. m.
Pilot Rock Paesenger . . .
3:15 p. m.
Pilot Rock Passenger . . .
. .- 8 :45 a. m.