EIGHT PAGES. DAILY BAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1908. PAGE THREE. Mil f,lll H ! I M 0 F! Q 5 (By Samuel W. Hlppler.) The most peculiar accident that ever came to my notlco happened to a com mercial traveler In Massachusetts, He had been out late, and In returning to his hotel wandered beyond town limits, and before he realized It was plowing through stubbly fields In Inky darkness. Of a sudden he, plunged over a bank and ' Just managed to throw his body around sufficiently to clutch the edge of the earth with his fingers. For hours It seemed, ho hung there. At last ho could endure it no longer and let go. Ho (limned down down about six Inches and then stopped. Ho had been hanging all the time with his feet almost touching the ground. In the morning they pulled him out of an unfinished well. He was crying like a baby, and his hair, that had been raven black the night before, was whjto as snow. In thli, as In many other accidents, the funny and the tragic were closely blended. There was an old fellow, for instance, who crawled Into nn empty spirit hogshead to clean it and was overcome by the fumes. Because of his fondness for alcoholic stimu lants, his friends said that he died a happy death. And then there was the fat, Jolly woman who laughed so heartily at a Joke that slio broke her stays. A piece of steel pierced her side and caused death. A broken .trolley wire in Buffalo fell Into a load of hay and In less than It takes to tell there was a merry blaze right In the center of the business street. The conflagration called out the members of a near by fire company and a large crowd. Several Ice cutters were at work on frozen Lake Erie making an attempt to harvest at least a crop before the spring breakup occurred when there was a loud bang and u sheet of Ice a quarter of a mile square broke from Its natural moorings and floated down Niagara river. Three men were carried on this strange .ves sel rapidly toward the falls, and were going to certain death when rescued by the crew of a steam launch that put out from the American shore. The little dog shown In the arms of a sol dier In the accompanying picture was the mascot that went with an Ameri can regiment to the Philippines. He followed the company Into an engage ment one hot summer's day, and was plrked up by one of the boys who was carrying him out of harm's way glu, a driving ' wheel on an engine broke and ft portion of It crashed through the cab, striking tho engineer and breaking his leg. The train was going at the rate of. 60 miles an hour, and it is likely that the list of casual ties would have been an awful one but for the fact that another portion of tho burst' wheel sfruck some part of tho air brake mechanism, setting the brakes, and bringing the train to i full stop. At another time, some where in Nebraska, an engine Is said to have Jumped the track and landed In a bed of quicksand. It disappeared from view entirely within three days and was never recovered. Both collars and neckties have been known to save human lives. The col lar story Is a railroad story and prop orly comes In at this Juncture. The necktie story has nothing to do with railroads, but presumably belongs here because collars and neckties go together. The man who was saved by the collar Is Edward P. Connerty. He was run down by a Lehigh Valley locomo tive and fell directly In front of the engine. In some way, not explained by the news stories, a projecting bolt on the cowcatcher caught In his col lar and dragged him 300 feet. This is a pretty good ad for the durability for the particular brand of collar, because If the linen had given way his death would have been certain. Tho man who owes his llfo to a necktie a red necktie at that Is a Kentucklan. He is tali and stately. with flowing gray rcks and a benev olent expression. What Is more to the point, he Is the exact counterpart of the sole surviving member of a family of feudists. It seems that one day he was going down the street, all un conscious of trouble, while a hired as sassin lurking In the upper window of a saloon and lying In wait for his prototype, had him carefully covered with a mountaineer's long rifle and was only waiting to make his aim more certain before pulling the trig ger. His finger had already begun to press upon it, when one of the con spirators whispered: "J'r God's sake don't shoot; our man never wears a red necktie." Of course, the Kentucklan was later told of his miraculous escape and in talking It over afterward he said: "The most peculiar part of It all is that I had never worn a red necktie It was badly crushed.. The accident seemer to amuse him greatly, and even while the surgeons vere prepar ing to amputate the injured member he laughed heartily. "What's the Joke, old man?" asked one of the doctors. "I done gets five hundred foh dat foot' Doc," ho giggled. "You all bet tah take 'em bof off and I gets a thousand." Hundreds of people who suffer from backache, rheumatism, lame back, lumbago and similar ailments are not aware that these are merely symptoms of kidney trouble. Pln eules for the kidneys act directly on the kidneys, bringing quick relief to backache and other symptoms of kid ney and bladder derangements. 30 days' trial SI and guaranteed or mon ey back. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. WOI M) I(II) CITY OP UNDESIRABLES when a bullet shot him dead without'111 niy life before. I seldom wear any touching the soldier. Had the soldier at all around the house, but this day boy not been carrying the dog the I had arisen early to catch the niorn- bullet would have found a human mark. A tiny tombstone mark the dog's grave on the Island of Luzon A cat accident that had a dlsastrou finale recently occurred In Ohio. A Puckeyi State farmer was mowing when in some way he ran over the family cat, cutting off Its hind legs He started for the house to get his shotgun to put the poor beast out o Its misery. In returning he stumbled nnd the gun went off, blowing the top of his head to pieces and killing him Instantly. There is said to be actual ly on the records of the claims de partment of a prominent accident In surance company a claim of a Callfor nla man who tried to collect 150 on the plea that both his hands were burned while he was trying to put out a fire In his horses's tall that was caused by a firecracker carelessly thrown by a small boy. Of course, railroad men In all coun tries have many freak. accident stories to tell. Sometime last August In fJeor- HER FEET II 1EANDKKED Soles Seemed as Though Covered with Knife Cuts-Could Not Bear Weight of Feet Even on Pillow Was Long Unable to Walk Many Remedies Failed Now Cured. WILL PRAISE CUTICURA AS LONG AS SHE LIVES "Some four years ago I had the mis fortune to have my feet got sore. Tha doctors could not tell mo what it was. 1 used everything I could hear or think of but all to no avail. The feet were all cracked across the bottom as if you had taken a knifo and cut them every whichway. They would pool up, and. oh, my I how they did iiurt when I would try to walk which I was not able to do for a long time. One day one of our neighbors came to our house and asked what, was the matton I showed him my foot and he said he had some Cuticura Ointment which would heal them-up. There was only enough to apply onco, but I found it helped me so much that I stnt for a set of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Pills, costing One dollar, and to my great joy, my feet were cured end have never troubled me since. I shall praise Cuticura as long as I live for tho great , help it has been. Mrs. Margaret Primmer, Tlattin, Mo., June 30 and July 21. 1007." m ECZEMAS And Other Itching, Torturing Humors Cured by Cuticura. Warm baths with Cuticura Soap and eentlo anointings with Cuticura Olnt- Iliriib utioiu IIIBM1UU relief in the most dis tressing forms of itch ing, burning, seal", crusted humors, ecze mas, rashes, inflam mations, irritations, .nHnh.Hnmir nr.nfiv and childhood, permit rest and sloop and point to a speedy end permanent cure, in the majority of cases, when all other remedies fail. Oomplrta External tlx! Interns! Tmtroent tor Erfry Humor ol InfanU, Children, and Adult enmliu ot Cutfcur Snap S6e.) to Clfanae th Bkln, Cutk-tira Olntmont (60. lo Hwl Um Bkta, and CuUrura Ri)leoK50c.),(orlnUpfomio(Uioolt Costm) Plln Mo. per vial ot 80) to Purify U Blood. Bold tkrouf hout UM world. . Pettar Unit Cbun, Corp . Soli Propt., Rnui, Mam. Mr Matted Fret. Cuttcuro Bowk OQ 8Ua DImmm. lug train for town and dressed In the dark. In my hurry and the gloom I nevejr noticed that I had on one of my son's neckties until after all th excitement was over, and so I feel that I owe my life to an accident." It Is related that a Pennsylvania sheriff once fell down the gallows steps while hanging a murderer and broke two ribs, and a Cincinnati pa per recently printed a story about on nutomobllist who, while fixing his electric auto, made a short circuit with his gold ring and had a finger nearly burned off. In this connection I; might perhaps be well to call at tention to the fact that Harry Ham lin, the son of the, most famous borsebreeder that America has ever produced, was killed In an automobile accident. The wheel came off a grain wagon on the streets of Chicago one day and several hundred bushels were hurled on top of the driver, who was com pletely burled. He was almost dead when rescued. That Is almost as bad as the story of the sprinkling car driver who full Into his own water wagon and was nearly drowned. It was a Philadelphia man who thought that It was rabbits Instead of lobsters which could be cooked alive He tried It. Bunny In his struggles' upset the pall of boiling water, and ht was laid up with scald burns on his hands and feet for weeks. Tills story Is almost as hard to believe as that of the man who tried to have his wife press his pants without taking them off. It Is claimed that wlfey laid on the damp cloth and applied the . Hubby was in tho hospital for some time. Tho other day a brick fell from n chimney on a quiet street in an east ern city. The street was nearly a mile ong, and by actual observation there was only one person on Its entire ength a lad of ahout 10 years. And yet Hint brick, falling straight as a die, landed squarely on the top of his head and killed him. It was fate. Down in the hard coal district of Pennsylvania, from whence come thrilling stories at regular intervals, miner the other day fell down a shaft. Ho shot through the air for about 30 feet and would have been dashed to a horrible death but for the fact that his trousers caught on a nail and held. They were old pants, too, and how they stood the strain Is a mystery. And talking about miners, everybody remembers Bill Hicks. Bill was entombed under 60 tons of debris or IB days, and during that time he. was kept alive by milk and soup and other liquids which were lowered to him through a water pipe. It is the little thlnfcs 'of life that cause us the most rouble. A man in Pittsburg recently fell asleep without removing Ms false teeth. Tho plate slipped part way down his throat and choked him to death. Another man, living somewhere In Tork state, crawl ed under the bod to get a collar but ton, bumped his head in getting out and died from concussion of the brain 10 days later. A farmer out west laid his loaded shotgun on the bed. A hen climbed Into the bed to lay an egg, and In perambulating around stepped on the trigger. It was the old story. Tho hen, of course, didn't know It was loaded, but the gun went off Just the same, and the discharge set fire to the bed. An old negro working near a cotton gin in the sojjth had been Insured against accident by his kind-hearted employer. One day In some way he caught his foot In the mechanism and Two Siisjmh'Im, Heard Planning Hold I'p, Are Given Orders to Wulk on and Ininictliilu'ly Comply. IS. M. Dunning and Joe Sullivan, who were arrested Saturday evening and placed In the county Jail, were yesterday morning given strict or ders to shake the Walla Walla real estate from their feet, and return here nevermore, upon pain of trial and probable Imprisonment for con templating a series of hold-ups here. says the Union. , Saturduy evening one of the blue- coats overheard Sullivan and Dun ning making plans for a hold-up, and he two were immedlatcry taken to he station by Officer Cashatt and ockcil up, having been released yes erday morning on condition that they cave town at once. They agreed. Chief Sounds Warning. Chief of Police Davis, although he making every effort to keep the Ity free from undesirable characters, has Issued a warning to business men and especially hotel and lodging house proprietors, where thievery is more likely to occur, to keep a close watch upon their premises, and en deavor to prevent a repetition of the day-light robbery which was made in the Diferes and Palace hotels yes terday. From the present time until harvest operations have been started there will be many unemployed men In the city looking for work, and If an opportunity presents, many of them would not hesitate to affix ar- tit b s that do not belong to them. ! I...,, rti.., i i. . . . j i iiiht oim-eiM nave oeen given spe cial Instructions to watch unknown persons who come under their, sur veillance, with extreme care, and to take steps to keep the city clear from any who have the appearance of be ing "crooked." Our Special Inducement For you to dress well on the Fourth of July and during your Summer Vacation. We will put on sale commencing Wednesday June 1 7, our entire Spring and Summer line of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothing at 25 per cent (1-4) off this grand offer will last until July 5th 1 908. The man of 17, the man of 30, the man of 50 All have different viewsAll are reflected in their Clothes tastes and in Stein-Bloch Clothing .. We can please you all at a sacrifice of 25 per cent while this sale lasts See Big Window Display The Alexander Dep't. Store Store Closed all day Fourth of July ' When on a visit to the home of R. H. Yokum, near Kallspell, Mont., Friday night, Scott Grubb found Yo kum and his son both dead. The father, abed about 67 years, was ly Uig outside the house on the ground and the' young man, aged 28, was in his bedroom with a bullet hole In his head. It Is supposed the men quar reled and the young man shot and killed his father and then shot him self. An Investigation is to be made. One application of ManZan Pit Remedy, for all forms of Piles, soothes, reduces Inflammation, sore ness and Itching. Price EOc guaran teed. Sold y A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Notice to Ice Users. All parties wanting Ice delivered to their homes please hang out cards by 7 o'clock each morning where they can be seen by driver of wagon. Hen ry Koplttke. I.KiHT TIIOI'SAM) GRAIN BAGS WILL BE USED Indications point to Hovy Crop and Many runners Arc Already laying In Supply for Ilarvesl. That the grain crop of southeast erri Washington for the year 1908 Is, likely to bo an unusually big one, Is evidenced by the fact that 25 car-j loads of grain bags will be required to handle the crop, says the Walla Walla. Villon. Two c,arloads of Cal cutta bags have already been receiv ed, aggregating about 80,000 sacks, or SO bales per car. These bags are made in Calcutta .from Indian Jute, nnd are handled by business houses In Portland nnd sound points, where they are shipped. The price this year Is said to to be somewhat lower than It was last year, the average being $7.30 laid down in Walla Walla. In the neighborhood of 500,000 bags, made at the jute mill at the state penitentiary will be avallnble In addition to the Imported product, the quotation for 'prison bags being $6.90 free on boasd at the prison. With the freight added the home bags are on a par with the Imported product. Nearly all bag deliveries are to be made by July 1, and shipments will be received almost dally from the present time until harvest begins, as many of the more extensive farmers must have the bags on hand before they can start threshing operations. YOUR HAT Hay Be a Stjilnh One, But It Make Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "in style," but the modern hat for men baa lots to answer tor. Haldheads are growing more numer ous every day. Hats make . excellent breeding places for the parasitic germs which sap the life frnra the rools of tho hair. When your hair boelroi to fall out and your scalp is full of Dandruff it Is o sure sign that these countless grms are busily at work. There Is but one way to overcome the trouble and kill the germs that way h to apply. Xewbro's Herpiclde to h? scalp It will kill the germs and healthy hair is sure to result. SnM hv leading drnpe'sis. 10" . j stamps for sample to The Hcr;j. i.'.o Co Detroit. Mich. Two stiea (0 cents and tl.00. A. C. Korppen & Bros. j DON'T FORGET That our stock of Harvest Sup plies is the largest and most complete in this city. We have at all times. Chain Belt Leather Belt Hard Oil Canvas Babbitt Metal Sheet Iron Oil Cups Rope Rivets ETC. Machine Oils Water Bags Oil Cans Butt Chains Axle Grease Tents Pipe Ranges Craniteware ETC. ETC. Bring Your Want List to Us W. J. Clarke & Co. Phone Main 2 1 211-213 E. Court St. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Coun ty, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes osth that he la senior partner of the firm of P. J. Che ney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, add that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENET, Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this Oth day of December, A. D.. tSeal.) A. W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for tes timonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. iild by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpa-tloo. I FOR THE GLORIOUS FOURTH I Your Fourth of July Needs at a Saving We are now passing through the most prosperous period in our history, undoubtedly due to the simple but effective method of supplying just the merchandise wanted, at just the price one wants to pay for it. The Only Difference Big Bam Completed. The construction of the big dam of the government Umatilla Irrigation project' is completed with the excep tion of the trimming up of tho work. snys the Hermlston Herald. While mnny in the employment at Cold Springs dam have been dismissed, a large force has been retained to move the equipment. The gigantic steam shovel that has been In use for mnny months was brought to Hermlston for shipment yesterday, having been on tho road from the dam 10 days. Although not definitely decided, it Is thought that It, together with 24 head of horses, will be shipped to the Yu ma project In Arizona. For many days machinery, wagons, stock, and general equipment has been brought to the O. R. & N. yards pre paratory to shipping to the Yakima project. Plneules for the Kidneys, SO days trial 1, guaranteed. Plneulea act di rectly on the Kidneys and bring relief In the first dose to backache, weak back, rheumatic pains, - kidney and bladder trouble. They purify the blood and Invigorate the entire sys tem. Sold by A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. iT WW between our clothing and the high-class merchant tail ors' is the PRICE. Ours are made especially for us by America's foremost tailors whose designs are the best in the world. Every garment has- back of It our guarantee absolute satisfaction. Men's Shirts for Less We carry only the very best styles in plains and pleated, dots, stripes and figures, plain white pleated shirts, at tached or detached cuffs all sizes also work shirts at your own price. Hosiery for You Men's and Boys' hosiery In plain and fancy silks, plaids, stripes, dots, plain black and tan, to fit you at a surpris ingly low price. Neckwear for Men Who Care The prettiest line to be found anywhere. We are fore most in neckwear for "the man who cares." Shoes for Everybody and that fit the foot. Oxfords, black and tan, dress shoes, patents, and every kind of a work shoe. Underwear We carry only the best makes. Nicely finished, light weight, unshrinkable underwear, all colors. We can save you money on the underwear. worigmen s Clothing Co. Old Hunt's Depot. Cor. Main and Webb Where You Get the Best Goods for the Least Money Sts. if aVl