EIGHT PAGES. DAILY KAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1908. PAGE THREE. Why Overheat Yourself? Much of your summer pleasure depends upon having a cool and comfortable kitch en. Why not be prepared for hot days before they come ? Ask your dealer to show the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. It's a wonder. ' Does the work of your big range in every particular, but has this greatadvantage over it, that it never heats the kitchen. Thaj I1W PEKC110RI Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove makes summer days endurable. Think of pre paring a meal in less time than you'd do it on the coal range, and then sitting down at table with the family not overheated, but entirely comfortable. That is the way you will do when you have a "New Perfection Oil" Cook-Stove in your kitchen. Made in three sizes ; fully warranted. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. the Ratio Lamp X i a center draft lamp 'great illunii Dating; power. Large font holds oil for several hour' burning. Free from all objectionable feature a splendid family lamp. If not with your dealer, write our aeareat agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY i2 (UMnwnM) MILITARY M NEW PEHE American military riflemen will have a now pleasure added to their )lt Hhould the now board on revUlon of the firing regulations or small arms adopt the skirmish system, which has been so successfully tested at the school of musketry at Mon terey. Cal., and In the Philippines, or the Australlun skirmish system. An Idea of the proficiency In shooting gained by our officers and men In the Philippines may be had from the following: Imagine a man dressed In kakhl whose color melts Into the background of dirt or burned grass so that nt 600 yards he Is almost In visible. This man pokes his head and shoulders over a dirt embankment long enough to sight a rifle and fire a shot. He represents the "enemy." Coming toward him Is a "boy In blue." only he, too, Is dressed In kakhl. Beginning at 600 yards dis tance he stops and waits for the en emy to appear. In ten seconds the latter puts up his head and shoulders which are exposed for three seconds. This happens four times and the Am erican makes a run forward, loading as he runs. He fulls to the ground and In 10 seconds the "enemy" rises over the bank to fire. "Bang, bang," goes the New Springfield. This ad vancing and firing Is repettod until five halts have been made, the figure having been exposed four times for three seconds each at each halt, and the soldier having advanced until he Is within 200 yards of the entrench ment. The "enemy" Is then examln ed and it Is found that he has been struck 25 times, the soldier having used something like SO or more rounds of ammunition. That Is "field firing" under approximate war con dltlons, and that Is what they are do Ing In the Philippines and contem plating doing to a greater or less ex tent In the United States. Rent to rtifllpplnm. Cnpt. R. H. Allen, of the Twenty. seventh Infantry, who Is stationed In the Philippines. Is one of the officers ordered to America to compete for a plnce on the army teams to shoot In the great national matches to be held at Camp Perry, Ohio, in August. Last yeor the navy carried off the nntlonal trophy so this year the war depart ment called on the Philippines to send their most expert marksmen to the United States to try for places on The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is n disease prevailing in tliia Country most dangerous localise bo decep tive. Aiauysucieo ' deaths are caused i by it heart die : ease, pucumoiiia, ! heart failure or apoplexy are ofteo the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble ii ; allowed toad vance the kidney-poison ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys thunselvea break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always rcsuit from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can moke no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tba great Kidney, liver anil bladder rttnecly. It corrects inability to hold urine and cabling pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many limes during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous oiler in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name.Swamp. Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. the teams and two officers and three enlisted men were sent from the cav alry and six officers and one enlist ed man from the Infantry. The trip will toke from six to eight months and all to compete for places on teams which will meet the teams from the navy and marine corps and 40 states and territories In the great est rifle' match America has yet seen. Captain Allen holds the records for shooting under the Australian skir mish system. Beginning at 600 yards he fired 40 shots at the silhoutte tar get above described, stopping at 200 yards. Out of these 4 0 shots he made 30 hits. The total exposure of the silhouette was 60 seconds, but allow ance must be made for the time n takes to cover the distance. This al lowance Is .8 seconds at 600 yards and for the first five halts amounts to about 10 seconds. Therefore, Captain Allen fired a shot every sec ond and a quarter tlfat the target was exposed and every four shots found their lodgment In the head and shoulders of the "enemy" peering over an embankment. Australian Skirmish. "In the Australian skirmish unlim ited ammunition Is allowed," said Captain Allen, whllo in Washington. "This Is as It would be In warfare, presuming there was plenty of am munition available. The firing Is at unknown distances and the 'enemy' appears only long enough to fire a shot and exposes nothing but the head and shoulders as woufl prob ably be the case In actual warfare. He Is dressed In olive drab or kakhl and his clothes mingle with the land scape so as to make him almost In visible at 600 yards. We fire and he 'ducks.' We advance and the same maneuver takes place. By the time we have reached 200 yards It Is safe to Bay that every man of the enemy who has poked his head above the embankment has been killed or dia abled and the subsequent charge Is attended with little danger. When we started this practise a total of 15 shots on a figure was a big record After several weeks of practise the teams averaged 25 hits per man. No enemy could expose themselves over the breastworks long enough to fire shots and live In the face of an attack by such sharpshooters. KARNES WANTS CHANGE. Attorney for Murderer Think They Won't lie Given Fair Deal. Change of venue to some other county than Walla Walla la asked In a petition filed In superior court to day by E. C. Mills, E. F. Barker and Oscar Cain, attorneys for Bud Barnes. They claim that Barns would be un able to get a fair trial In this county, owing to the prejudice against him In the minds of the people, obtained by reading the papers and In discussion and attendance at the trial. Answer to the petition, together with affidavits will be filed by Attor ney Rupp for the state, late this af ternoon or tomorow morning and the petition will be argued tomorrow morning. In an affidavit Attorney Cain sets forth that he defended Barnes at his last trial that since th trial he and his associate Frank Garrecht have been criticized for defending Barnes, the jury has been condemned, and people have had a very hostile atti tude toward Bud Barnes. Further, he swears that he has frequently heard on the streets that Barnes "should be hanged and that the same treatment should be accorded the Jurors who sat on the trial." Affidavits setting forth that the public Is against a fair trial in Walla Walla county are also filed by A. H. Harris and Rev. Andrea Bard. Marlon Barm Located. Marlon Barnes, the brother whom "Bud" was, by some, suspected of having murdered, has been located In Glenwood, Klickitat county, Wash ington, where he Is in the employ of J. C. McDonald as a sheepherdcr says the Walla Walla Statesman. Such Is the Information given out at the sheriffs office this morning. J. F. Loundagln, who got the letter from the missing boy, was in the city to day. It seems the letter he got was not from Heppner, but from Arling ton, where McDonald lives. Further, It Is positively given out that Marion was alive and well a week ago. It seems that Marlon Is In the hab it or working ror McDonald every year until harvest, at which time he returns to this country and spends that season near here. Having finish ed, he always returns to the employ of McDonald. This year, however, on account of the trouble In which Bud" Is engaged, he will not come up. It Is stated on the best authority however that he Is alive and well. A Grand Family Medicine. "It gives me pleasure to speak a pood word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 436 Hous ton street, New York. 'It's a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liver complications; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be recommended too highly." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive func tions, purify the blood, and Impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debillated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. 50c. Prohibition Growth. Saratoga Springs, N. T., June 20. Eight states at present have prohibi tion and a dozen more will be added to the list within the next three years! according to speakers at today's ses sion of the World's Temperance Con gress. Other nations are alleged, to be falling In line and It is enthusi astically declared that another cen tury will mark the final passing of the drink evil. TO TEACH INDIANS TO COOK LUNCHES New Plan for Day School on the Nez . Pore Reservation. Lewlston, Idaho, June 20. Indian Agent O. H. Llpps will advertise for bids for the construction of a four room employes' cottage, which are to bo built this summer at Kamiah for the first day school on the Nes Perce reservation, the bids to be called for Immediately after July 1, when the Indian appropriation bill will be available. The buildings will be con structed from uniform plans adopted by the department of Indian affairs. The schoolhouso will contain four rooms, one as a kitchen, one as a din ing room and the other as an indus trial room In which domestic science will be taught. The government will furnish food and allow the Indian children to cook their own lunches. The cottage will be occupied by the teacher, who will be under civil serv ice Jurisdiction. The entire plant will cost $10,000, and It Is regarded as an experiment ori wthJs "reservation,,,, al though schools are. common on 'some of the eastern reservations. It Is ex pected that 25 Indian children will be enrolled when school begins next summer. I Ionic for Hoys. Salt Lake City, Utah, June 20, Officers of the grand council of Uni ted Commercial Travelers today laid the cornerstone of a home for boys, to be erected by the order at Canyon Crest ranch. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for young and old U prompt relief for coughs, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently laxative. Guaranteed. Sold by A. C. Koeppen Bros. Hundreds of people who suffer from backache, rheumatism, lame back, lumbago and similar ailments are not aware that these are merely symptoms of kidney trouble. Pln- eules for the kidneys act directly on the kidneys, bringing quick relief to backache and other symptoms of kid ney and bladder derangements. 30 days' trial $1 and guaranteed or mon ey back. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. . Oregon Girl Awarded Moilnl. St. Louis, June 20. Miss Esther Hult, Colton, Ore., who has been studying sculpture In the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Nineteenth and Locust streets, St. Louis, was one of the medal students of that Institution this year. Miss Hult received the reeond highest honor," a bionze medal, for her excellent work In the life sculpture class. Flneules for the Kidneys, 30 days' trial 11, guaranteed. Pineules act di rectly on the Kidneys and bring relief In the first dose to backache, weak back, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder trouble. They purify the blood and Invigorate the entire sys 'tem. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Fruit Shippers Organize. Fruit shippers of the Yakima val ley have formed an association, the avowed objects of which are to secure advantageous railroad rates and uni form tariffs Into new markets tmd the improvement of the methods of grading and packing fruit. Practi cally all of the buyers have Joined the association. Our Special Inducement For you to dress well on the Fourth of July and during your Summer Vacation. We will put on sale commencing Wednesday June 1 7, our entire Spring and Summer line of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothing at 25 per cent (1-4) off this grand offer will last until July 5th 1908. The man of 1 7, the man of 30, the man of 50 All have different views AH are reflected in their Clothes tastes and in Stein-Bloch Clothing .'. We can please yon all at a sacrifice of 25 per cent while this sale lasts See Big Window Display The Alexander Dep't. Store Store Closed all day Fourth of July Esum ssnMsj DON'T FORGET That our stock of Harvest Sup plies is the largest and most complete in this city. We have at all times. Chain Belt Leather Belt Hard Oil Canvas Babbitt Metal Sheet Iron Oil Cups Rope Rivets ETC. ETC. Machine Oils Water Bags Oil Cans Butt Chains Axle Crease Tents Pipe Ranges Graniteware ETC. Bring Your Want List to Us W. J. Clarke & Co. Phone Main 2 1 211-213 E. Court St. 1 West Show Is the art of making "vinegar pie" one of the lost arts? THE REAL TEST Of Herpldde la la Giving It m Thor ough, Trial. There la only one test by which to judge of the efficiency of any article and that Is by Its ability to do that which It Is Intended to do. Many hnlr vigors may look nice and smell nl.-e. but the point is do they eradicate Dan druff and Btop railing hair? No, they do not, but HerplclJe doe. because It goes to the root of tho evil and kills the germ that attacks t'e papilla from whence the hair gota its life. Letters from prominent reople every here are dally proving that Newbro's Herpicide stands the "test of use." It la a delightful dressing, clear, pure and free from oil or grease. Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in stamp for sample to The Herplclde Co. Detroit, Mich. Two ilae SO cents and S1.00. A. C. Koeppen Bros. Atlhi BALL PARK Saturday g Sunday Juno 27 and 28 at 2:30 p. m. Trained Saddle Horses, Mexican Rope Spinning, Bucking Bron chos, Roman Hippodrome Races, Hurdle Races and all Kinds of Cowboy Sports. All Outlaw Horses Brought in Will Be Rode Free of Charge. ADMISSION 25c CHILDREN 15c STANLEY BROTHERS II Just Received Nice line of Men's Tan and Patent leath er Shoes at the old Shoemaker's on Court Street. A. EKLUND UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SUMMER SESSION JIKE Sit TO JTLY 31, 1B08 Gooraea in Biology. Cbrmi.trr, Education, EngTiah Literature, German, French, Spanish, HiaUoy, Mathematics, Physic. Full corps of Instructor. SPECIAL fOrMM Iff EACH DEPARTME.NT FOR TEAt UHS For catalogue a4rfrM the ratrrui, iiiyeisitt or ohooi, tiuit, now PASTIME PARLORS. A quiet resort for the healthful exer cise of BOWLING, POOL AND BILLIARDS. Only first-class tables use 4. Ufrars, conrectionery, toDacces ana oft drinks. Large Quantity of the Famous Rock Spring C a Now on Hand The coal that produces heat' and not dirt. Also fine lot of good dry wood. Dutch Henry Office. Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage Company. 'Phone Main 178. FAT FOLKS l Persian Cleaning and Dve Works I Ladles' and tents' clothing cleaned and pressed. Ladles' On gar- X menta a specialty. All work guarantied. F. M. LORIMER, Proprietor 'Phone Main 194. Main Street, Near Bridge. Tour Weight, Doable ChJa, BtasV Abdomen, Hips and Fatty Heart Re duced. Dr. Snyder guarantees his treat ment to be perfectly harmless -in every particular. No exer cise, no starving, no detention from business, no wrinkles or dis comfort Dr. Snyder has been a spe cialist In the successful treatment or obesity for the past 25 years, and has the unqualified Indorsement of the medical fraternity. A booklet, tell ing all abeut It. FREE. Write today. . O. W. F. SNYDER, M. D. BIS Marqnam Theater Building. PORTLAND, ORE. GASOLINE ENGINE IRRIGATION, SPRAYING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engine for pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. Outfits complete. Fairbanks Scales for weighing. Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos ana Motors for power and light. Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers. Fairbnnks-Morse Grinders, FeeiJ Choppers, Well Pumps. All first quality goods at lowest prices. Prompt reply to inquiries and. quick shipments. Write for cata logue and prices. NEAGLE BROS.. AGENTS, Pendleton, Oregon. FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO. Portland. Oregon. PENDLETON-UKIAH ST1EE; Dally trips between PendleUn aatT Jklah, except Sunday. Stage leaves Pendleton at 7 a. m., arrives at TJktehi at t p. m. Return stage leaves Ukiaia at 6 p. m.. arrives at Pendleton at E p. m. Pendleton to Uklah. 13.00; Pen dleton to Alba, $1.75; Pendleton to Ridge, $1; Pendleton to Nt 11 60. Pendleton to Pilot Rock, tli