. tflW tin m. ' ' " "''"--.. jgiiH"" "" TriT "WinCim ui,,mmm ii no PAGE TEX. PAILT KA8T ORKGOyiAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 29, IB08. TEN PAGES. DR. PRICE'S Wheat Flake Celery Food A perfect food from high-grade Wheat and Celery infused. No sour stomach; no formation of gas; all indigestable matter removed. I A Health and Strength Giver Not touched by human hands in its preparation, absolutely free. 15c, 2 packages for 25c j Standard Grocery Co. Court St., Opp. Golden Rule Phone Main' 96 f IEMLETOX HALL PLAYERS OUTCLASS WALLA WALLA Honor Average in Rutting, Melding and Every Dcimrtnicnt of the (rlUUO. M. A. Rader, score keeper for the league ball games, has compiled a ta ble showing the detailed work of the Pendleton and Walla Walla teams during the four games recently play ,J . . . cu iiere ana me snowing is a very favorable one for Pendleton. tne batting averago of the two teams was .813 for Pendleton and .222 for Walla Walla. Pendleton's field ing average was .886, while Walla Walla's was .841. The remainder of the summary Is as follows: Runs Pendleton, 31: Walla Walla, 28. Earned runs Pendleton, H; Walla Walla, 10. Stolen bases Pendleton, 18: Walla Walla, 20. Sacrifice hits Pendleton, 6: Walla Walla, 1. strike outs Pendleton, 21: Walla walla, 32. Left on bases Pendleton 34: Walla Walla, 20. Hits Pendleton, 46: Walla Walla. 30. Errors Pendleton, 19; Walla Wal- urnr TfiAflnDDnw IILIIL IUMUII II UV WILTO.V LACKEYE, ACTOR, . rlea and Mrs. Nellie Lowande. are dls I playing their grace and skill Solder jjonnson, assited by 29 clowns, Is busy jwlth his automobile brainstorm stunt. I ii is a scream, me auto used is me- LACDS SELLS-FLOTO SHOW . cnanlcaII' correct for the work It i des. and when It explodes spectators are noiding their sides. The Ty-Bells Noted Actor Tells Spokane Paper ne do hISh-air Iron-Jaw act. They have Has Seen All the Big Shows But a talned dogr tnat does wnat they do o and concludes Us burlesque bv mak- Never Saw . Better One Than Selh;lng a slIde for fe the thSe Floto He Says There Is Something tent hanging by his teeth. The 'Black to This Circus Besides the Parade Hussars.' coal black stallions, appear and the Band Wagons. . ln one rln d(lnS a liberty and trick . .act. and the Ben Hur herd of Aribl- " 1 'an stallions in the other and the Sa- The following interview is taken voys on the center stake with the from the Spokesman-Review: 1 only trained bulldogs In the world. I "I have seen them all the big ones1 think the latest feature under a Barnum. Ringling. Sells. Fore- circu tent Is the Goldln troupe of paugh. but I have never Rppn nn o Jtusion singers and dancers, better than Sells-Floto." sni,i mitnn singing Is on the grand. ODera order. Lackaye. the actor, last night. "In There are the Ohern family, equlllb this show all the goods are not in rl!t9' Cama an Madsa. Japanese ac the window. After the parade and rrbats: Wolly and Piers, Roman the menagerie are over there's the'rlngs: EJiska and Tots. Royal circus how. . . i of Tokio, and the great Fowlers, gym- I "Thfire are two rings, two stages. n""c "jarvels. The wire-walking act hippodrome track, mid-air arena and of Nole' Me'notte and La Xole Is wild wst realm ln the circus depart- ' marvelous. Selgrlst and Selgrlst. tievrr amieies. are a erwt fuin to bed. Chad Werta turns a double nmartmilt two L j . . v . . . .1. - I i.ci nio uuuuie nera or la, 25 cameis ana horses and a I It will be seen from the above that j.j.unuu 01 persons. Fifty males tho'loml tam n,.Mio.. i.. males take part In the leaps. While nents In practically every part of the "viutu uuicuHCK riaers jirs. Cor- game. BASEBALL SCORES. Portland, 6; Sun Francisco, 1. Los Angeles, 2; Oakland, 1. Spokane, 3; Butte, 1. Vancouver, 7; Seattle, 5. Aberdeen, 2; Tacoma, 0. THE STRENUOUS LIFE. ' Pulls so Hani on the. Stonwtch It Must . Have Help. The stress and strain of the strenu ous life In both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five people suffer today where one did 10 years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulence, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating, nervousness, sleepless ness and the many other symptoms of indigestion. . Ail who are suffering with stomach troubles, and. that means at least two out of three In Pendleton and other towns, should use Ml-o-nl stomach tablets. Nothing else Is as safe, yet effective; nothing else can be so thor oughly relied upon to relieve ail trou bles from Indigestion as Mi-o-na. So reliable Is Ml-o-na that Tallman & Co. with every 50-cent box they sell, give a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. BOUGHT SI CUTTLE With Amcrlcuii Lcugiic Mayers. At Philadelphia Detroit, 10; Phil adelphia, 2. At Boston Chicago, 2; Boston, 1. At St. Louis St. Louis, 4; New York, 3. At Washington Washington, 8; Cleveland, 2. I turning forward double somersaults ment of the tent. Standing In one Pnri nfln nnt Hfatlncnilall a rarann in the other. It will take care of 20.-' fronl. the 8T"nd. 000 people, I am told. Everything Is -""aren una joy In the trained so clean and new. Sawdust, plenty ; ponles' 8ee9e. birds, 'Betty' Boyle and of it, everywhre and the ground mols-1 1 'ramea muie, January; Sarsawa - n n si V. t A A . M tenea by a system of sprinkling carts. . u "a l,unea roosiers tbese are A concert hand of 30 pieces furnishes! Iew 01 lne many acts that interest me Dig audience." This show will be here tomorrow. J. W, Bailey Buys Fine Slieep. Richard Scott has osld his entire Xnej, flock of Cotswold shep to J. W. Bailey and they will be transferred to the Scott farm just outside the city, says! the Rural Spirit. Mr. Bailey has also bought the entire dairy herd of Por ter' Skinner near Newberg, Oregon, which consisted of one of the best selections of Jersey cows In that sec tion. The herd was headed by a fine bull from the Atkinson herd. Mr. Bailey is getting to be a full-fledged granger, handling anything from a collie dog to a "trottln' hoss." the music. "The 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' tour nament, a beautiful, patriotic creation presenting the entire array of per formers, horses, elephants, camels. be nead Mashed Still Rreathrcf. San Francisco, May 29. The two clowns and chariots, and a ballet of ar nld son of L- Carbon! fell from picked beauties is the opening num-ltne tnlrd 8tory of an apartment house ber. on nis neaa on the sidewalk. Following is 'The Gathering of the His fpatures were mashed almost be Garland?.' dnncing cotillions horse- -nd cognition, but the child Is still back with a wealth of roses. afavor- breatnlng regularly. The doctors can it nnotirtiB nf tho Rrter in Smith &t. i not explain why death wa9 not in- rica. The double herd Of elephants ! "tantaneous. There are no hopes of! etand on their hind legs and on their r " heads, play musical Instrument, I , , teeter, marrh. wait., mnnenvor in I Hyde-Benson Trial. one undresses like a n.nn an ! Washington. May 29. Losing In th r I attemnt to quash the Hyde-Benson land fraud Indictments, the defense today proceeded with their testimony, Attorney Ackermnn of 'Frisco, test! fied that similar transactions to those I of Hyde and Benson are said to have been common practice with lawyers. Sheep Shipment to Montana. R. N. Stanfield of Echo shipped 5000 head of sheep to Garrison, Mon tana, this week, where they will placed on the summer ranges. The shipment was principally yearlings an many of them weighed 100 pounds each. They also sheared heavy, the entire shipment averaging about nin pounds each. FIRST GRASS BEEF WILL BE SHIPPED JUNE 10 Nate Rains Furcluwes Fine Bunch of Fut Stuff for Seattle Markets- Shipment Comes from Five Willow Springs Growers Price Id Not Made Public But Id Understood (o Be a Little Better Tluin $1.23 Per Hundred. Nate Rains of this city, cattle buy er for the Frye-Bruhn company of Seattle, has Just made the first pur chase of grass beef made In this county this season, having purchased 500 head of choice cattle from Harry Whlttaker, George Llnsner, Fletcher Brothers, Koop Brothers and J. A. Guardian, to be shipped from this city on June 10 . The cuttle have been on the range In the Willow Springs district this spring and are ln excellent condition for the market and are the top or choice of about 800 head which he contracted. The remainder of the purchase will be sent out about June 20. This is the first shipment of grass cattle to be made out of eastern Ore gon this spring and Is another evidence of the excellent advantages of Uma tilla county as a stock country. While the price is not made public, It is un derstood that it is a little, better thnn $4.23 per 100 and Is satisfactory to the growers. The NIFTV WEAR We have every thing in Men's and Boys' furnishings, that the mind may desire from a col lar button to your "Men 8" wedding trousseau. Modem Clothiers BOSTON STORE Where You Trade to Save COLDS The very hour a cold starts Is the time to check It Don't wait It may become deep-seated and the cure will V. ... r M .Win TT. n ... . Un... Inn " . uc uai uci klicn tCIJi iiuur luai a . the start may add days to your suf fering. Take F & S Cold Capsules Used In time they save all that might follow sickness, worry, ex penses. They never fall. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists. MacMnllnn & Co. Fall. Pittsburg. May 29. An involuntary petition for bankruptcy was filed In the United States court against Geo, MacMullan & Co. The liabilities are 11.800.000. Assets are $350,000 less than that. TEA You think one tea as food as another ? Why don't you buy at the lowest price you see in the window ? Year (racer r.turni yar aoier If jn 4m 'I ft SdiiUiac'i But; wc par kits. Condensed Report of the Commercial National Bank Rendered to Comptroller of Currency May, 14, 1908. United States Depository lUwjorces. United States bonds j $.78,455.81 hon City of Pendleton 15,480.70 Loans and discounts 144,951.71 Overdraft (secured) 1,767.05 Furniture and fixtures 7,053.48 Cash on hand and ln banns 92,793.81 $340,511.00 Liabilities. Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Undivided profits (net) (, 8,300.30 Circulation 50,000.00 Deposits United Etates $ 25,000.00 Individual 207,150.7 232,160.76 '. ' Y'f 'j $340,511.0 i ' Percentage of reserve to Individual deposits over 44 per cent. LONG FLIGHT JJOYS AFTEU TICKET GIVEN WORKOUT Airship With Coveted Tag Sails Far Over High School Hill and Lands on Tutullla Boys Race Up 1I1U and ..Over Plowed .Ground Those .Al ready on Hill Have Advantage Lust One Goes Up Today. When the Sells-Floto balloon went up from the top of the East Orego nlan building yesterday afternoon the small boys who took after the wind hag were given a "workout" such as they have never had before. Unlike the other balloons sent up by the circus people, the one liberated yesterday showed some speed as a high flyer. It rose high Into the air and headed over the south end of town as though hunting for Tutullla creek. n t Not daunted by the race before them the band of boys took after the air ship and they raced up the high school hill as fast as they could. But other small boys were already on the hill and consequently they had the advantage In the race. The balloon was first reached by Donald Rader, who accordingly gets he circus ticket that was attached thereto. Harry Monterastella of the East Oregonian circulation depart ment, was a close second, but he was handicapped by the fact that he had to climb the hill. The last of the circus balloons will be sent up this afternoon by Lee Drake, advertising manager of the East Oregoniaji, and who Is the offi cial aeronaut. Judge Lowell to Portland. Judge Stephen A. Lowell left this morning for Portland, where he will deliver an address at the Empire the ater tonight on the political Issues of the day. This will be his last address during the campaign and he expects to return home at once. There will be no addresses of a political nature on either Decoration day or Sunday and consequently the campaign prac tically closes tonight In Portland. In this county and other outside counties speeches will be made tomorrow. THE PASTIME PICTURE SHOW SELLERS & MATLOCK, Props. Entire Change of Pictures and Songs Every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. SEE! SEE! Two Orphans Clown's Revenge Vacuumn Cleaner Life Saving Up-to-date Crazy Composer Illustrated Song. When the Girl You Love Forgets You Admission 10c Children 5c Edison latest and best "Underwriters Model" picture machine absolutely fire proof. German Lutheran Service Services of the German Evangeli cal Lutheran church will be held at Warren station on the Northern Pa cific at 10:30 a. m. Sunday, May 31, and In this city at 2 p. m., Rev. Geo. L. Pprattler, pastor. The "Francn- verlen" of the Lutheran church will meet on June 4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seuhl, at 1 p. m. All are cordially Invited. Postoffioc Will Close. Tomorrow being a legal holiday, Decoratln day, the postofflce will be closed except during the hour be tween 9 and 10 o'clock. Also the of fice will be closed Monday, election day, excepting for the same period named above. 8II0U SHOP A. C. Friedly, Prop. Will Trites, Mgr. Xew Fence for High School. The old board fotice which enclos ed the high school grounds for man years, was torn down last cvenln and a new, modern fence will be erect ed In Its place. Bad Symptoms. The woman who has periodical head aches, tackache, sees imaginary dark boots or specks floating or dancing before tier eyebaygnawing distress or neavy full feeling tfitomach, faint spells, drag glng-downAeellng In lower abdominal or pelvic Irregu out weak have e sympto case Ncgl cases ma re?' Rleycle Raoe jn Chicago. Chicago, May 29. A twenty-five mile handicap bicycle race on July is announced by the Chicago Cycle Dealers' association and will undoubt edly be the most Important bicycle event ever held ln the middle west. Over a hundred valuable prizes are offered. Seattle Boat Race. Seattle, Wash., May 29. An exclt- ng contest Is promised when the crews of Washington and California universities meet on Lake Washing, ton next Tuesday, In a struggle for the Intercollegiate rowing honors of the coast. Both crews are In ' good form. Conductor Killed. Centralis, Wash., May 29. Mike Helfrlch of Tacoma, a conductor, fell under his train and was killed here this morning. i "on, easily startled or excited. or painful periods, with or with .vie catarrh, is suffering from esandyfleranKcment8 thatshould ntlon. Not all of above iKdy to bo present In any ime.. or badly treated and such run Into maladies which de- surgeon'g knife it they do not uy. No medicine extant has such a Ion at( apd numerous ren.nl ol rnr. a in fiic r..,r S hs Dr. Pierre's Favorite 1'rescni eoi tion. . tii) m pruna-n'iiii Icinn lias surh a strong; several li.LrreillenU-wnrlh more t.liTn any rllimfTr."f "ril,',La-rv '"in-profplnnal Uy tiinonlftls. The very best Ingredients known U medical science for the cure ol woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug is to bo found In the list of its Ingredients printed on each bottlo-wrapper and attested under oath. In any condition of the female system, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do only good never harm. Its whole effect is to strengthen. Invigorate and regulate the whole female system and especially the pelvic organs. When these are de ranged In function or affected by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves are weakened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not be expected of this "Fa vorite Prescription." It will not perform miracles: will not cure tumors no med icine will. Itwltl often prevent them, If taken In time, and thus the operating table and the lurtroon'f knife may be avoided. Women tnfferlhir from diseases of loner standing, are Invited to consult by letter, free. All correspondence Is held as strictly rivate ana sacredly connanniiai. ao. reu World's Dlsoensarv Medical Associa tion, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 pages) Is sent fru on receipt of 21 one-cent (tamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Address aa above. Honor is Satisfied Wanted a Maid The Vestal Illustrated Song : Fly Away Birdie to Heaven FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER VOTE 29 X Oglesby Young The strong and capable nominee of the Democratic Party. Mark Your Ballot FOR. SHERIFF 41 X T. D. Taylor Famous as an efficient officer, over the entire Northwest. Let' keep him there. Outing Trousers Popular Shades and Popular Prices MEN'S SHOP MAX BAER