East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 19, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    eight rAooa
Now Juet aee Japan,
Though iuch a small man.
He's going to swipe
All the trade if to can.
There's o denying the fact that
Japan U a blf factor In coavmerca.
W are alee making baa; Inroad upon
the clothing- patronage of the public,
Our trade la constantly Increasing
owing te the fact that we never take
any unfair1 advantage. For good
treatment and high quality gooda, at
reasonable prlcea, coma to tu.
Bond Brothers
Leafing Clothiers
Lime and Sulphur
I gal makes 10 of Spray,
by mixing with cold water
The Pendleton
Drug Go.
By Drinking tbe Home
Prodact, tbe
Famous $500
Guaranteed Abaolutely Para.
Try a caee for famfty aaa
For amle at all leading ban.
Phone Main 5J8.
M CfllPIIP ,
Tbc following oxrcllent oration, en
titled "The Opportunities of Youth,"
by Harold J. Warner of Pendleton
high school, won the oratorical cham
pionship of eastern Oregon for young
Warner, In the content at Baker City
laat Friday evening.
The oration is original In thought
and expression and ; reflects great
credit upon the boy, who la but 17
yeara of age. He la one of Pendleton's
bent high school debaters, and now
that he holds the. high tchool oratori
cal championship ' of eastern Oregon,
hla literary honors are numerous and
well merited:
The Oiortuikltlif of Youth.
The present I 'aft -age of opportunl
ty. It Is characterised by .the activity
of the young man. Every Industry
and every field of human . endeavor
la marked by hla presence. Ule has
won the admiration of th world with
the euccesa of hla undertakings.
Never before have1 the American
people been led., by men of eo few
yeara. The young man Is associated
with every recent reform or accom
plishment of Importance. ' Art. ecl
ence, religion, literature and govern
ment have all felt the Influence of hU
leadership. There has been, a com.
plete revolution In the affairs of men
Commerce has bees stimulated with
new life, political conditions have been
elevated, and the cause of religion ad- pnere or industry, but is seeking and
Whenever n hear an aged man, a
man who lives in the vale of yester
day, regretfnlry .exclaim, "Had I en
Joyed the prlvlk-ges you now possess,
could I have gone to school as you
may go," we are OJled with sympathy,
for we well know that the opportun
Itles of yesterday were not those of
today. But If the youth of today,
when old age does come upon him,,
oomplalna from lack of opportunity,
Jila lamentations will not merit our
sympathy, but will rather awaken our
ptty and Incite our reproof. i
''Wall not for perished chances pass
ed away, ...
Weep not for golden agea on the
wane! '
Each night I burn the records of the
day f
At sunrise every soul Is born again. 'J
"Take heed and listen while I apeak
a solemn word to thee: r
Earth's fairest, yea, swiftest gift,
Is opportunity. '
It far outstrips the fleetest bird
That wings the furtherest sky
Lol all thy flowers to dust are turned
If thou dost let It by.'M
The field of life's work Is large, so
large as to be almost Insurmounta
ble. There Is room and ever will be
room for him who la Inclined to ad
vancc. There Is no field of labor, no
Sale of Ladies Tailored Suits
Beginning Tuesday Morning
At 1-3 Off
' -
Its a case of "Must Sell 'em"
Beautiful, bountiful, Bargain-Priced Suits
at the
Pendleton Cloak and Suit House
Buy of us and it's allright
and tbe
Leave orders at
Opposite People Warehouse)
Our Specialty is '
the Family Trade
We are fully prepared to fur
nlsh you the best of lard, eau
sagea and fresh, smoked or
cured meats and fish each day.
Central Meat Market
Carney St Tweedy.
Telephone Main II.
. Our sparkling, tempting, satisfying
beer and soda water Is pronounced
the purest and best for thirst quench
ing purposes; 24 bottles of beer or
soda delivered to your home for only
Eagle Block. Court Street,
The American people have been
awakened with prideyea, they have
been startled by the advent of this
new factor in Jires activities yes,
even the world looks with approbation
and envy upon this new and most
wonderful type of citizenship youth
great, toalous, unselfish youth
Patriotism and pride prompt us t3
eulogize the great works of Washing
ton and Lincoln as types worthy of
the emulation of any Individual.
But when we reflect upon the up
right, honest and fearless principles
f our present day statesmen and
champions of the people Roosevelt,
Hughes, La Follette, Folk and the
many others, who, by virtue of the
Integrity and zeal displayed In the
cause of the public welfare," have en
deared themselves to their country'
men when we thing of their ardent
endeavors, their achievements In be
half of humanity, we are constrained
to point to them aa the worthy em
todyment of the highest type of cltl
zenshlp of the 20th century. Their
lives, their work, their courage are
the objects of universal applause
These'are all young men; they have
attained their positions not by leaps
and bounds, but step by step. Slowly
but surely they have climbed the lad
der of life; never forgetting their duty
to themselves nor that of their fel
lowman: These men represent the
new type of citizenship a type des
tined to become the acknowledged
loaders of the world a type ho next
as they are democratic, generous as
me earnestness and success with
which these men have engaged In the
larger activities of life demonstrate' a
great fact, one which should be ap
parent to every young and energetic
American, that this Is a land of op
portunlty, a land wherein every anr
bltlous youth,' Inspired by a vision of
highest usefulness, may realize that:
"Lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us.
Footprints on the sands of time."
These men have all grasped the
hand of opportunity; so must every
one who would succeed.
No country teems with such advan
tages for her sons; no country con
tributes so much toward their future
happiness, peace and prosperity as our
own. What loyal son of America
does not feel his heart swell with
gratitude and thanksgiving? Who
would not rejoice In the consciousness
f living In a land so rich, so wonder
ful, a nation buildod upon the rock of
democracy, a nation abounding in
educational facilities unparalleled, un-equoled?
Here, under the dominion of de
mocracy, the youth stands unhamper
ed by the tyranny of monarchies, the
laws of kings. Here, he may develop,
broaden, create and Invent without
the suggestion or restraint of anv
man. Here, in an environment of
free education, he may attain a power
and efficiency enabling him to cope
successfully with the severest obsta
cles of life.
Here, with these two valuable ad
juncts of progress democracy on one
hand and the manifold Institutions of
learning on the other the youth may
become a factor hitherto undreamed,
power well nigh supreme.
Opportunity is abroad In the land.
The youth who is alert will hoed his
voice proclaiming:
Master of human destinies am I!
Fame, love and fortune on my foot-
. steps wait,
Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate
Deserts and seas remote, and passing
Hovel and mart and palace, soon or
knock unbidden onco at every gate;
If sleeping, wake; If feasting, rise
turn away. It Is the hour of fate
And they who follow, reach to every
Mortals desire, and conquer every foe
Save death "
receiving with outstretched hands up
right and vigorous manhood, for his
strength and energy is essenUal to
progress and development; his Inspir
ing presence, the harbinger of con
tinued prosperity.
A few years ago a student In one
of our medical colleges committed
suicide, leaving; this nathetii? note:
"I die because there Is no more room
for doctors." His misfortune Im
presses one with the truth that there
Is no more room' for the quack, but
broad field for the physician: no
more room for the pettifoger, but
trlefs abundant for the Jurist: no
more room for the politician, but a
brilliant opening for the statesman.
The world will not accept sham dis
guised In the cloak of knowledge.
It demands the real, the genuine; It I
crying for genius.
This age of progress, this 20th cen
opportunity. It offers so much to the
creative or Inventive mind. Here la
room for all. Here are great fields
of unsurpassed fertility, as yet un
touched by the plow. Here are great
waters with power unused, awaiting
training and taming by the hand of
man. Here stands forests with tim
bers so large and plentiful as to meet
the needs and requirements of the
world. Here are hills and mountains
rich beyond measure with minerals
still burled. Yes, here is everything
that should make men prosperous and
happy. And here will remain all
these riches of the earth until youth
awakens and grasps these opportunl
ties, these matchless opportunities
which are held In store.
Who could live amid such scenic
beauties, such natural wonders, with
out being inspired, without being ele
vated by them all? Each of these
creations of God should bear a lesson
to every youth. Look. If you will, to
these beautiful mountains and snow
topped peaks; they alone should In
tury, demands men of character. If plre ,he mlnd t0 h,Sher, nobler, and
A quiet resort for the healthful exer
olee of
'Only flrat-claaa tablea used. ..
Cigars, confectionery, tobaocoa and
eft drlmka.
Schilling's Best is in
packages; never come-
out of a bin or canister.
Tow iranr ratine raw east H rae deal
Wk Hi mt eia
the youth of today Intends to meet
with success, he must first mould well
his character. It Is the foundation
upon which his life is bullded. To
make the most of his opportunities.
ne must see that the foundation Is
substantial. For when. It begins to
crumoie, so win the superstructure
fall. The man who is determined.
energetic, honest, and above all, actu
ated only by unselfish motives, will
not only attain the goal of his ambl
tlon, but become a-public benefactor,
and inspiration to men.
Determination and energy are the
essential factors In the fulfillment of
any definite purpose. They are
words which fitly distinguish the
American people as a nation. There
has been no great epoch or event In
American life which Is not stamped
with determination and the result of
energy. And It Is this self same de
termination which has so forcibly
charnctrrlzed the work of our fathers,
grandfathers, and Rxeat-grandfathers.
We must have it if we expect to over
come the many obstacles of life's
Generosity of purpose, the foster
ing of a love and sympathy for one's
fellowman, is a valued asset 'in the
character of any Individual. The
youth must shun selfish motives; he
should endeavor to make himself a
public servant as have our youthful
traders and statesmen of today, a
helpmate to his fellowman. The
dally prayer" of one of our great men
was that he might be endowed with
such strength as would make him of
use to mankind a most noble and
generous request and his life became
a very profitable and happy one. I
And so he who goes forth into this
life with the intention of satisfying
only his personal pleasures, and who
becomes forgetful of what he owes to
his country and to mankind, will find
life's road "Bounded in shallows and
in miseries."
The many positions of responsibility
and trust throughout the land must
sometime become vacant. Who then
will occupy all these places? Who
will fill our council chambers, create
our laws, and administer the work of
government? Who then will carry on
the research of science, reveal to us
the laws of nature and self-preservation?
Who then wll spread the teachings
of religion, not alone In our own
country, but carry to all the world
the word divine? To be short, who
Is to bear the banner of progress,
peace and prosperity when the present
tollers have passed from this sphere
of action? Young man, will you allow
some other to shoulder these duties
of civilization- Or will you assume
them? Think! Think of the chaos
which would result If each expected
the other to perform the work of the
world. It must be done. Someone
will do It. Why not let that someone
be you?
"Lift up thy voice! Each has his
part aslgned him
In the great anthem of the Universe."
Young men of today, "Neglect not
the opportunities of Youth"; prepare
now for,the future. Lay now the cor
nerstone of your career and build
upon It a structure which will be be
yond the criticism o'f your fellowmen,
and so strong and so beautiful that It
may Inspire those who are destined
to follow.
When we think or speak of the op
portunities which our land holds forth
to every ambitious and. enterprising
young man, our minds revert to the
west, and more especially to the
northwest. It Is a land of golden
purer Ideals. Look to these wonder
ful falls and rivers; in them Is bound
less energy and never falling con
stancy. Look to these fields so rich
and fertile are you not thankful that
God has" provided so bountifully for
His children?
"He who doth turn from these regal
To the folly and sham of life,
Shall never stand with the uncrowned
Who capture the prize of strife,
Ay. thankless 'heir Is he, at best,
To our mother of mothers, the
great, broad, West."
, Act now, young man; now, while
the body Is vigorous and strong; now,
while the life Is young, hopeful, am
bitious, and filled with prospects of
a useful future; now, while the mind
stands untainted, untarnished by de
based thoughts or purposes; now,
while the soul Is filled and Inspired
by the highest, noblest, and most ex
alted Ideals of manhood.
Now is the time to grasp eagerly
and firmly the hand of opportunity.
"Despise not thy youth." It Is the
golden age of life the happiest and
most useful period of one's career.
As light Is to day, so Is youth to the,
Nominees for
June Election
L. L. Mann
At election to be held June 1. ltOftw
T. D. Taylor
(Present Incumbent)
Forget not, oh youth, the truth ex- At election t'o be held June 1. ma-
pressed by the great poet . when he I
John IQ. Peebler
At election to be held June 1. 1IM-
life of man. Then, everything is bright
and beautiful. It la then we are led
on and on by our desire to make
(hose etheral castles, those creations
of boyhood Imagination, vivid realiza
Then, when the day Is done, we
pause, rest, and prepare for the mor
row; and the evening, If the day has
been a useful one, Is filled with pleas
ant thoughts and reflections. And so
may life be divided, the day symbol
izing youth, the golden age, the age of
usefulness, happiness and pleasure;
the evening the silver age, the time of
rest, peace and quiet, to be spent In
preparation for life's tomorrow; and
that tomorrow, the great hereafter,
that which we know not of.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which taken at the flood leads on
to fortune,
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bounded In shallows and In mis
If the present Influence of the
young men of America be maintained,
and if they continue to pursue a
course of honesty and generosity with
the same determination and energy
so peculiar to the past, some time in
the not far distant future, they will
be elevated to a position so high, and
will represent Ideals so exalted, that
they will be hailed and sought hy the
world as the princes of the earth.
Oh. youth of today, the nation's
pride and strength, when you think
of this country of ours, rich beyond
measure', with resources and wealth
unknown, a country which contributes
so much toward the success of her
sons and daughters, a country abound-
ng in such opportunities for their fu
ture pleasures and prosperity, when
ou reflect upon these things, and
from your exalted pedestal look down
upon the people of other nations,
humbling themselves and groveling
at the feet of princes, potentates and
kings, when you see all this and more,
nd can feel that you are the rightful
heir of all these opportunities your
country offers, does It not cause your
breast to swell with pride, and lead
ou to cry out to all the world
Thank God, I am an American!"?
WHEN yon advertise you expect to get something
out of it more than you put in it; if you
don't, it's a losing game and losing money
is poor policy, i
But it's not how much an ad costs it's how much
profit it brings you.
Net profit that's the main thing. '
ADVERTISING is not a magic art. All it is, is
putting into print effective selling arguments a good
salesman would use orally. Write those arguments in an
attractive style bring out the merits of a proposition so
that (he other fellow feels an instinctive desire to possess
it tell him why he should buy it and then finally satisfy
him that the price is right
To get the best results, cater to the largest number you
can reach among those who make good wages and live well
people who can afford to buy what you have to sell.
The East Oregonian's readers are composed of that class
who willingly pay 65 cents a month for it in preference to
buying the cheaper papers. Net result they are people
who can afford to buy what you have to sell
They are not penurious.
They are not paupers.
Homer I. Watts, A. B LL EV
H. I. Watts, a republican, has beep.
unanimously nominated and sanction
ed by the democratic party of thle
county, purely in recognition of hi -
qualifications for the office.
J. Hudemart
At th election to be held June 1, !
I am a native of Oregon.
Joseph N. Scott.
Independent Candidate for
for Morrow and Umatilla Counties .
I subscribe to Statement No. I.
Ralph Folsom
(Present Incumbent)--.
At election to be held June 1, 190.'
C. A. Barrett
(Present incumbent)
At election to be held June 1, lilt.
C. P. Strain
(Present Incumbent
At election to be held June 1, ItOK
nnn....nnn.. I
3c pound
Also fine fresh meats delivered
promptly at reasonable price i.
'Phone Main IS.
The Office
Alfred Schneiter, Prop.
Main Street
Chickens Wanted
Highest Cash Price Paid For Live Poultry
Umatilla Meat Company
101 East Court
'Phone Main 101
The place to get a glass of
Betz Beer-
Wines, Liquors and Union
Made Cigars
Courteous Treatment.
Pendleton - - Oregon