DAILY KABT ORE ROMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON., SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1008. m ft SIXTEEN PAGES. Old Folks There we mighty few people beyond middle age who don't suffer at times, or all the time, with their liver or kidneys. Natural. The human machinery is beginning to slow down from the wear and tear of years of use and often abuse. It's got to have issuance to keep it moving properly particularly the liver. You can hardly nams one of your old friends who hasn't one of the following troubles: m mi w - biliousness, indigeslion, dyspepsia , F , sour ftomach, sick headache, backache, j ii i kidney trouble, rheumatism and generally run, down system. Bad Liver Causes It It is at the bottom of every one of these troubles. It becomes inadb've (conihpab'on and bowel trouble follow). Throws off poison and bile (biliousness, sick headache, etc, follow) Puts extra work on the kidneys (often causing Diabetes and Bright's Disease). Uric acid gets into the blood (rheumatism follows). Cure the liver and youH cure the cause. Cure the cause and youll cure the trouble. JlaWfeMlemedii " 0FG U 5 PAT Or free: M r cares all troubles arising from disordered liver, kidneys, bowels or stomach. Better Than Pills For Liver His Get a 25c Box TALL MAN CO;, PENDLETON, OREGON It PLEA 'S D MURDERED flTICS The East Oregonlan takes pleasure In publishing; the following concise and - comprehensive statement of the needs of the University of Oregon, in hopes that many who do not now understand may be enlightened and may vote to sustain the university appropriation at the coming election: Eugene, Ore., May 14, 1908. TO THE PEOPLE: Based upon estimates submitted to the proper commutes, the last legis lature, by more than two-thirds vote, . passed an act, appropriating J 125.000 annually, for the support and main tenance of the University of Oregon, and for the construction and furlsh Lag of additional buildings, purchase of equipment, etc. A referendum has been Invoked on the bill, and It will be submitted to the voters at the coming election in June tor approval or rejection. In view of th-se facts the regents have thought ll best to make the following state ment. Since 19.01, the university has de pended for its resources upon the an- nual appropriation of $47,500, carried by the act of that year, together with the interest on the University fund", ln cidental fees, and interest on the Vll lard fund, amounting to about $ 10, 09 a year, and special appropriations Atm time to time. The act of 1901 Tvas intended, with the revenues from other sources, primarily to cover the necessary current expenses at the time of Its adoption. It has been neces sary to supplement the account there of, from time to time, by special ap propriations, that of 1905 being J 6 2. .500. The purpose of the bill now pending "' is to merge in one act all approprla- tlons. The amount thereof is based on careful, and what is believed to bu conservative estimates, and In the opinion of the regents Is necessary to bring the university up to ana maintain it at the standard of effi ciency which the educational interests of the state require. The bare cost of maintenance Is .now approximately $75,000 a year. .Additional instructors are needed in sevf-ial of the departments, which will .briiiK the amount for maintenance to '.$85,000 or $90,000 a year. The library -which touches all departments alike, will require an annual expenditure of at least $10,000 a year, for some years, to bring It to the proper standard of .efficiency. More Room Needed. Provision should be made Irame. i llately for the accommodation of the women of the university by furnish- . ing nd heating the present cottage and by the construction of additional cottages or a general dormitory. This It Is estimated, will take about $50, 000. New buildings are needed for class, laboratory and recitation pur poses, at a cost of approximately $76, 000. The heating, power and water plant must be enlarged, at an expense of $10,000 or $15,000 to meet the de mands upon It for heating, irrigation, and fire protection. As soon as funds are available, the campus should be enlarged, to meet present and future needs, by acquiring additional grounds by purchase, If a satisfactory price enn be obtained, and if not, by con demnation. liarely Enough' for Netxlri. These several Items will cost from $125,000 to $150,000, and together ith others, developing with the growth of the university, will absorb the er.tire amount carried by the yreacut bill, and additional revenues, over and above the expense of main tenances, for a number of yeara to come. This covers, in a general way, the ' need of the university as we see it, and the use to be made of the pro pound appropriation. There la another matter which should be alluded to. The invoking ot the referendum has restricted the university since January 1, 1907, to the annual amount appropriated by the act of 1901, and about 10,000 a yssr from other eourcea, malting a to tal of about $60,000 a year, which has been Inadequate to pay the expenses. The deficiency last year was met by the board postponing all improve ments, purchase of furniture, addition al apparatus, and the like, and by part of the faculty voluntarily forego ing their salaries for the last quarter of the year, relying on the approval of the pending bill or subsequent ap propriation by the legislature for their payment. The salaries and inciden tal expenses for the present scolastlc year will amount to at least $50,000, lo meet which there is an appropria tion of $47,500, interest on land fund, estimated at $5000, interest on Vlllard fund, $2200, or total of $54,700. At the close of the present scholas tic year the university will, therefore, be practically without funds and as the law absolutely prohibits the re gents or faculty from pledging the faith of the state for the university, In excess of the Income for the cur rent year, It Is not apparent how it will be able to open its doors next fall If the pending appropriation is de feated. We may add that the regents receive no compensation whatever for their services, but realizing, In the discharge of their duties In administration of the university, they are but servants of the people, they present the facts, for the consideration and final determin ation of the voters, without argument. Respectfully submitted. NEHEMIAH L. BUTLER, JAMES W. HAMILTON, CYRUS A. DOLPH, WILLIAM SMITH, FREDERICK V. HOLM AN, R. S. BEAN. J. C. AINSAVORTII. MILTON A. MILLER. SAMSON H. FRIENDLY, Board of Regents, CHIEF OF ' DEVIL CHASERS" ' KILLS 6.YE.U-OU) (Jlltl, Dtvliirve Hp lias Svn the "Stvoml Llirfit" uimI U Itenily to He Criiclfl.tl Millionaire Father of Uie I)eal Chlhl Under Influence of Religious Fiend Hunlly Ileullzcsi Yliut Hun Hapix'iieil lUomt Sacrifice 1H- nuuklcd. Nazareth, Pa., May 15. "Let them crulclfy'me. I can bear my cross. I have seen second light." In his more lucid moments Robert Bamman. chief of the Nazareth branch of "devil chasers," whose orgy of two days ended in the death of 6 year-old Irene Smith, repeats this over and over again. At other times he rolls on the floor of his cell in North ampton county Jail beating his head against the bench. Councilman Henry Smith, the mil Ilonaire father of the dead child, hard ly seems to realize what has happen ed. All night he raved In his cell mixing prayers, hymns and biblical quotations In a weird Jumble. This morning when questioned by District Attorney McKeen, he paused In his monotonous rigamarole and, gazing stolidly ahead of him, declared: "It was God's will. Bob knew all bout It. Why should a poor sinner like me question the ways of a God of wrath? Bob said there was a devil devouring the soul of Rena. He kill ei her at God's command. But It will be all right. Bob's going to bo cru cified, and then there will be a glo rlous ending to all our troubles." Mrs. Smith has returned to a nor mal state of mind. To District At torney McKeen she said: "Whether It was In the name of re ligion or not. Bob Bachman has mur dered my child. I never had any faltli In the teachings of the 'Devil Chasers, Dob has been talking to Henry and me for several weeks about Joining, but I always refused. I have gone to church regularly at Seigfrled, and the Methodist teachings were always good enough for me. But Henry became Impressed and Insisted, and, finally to keep peace In the family, I agreed He was always good and kind to me and Rena, and I thought it would do no harm to give In to him. "There w-as only one thing that an noyed me. Bob was constantly talk ing about a blood sacrifice being necessary to purify the converts that had recently Joined the 'Devil Chas ers.' Henry laughed at my fears and suld that Bob's utterances were only symbolic, and should be taken as many things In the Bible are. "I know now what he meant. Our little Rena has been the 'blood sacri flee.' If I had only yielded to my first impulse and left her at home with a neighbor she would have been alive today." NEW FEATURES FOR ROSE SHOW Spcctamlur Scene of the Eruption of Mi. eiiivlii at Portland. A gigantic production of "Paines eruption of Vesuvius" and "Carnival at Naples" has been contracted for as a special entertainment for the thou sands of visitors that will be enter tained in Portland during the rose festival. This enormous production Is being brought direct from Manhattan Beach, New York and Is without doubt the largest theatrical produc non or spectacular attraction ever brought across the continent to fill one contract, but the new Portland spirit has taken such a hold upon her people that they are going to out-do all previous attempts along this line of entertaining. This production shows a most elab orate firework, spectacular and sum mer night fete, depicting the carnival at Naples and eruption of Vesuvius on the night of April 3 and 4, 1904, and destroyed the Funicular railroad, Cooks' hotel and the village of Bosco Tre Case and a number of other vil lages. No atfractlon could be se cured that would lend so much to the success of the rose festival as Palne's Vesuvius as me perrormances open witn a carnival In progress on the streets of Naples. COOPERATIVE COLONY IN WASHINGTON A big co-operative colony Is to be founded to occupy and develop thor oughly an 8500-acre wheat farm near Dayton and an adjoining 16000 acres of stock range. The colony Is being formed by Dr. M. Peitrzycki of Dayton, one of the wealthiest men of that section of the country. The land. 5000 acres of which is already under cultivation, has yielded 80,000 bushels of grain annu ally for several years. It U ready f'r the work of the colony as soon as suf ficient members can be had to make the project successful. Dr. Perltrzyckl's scheme Is entlrly unlqu In that nothing of a political or religious nature Is required of any of the members, all of whom will be on an equal footing as to holdings and a to power. The decisions of an elec tive board of directors will be binding upon all alike, and the directors will act as an arbitration board to settle all differences that may arise. At the end of each yea rdlvldends will be paid to each member of the colony on the wages he has earned by working. The plan Includes the establishment of a public school on practical lines, giving technical In struction In all branches of trade or labor' employed by the colony. Dr. Peitrzycki Is now the sole owner of the land which will be given to the colony. It lies between Dayton ana Starbuck. The founder was born In Galicla, one o fthe Polish provinces of Austria, In April, 1834, and has been living In Dayton for more than 9ft venrs. nractlclne medicine. He has always been a student of social and nolltlcal economy, and the founding of his colony Is the outcome oi studies. hlM 30 days' trial $1.00 la the offer on Plneules. Relieves Backache, Weak Back, Lame Back, Rheumatic palna. Best on sale for Kidneys, bladder and blood. Good for young and old. Sat satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sold by A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Sturgeon Weighed 500 Pounds. One of the largest sturgeons cap tured this season in upper Snake river watera was hooked by Lloyd McAn ulky near the ferry landing 'above town, says a Glenn's Ferry item. The fish weighed close to 600 pound and measured eight and one-half feet In length. A party of sightseer viewed thla monster today at ks new home In an Irrigating canal on the McAnuI ty rach. Don't ceugh your head off when you can get a guaranteed remeay in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It Is es pecially recommended for children as It's deasant to take, Is a gentle lax ative thua expelling the phlegm from the system. For cougha, colds, roup, whooping cough, hoarseness and all bronlchlal trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by A. C. Koeppen A Bros. The sheep shearing season is now on In full blast, but has been consider ably delayed the last few days on ac count of the heavy rains. The flock mastera are experiencing considerable trouble this season on account of the scarcity of shearers, who are not as plentiful this season as heretofore. The clip Is good, however, and the sheepmen are well pleased with their cllpa this seaaon. Emmett, Idaho, In Have You a Summer Stove? frfff&llrfrp The atifliniz air of a close kitchen is changed to comfortable coolness by installing a New Per fection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove to do the family cooking. No kitchen furnishing . is so convenient as this stove. Give a working heat at once, and main tains it until turned out that too, without over heating the room. If you examine the NEW PERFECTION Wick Bine Flame Oil Cook-Stove you will see why this Is so. The heat from the chimney of the ''New Perfection" la tnetatrHd under the kettle and not dissipated through th room by radiation. Tbua it doea tht work of th coal range without its dltcomfort Ask your dealer about thisitove if not with him, write our nearest agency. ?1 uLj D The RdSfOLamp is a very handsome piece of housefurnishlns and fives a clear, powerful light more agreeable than gas or electricity. Safe everywhere and always. Made of brass finely nickel plated just the thing for the living-room. If not with your dealer, writ our oearest agency. Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) THE 10 - Horse-power, 'two-cylinders, and economical to run. Price. in reach of every body,, only $450.00 For Sale by issenlm piemen! Co- COLUMBIA BAR. 632 Main St. Phone Main 90 Fine Wines and Liquors. Fancy Drinks a Specialty. Hot Lunch..... Pool and Billiard Parlor .....Gentlemen Only..... First Class Rooming House In Connection. CORRICAN BROS. PROPRIETORS. cononiy uotor uuggy Is just what you have been look ing for. A great hill climber goes anywhere. eoYi.Hr IF YOU'RE IX S!7SrEN8E and undecided as to where to send your vehicle for repair, allow us to suggest that this shop offers Induce ments for good work promptly done. and that little money settles the bill for. Carriage repairing. Oet your buggy painted for spring. We hare an expert painter who will do good work reasonably. Old rigs made as good aa new. See us for Gasoline Engines, Hacks, Winona Wagon and Buggies. NEAGLE BROS. 3)TTVoj- fiT1)f E!SE Festival To be held In PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 1908 Wlil be the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA and CIVIC JUBILEE Ever held in the Pacific Northwest Portland, "The Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and the center of world-wide Interest for one week. Several Important convention to be held In Portland on that occasion. TIIE0.R.&N.G0. Will nell Special Tickets on this occa- tion from PENDLETON to Portland and return at $9.15 FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON F J. QUINLAN Local Agent. Wis. Mc MURRAY lient-ral Passenger Agent, POKTLAND, OREGON. LW Here cornea the spring winds ts chap, tan and freckle. Ua. PlneaaWe Carbollzed. (Acta like a, poultice) for cute, Korea, burns, chappul nktn. Sold by A. C. KoeptMB A MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE. AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose In tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Hones, Cartla, Shesp, Swiaa aad Fowl Thty ir mad from th. acu priadple or th. coaaraasd nmci of tae drug. They Wt cental Sawdust, Aaata, Chop Fd or Bran, Are jutt aa good whea 10 yeara eld aa whta 10 daya old. Thty comply with all par. drof laws. Ak for aad try eaca SKIDOO Cooditloa Tabltta, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chiracs Cholera, BUatnr, Cathartic, Hem. Ferer, Hog Cholera, Diatempw, Pink Eye, Colic tablet or Uit Powder, Sparla Cure or Barb Win Liniment Distributed by THR BLUI BELL MKDIOINI CO.. Iscrporaudi Capital Stock $3to,00o.i Watortown, South Dakota, U. S, A. FOR SALE BY C. F. COLESWORTflT. For sale at the East Oregonian office Large bundles of newa papers, containiuir over 100 biff papers, can be bad for 25c a bundle. RATES EAST WILL BE MADE BY THE THIS SEASON AS FOLLOWS: ROUND TRIP TO Chicago St. Louis -St. Paul Omaha -Kansas City DIRECT $72.50 67.50 63.15 60.00 60.00 TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE May 4. 18 June 5. 6, 19, 20 July 6. 7.?22. 23 August 6. 7. 21. 22 Good for return In 90 days with atop. over privilege at pleasure within limits. Don't Forget the Dates For any further Information call on F. 1. QUIJTLAX, Local Afent Or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OBJBQON