East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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cot.vrr official PArEn.
rnkiUtuHi Pally. Weekly and Sx-ml-Weekly,
at IVodlrton. Oregon, toj tn
sunsnurTio rates:
Pally, one Jfr. by mall f.VOO
Hally. six Binnlhs. by mail 2.R0
Iily, thrr. mnntbt. by mail 1.25
Ially, one month, by mall 50
IhIIt, onp year, by carrier T.SO
II1t, kIs month, by carrier S.7S
Pally, three months, by carrier 1.93
IHy. one month, br carrier 65
Wrrklv one year, by mail 1.R0
Werkly, all months, by mall ,T5
Weekly, four months, by mall 60
tool Weekly, one year, by mail l.r0
Head Weekly, six months, by mall... .75
teai Wevklj four months, by mall.. .50
Irrigation projects and everything pos
sible must bo done to safeguard the
water Interests of the state. If the
sheep Industry requires a commission
paclty of Tortland Is Increasing. Yeir
by year she adds to her ability to
meet the needs of ier customer In
various parts of the world and within
the commercial queen of the Pacific
and special laws; If the railroad in- an Incredible short time she will be
dustry needs special legislation and
a high salaried commission, surely the
Irrigation and water right problem
demnnds an equal amount of atteii
tlon from Oregon.
Let us try to pass a dozen broad,
useful, vital measures for the protcc
tion, development and regulation of
the great basic Industries of the
state. Let us get down to buslneax.
Tbe Pally East Oregonlan Is kept on sale
t tbe Oregon .News Co., 147 Utn street.
Portia as. Oreron.
('bicazo llureati, 909 Security building-.
Wtshir.ctoa, U. C, Bureau, S01 Four
teenth street. . W.
Hemter Cnlted Press Association.
falerfecia Main 1
Entered at the postofftre at Pendleton,
urecon. aa second class mall matter.
0 N ; ON ; LA Bj
I recognize that Myself U
greater than It seems that
above and below consciousness
are planes of mind that Just
aa there are lower phases of
mind which belong to my past
experience In ages past and
gone and over which I must as-
aert my Mastery. so, there are
planes of mind into which I am
unfolding gradually, and which
will bring me wisdom, power
and Joy. I am Myself in the
midst of this mental world. I
am the Master of my Mind. I
assert my control over its low-
er phases wherein are found
hatred. Jealousy, suspicion, and
I demand of Its higher phases,
all that it has in store for Me!
Raja Yoga Philosophy.
The Shakespeare plays never grow
old. With every recurring production,
tew versions arise, new ideals are
raised, new views of life and love
And sentiment and human destiny are
The presentation of "Antony and
Cleopatra" by Charles B. Hanford at
the Ortgon theater last night renews
inc roruana uregonian reviews
the ' remarkable performance of the
Atlantic fleet In coming to the Pacific
coast, in the following able manner:
ine American battleship fleet of
16 vessels arrived in Magdalena'bay
yesterday, three days ahead of time,
alter covering 13,000 miles of the
stormiest ocean voyage In the world
The fleet arrived In perfect condi
nun, ready tor action," after one
of the most severe tests ever made by
the ships of any nation.
This performance will not surprise
the people who have remembered the
16,000-mile, run of the Oregon, twice
subjected to the burning heat of the
tropics and the piercing cold of the
far south as she raced through two
oceans In record time, and arrived
"ready for action."
The achievement may be surprising.
however, to those who have placed
too much confidence In the criticism
made of the fleet by the muckraker
who have been exploiting its alleged
weaknesses and frightening the timid
people Into believing that the navy
was no safer than a fleet of old tramp
The trip of the Oregon, and the con
Ultion in which she arrived on the fir
ing line were without parallel in naval
history; but there were other Amer
lean warships in the same engagement
i;' which she participated, so that the
final chapters of the Spanish war offer
some Interesting testimony as to the
ability of our ships to "deliver the
If there Is anything radically wrong
with our fleet it was not discovered
when It was sweeping the Spanish
from the ses, and it is a certainty
that It ha3 not deteriorated since
that time. If the present Investigation
Thanks to the persistence of Ore
Eon sheepmen and state i officials in
their efforts to eradicate the scab
from Oregon herds, this state starts
cut the year 190$ with a clean page,
from the sheepman's standpoint. Tlvs
spring dipping has been dispensed
with as there Is no apparent need of
it. Her herds are clean once again
sfter many years,
This clean record Is primarily the
work of the Oregon sheep commis
sion and federal officials, but this
commission has also been enthusias
tically supported by the sheepmen.
Ithout the active and hearty co
operation of the sheepmen the work
of the commission would have been
hampered and delayed.
So Oregon's sheep may be sent to
market free from the "InfecteJ" la
bel which they have worn for a lium
bet; of years. Oregon is one of the
few clean sheep states, thanks to the
progress and business foresight of her
sheepmen, and officials.
Portland's bank clearings of the
past week show better than any othet
agency the substantial condition of
Portland commercial life. On Friday
evening the week's clearings shows
a total of $6,878,937, one of the finest
;howlngs made for many months.
There is nothing the matter with
Portland, excepting that she needs
a few hundred thousand more people
Just like those who now compose her
The universal commendation of
John McCourt, the new United Statv
district attorney for Oregon, from the
press of the state, is one of the high
est tributes that can be paid to him.
Fendleton is proud of Mr. M.'Court
and takes this occasion to assure the
state that he will make good In the
high office to which he has been call-
td. '
the mind of the students of history Closes any serious shortcomings in
sua arama, mat woria-oiu story. An
tony casting away the world for the
woman he loved; Cleopatra, loving
yet toying with her conquering lord;
Jealousy, hatred, passion, love and de
TOtion, all mingling In Egypt's olden
empire; the world cast away, honor
forgotten, empires neglected and lost,
kings spurned and friends torn asun
der all for Antony's love for Cleo
It is a fascinating and glorious story
glorious for the Intensity of the love
it portrays; glorious for the human
Interest running through its every
line and welling up from Its every
The Shakespeare plays are refresh
ing and uplifting. The vaudeville and
comic opera spirit which Is ruling the
modern stage cannot drown the
thunder-voice of the
construction or operation of our fleet,
It will be pleasing to know that It is j
still able to make a showing some
what better than that of any other J
nation on earth.
a iiarrimax opportTrxrrY.
A Wallowa county paper, mention'
Ing the fact that 8000 hogs have been
sold out of Wallowa valley during the
past four months, added that when
the railroad was completed through
the valley as projected there would
be four times as many hogs raised
there, says the Oregon Daily Journal.
And this is all the more probable on
account of the great packing plants
to be built In Portland,
This one instance illustrates thj
need of the completion of that long
Shakespearean promised and long deferred railroad.
joye. nuiiiaii imprest, ueep una in- utner products would increase in
tense and strong lingers about the volume and value also; population
Shakespearian characters and the and taxable property would Increase;
Shakespearian stories. They will ever the railroad would benefit greatly
retain their hold upon the thinking not only that region,
world. They will ever hold a fore
most place upon the stage, as long as that the road would be very profit-
human hearts rule and human sen- able. Yet Mr. Harrlman will neither
tlments electrify and vitalize the cur- build that road nor .permit any one
N'o harp have I for the slngln?.
fingers fashioned for skill.
Nor ever shall words express It,
song that is in my heart.
A saga, swept from the distance, hori
zons beyond the hill.
Singing of life and endurance and
bidding me bear my part.
For this Is the song', as I Ring It It. the
song that I love the best.
The steady tramp In the furrow, the
grind on the gleaming steel.
An anthem sung to the noonday, a
chant of the open west,
Echoing deep, in my spirit, to glad
den and help and heal.
And this Is life, as I read It. and life
In Its fairest form;
To breathe the wind on the ranges.
the scent of the upturned sod,
To strive and strive and be thankful.
to weather the shine and storm.
Penciling over the prairies th? des
tiny planned by Ood.
but Portland
as well. And there can be no doubt
And no reward do I ask for, sav
to work and wait.
To praise the God of my father,
.abor beneath His sky.
To dwell alone In Ills greatnpss, to
Ftrike and to follow straight.
Silent and strong and contented
the limitless plains and I.
London Spectator.
rents of history!
No boy or girl, can ever come to
be utterly bad who remembers only
love and tenderness and unselfishness
aid sweetnens as associated with
father' and mother In the old-time
The announcement that Clyde Steen
f Milton, candidate for representa
tive from Umatilla county, will work
for an Improved irrigation code for
Oregon, if elected to the legislature,
brings to mind the fact that. Oregon
else to build one there.
The establishment of these pack
Ing plants here will give a big boom home.
tn th hne ralslne Industry In th Give them manly and womanly ex
Oregon country. In several of the
ample, give them training, give them
the Inspiration of devoted lives, give
counties of eastern Oregon, espe- thpm thpsfi h,npr rt(,pnpr thlnes. Do
daily, farmers are contemplating the
raising of more hogs.
When grain is very high hogs might
not be profitable, but It has been dem-
needs a better irrigation code and the onstrated by some farmers that it
East Oregonian would be delighted to pays, at the price hogs have been
ee Umatilla county present that revls- lately, to feed even 75-cent wheat to
ed und up to date code in the leglsla- them. And these packing houses will
tare, fmake an unlimited market for all the
Irrigation Is now one of the very hogs that can be raised.
forem'i.-t industries of the state. The
Irrigated crops of last year exceeded
In value the wool clip of the state.
Irrigated products exceeded In value
the gold output of the state by far, i
and t th;ri Is no systematic, com-
The announcement -that a second
monster packing plant will be built
In Portland, nnd the news that work
prehensive irrigation or water right on the Portland-Mt. Hood railway
law on the statute books of the state, will be started at once, add Intense
With this Industry leading, as It Interest to the Industrial news of the
does, many of the other industries state.
f th- state, it seems that a set of It la Impossible to grasp the mean-
laws for its special benefit should be Ing of these vital enterprises, at a
formulated. Farmers and Irrigator! glance. Not only to Portland, but to
should know what assurance they the entire state and northwest, they
have nf ov.i:lnir and using their water
'rights; the waste waters should be
utilised and distributed equitably and
no man should be permitted td use
more than he needs for the production
of his crops, from any stream of the
The development of the state de
pends largely upon the success of her
mean untold benefits. They mean
unsurpassed market for Inland em
pire products, opening opportunities
for small farmers and stockmen In all
of this vast empire and increasing de
mand for labor, transportation facili
ties and capital In Portland and all
of her tributary territory.
81owIy the market and export ca-
not care so much as to whether you
are accumulating money, so that you
can leave them a fortune. I realty
believe that the chances are against
that's being a blessing for a boy. But
leave them an accumulated fortune
of memories and Inspirations and ex
amples and hopes, so that thpy are
rich In brain and heart and soul and
Then, If you happen to leave them
the fortune besides, If they have all
these, the fortune will be shorn of Its
possibilities of evil, and will become
an Instrument of higher and nobler
good. MInot J. Savage.
(Men Are Four:)
who knows, and knows
He Is wise follow him.
He who knows, and knows not
He Is asleep wake him.
He who knows not, and knows not he
knows not,
He Is a fool shun him.
He who knows not, and knows he
knows not,
He Is a child teach him.
; ,
As I walked by myself
I talked with myself,
And myself said this unto me;
Make friends with yourself,
Be. true to yourseff,
And thyself thy good angel shall be.
k- V W $&k w sSs ' "!
Mr-1 --fprK WiJym
xse-Y,," asnXOTr;-" , 1fj&A2e&
Wat Feared.
Avenue, near Shell lload, Win-
field, L.I., N. Y writes:
"I hare been anuoyed with a cough
for years. Often It was so bad that i
could not sleep half th night. Many
people thought
had consumption
"A woman recom
mended Perana to
me two years atro.
I began to take Pernna, and now I am
perfectly free from a cough. I am glad
to say that Peruna cured me entirely.
"I take Peruna occasionally, when I
do not feel well, and I also give It to my
"Peruna is the best medicine forcoughs
and colds. I have told many people how
much Peruna has helped me."
Mrs. Hettie Green, R. R. No. 6, Iuka,
111., writes as follows of the efllcacy of
"Last November I had catarrh and
felt so miserable I thought that I would
go into consumption,
"I tried so many doctors and medicines
but nothing did ma any good, only
"After I began the use of Pernna I be
gan to Improve In every way. My head
did not hurt so much, my stomach Is all
right, my bowels are regular, my appe
tite good, my complexion clear, . my
eyes are bright and am gaining In flesh
and strength.
"I think Pernna has no equal as a ca
tarrh remedy."
Pernna tends to lessen the cough, de
creases the expectoration, strengthens
the patient, increases the appetite and
In many caes procures sound, refresh
ing sleep.
Weak Luni
For Years.
Miss Ileulah B. Broome, 409 12th St.,
N. E Washington, D. C, writes:
"I hare suffered from wtMk ufffsand
catarrhal troubles for four years, brought
on by many neglect
ed colds, but on the
recommendation of
a friend I gave
Peruna an honest
trial and I am pleased to state that It
restored me to perfect health. There
Is not the slightest trace of catarrh in
my system and my lungs are perfectly
"1 unhesitatingly give this testimo
Mrs. William Hohmann, (MO N. Paul
ina St., Chicago, 111., writes:
"I suffered with catarrh of the bron
chlal tubes and had a terrible cough ever
since a child. After a while It got so
bad I had to cough both winter and
summer. Finally, I burst a blood Teasel
in my throat from the strain of cough
ing, next a blood vessel in my stomach,
so I kerJt getting worse and doctoring,
and even then could get no relief. I
thought, and everybody else, that I bad
"Reading the papers about Pernna 1
decided to try it, without the least bit of
hope that it would do me any good. But
after taking three bottles I noticed a
change. My appetite got better, so I
kept on, never got discouraged.
"Finally I seemed not to congh so
much, and the pains In my chest got
better. I am well now. I eannot tell
you how grateful I am, and I cannot
thank Peruna enough. It has cured
where doctors have failed. People who
think they have consumption better
give It a trial."
Miss Josie Schaetiel, Qeneral Dellr
ery, Appleton,. Wisconsin, writes:
"I contracted a serere cold which
settled on my lungs In rery short order,
and It was not long until It developed
Into a serlons case of catarrh. Every
morning I would raise tot of phlegm,
which was rery disagreeable. My di
gestion was poor and my luogt tore.
"After a few doses of Pernna I began
to mend, and felt
that if I kept on
taking it it would
not be long until I
would be well. I
was right, for In four weeks I was well
"I think Peruna Is a grand medicine,
and wish to add my testimony to the
many others you hare."
The fight against consumption Is be
coming a national problem.
Ererywhere we bear of sanitariums
established at the expense of the state
for the treatment of therast army of
The open air treatment, fresh air and
sunlight, are recognised by the medical
profession generally as being the great
est necessities in the treatment of con
sumption In all its stages.
Dr. Hartman has for many years ad
rocated the fresh air treatment for con
sumption. At the same time he has
recognized Peruna as a useful pallia
tive for the many distressing symptoms
which accompany the white plague.
The promptness with which Peruna
relieves a fresh cold, and eren removes
chronlo colds, is well-known. This
ranks Peruna as a reliable prophylactlo
against consumption.
St. George
G. M. CAREY, Prop.
Hi mmm
LB ft J
Special Sunday
French Dinner
Sunday, March 1 5 th.
Table cTHote at St. George
Cafe, Sumptuously Served
from 5 to 8 p. m.
Only 50c
Fine Qhicken Dinner Served from
1 2 m. to 5 p. m.
Do not spend Sunday in the kitchen,
but make it an absolute day of rest.
Regular Meals 25c and up.
Planing Mill
Pendleton Oregon
Sash, Doors and
General Mill Work
Show Cases
Store, Office & Church
Fixtures Our Specialties
Estimates furnished on
short notice,
Robert Forster,
Phone Main 7
Balanced Rations
For Incubator Chicks
Lice Killers and
For Poultry and Stock
Feed Store 127-129 E. Alta
Choice roasts, steaks and boil
ing meat fresh every day.
Lard, smoked and cured meats,
wholesale and retail.
Phone Main 18
The East Orctgonlsu. Is Eastern Ore.
ron'a representative ppT. it leads i
and the people appreciate It and show
It br their llhcral patronarc. It la
the advertising medium of the aectlonu