East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 25, 1908, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Marketing Becomes a Pleasure
I When you can do it in a store where
cleanliness, convenience and comlort, are
distinct features. You'll find these things
fully embraced in our store.
I Added to this the superlative quality, of
our groceries and provisions, our generous
methods and our prompt and efficient de
livery system and you have the chief ele
ments of our trade-winning combination.
Standard Grocery Co.
"The Best Groceries"
Fine Record of Local Militia In Re
cent Inspection by Col. James
Jackso Could Have Scored Per
fect Attendance Had Written Ex
cuses Been Obtained From Two
Sick Members New Members Be
in Enrolled Made Money in Extravaganza,
Company L, third regiment, O. X.
C of this city, enjoys the distinction
of having had the largest turnout of
any third regiment company at the
recent annual inspection. According
to the report Just made by Col. James
Jackson, Inspector general, company
L's 96 per cent attendance the night
he was here surpassed that of all
other companies . in Col. McDonell's
command. Company M of Salem
was -second with an attendance of 95
per cent; company A of Baker City,
ha J 9! per cent present, while com
pany B of Portland had 93 per cent
present None of the companies of
the regiment fell below 80 per cent.
In the fourth regiment a perfect
attendance was scored by companies
The Tery hour a cold starts U the
time to check It. Don't wait it may
become deep-seated and the cure 111
be harder then.. Every hour lost at
the start may add days to your suf
fering. Take
& S
A and C of Eugene, company L hav
ing the next highest grade. At the
time of company L's inspection two
members were ill and had written
statements to that effect been secured
the Pendleton company would also
have been credited with 100 per cent
Xew Men for Company.
Within the past few weeks several
new men have been voted into com
pany L and the ranks will be still
further filled shortly. However,
there are but a few vacancies exist'
Ing. Within a short time several ap
polntments of non-commissioned of
fleers will be made by Captain Kern
to fill vacancies due to the fact that
some of the sergeants and corporals
have left the city.
Company Made Money.
At the regular weekly drill by the
company tonight the committee in
charge of the recent entertainment
will make its report The net profits
to the company from the extravaganza
were $268, a sum that will help fi
nance the company through the sum
Under the present scanty appro
priations made by the state for its
guard companies It is necessary for
each organization to raise much mon
ey itself in order to meet running ex
penses. The amount received annual
ly by company L is not sufficient to
pay the rent of the Armory and the
hope of the local guardsmen is that
the people will uphold the armory ap
proprlatlon bill so that a building can
be erected here by the state.
Used in time they 'save all that
might follow sickness, worry, ex
penses. They never fall.
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists.
Former Pendleton Woman Died at
WaUa Walla as the Result of an
Mrs. Frank Beale, formerly a rest
dent of this city, died at the WaUa
Walla hospital Sunday afternoon fol
lowing an operation and was burled
at Athena yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Beale's husband, Frank Beale,
is a brother of Charles Beale of this
city and the family lived here for
many years. She leaves her husband
and two children.
She was 4 7 years of age and came
to Umatilla county from California
In 1S73. She was a daughter of W.
H. Hansell, the well known pioneer
of this city, now deceased, and aside
from her immediate family, leaves
three sisters and a brother as fol
lows: Mrs. Charles Myers of this
city; Mrs. Fletcher of Bldge and Mrs.
Gladden of Eureka, Cal., and Charles
Hansell of Portland.
Meier & Frank , Have Magnificent
Exhibit on Display at the St George
Sample Rooms.
Mr. and Mas. Adolphe Karjaty of
the art department of the Meier &
try of the 4th century, B. C, the or
are nt the Hotel St. George this week
with a magnificent collection of tex
tile fabrics, embroideries, rugs, tapes
tries and art work of various kinds,
which the people of Pendleton are
cordially invited to Inspect free ot
The articles represent a class of
work not now carried in this city and
the collection does not come in com
petition with any of the local busi
ness houses, but it is a distinct class
of rare and beautiful reproductions
of old masterpieces which have been
collected In various parts of the
world at enormous cost.
Among the rare articles to be seen
in this collection are an Etruscan
wave, the original of which was
bought for 1480,000 by John Pier
pont Morgan, an early Syrian tapes
try of the 4th century. B. C. th or
iginal of which Is now in the John
Jacob Astor palace at Newport, R. I.,
SO patterns of Arabian lace, original
reproductions from the Alhambra
palace In Spain' 36 patterns of gen
uine Brussels net of rare design, a
specimen of gold brocade from Queen
victoria's throne room, silk woven ta
pestry from the Pompelian period,
Roman embroidered velour from the
age of Augustus VI. and two doien
specimens of hand made lace panels
of beautiful and fascinating designs.
The women of the city are cordial
ly invited to Inspect the stock of
rare articles whether desiring to pur
chase or not, as it is an education to
see them and Inspect their strange
and beautiful texture.
The sample room has been changed
Into a beautiful dreamland of ex
qulsite colors and designs. This rare
collection Is open to the inspection of
the public for but a short time.
Six Camps of the County Participated
Ui Meeting Here Last Night Initia
tion Was Followed by Banquet and
Spcechnink.lng Membership Cam
paign to Be Opened In Baker City
Tills Week.
Ole Spilling Takes Miss Iieglna Bros-
tod for His Helpmate.
The wedding of Mr. Ole Spilling
and Miss Regina Brostod, which oc
curred at Stanton February 19, was
in accordance with the old Norwegian
custom and It was a notable occasion
for the 40 or more guests who were
assemDiea. Aitgetner the ceremony
occupied two days.
The wedding occurred at the horn
of Nel Turgeson of Stanton station,
and it was performed by the minis
ter of the Helix church. Carl Spill
ing, brother of the groom, and Ab
Abrahamson accompanied him as best
men, while Misses Karen and Anna
Brostod, sisters of the bride, were the
bridesmaids. The wedding march
was played by Jens Erlkson. After
the wedding an elaborate supper was
given and the marriage was celebrat
ed according to the customs of the
old country.
Mr. and Mrs. Spilling will live on
the former's ranch near Juniper and
they have the. best wishes of theh
many countrymen and others of that
Do You Get Your Portion of the Cream ?
Are you absolutely certain that your milk is free from
dirt or infection and that it is handled in a clean, sanitary
manner? The only way to procure good rich, clean milk
not that with the cream poured off is to get milk in
bottles. '
That is the Kind We Sell .
Pendleton Creamery Co.
Phone Main 155
Large Audience Enjoyed Concert Last
Xlglit Hobson Next Attraction.
Those who attended the recital by
the Hruby Bros, quintette last night
are enthusiastic in praise of the en
tertalnment. It is declared by many
that the recital furnished the best
entertainment yet given here by the
high school lecture bureau. In ad
ditlon to the instrumental playing by
me quintette, tne program was
brightened with readings by Miss
Canfield, who Is a most talented elo
Captain Richmond Pearson Hob'
son, late of the U. S. navy and now a
congressman from Alabama, will be
the next attraction In the lecture
course. He will be here April 13
and that he will drew a large house
goes without saying.
Condensed Report of Condition
Comptroller of the Currency
February 14, 1908.
Commercial National Bank
I'.MTED STATES BONDS $104,955.81
WARRANTS 1,170.05
REAL ESTATE ' 500.00
CAPITAL STOCK $.50,000.00
DEPOSITS 207,419.37
Baseball Meeting Ponrponed.
The meeting of representatives of
the various baseball teams of the
proposed Inland empire league which
was to have been held In this city this
evening has been postponed until next
Friday night. At that time Jack
O'Brien and representatives of all the
cities which are expected to come in
to the proposed league will be here
and a good meeting Is anticipated.
O'Brien Is now In La Grande and has
Just returned from Baker City and
Welser, where . there is much Inter
est In the proposed league.
Display of Tailored Hats.
Mrs. N. E. Harris of the Vogue
millinery store, has on display a fine
assortment of the Flsk and Gold Med
al tailored hats and on Friday and
Saturday of this week will have an
opening or this class of goods, to
which the women of the city are cor
dially Invited. The Vogue carries on
especially choice assortment of the
tailored hats and will show some of
the most beautiful styles ever brought
to the city, this week.
The banner event In the recent his
tory of Woodcraft in Umatilla county
was celebrated by Pendleton camp No.
41, Woodmen of the World, last night
when a class of 66 candidates from
six camps of the county was Initiated
Into the mysteries of the order at the
close" of the campaign for membersh'p
conducted in this county by Special
Organizer A. O. Saunders for the past
two months.
The Initiation was followed by a
banquet and speechmaklng, among
those giving brief addresses being
Paul Pattlson of Colfax, J. M. Keeney
of La Grande, and Thomas Fitz Ger
ald of this city. General Organizer F.
B. Tlchenor of eastern Washington,
was In the city but was ill during the
evening and was not able to be pres
ent at the initiation.
A. O. Saunders, who has conducted
the successful membership campaign
for-Pendleton camp, will leave on
Thursday of this week for Baker City,
where he will conduct a membership
campaign for the Baker camp with
a monster Initiation on April 18.
Following is a list of those Initiated:
By Pendleton camp No. 41: Wil
liam La Blanche, C. Eby, F. R. Ran
dolph. A. B. Steele, J. V. Wardell, L.
E. Twltchell. C. W. Hutchlns, Chas.
Dickens, J. M. Sheets, Thomas 0. El
liott, Roy Shaver, Walter G. Gllmore,
C. Stellar, A. D. Eklund, D. Le Teur,
J. F. Crego, Alex Swanson, A. W. Nel
son, F. C. McKenz!e. John Clemmons,
E. A. McCarty, W. M. S. Dowler, C. A.
Johnson, A. V. Humphreys, John
Leonard, Sllva Omlld, O. Jacobson, R.
E. Duvall. W. A. Hemelgarp.
From Echo camp No. 772: E. D.
Gentry, R. Gentry, W. E. Gentry, W.
H. Turner. W. A. Jones. O. O. Thorn
ton, W. Hoggard.
Weston camp No. 112: S. S. Ban
ister, J. J. Lieuallen, C. R. Duncan.
Athena camp No. 171: S. S. Hutt,
B. Dugger, Gus Schubert, John Stone,
W. McFayden, M. St. Dennis, S. R.
Maloney, W. R. Wlnshlp, E. C.
Schrlmps, Jacob Booher, Walter Boo-
her, E. T. Cannon. E. J. Kllgore, H.
La Branche, John Stanton, J. L. Boo
her, A. McFayden.
From Milton camn No. 676: Joe
Pierre, I. Barnhart, J. E. Qulnn.
Aside from these about 10 were ini
tiated from the Pilot Rock camp.
Former Stenographer Suicides.
Former Court Stenographer Johi,
W. Bosche (alias Wheeler) of Baker
City, committed suicide In Buffalo
N. Y., recently by cutting the arteries
of his wrist, which resulted In his
bleeding to death. Bosche was well
known In Baker City and many at
torneys of this city also Knew him
well. He was 45 years of age and
lived In Baker City for about 15
years. He was known to every one
In this section as Wheeler and af
ter retiring as court stenographer he
was associated with John I Rand
at Baker City. He was a "dope"
fiend and It Is to this habit that his
suicide was due. it Is thought.
Ring's Little Liver Pills wake up
lasy livers, clean the system and clear
the skin. Try them for bllUunass
and sick headache. Price fw ynld
by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Married at Walla Walla.
Allen Peterson and Miss Ruby
Woodson, both of this city, were mar
rled at Walla Walla on Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock by Justice of the
Peace J. J. Huffman. After a few
days In the Garden City they will re
turn to this city to make their fu
ture home.
We have received advance ship
ment of spring and summer suits for
men and are offering this lot of 50
suits at $10, $12.60 and $15. Alex
ander Dept. Store. See show window.
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by dyer-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
jrinary and bladder troubles were to be
traced to the kidneys,
but now modem
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
arid purify the blood
that is their work.
Therefore, when your kidneysare weak
or out of order, yon can understand how
juickly your entire body is anectea ana
low every organ seems to fail to do its
If vou are sick or " feel badly." betnn
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
SUImer's Swatnp-Koot, Decause as soon
U your kidneys are wen uiey win neip
til the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If yon are sick yon can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
ftands the highest for its wonderful cures
f tke most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits by all
and one-dollar sizeKl!WHSH
bottles. You may
have a sample bottle nomof swamp-Root
6y mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
low to find out if you have kidney ot
oladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & lo., Bing-
uamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
out remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Choice roasts, steaks and boil
ing meat fresh every day.
Lard, smoked and cured meats,
wholesale and retail.
Phone Main 18
IVhoro you Trade fo Savo
Doesn't necessarily mean that
we sell you cheap clothing at
cheap prices far from it.
But, as applied to Roosevelt's
Big Boston Store, it is a guaran
tee to you that you are receiving
some or even better quality a s
shown elsewhere at a saving
to you.
Pause and reflect, it may pay
you well.
Where you Trade to Savo
Referee; Clow Refuses to Consider
Pendleton's Claims of Game.
Further proof that Pendleton high
school won the basketball game here
Saturday evening Is supplied In the
fact that the Walla Walla score
keeper's book also shows Pendleton
had been awarded the point that should
have given Be team the game at the
close of the second half. When the
score was footed up here Saturday
the visiting scorekecper likewise neg
lected to add in the point.
But while Pendleton's claim to the
game Is complete, Referee Clow has
refused to award the samo to the Pen
dleton boys. In a 'phone conversation
this morning he stated that under the
rules his term as referee expired when
the game closed, so he can take no
further action.
In an Interview with the Walla
Walla Union of this morning, Crow
Indulges in numerous falsehoods con
cerning the game and also makes
some derogatory statements concern
ing Prof. Hampton and others con
nected with the Pendleton high
school. Among the local students,
basketball players and others, Clow Is
regarded as a "poor excuse" for they
declare he Is not only unfair as an of
ficial, but that he Is dishonest person
ally. They declare he Is not fit to
be associated with school athletics as
he Is, and it is openly stated that
Pendleton will have no further ath
letic relations with the Walla Walla
high school until he goes out.
Australia Like Eastern Oregon.
A letter from the writer's father,
Mr. Charles E. Brownhlll. of Dudley,.
England, who is now visiting relatives
In Australia, writes from Melbourne
under date of January 18, that the
Island continent is suffering from an
Intense heat wave. Melbourne, how
ever, Is very fortunate, the thermom
eter there seldom going above 86. He
also says that much of the Interior
country around Melbourne reminds
him very much of portions of eastern
Oregon. Mr. Brownhlll expects to ar
rive In Oregon sometime this summer.
Beaver State Herald.
Our delicious Cod Liver
preparation without oil.
Better than old-fashioned
cod liver oil and emulsions
to restore health for
Old people, delicate children,
weak run-down persons, and
after sickness, colds, coughs,
bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles.
Try it on our guarantee.
Pendleton. Oregon.
The "Florsheim" Shoe
Our Oxfords
are different, yet they don't cost any
more. The oxfords we are showing
this season have created no little talk.
"Florsheim" oxfords extreme, ex
clusive styles made just right shaped
to fit perfectly hug the instep don't
permit the heel to rub up and down.
Fine materials and workmanship and
the way we fit them to your feet. Call
and see for yourself.
The Alexander Department Store
The Home of the
Florsheim and Walkover Shoes.
If every person who ought to keep a
Bank Account had one now, there would be
a decided change in the conditions of the
country. f
Every person who keeps a Bank Account
raises his standing among his fellows and
with the Banker. He Also helps to make
conditions better In his country.
Ninety per cent of the commercial bus
iness Is done by the means of paper.
Money represents property. A check means
that there is money In the Bank to the
credit of the one who writes the check.
The check system where safety and con
venience are assured Is much better than
handling the money when there is risk of
error or chance of loss.
every facility to all seeking a safe,
conservative institution, capable of care
ing for It's customers in all legitimate
undertakings. 4 per cent interest on
Savings Deposits. Safe Deposits boxes
for rent. -
Read the East Oregonlan.