"'inr" .-,. n...........,..,, ittvmammiMvmwimim.mmmtmmm4umu -maim r v..,,,,.,..,,.;. 1 ' iL.,m,..r .y....lM.....w,iflt,)t;wm'VM.'iY.Mui 4wv?.-w. U PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1908. FOURTEEN PAGES. UPLIFT TIE DANCE COTHBr Last Week of THE THREE BIG SALES Look for Your Needs. Last Week of Oar Clearance Sale. Last Week of Oar Mill End Sale. Last Week sLsr Muslin Uanerwear Sale. Take advantage this week of these Savings. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade Save Your Coupons FADS AND FANCIES New York, Feb. 22. There should be no difficulty In securing a coat of becoming proportions this spring, for all types are to be seen: The long tight-fitting coat, the Empire coat, which la long, loose and set on a yoke and sometimes ornamented with a scarf of lace; there Is also the long wrap with Us kimono touches, the short or long cutaway in its various lengths; all sorts of coats from the veU-known box-coat, through the many styles to the "above the waist" Jacket such as the Etons and Boleros. Just now women choose the longer and heavier modes, but later the short Jacket and the Etons and Boleros will come into their own. All kinds of fabrics are used In these garments, even lace coats are usel for evening wear or extremely dressy daytime functions where no warmth is required and wraps are permissible. An item that must be remembered always Is the linings. When any de gree of warmth Is wished it is better to have an interlining, for the "seen" lining is of silk in a thin and chiffon quality, sometimes brocaded, some times finished with insets of lace, flushings, etc.; of course, the da time coat is less slaborate in Its lin ings, which should be of heavier silk or s.:tin. In the cheaper grades they will be of cotton taffeta and the mer cerized sateens. A very handsome redingote of blue velvet was shown the other day and Intended for a morning reception giv en by a public official. The uppe Tart of the coat was cut on blouse lines, but drawn closely in at the NATURE SPARES "Hie Mrlcken nose From Grief. V.'l 1 a fortunate provision of nature M Is. that deprives tr.e rose of mental suffering; for how poignant would be Its grief to discover. In the height of Its tUKmlng Klory. that a canker fed at Its henrt. and that its beauty and fragran-e were doomed forever. Nature always t pa res the suffering; Fhe Is a veritable Hi re-house of p'easln; rewards, for t;.ce who peek h'-r ail. In the yearj 5 1.8 by fa'.ilr.u hair end graynr-ss have fit a E?oom ever the lives of thousand! cf your? women, but thanks to the in vent ijatiors of p-ler.tists the true cau ' cf lair distraction Is now known to h n. g-rm or pnnsite that burrows Into re hair follicles. Newbro's Herpieldr !-olutely destroys this germ, thi" ierrotul:K the hair to prow as na-t-.re inu-rded. Sold by l-arli? rim plats, pond 10c. In staTin fr p--nM-to H-rplcid fo.. P''1'"1' "!- Two sites 60 cents and 11.00. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. waist, by means of tiny tucks. The fronts were thrown back, revealing a vest of cream silk embroidered In pastel tinted silks and the revers were of Princess lace, while the cuffs had an Inset of embroidered silk and a band of the lace. The long skirts were attached to the waist portion under a belt or girdle; they were very full and had no trimming whatever. A handsome evening draw was de veloped from ivory broadcloth trim med with bands of embroidery and broad pendants. The garment was simple in Its shaping, being nothing more than a loose coat and the sleeves were full and of the kimono syle cut in a deep point at the back. The flat band collar which extended down the front was of the embroidery and the closing was under a pendant. Shorter bands overlapping each other passed back and front and were also decorated with pendants and on the point of the sleeve was an inset of the embroidery, in the center of which was a pendant. Such a coat is very serviceable for wear over gowns of the princess and Empire modes when of lace or silk or soft and easily crushed materials and it Is easy to be handled. The same coat could be made from Venetion cloth and trim med with braided collar and cuffs and fastened with braid mows or fancy buttons. The sleeves could be drawn Into cuffs braided to correspond with the collar. The lining should be of soft silk in the same shade or of a contrasting color. For traveling or a tourist coat grey tweed or olive lady's cloth would be approplate ma terials which could be daintily fin ished with silk or velvet trimmings, in a tourist coat a high collar would be a more serviceable-idea than the low flat band. Instead of having it In full long length it could be cut on'y to the knees or even shorter If preferred, but a little above the bot tom of the skirt makes it the better length for all purposes. If not too elaborate in its construction it could often take the place of a rain coat. Catherine Mann-Payzant. of the Columbia river 15,798.116 pounds of chlnook salmon; 1,045,616 pounds of silversides; 1.125,009 pounds steelheads, and 196,102 pounds blue backs, or a total of 18, 151,743 pounds. The total catch of 1906 was 22,908.000 pounds, which shows a falling off for 1907 of about 20 per cent. The product for Oregon coast streams for the year was; Chfn ooks. 2.018.643 pounds; silversides. 3.852,112 pounds; steelheads, 210.620 pounds; tules, 657,407 pounds, or a total of 6,738,682, against 8,043.690 pounds in 1906. or a falling of for 1907 of about 30 per cent. This May Interest You. No one is Immune from kidnev trouble, so Just remember that Fo ley's Kidney Cure will stop the Ir regularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. Pendleton Drug Co. PURSUE COYOTE 21 HOURS. DECREASE IX SALMON CATCH. Fish Warden' Report Shows Decline In Columbia River Catch of 20 Per Cent. A special to the Oregonlan from Salem states: The annual report of Master Fish Warden Van Dusen was made public today. It shows that during the year there were caught on the Oregon side Hounds Finally Capture Largest Specimen Ever Seen at Sxkanc. Perhaps the largest coyote scalp ever taken Into the county audit u-'s office for bounty was delivered there yesterday by W. H. Taulman of Foot Hill. It came from a coyote that was killed by Mr. Taulman's nine Mis souri bloodhounds Sunday evening after a chase lasting over 24 hours, says the Spokesman-Review. I Mr. Taulman's hounds, of which seven are pups, first scented the coy ote and a pack of associates about noon Saturday. They kept ' on the scent until Sunday night, when the biggest animal In the pack was cor nered. The coyote put up a go id fight and held the hounds at bay for more than an hour before finally he succumbed. Once during the fight he appeared as If dead, but when the hounds closed In on him he got up on his haunches and bit two or three of the dogs painfully. Mr. Taulman appeared on the scene at the last of the struggle, and when the coyote wns so weak he could scarcely bite, broke out some of his teeth In order that his hound pups might have an oppor tunity to practice chewing a coyote's throat w thout Incurring danger. Mr. Taulman says the coyotes are numerous In his vicinity and that he Intends making a business Of hunt ing them. "DANCER" TELLS SOCIETY SOME PLAIN TRUTHS No OIJ1lo" to Elevating Amuse ' incut Itut Illttrly OppOttrfl tlie Use of Intoxicant ami tlve Presence of Drunken Men In IUwiocUble Duuees Dance Wlienever You Need the Recreation, Rut Make the Dance Clean and Wholetfrtiio. Pendleton, Feb. 21. (Editor East Oregonlan.) Much has been said on the subject of dancing durlng the past week or two, and there has been some pretty severe criticism of those who condemn dancing and characterize it as a sinful and dangerous form of amusement. I should like to say a few words upon this subject, If you will grant me a small amount of space In your columns. It seems to me that the majority, Including good, moral people and many church people, are unanimous In the opinion that It is futile to at tempt or expect to abolish dancing as an amusement, or to convince the majority of good, moral and Christian people that it Is entirely bad or dan gerous. Since public opinion seems to be so fixed. It would seem that the only course to pursue In the matter is to elevate the moral tone of the dance, and I feel safe In asserting that few will deny there are great possibilities along this line; not alone In the pub lic dances which we have always with us, but In a great many of the club dances and In some of the private dances. It Is .of the last two that I wish to speak particularly. In the first place, If the dance Is to be a clean, wholesome amusement, why do good, clean, sober, moral peo ple tolerate for a minute the serving of intoxicants? In the second place, why do these same people tolerate the presence of men who are under the Influence of ll(Uor to a very marked degree, and even allow men who frequent sa loons and whose breath Is always foul with the odor of intoxicants to ns sume places of prominence and lead ership at what Is considered a re spectable dance? That both of these conditions ex ist, and at a great many of the dances which are participated In by our best people, none can deny; not with the sanction and approval of the pure and right thinking womanhood or of the clean and true manhood that we find there, however. There must be something wrong with a so cial system that will even tolerate these things which we all know to be offensive to a great many may I not say the majority, for certainly the majority would Include those whose only object In attending a dance Is for an evening's pleasurable amuse ment surrounded by one's friends. There Is something wrong with such a system, and I do not hesitate to say that If one-half the energy that Is spent in producing argument In Jus tification of the dance as an Inno cent amusement were directed toward purifying and making It more whole some by banishing intoxicants ana those who use them, our wives, sis ters and daughters would not have their evening's pleasure marred by being compelled to dance with that brute who calls himself a man, and a society man at that whose foul breath and foolish talk and glassy r When a young eirl's thoughts be come sluggish ; when Bhe has head aches, dizziness, faintness, and ex hibits an abnormal disposition to sleep; dislikes the society of other girls; then the mother should come sesses information of vital import ance to the younjr daughter. At such a time the greatest aid to nature is Lydia iu nnkham s Vege table Compound. It prepares the young system lor the coming change, and has helped to bring three generations safely from girl hood to womanhood. Head what LYDIA E. PIN KHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND has accomplished for Miss Olson. Miss Ellen M. Olson, of 417 North East Street, Kewanee, 111., in a letter to airs, llnkham says: " Lydia E. I'inkhaui's Vegetable Cora pound cured me of backache, sideache, and established my periods after the best physicians in fcewanee had failed to help me, saying that an operation was necessary. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. link ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has loen the and has positively cured thousands of women who have U'en troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that Itear mg-down feeling, nutulcncy,indigcs tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration. hy don t you try it t Mrs. Pinklutm Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. eye would mark him a common drunk under other circumstances. These things do exist, to the shame and displeasure of many good people who dance and find pleasure an In nocent amusement In it. The remedy Is cler and not difficult to apply. Rar the Intoxicating drink the punch with the "stick" In It and kick out the man who "fills up" before he goes to the dance. If he can't enjoy the dance unless he Is Intoxicated, he is not a fit person to associate with your wife or sister or daughter, and she would be glad to be rid of his presence. A DANCER. Candidates Announcements Candidate for re-noinlnatlon by the Republican party at the coming pri mary election to be held April IT, 1908. FOIt COUNTY TREASURER. Geo. W. Bradley (Present incumbent.) Candidate for re-nomlnat!on by the Republican party at the coming pri mary election to be held April 17, 1908. FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. C. A. Barrett (Present Incumbent.) Candidate for re-nomination by the Republican party at the coming pri mary election to be held April 17, 1908. VOn COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Horace Walker (Present Incumbent.) Candidate for the nomination by the Republican party at the coming primary election to be held April 17, 1908. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. A. H. Sunderman IF YOU'RE IX SUSPENSE and undecided ns to where to send your vehicle for repair, allow us to suggest that this shop offers Induce ments for good work promptly done, and that little money settles the b'M for. Carriage repairing. Get your buggy painted for spring. We have an expert painter who will do good work reasonably. Old rigs made as good as new. See us for Gasoline Engines, Hacks, Wlnonn Wagons and Buggies. NEAGLE BROS. "Now. sir," said Tommy's fatner, "d.m't be a little Jackass." "I can't help belli' little, pa," replied the bright boy, "an It ain't my fault that I'm your son." UILLIARDS, POOL, BOWLING Soft drinks and confectionery. A GENTLEMAN'S RESORT. PASTIME PARLORS. Corner Main and Wedd. PENDLETON TANNERY Reoperied for Busi ness. Foot Street. A. Otke, of Alta Prop . Special Announcement Regarding the Foley's Honey Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from the system as it mildly laxative. It Is guaranteed. The genuine is in the yellow pack age. Pendleton Drug Co. i If every person who ought to keep a Bank Account had one now, , there would be a decided change In the conditions of the country. Every person who keeps a Bank Account raises his standing among his fellows and with the Banker. He Also helps to make conditions better in his country. Ninety per cent of the commercial bus iness is done by the means of paper. Money represents property.' A check means that there is money in the Bank to the credit of the one who writes the check. The check system where safety and con venience are assured is much better than handling the money when there is risk of error or chance of loss. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK offers every facility to all seeking a safe, conservative institution, capable of care lng for it's customers in all legitimate undertakings. 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposits. Safe Deposits boxes for rent. CAPITAL 4 SURPLUS 1-4 OF A MILLION DOLLARS HORSE FLESH SAUSAGE. Chlottffo Butcher FurnMied Residents a New Luxury to Which They Do Not Take Kindly. Sausage made from horse meat Is a luxury that has been furnished for some time to residents of Chicago Heights by J. J., Schmidt, grocer and sausage manufacturer, according to charges on which Schmidt has been arrested and bound over to the grand Jury, says a Chicago dispatch. Suspicions of residents of the su burban town were aroused by evl dences that flesh was being cut from carcasses on the dump near the place and from the fact that Schmidt was selling sausage at retail for half the price he would have to pay for meat at wholesale. La Grippe and Pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe 'coughs and prevents pneumo nia. Refuse any but the genuine In the yellow package. Pendleton Drug Co. A Diplomat. "So you gave your husband a box of cigars?" "Yes," answered young Mrs. Tor kins. "Did he appreciate them?" "Indeed he did. He values them so highly that he is smoking a pipe, so as not to use them up too fast." Washington Star. The Irish, next to the blacks, are least given to suicide. 1 1 7iy ':i.WM7 terns? ii a. a jitM. Kl in Ml of This limerick lacks one line of completion we will give a half pound can of Ghirardelli's Cocca can full of silver dollars (93) for the best line submit ted to complete it. In case more than one person submits the line selected as best the money will be divided pro rata The One person may tend as many solution as they wuk, there is no limit correct answer may be sent in any form, but we prefer that it be written upon the back of a label taken from any sixe can of Ghirardelli's Cocoa. Answers must be mailed on or before March IS, plainly ad dressed to GHIRARDELLI'S CONTEST DE PARTMENT, 20 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Here's the "Umerick"jy j A sickly young student at Yale ; Tried to strengthen himself upon ale, 1 But wise "College Widow," i Said, "Cut it out, Kiddo, (Less Than a Cent a Cup) Is made with scrupulous, conscientious care and old fashioned' attention to cleanliness, purity, goodness and quality. No Cocoa at any price can be better or more delicious. Your grocer sells and recommends it. j.