East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 20, 1908, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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county ornavL paper.
Wba'.M I'til.r. Weekly ind 8nnl Wwkly,
It IVndlHnn. OrfCMi. by th
T oitKtiuMAX ruu.isnixa co.
Dt!l.r, nt yir, by mill $3 00
(.;. tlx mouihi. br mill JM
tmUy, (lire mtnthi.' by mill 1.25
&tilj. cur month, by aiili SO
Wi'y, one yeer. by rirrlc T.BO
tolly, mi month by cirrler. . . . . , . 8 75
tu. ihre month, by carrier 1.B5
toOy. one month, by cirrler 65
Weekly, one esr. by mall 1.50
Weekly, ill month, by mall 75
Weekly, four month, by mill 60
Aral Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
M3l Weekly, ell month, by mall... .75
ral Werkly. (our mouth, by-mall.. .CO
Tie Dally Rait Oxonian la kept on aal
t the Ore on Newa Co., 147 flta street,
fwrtlind, ere; on.
4'blraco Bureau. 009 Security bnlldlna;.
Waihlntloo, D. C, Caret a. 501 Poor
tb itreet. N. W.
Member United Preas Anorlatlon.
tiepltop Main 1
otered at the poatofflce at Peadleton.
eon. i aecoodclaaa mall mattar.
I would not bend the fragrant
lily stem
That rears aloft thy fragrant
flower f.ice. . ,
Oft tempted by those unset
Jewt-l eyes
Sparkling beneath their velvet
I would not mar their perfect
Nor cause a cloud to float
across their depths.
I would renounce thee for thv
higher self.
Renounce tliose rosy lips for
sweeter truth,
Nor cause thy crow n of gold-
tint hair
T ever lose Its burnished lus-
trous youth.
Thy silver- breast unrent by
beneficial, In a reneral sense, It not
that policy food? Should we look at
a few petty abuses and In our antag
onism to them, brand the entire sys
tem as a failure?
Let us see. Pasturage Is Increasing
In every forest reserve In the United
States. The range area in the re
serves will support more stock today
than ever before. Stockmen are turn
ing this Improved range condition in
to dollars and cents every day, In
fatter stock. The same stockmen are
lured of better grazing and longer
firming periods each year, under the
guardianship of the government and
If this Is not a benefit, what is it?
Stream sources are being protected
and the water supply of the moun
tain district Increased by the protec
tion of the forestry policy. Thus,
farming In the Irrigated districts will
be made more profitable and secure,
This is an Incalculable benefit. The
timber Is being saved for the future,
which Is a boon upon which no price
can be set.
So the policy is successful, proflta
ble, beneficial. It should be every
man's duty to help eliminate the ag
gravations, the annoyances In the ad
ministration of the policy, but let us
support the policy.
newspaper and run for office at the
same tlmo. The fact Is, no newspa
per man should engage In pollt'cs, and
when he does he drags his paper down
to the level of a market day poster.
passion's storm
Remain serene us any morning
And love unfold in these Its
sweetest store
Worshiped by all possessed by
E. Hofer.
There are 14 count'es In the pro
mised eastern Oregon federal district
1 nine of them are directly tribu
tary to Pendleton. Every avenue of
travel into these nine counties leads
Jirectly to this city.
The O. R. & X. and Us feeders run-
mog southward into the interior form
Oie transportation facilities of nine
unties west and south of Umatilla,
.and by means of the O. R. & X., litl
Tits. attorneys and witnesses would
ke required to pass through Pendleton
mt their way to Paker City 127 miles
farther eastward.
The state has recognized Pendleton
3 the geographical center of eastern
Oregon by locating the branch su
preme court here. The United States
government has recognized the geo
graphical and business importance of
rendleton in eastern Oregon by locat
ing the headquarters for the bureau of
iam.-il Industry here.
The bulli of the business originat
ing in the Oregon federal court from
astern Oregon comes from Umatilla
onty. All of the nine counties west
xnd south of Umatilla county prefer
aMidleton because of lis accessibility
tm all parts of the Interior of the
tfatc These counties feel that they
trould prt-f-r to remain In the western
Oregon district than to be placed In
tke eastern Oregon district with Ba
ker City as headquarters as the cost
af litigation would be more than
Joubled by the extra mileage made
Pendleton cliiims that It would be
atn art of Injustice to nine of the
tirgest and most prosperous count'es
of the district to place the federal
eurt headquarters at Baker City,
here but four counties of the dis
trict would be tributary to the court.
This is not a matter of a day nor
f a year and the court should be
incated where it will best serve the
mt"r-sts "f the eastern Oregon sec
twii. n.st viii) UnUy, but in the future.
Baker City can never be the center
f thih VHt district. The map of Or
gun n;: convince any fa r-minded
onttreRfional committee of this fact.
Theae are a few of Pendleton's ex
cellent reasons for wanting the dls
b)(4 headquarters.
There Is an opportunity for Pen
dleton Commercial association to do
some excellent work for the city In
looking after the location of the va
rious Industries wh'ch are coming to
the Inland empire each year.
No enterprise should be too small
to go after. Every drop constitutes
a part of the sea. Every small en
terprise added to the city adds to the
business industry here. ,
There is a chance to bring a com
bined harvester factory' here. A broom
factory has recently been located at
Gardcna. There Is no reason why
Pendleton should not have such a
future possibility.
Every inducement for these Institu
tions to come here can be offered.
Transportation facilities are unsur
passed. The location of Pendleton is
central. Power and light and fuel
can be had here as cheaply as at any
other place In the Inland empire.
So why not go out after these pros
pective enterprises? Why not have
them "lined up" In advance? It Is
one of the chief aims of the a.vsoc'a-tlon.
The privileges of leap year are
fcllppinn by rapidly and unimproved,
says the Salom Journal.
We hear . of no woman proposing
this year.
While there, is talk of giving wo
man the ballot they will not use the
rights they are supposed to have.
If leap year means anything It
means marriage.
Tropos'ng Is nothing but the con
clusion of a long or short courtship.
Men will atlll have to do the love
making. It seems the leap year myth has
lost its charm, and Is a dead letter if
It ever was alive.
It's a good thing because a great
many foolish proposals are madi- by
the men and women would do worse.
There would not be many mar
riages If women had to do the pro
posing. With the first rejection most wo
men would quit.
They would find carry'ng on a
courtship a delicate and often em
barrassing task.
There might not be so many de
ceptions practiced If women made
love. '
It is probably a good thing to have
it the way it Is and no one will ini
tiate a change.
The test of a thing is the result
rhith it produces. The test of a
tariff policy Is the re-u!ts of that
tariff In the operation of the govern
ment. The test of a banking law is
tke operation of the law In actual
Wtjsliiess transactions. The worth of
road law. or a school law or a tax
fcv must be determined upoa the re
mits wh'ch follow the execution.
This is also the supreme test of the
forestry policy of the government. If
Ue results which have followed the
doplion uf. the forentry policy are
So fittingly does the following edi
torial from the Pilot Rock Record
state the situation In this city and
county with regard to the congress'on
al nomination, that practically all of
the papers of eastern Oregon are
publishing the expression of Umatil
la county sentiment In the matter.
The La Grande Observer Is the last
paper to use it and It is having much
to do with shaping the sentiment In
the congressional contest. The ed -torial
is as follows:
Laying nil prejudice and politics
aside, the pieat bulk of the people can
not see wherein there Is anything to
be gained in exchanging a man of ex
perience, ability and thorough knowl
edge of the wants of the people for a j
man whose sole stock In trade ap- I
pears to be the fact that he Is an ex
governor of the state.
While he may not have come here
for the sole purpose of runn'ng for of
fice, and being encouraged to do so
by those who wanted to get rid of him
on the other side of he mountains, the
fact remains that he did come here,
traded for a newspaper and Immedi
ately commenced looking about for
an office.
His conferences seem to have been
held In Portland, not In Pendleton,
and that Portland politicians were
taken Into his confidence. He made
up his mind while In Portland, not
while in Pendleton, that he would try
for congress, and first announced his
declaration in a Portland paper.
13 he the tool of a small and unim
portant gang of Portland plug-uglies
who aspire to be the slate-makers of
the republican party of the state? Is
there any evidence that he was urged
or even encouraged In hln anibit'on
by the people of Pendleton or those
of any other part of eastern Oregon?
The fact Is, there Is not a republi
can of prominence In Pendleton who
favors his nomination.
Mr. Geer claims credit for a spe
cial message recommending the adop
tion of the primary law, but does not
say his reason for doing so was be
cause the state convention turned h'm
Geer Is a man of no grent force of
character. So far as can be learned,
he has never made a success of any
thing he has ever turned his mind and
attention to. As an editor of a coun
try paper he is above the average, and
If he confined himself strictly to nls
newspaper the people of this county
would have no regrets that he came
among them.
But no man can make a success of 1
The second republican candidate
for the legislature In an eastern Or
egon county to declare himself un
qualifiedly In favor of statement Xo.
1 is Colon R. Eberhard, a candidate
for Joint representative In the Union
Wallowa county district. And still
the machine politicians say that leg
islative candidates will not favor this
popular principle In which the people
may absolutely select their senator.
We will see. The ballots are not yet
when eating:, that your food is of
highest wholesomeness that it has
nothing in it that can injure 'or
distress you makes the repast
doubly comfortable and satisfactory.
This supreme confidence you
have when the food is raised with
JDDoflcjlToBy Pernio
The only baking powder made
with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
There can .be no comforting confi
dence when eating alum baking pow
der food, demists say that more or
less of the alum powder in unchanged
alum or alum salts remains in the food.
Rexall Cold
Breaker and
Grippe Cure
Do it in four hour
Guaranteed by
Drug Co.
f 1 1,1 "--- ;
A traveler who recently returned
to Philadelphia was narrating some
of his experiences in South America
at a banquet of globe-trotters the
other evening. He had skirted the
entire coast of South America and
had found the Inns or hotel In most
sections very poor. So bad were they
In Peru, he said that one American
who had been thrown Into Jail pend
ing some dispute over his papers, an
after his release had sought the hotel
of the town returnedthe next day to
teh Jail and begged that he might be
taken In. Over the doorway of a lone
ly rancher's cottage near the border!
of Argentina and Patagonia the fol
lowing curious motto was observed:
Forty miles from hay.
Twenty miles from water,
Two inches from hades;
. God bless our home.
But perhaps the most curious sign
he had seen was in the window of a
restaurant In Buenos Ayres. which
read: "Ameilcan cafe champagne
and fried potatoes."
Quietly and without any eagerly
sought press notices Multnomah coun
ty's budding republican machine Is
preparing . for Us Initial tryout on
Wednesday, February 26, says the
Oregon Daily Journal.
On that day, under the direction of
the county central committee, of
which C. M. Idleman Is the engineer
hi chief, the "precinct elections" will
be held, at which thre delegates will
be elected from each precinct' to at
tend the "mass meeting" which has
been cailed for Saturday, February
29. The "mass meeting" Is to draft
a platform of principles upon which
the machine desires Its candidates to
stand. That platform will denounce
the principle of statement Xo. 1 aud
concurrently any candidate who dares
to aspire to the legislature from this
county who does not concur with the
platform- of the "mass meeting."
The people of Belgium, by heavy
taxation, are to raise $30,000,000 with
which to pay their king, Leopold, for
the Congo Free State.
Leopold Is already one of the rich
est men of the world, but It Is not
surprising that he demands from his
kingdom payment tor something
which he would never have gotten
had he not been king. What Bel
glum gets Is cheap at 130,000,000,
however, for though the Congo be
longed to Leopold Individually, somo
of the stigma for the atrocl ties car
rled on there has atahed to Belgium
as a nation.
The people of Belgium will have
it in their power to change condition
In their African provinces so that
they will no longer merit tne execra
tion of the entire civilised world.
Spokane Chronicle.
The Soto Shlmbun. the Japanese
dally newspnper published at San
Francisco and which kept the trou
ble In the school matters stirred up,
has been attached for debts.
The Japanese youth gives his sweet
heart. Instead of an engagement ring,
a piece of silk for her sash.
Because he swore at a telephone
girl for swUching him on the wrong
line, a Sacramento man has been fined
$20 In the police court. He called
for a number and the "central" of
fice put him on a line and a woman's
voice told him to come home at once
and bring a quart of milk and a doz.
en eggs. The Sacramento man. who
Is a crusty old bachelor, at once be
came wrathy and vented his spite on
the poor telephone girl, with the
above result. And It served him
right. No man Is justified In using
ungentlemanly language to the young
ladles In charge of the telephone ex
change. They h..vt their trou'.les as
well a? J-e rest of us and generally
do tie ! tat they tan for the many
patrons if the comnar.y. They mak?
many mistakes. It is true, but their
dutier are very difficult and cannot
always b performed without errors j
ere pi-i? in jci '.slonallv. iCng-ne
Colonist Dates from all jrnrts of the United States and Can
ada to all parts of Oregon and the Northwest will be again put Into
effect by
(Lines In Oregon.)
March 1, 1908
and will continue dally throughout March and April. From th-j
principal cities of the Middle West the rates will be as follows
ST. LOUIS $35.00 OMAHA $30.00
CHICAGO $30.00 ST. PAUL. $80.00
Corresponding rates from all other Eastern points. Stopovers
at pleasure at all points In Oregon.
The Colonist Bate Is the greatest of all homebullders. Oregon
h;is unlimited resources and needs mor"e people who desire homes
and larger opportunities.
Oregon people can accomplish splendid results by heralding
this opportunity to all the world. Send Oregon literature glv'ng
good, reliable Information about the state, far and wide. Call on the
on the above railroads tor It If necessary. ,
Here '. '.nme If de'-',,,. Any agent Is authorized to accept the re
i h i Inn i'i - i-lt and l-!.:?raph ticket to any point. Call on F. J.
f.:i!ni:in. Ice ai r.cent, or addresi VM. M'ML'RRAY,
GciKM-al PHttft-iigrr A (ren I, Portland.
Under tb direction of the Sisters of
tt FrancU, of Philadelphia. Resident
and day pupils. Bpeclal attention
given to music and elocution. Stu
dent prepared for teachers' exami
nations for county and state eertlfl
eatea. For particulars address
Livermoro & Bickers
Room 12, Judd Bldg.
Pendleton - Oregon
Large Quantity of the Famous
Rock Spring
Now on Hand
F. Him, of Phoenix, broke the
world's sheepshearlng record yester
day, shearing S25 sheep In nine hours
by machinery.
l lay OPpprmflrwtiTl) overcmne by proper .
poi sottal efforts with trie assistance
of tin? one Truly beneIriol loxatutf j
rrmpjy, Syrup of Figs and" Oiaroj.Spiuia,
w!iefi enables one to form regular j
habits daily so that Assistance to na
tufe moy lie gradually disj)euSpditli '
ulien no longer needed astliebestof J
remedies, when required, areto assist j
nature and not to Supplant tlte noW- j
ol junctions, which must dejond ulti-.j
mately upon proper nourishment, j
proper efforts.and riht living generally, j
Tojjet its benejicial effect, aLays :
buy the genuine j
by rii pf HsEl i vlr ifSonaa !
California i
oi w wuy, regular pore 50f Mile. '
If every person who ought to keep a
Bank Account had one now, there would be
a decided change in the conditions of the
country. v
Every person who keeps a Bank Account
raises hie standing among his fellows and
with the Banker. He Also helps to make
conditions better in his country.
Ninety per cent' of the commercial bus
iness is done by the means of paper
Money, represents property. A check means
that there is money in the Bank to the
credit of the one who writes the check.
The check system where safety and con
venience are assured is much better than
handling the money when there is risk of
error or chance of loss.
every facility to all seeking a safe,
conservative institution, capable of care
ing for it's customers. in all legitimate
undertakings. 4 per cent interest on
Savings Deposits. Safe Deposits boxes
for rent.
The coal that produces heat
and not dirt. Also fine lot of
good dry wood.
Dutch Henry
Office, Pendleton Ice St Cold Storage
Company. 'Phone Main 178,
' Columbia Bar
Rooming House
F, X. Schempp (Estate
Fine Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars.
Newly furnished and np-to-date.
Rooming IToune In Connection.
Our Specmltvlis
the Family Trade
We are fully prepared to fur I
nlsh you the best of lard, tau-
....Bvw uiiu live,,, OIIIU&VI1 Or
cured meat each day. J
I Central Meat Market ?
Campy A Tweedy.
Telephone Main 33.
All the news all the- time In tha
East Oregonlan.