PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, Kwirr PAGES. Harlteiing Becomes a Ploasuro tj When you can do it in a store where cleanliness, convenience and xomtort, are distinct features. You'll find .these things fully embraced in our store. I Added to this the superlative.quality of our groceries and provisions, our generous methods and our prompt and . efficient de livery system .and you have the rhief ele ments of our trade-winning combination. Standard Grocery Co. The Best, Groceries" W IMMENSE MILITARY EXTRAVAGANZA ALL HEADY FOR TONIGHT.. TvtUm About All Gone But Don't Stay Away on Tliat Account Dm Ile- VnrsiU Lam Night Leads AU to Believe That the Attraction Will lie Uw Best Local Talent Protluctiou la Years What You Will See WUe the Curtain Goes Up. "Tonlgtoi'j the night" for company L'i spectacular show and the Pen dleton guardsmen and their generous friends will do all they can to please the large audience that will be as sembled. That the attendance will be a record breaker is assured by the fact that at noon ttJay only a score of untaken seats remain on the lower floor. With a gallery that Is now safe and clean no one need stay away be cause he has not a reserved seat Last night the final dress rehearsal was held in the theater and under the direction of Pan P. Smythe, stage manager, the troupe was brought in to shape for the final performance. As previously announced the pro gram will be in two parts. The first part will consist of a bunch of pleasing specialties all of which have been previously mentioned. Of these but one will now be named and that is the number by the 20 high school girls. In their costumes last night the girls made a most strenuous hit with those gathered in the theater, and If the roof does not come off to night when they appear It will be because applause cannot raise it. The second part of "the entertain ment will be taken up with the orig inal and only extravaganza, "The Subdual of Hermiston." If any one thinks this high class play is a mel odrama he wrongs it sadly. It Is an cxtrav&aganza and while there will be some meritorious stunts and some good singing the basis of the thing 1 burlesque and local hits will abound. Following the performance this COLDS The very hour a cold starts is the time to check it Don't wait it may become deep-eeate and the cure will be harder then. Every hour lost at the start may add days to your suf fering. Tak F & S Cold Capsules Used In time they save all that might follow sickness, worry, ex penses. They never fail. TaJ!mm&Co, Leading Druggists, Do You Qcl Your Portion of the Cream? Are you absolutely certain that your milk is free from dirt or infection and that it is handled in a clean, sanitary manner? The only way to procure good rich, clean milk not that with the cream poured offis to get milk in bottles. That b the Kind We Sell, Pendleton Creamery Co. Phone Main 155 Our Business is Banking. We devote all our time, attention and energies to it. Very naturally we want your patronage. What we have to entitle u to it U absolute safety, whole-hearted attention to your need, courteous and prompt attention to you. If you want, to deposit, loan or borrow money call and talk It over with us. Commercial National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. evening the member of the com pany participating and all others con cerned In the play will gather at a banquet to be served in the French restaurant. BOOM FOR W. W. BROWN. Now But Two Vacant Hooms in the Boys' Dormitory, There are now but two vacant rooms out of a total of about 20 now ready for use In Brown hall, the new 800 boys' dormitory of Pendle ton academy. The work of furnish ing the dormitory Is now In progresj and the elegant building la being fit ted up In every way for convenience and comfort Mrs. S. S. Shield of Milton, and the Presbyterian church of Irrlgon, have each fitted up a room, in a first-class manner and others will make like donations to the dormitory In the near future, It is expected. One room on the second story Is being fitted up and will be kept in readiness at all times for W. W. Brown, the man who gave the 110.000 for the erection of the hall. At any time he comes to the city the room will be ready to receive him, and he will make his headquarters at the dormitory while here. Market Day for La Grande. La Grande has decided to pattern after Pendleton and on next Satur day will Inaugurate a series of mar ket days to be held each montti. Max Zimmerman of St. Paul, Is promot lng the market day project in the beet city and the Commercial club Is urging the matter before the peo ple. Caylor Under Arrest. A man named Caylor, but who gives his name as White, was arrested here yesterday by Sheriff Taylor upon In structions from Portland. He la wanted for obtaining money under false pretenses and is said to have been a tombstone salesman. A man will arrive here tomorrow for the purpose of identifying him. Ba.-M-ball Meeting Tomorrow. The meeting of delegates from Walla Walla, La Grande and Baker City for the purpose of organizing-a baseball league will be held in this city tomorrow, according to the' ar rangements made by Jack O'Brien, who is promoting the league. Shelley Divorce Suit. Suit for divorce was filed here to day by Mary E. Shelly against Hen derson Shelly. The papers In the case were taken from the court house Immediately after being filed and it is not known what the allegations of the plaintiff are. Marriage License IwjI. A marriage license was issued today to Oie T. Spilling and Reglne Brasted, both residents of this county. . SEE! SEE! "SUBDUAL OF HERMISTON" BY COMPANY L t AT THE OREGON, TUESDAY a THE NIGnT. IU CK LANDS IN JAIL. C!mnrM Willi Taking Cattle From Indians on tlie Reservation. Melvln Back, renowned as a "bron cho twister.' Is now a prisoner In the county Jail and the charge against him Is that of coveting some cattle belonging to Indians upon the reser vation. Buck was arrested last evening by Sheriff Taylor and when taken he de nied that he had done anything wrong. The exact nature of the of fense with wh'ch he Is charged has not been made known, but It Is un derstood he Is accused of stealing a half dozen head of beef steers from some of Uncle flam's allottees on the reservation. He Is saJd to have taken them with the Intention of selling them to local butchers, but had not yet done so when arrested. The arrest of Buck Is but one of the many horse and cattle stealing arrests made recently by 'Sheriff Tay lor. While the charge against the young broncho breaker is ent'rely separate from those against the others it Is believed by the officers that those Involved have been work ing together to some extent at least. Has a Coffin on His Hands. James Pond, the Umatilla Indian who anticipated the death of hi wife and purchased a coffin several day before he expected her to die, Is now in a strange predicament. His wife ha recovered and I now alive and well and he cannot return the coffin, he says, to the dealer, and so has It stored on his ranch on the reserva tion awaiting developments. His tribesmen have vigorously protested against his hasty action in purchas ing a coffin before actually needing It and every effort will be made to prevent such actions In future. J. G. Cutler Here Today. J. G. Cutler, assistant superinten dent of the Pasco division of the Northern Pacific, Is In the city today looking over the system In this coun ty. Spring business Is already show ing much activity and Mr. - Cutler looks for an excellent traffic during the coming season. The Northern Pacific Is making every effort to meet the needs of the country and enjoys excellent patronage on this division, as slsewhere. Rev. Folsoni to Preach. Rev. A. J. Folsom, superintendent of the C. H. M. S., will preach in the Congregational church on Thursday evening February 20th at 7:30. All of those intending to join the church are requested to be present and every body is Invited. Mr. Folsom Is an interesting speaker and all who know him will be glad to hear him and those who do not know him should not miss this opportunity. Indians Church Rcll. Rev. E. J. Connoers, the Indian min ister of the Umatilla reservation, A1-, bert J. Minthorn and Philip Jones, a committee from the Tutu'lla Presby terian church, left this morning for Portland to purchase a large bell for the chapel on the reservation. . The bell has been partly negotiated for In Portland and the committee wll com plete the purchase and have it ship ped to this city this week. Good Extravaganza Pictures. W. S. Bowman, the photographer, took a number of flash I'ght pictures during the dress rehearsal of com pany L's play last night and they have been placed on exhibition in some of the shop windows this after noon. The photos show the company as It will appear on the stage, the young ladles' chorus, awkward squad and the crack squad which will ap pear as the guard tonight. Property Aipralscd at $5613.13. The estate of the lat Samuel George was appraised this afternoon and was found to amount to f 5613.13. The property wll go to the sister of the deceased and to the children of a deceased sister. Mrs. George Smith of this city, is one of the nieces. The appraisers for the estate were Rob ert Laing, W. S. Baddley and C. W. Brownfield. Would Cancel Irrigation Contract. The state of Oregon has begun su't in Portland to cancel the irrigation. contract for a tract of 27,000 acres of arid land held In Crook county by the Columbia Southern Irrigation company. - . ' ' FIRST BROOM CORN TEST. Gardens Dlntrlct Produces Excellent Grade of Broom Material. What Is thought to be the first at tempt to ralMjJiroom corn In the in land empire has been a sucess this season, and the product win De worked Into brooms within a very few days, says the TJp-to-the-Tlmes Magazine. The broom corn was ra'sed at Gardena, an Irrigated dis trict about 15 miles from this city, which was opened up nearly two years ago: The product Is of an exceptionally good quality and makes the best com mercial brooms manufactured in the west. Early last spring a Portland firm experimented with the article. After a sufficient growth part of the product was taken to Portland and made Into brooms, with the result the company has purchased a small manufacturing plant and Installed It at Oardena and will turn out several hundred brooms this year. Several hundred acres will be planted by the company and land owners next year and a larger factory will be Installed. Not a Masterpiece, A Scotch laboring man who had married a rich widow, exceptional for her plainness, was accosted by his employer. . ' "Well, Thomas," he said, "I heal you are married. What sort of a wife have you got?" "Well, sir," was the response, "she's the Creator's handiwork, but I canna say she's his masterpiece." Exchange. TBS CCT1E TOO iilEOOOS POLICE UNABLE TO GET CLEWS OP ROBBERS Home of James Nel.m Entered Last Night Wliile Family Was Absent Neighbors Notify Police Two Oth er Robberies Reported Since Sun. day Robbers Make Good Their Escape in Each Instance, Three more burglaries, within as many nights, have been added to the already long list of recent crimes In Pendleton and as in former instances the officers have been unable to make any headway towards apprehending the guilty ones. The most recent burglary to become known was that of the James Nelson residence at the corner of Union and Court streets. At the time the crime was committed the family was out on Mr. Nelson's Butter creek ranch. Neighbors passing the place noticed a light being carried about within the house and at first presumed It was one of the family. Later It was learn ed that no member of the family was then in the city and the police were notified, of the occurrence. From the circumstances in the case It is be lieved the house was robbed but with what success will not be known until the family returns. Two burglaries occurred Sunday night, while the families were away attending church. . The home of John Mollala In East Pendleton, was ran sacked by burglars and a number of things taken from a trunk. Among the things taken were 135 In cash, a gold pin and a revolver. About the same time the Mollala place was entered thieves also broke Into the E. O. Casey residence at 204 Cosble street. Two ladles' watches, a suit of clothes, a rain coat and many small articles were taken. VERDICT FOR KEVEY. Jury In Civil Suit Awarded Plaintiff $303 Instead of $175. After being out but a short time the Jury In the Sevey-Wade civil suit returned a verdict favorable to, the plaintiff at 8 o'clock last evening. By the terms of their decision Sevey is given a Judgment for $383 against Wade. The suit was for $475. alleg ed to be due the plaintiff for barley. In 'the above case C. H. rjirter and J. R. Raley represented the plaintiff, while J- B. Perry and D. W. Bailey had the side of the defendant. Conies to Pendleton. William Kupers, who has been postmaster at Myrlck and manager of the Puget Sound warehouse at that place, has resigned both positions to come to this city to engage in the Im plement business, having purchased the business .if Fred Weber on .Court street. Mr. Kupers has been at Myr'ck for a number of years and has a large circle of friends who re gret to see himself and family leave that place. Raised License to $1500. Lauder, Wyo., Feb. 18. Thq city attorney has been instructed by the mayor and council to draw up an or dinance' fixing the saloon license at $1500 per annum and present it for action at the next regular meeting The present license is but $300 per year and saloons have been Increas ing at a lively rate, there being 18 In a town of only 3000 population. Mormon Cemetery at La Grande. The Mormon church at La Grande has Just Incorporated a cemetery so ciety with a capital stock of $700 and will lay out a beautiful new cemetery in that city. Private subscriptions will be added to the stock and the grounds will be greatly improved. The incorporators are C. J. Black, Fred Taylor and D. J. Jordan. Jubilee Singers Through. The Tennessee Jubilee singers, eight In number, who will appear at the M. E. church in this city on I'hlirflriflv An A FrldAV nlarhts Of this week, nassed through today on thein way to Weston, where they will ap- . - - Dear tonight. They will also give a performance at Athena tomorrow night before returning to mis city. Athletic Sweaters Arrive. The Peoples Warehouse has Just received the sweaters with the big P that are to be awarded the high school students who held positions on the football and basketball . teams during the past season. - Party to Hermiston. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen, C. S. Jackson, Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt and J. A. Boris left on the O. Tt. & N. local train this morning for Hermiston and will spend the day at the government reservoir. ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE. BlototT has Frmrt that DaadrnS h Catwcd by a Germ. Science Is donlg wonders theso days ir medicine as well s In mechanics. Sl:ic Adam lived, the human race has been troubled with dandruff, for which no halt preparation has heretofore proved a suc cessful cure until Newbro's Herpkkle was put on the market. It Is a scloijMflc prep aration that kills the germ that rr.akd dandruff or scurf by dipping Into t'.. calp to get at the root of the hair, whar It saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp falling hnlr, arrd Anally baldness, With out jdsndruff fcalr must grow luxuriantly. It I) th only destroyer of dandruff. Sold by leading drurrlsts. Send 10c In stamps for sampl to Th Hsrrl old Co., Detroit, tricb. Two sites 10 cents and $1.00. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Where you Doesn't necessarily mean that we sell you cheap clothing at cheap prices far from it. w Bat, as applied to Roosevelt's Big Boston Store, it is a guaran tee to you that you are receiving same or even better quality, as shown elsewhere at a saving to you. . Pause and reflect, it may pay you well. Whore you Trade to Save MAY UNITE METHODISTS. Movement Started In Oklalioma to Bring M. E. Church and M. E. South to Union, Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 18. Distinguished church men of the Methodist denomination are flocfing here today for a Joint missionary con vention to be held in Convention hall during the next three days, under th auspices of tb Methodist Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal church, south. This is the first Joint meeting of Its kind ever held in Am erica and It Is likely to become his torical as marking a great step to ward the reconciliation of th two great divisions of the denomination, separated since the civil war. Okla homa Methodists have been the lead ers In this movement for the wiping out of sectional lines, Methodists of both the north and south Joining in the establishment her of Epworth university. The two churches have in the new state a joint membership of 68,000. The convention will hold a jubilee celebration over the founding of the church of Japan. For year and year the several branches of the Methodist church has been lending missionaries to this foreign field to advance the cause of Christianity, but recently th people of Japan announced their in tention of establishing their own church. A church of Japan was formed and the doctrines and teachings of the Methodist church became a part of the new church. The Japanese have their own bishop and presiding elder as well as other church officials. The establishment of this church is re garded as one of the greatest events In modern church history. Denver's Democratic Hat). The new auditorium In this city which Is being hurried to completion iif 0Bi! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOm SPRING OX FORDS; THE LONGER YOU DEFER PURCHASING YOUR SEASON'S FOOTWEAR THE LESS LIKELI HOOD YOU HAVE OF GETTING WHAT YOU WANT. WOMEN'S OXFORDS IN PATENT COLT, PATENT KID, BLACK VIC1 KID AND THE NEW RUSSIAN COLT, WELTS AND TURNS, FRENCH, CUBAN AND MILITARY HEELS AT $3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5.00 SIZES 2 TO 8, WIDTHS AA TO E. Tho Alexander The Home NOTARY PUALIC We make out, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LEASES', wnxs, f POWER OF ATTORNEYS. Have your Notary work dn by a reliable Notary. FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. 1 1 2 . Court St.. Pendleton, Ore. '00THE REGW Morr e 6. Strccter, Lesse and Manager Watch For Next 'Attraction; Trado to Savo for the meeting of the national dem ocratic conventions in July, Is one ot the finest building of Its Kind In th United States, say a Denver item. It I lurger than Madison Square Gaj d,en In New Tork, which until recent ly was the most spacious assembly hall in the country. Madison Square Garden seats 12,187, while the seat ing capacity of the Denver auditorium Is 12,600. The capacity far surpasses that of the Mormon Tabernacle la Salt Lake City, the Cincinnati Muslo Hall, the Metropolitan opera house In New York city and the Auditorium or Coliseum in Chicago. The Chica go Auditorium seat 6000 and th Coliseum, a the seats are arranged for the republican convention, seat 11,111. Representative W. C. Hawley reg istered at Salem yesterday, while on a quick trip from Washington for that purpose. After Once Tasting no one wants an old-fashioned cod liver oil prepara tion or emulsion, because Vinol is a much better body builder and strength creator for old people,weak children, and for coughs, colds, bron chitis, etc. If it does no good we will return your money. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO., Pendleton. Oregon. lifortj Department Store of the Sorosis. s!