EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY", FEBRUARY 15, 108. PAGO FIVE. Liiil s EMORY'S Hemnanf Sale Opened Today WITH BIG RUSH Really it was amusing to see the ladies scrap for pretty Mill End Patterns Hundreds of people remarked ''how prettily the store is decorated" Come Monday and for the next nine days while you have this rare op portunity to buy goods at MILL COST Look for the Green Ticket Teutsch's Dep'it Store FastestJGrowing Store in Eastern Oregon. PERSONAL MENTION City Brevities For chimney sweep, phone red 2711. Drcvoed chickens Saturday. 'De mon's. 0 All kinds of good dry wood. See Mlnnls. See Mlnnls for good, dry wood that burnt. Lots of It on hand. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent Enquire at East Oregonlan office. Man and wife wants employment on cattle or sheep ranch. Inquire 707 Ann Ft reel. All kinds of transfer work dope promptly. Stansberry A Milne, Phone Main S. Two fine store and office rooms for nnt. East Oregonlan building. En- quire this office. Position wanted by woman to do ?HKht housework or chamber work. Enquire at this office. Freeh celery, lettuce. ciibhnRe, 'bniwi sprouts and cauliflower at Domott's. Fruits In season. Household paints and varnishes for snle bf Goodman Hardware Co. Re new your furniture with Varnolao. Sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips, beets, unions and horse radish root tverylhlng In green groceries, at De mon's. Regular meals served fam ly style for 23 cents, everyday except un day, at the new Hotel Bowman dining room. "We've got 'em." Petaluma Incu bators; guaranteed superior to all others. See them at Goodman Hard ware Co. Wanted Lady to do washing and ironing In private family. Incompe tent parties need not apply. Inquire at this office. For Sale Two gang plows, one nearly new; one 24 foot wooden har row. Gldlon Brown, 603 Madison street, Pendleton, Oregon. Lost A gold belt buckle, amythlst settings, with white ribbon belt at tached. Finder please return to Mrs. Thomas Warner, 416 Water street, and receive reward. Learn to be a sign painter at home. You can not learn from books. Get the practical experience and see the work done. The only. way to learn. See F. R. Peale, with LAne. &igns For Sale A Cyphers Incubator, 240-egg capacity, In frst-clas condi tion, and a large made-to-order lr.inrir for sale. Address C. Daniels, Hotel St. George, or 'phone black 3771. Leave your order for Early Rose seed ootatoes at Clark's Grocery, 64 x646 Main street. We have a nice lot In sight, but If not bought soon we may be all out of stock, Just as we were last year. On of the oldest, strongest an best life Insurance companies, with a large business already In force in the state, desires to make a general neenev contract with the right man In your county. Must have first-class record as personal producer. What is wanted Is high-grade men or un questioned Integrity and ability. Special Inducement. Worth your while to communicate with me. Ad dress "V." care this office. FISH Choice roasts, steaks and boil ing meat fresh every day. Lard, smoked and cured meats, wholesale and retail. EMPIRE MEAT CO. Phone Main 18 Neighbors Got Fooled. "I was literally coughing myself to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; and neighbors pre dicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took Just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough and restore me to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncaphor of Grovertown Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, Is guaranteed by Tallman & Co, druggists. 60c and tl. Trial bottle free. Pool Tournament Exciting. The pool tournament now on at the Rutherford amusement parlors is In creasing in Interest and Is being closely followed by the patrons of the place. I'p to this time Click Humph reys has won two games, Will Parks, one game; Frank Fuglt, ono game, William McGee, one game; Roy Le duce, one game, while Ed William son has lost two and Jim Carter one. Last night Bill Parks defeated Bill McGee by a score of 75 to 42. This evening a game will be played between Parks and Frank Fugifc . Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble In the way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains or a case of piles that Burklen'a Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," Sierra Co. No use hunting. Mr. Walters; It cures or money refunded at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. 25c. Holt Junior combined harvester for sale. Address Box 5, Helix, Ore. . Sugar Stick Candy Balduffs pure sugar stick candy contains only the finest grade of confectioners "A sugar best vegetable colors. The box contains twelve large light, porons and fluffy delicious sticks and the Jprice is 10c the box. isee-iPiPBN THE DRUO STORE THAT SERVES VOU BEST. . Hon. C. A. Barrett came down from Athena last evening. Walter Smith of lone, la visiting relatives in the city. W. H. Stamper of Weston, is a guest of the Golden Rule today. Morrle B. Streeter of the Oregon theater, paid a visit to Walla Walla today. . Mrs. B. 8. Waffle, who has been quite 111 with the grip, is much im proved. H. R. Nell of Fulton station, on the Northern Pacific, is here today on a trading trip. Robert Stanfield returned to But ter creek today after a brief business trip In the city. . Attorney R. T. Cox of Portland, ta In the city today on his way home from the east. ' W. H. Bond, one of the well known Helix wheatgrowers, is in the city to day upon a business trip. . E. S. Wilbur, the Meacham creek stockman, came down on No. 1 to duy on a business visit. A. K. Tollefson of the Jacques hardware store at Pilot Rock, is In the city today on a brief buslnes trip. J. G. Bellows, formerly night clerk at Hotel St. George, left last night for Seattle for a short business visit. Miss Hazel Crossen, who has been very ill with grip for some days Is much Improved and Is now able to be out.' C. S. Jackson, publisher of the Ore gon Dally Journal, is in the city for a few days, the guest of Hotel St. George. Attorney C. T. Godwin, accompan ied by his wife, came down from Milton last evening upon a brief vls It In the city. Dr. H. L. McDonald, of the bureau of animal Industry, left this morning for Idaho, where he is to be station ed permanently. Emlle Waldman, the well known traveling man, arrived here this morning and has been meeting with his trade today. O. T. Carnes, the well known Pi lot Rock merchant. Is a guest of the Golden Rule hotel while In the city on a business trip. W. A. Crank, former merchant of this city, and who is now upon the road. Is here today. He has head quarters in Spokane. ' Dave Horn, the pioneer stockman of Upper McKay, Is In the city for a few days, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Mark Moorhouse. H. C. Bryson the Walla Walla law yer, has been here today for the pur pose of appearing before Judge Fits Gerald in a bankruptcy case. Mrs. N. E. Harris of the Vogue mil linery store Is at Iluntsvllle for a few days' visit with her brother. Dr. Hill, father of Charles A. Hill, of this city. Judge Thomas Fitz Gerald has re turned from Gervais where he had been by the bedside of his brother, Dr. Fitz Gerald, w ho Is still very HI. W. A. Teutsch, the well . known traveling salesman and brother of Lee Teutsch of this city, Is a guest of Hotel St. George while In the city today. A. H. Sunderman of Echo, candi date for county commissioner, re turned this morning from Baker City, where he has been on a brie business trip. President Isaac W. Anderson of the Northwestern Gas and Electric company, was In the city this fore noon on a brief visit, leaving for Walla Walla on the 6. R. & N. train at 12:30. H. C. Amis of Echo, visited in this city during the week with his brother, Hen Amis. The meeting of the Jwo brothers in this .city was the first for 15 years, and it Is needless to say it was an enjoyable event to both. Elgin Recorder. D. S. Burns, a prominent stock man of Burnt river. Baker county, is In the city today looking over the sheep situation in Umatilla county. The sheep outlook ls'exoellent In Ba, ker, as In all other eastern Oregon counties and a heavy wooi clip and lamb crop are expected. T. B. Johnson and wife of La Grande, passed through today on their way to The Dalles to attend the funeral of Mrs. Levi Chrlsman. wife of Sheriff Chrlsman of Wasco coun ty, who died last night. Mr. Johnson was formerly sheriff of Union countv and Mrs. Johnson is a cousin of Mrs. Chrlsman. HOTEL ARRITVALS. Hotel St. George. E. R. Willard, Los Angeles; H. Keller, Seattle; E. Benslnger, San Diego; C. S. Jackson, Portland; Q. P. Mills, New York; B. McKlnley, Port land; W. Anderson, Seattle; C. H. Alexander, Helena; C. W. Isaacs, Portland; O. A., Coos Bay; B. E. Flske, Portland; William Dunn, Portland; W. W. Rathburn, Port land; E. T. Steveson, Barry; H. F. Steveson, Barry; F. S. Steveson, Barry; W. A. GentBch, Portland; J. Sedore, Spokane; Mrs. A. E. Reel, Portland; J. C. Moore, Portland; C. Berkeley, Portland; J. J. Hogait, Portland; C. T. Gotltvln, Milton; S." L. Rathburn, Milton; G. L. Richardson, Milton; J, E. Miller, Portland; Chas. H. Willard, Denver; A. A. Reardon, Portland; J. B. Johns, Spokane; L. H. Llnbarger, "North Yakima; M. Brownell, Portland; W. L. Reddig, Portland; E. Culp, Portland. Golden Rule Hotel. F. H. Beathe, Weston; O. L. Green, city; W. 'A. Hitchcock, Ellensburg; W. R. Cody, Stanton; E. R. Hallesman and wife, Prlnevllle; W. D. Bower, Seattle; Mr. Nelson, Mr. Tanscoy, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Loosley, Mr. Moore, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Watson, Mr. Farrlng ton, Mr. Charrlon, Mr. Strong, U. of V. basketball team; Mr. Kirk, Pilot Rock; John Cummlngs, Pilot Rock; J. L. Haiti; Ida Wilson; W. Runo pood, Umatilla; H. P. S. Thorgood and wife, Pocatello; H. Padebe; W. D. Marks, Spokane; A. L. Meeks, Spo kane; A. L. Tallepson. Spokane; A. K. Tallepson. Pilot Rock; L. II. Fry, SUrbuck; C. O. Watson, Freewater; Jos. Guinoe; P. S. Moller, Saxe; Fred Bradley; O. T." Carnes, Pilot Rock; A. Gomser, Umatilla; W. H. Stamper Weston; C. Branstetter, Echo; Dottle Fenner, Myrlck; Ollle . Fenner, My rlck; Jessye Blanchard, Kans. City, Mo. AMUSEMENTS DENTAL OFFICE OPEN. Dr. R, A. Mnnn Engages In Business uere Ancr Being Out for Three Years. Dr. E. A. Mann, who for flv VPS 14 was one of the leading dentists of this city, but who has been out of busi ness nere on account of his health for the past three years, has niraln engaged In the business here and has opened well equipped offices In the Mllarkey building In the offices for merly occupied bv Dr. Whiunker tit the head of the stairway leading to Pendleton Commercial association parlors. He has eoulDDed his new offices With every modern dental nnnlbinnp and Is now prepared to greet h's 'old natrons and friends and solicits a share of the business of the city. Charles Marsh Is Trustee. This morning a meeting of the creditors of John Cummlngs, the Weston bankrupt, was held in the recorder's office and Charles Marsh was named by Judge Fitz Gerald to be the trustess of the bankrupt's es tate. Cummlngs was In the mer eantile business In Weston. Pelro-Vey Wedding. A marriage license was Issued to day to William Pedro and Mary Vey, both residents of this county. "Camllc" Tomorrow Ntglit. The military play, "The Flag of Truce," one of Mr. Streeter's produc tions, has been drawing good house at the Oregon the past few evenings, and it will be played for the last time this evening. This afternoon the reg ular matinee Is being well attended, the comedy drama "From Rags to Riches" being the attraction. The girl holding the lucky number will be given a souvenir postal book and the lucky boy will be given an arrow rifle. This Is one of the best mati nee attractions yet presented. Tomorrow afternoon and evening the company will appear for the last time for a few weeks in the great play, "Camllle." The afternoon mati nee will begin at 2:30 and the even ing performance at 8:15. Some very fine costumes will be seen In this play, and that Miss Bryan will make a charming "Camllle" goes without saying. She has played the part in larger cities a number of times, and with the excellent support of the company it promises to be put on In a first class manner. The perform ance of "The Flag of Truce" tonight and the two performances of "Ca mllle" tomorrow, promise to be well attended, as there will be no more at tractions here by this company for some weeks. They will return in the early spring with a number of fine attractions. The Etigle Has Good Films. The Eagle show shop on Court street has been drawing well the past few days with a fine new set of mov ing pictures, among the attractions being "Dr. Sklnum," "The HosUge" and the picture song. "In Honey suckle Time." There will be another change today, and it is said to be one of the finest set of pictures yet seen at this popular place. Cheap Way to Travel. The "Dime" has been drawing the usual large crowds the past few days and there will be another ohange of pictures and songs for tomorrow. The pictures are In excellent colorings, and many of them give one an In sight into the ways of foreign coun tries as well as some of the wonder ful productions of events In this 01BI1 ha a1 Economizes the use of flour, but ter and eggs; makes the biscuit, cake and pastry more appetiz ing, nutritious and wholesome. ;o; 0 'A IrV 'A i ABSOLUTELY PURE This is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It Has No Substitute Tbm are Alum and PhotphaU of Lime mixtures sold at a lowor price, but no bouKkoeper regarding tbo health I bar family can afford to oso thsm. mi fa S3 country. The change of three times a week wlil be continued. Burlesque at tlio Star. The management of the Star the ater announces that they will have a new lot of people here early next week from Seattle to appear in a first class burlesque show. The best of bills will be presented, such as "Peggy From Paris," "The Telephone Girl," and others. A moving picture show Is now running at the Star and will continue until the new show opens. Read the East Oregonlan. IlEAtTIFUH YET TICKLING Company L's BIG PLAY AT THE OREGON REMEMBER THE DATE, Tl'ESDAY, THE 18th A BRAINSTORM BREEZE COMPANY' L'S MILITARY EXTRAVAGANZA Tl'ESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 DONT MISS IT PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding. Itching, blind or protruding Plies, send me your address, and I will tell you how ti cure yourself at home by the new adsorption treatment; and will also smd some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Im mediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today ta Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. Notre Dame. Ind. Women as Well as Men Are iM Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind. discouragesandlessensambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble lias become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinatestoooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the child reaches an ge when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. -Women as well as men are made miser able with kidnev and bladder trouble, ind both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of 5wamp-Root is soon realized It is sold by druggists, in fifty- Size Domes, you may have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a Hon. ef Swamp-Root acmphlet telling all alxnit Swamp-Root, Including many of the thousands of testi monial fetters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. See the new Franklin with closed tops and storm fronts-Summer riding on coldest days No water to freeze in zero weather. WHY THE FRANKLIN LEADS. Saving weights makes power "do things." Every pound saved in the engine saves more pounds throughout the entire construction frame transmission, axles and wheels. And saves power. The Franklin air-cooled engine has no water weight or plumbing-weight. This is only the starting point. Weight is saved throhghout by simple and refined construction, high-grade strong materials and perfect workmanship. The most efficient, powerful, reliable and the lightest automobile engine ever built. This is possible only through the Exclusive fea tures of the Franklin. Auxilliary exaust, concentric valves, spherical cy linder head with phosphor-bronze cooling flanges. "20 Franklin horsepower will do more than 40 horsepower on other cars." Call'and investigate. PENDLETON AUTO CO. McCormmach Witheo East Court Street. I Byers' Best Flour la made from the choicest wheat that trows. Good bread Is assur ed when BYERS BBST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Relied Barley alwajn on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS J W. 8. BYERS. Proprietor. When in Pendleton Make your head quarters at HENNEMAN'S CIGAR STORE Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Fruits and Smokers Supplies. A GENTLEMAN'S RESORT FOR A Ql'IET GAME AND SMOKE.