PAGE FOUR. " DAILY CAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. hATl'Rl) AY, EKIIRIAUV 15, IttOfl. Eicrrr pages, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, AN INDEPENDENT NEW8PAPEH. Published Dally. Weekly and Semi Weekly, at Pendleton, Orwron, by the IAST 0 It ETONIAN l'LBLlSUlNQ CO. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Dally, one year, by mall 5.00 Dilly, tlx month, by mall 2.50 Dally, tliree month, by mall 1.2H Daily, one month, by mall fio Dally, one year, by carrier 7.B0 Dally, cli months, by carrier 8.75 Dally, three m on tin. by carrier 1.95 Dally, one month, by carrier 65 Weekly, one yesr, by mall 1.60 Weekly, ill months, by mall 75 Weekly, four months, by mall .50 Heml Weekly, one year, by mall 1.90 Semi-Weekly, alx months, by mall... .75 Bern I Weekly, four month, by mall.. .50 The Dally .East Oregonlan la kept on Ml at the Oregon News Co., 147 6th street, Portland. Oregon. Chirac Bureau. 009 Security building. Waahlnpton, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Member United Press Association. Telephone Main 1 Entered at the poatofflce at Pendleton. Oregon, aa second-claas mall matter. Sister Hopeful came to town In a smile and holiday gown! Sister Hopeful's dancing by, Bright as rainbow In the sky! Open the world and let her glide. Unto the hearts that ache In side! Sister Hopeful's full of cheer Off w'th trouble, away with fear. Take the rose her red cheeks wear While her laughter mocks at care! Sister Hopeful's at the gate jawing It wide; don't make her wait; Let her in the streets of strife With all her golden dream of life. Baltimore Sun. this city, and his poetical opponents will find that despite their secret thrusts, despite their secret threats to "switch rotes," that Congressman Kills will act squarely, and for the best interests of the entire district of eastern Oregon. Tendleton Is the logical place for the headquarters. Every single ar gument In the creat on of the dis trict and the location of the head quarters, favors Pendleton. The state supreme court Is here simply and solely because this Is the center and most accessible point In the en tire eastern Oregon section. The re'e crds of the federal court for the dis trict of Oregon show that this Is the center of the volume of business orig inating In eastern Oregon, and the map of Oregon shows that every sec tion of the district would be best served by having the home of the court here. Let us quit playing politics here and elsewhere In eastern Oregon. Let us go out after the federaj court on our merit. It Is useless to try to coerce Congressman Ellis. He rep resents the entire district and will work for Its best Interests first, last and all the time. PROMINENT HOSPITALS SAY PB-RU-NA IS EFFICIENT IN RELIEVING ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES. OTP A CRISIS IX OREGON. Right now at this period of politl cal advancement it Is especially Im portant and v'tal to the welfare and reputation of the republican party in Oregon, that it uphold the progres sive principles now in force In the state, including the direct primary law, statement No. 1. the popular election of United States senators, the initiative and referendum law and the local option law. The eyes of the nation are upon Oregon's progressive people and they cannot afford to take a backward step. Oregon is overwhelmingly re publican and yet she has adopted these splendid reform measures; she can continue to be a reform stat-i anJ continue to be overwhelmlngfy republican. A new tiny has dawned In the polit sentiment of the country. The president of the 1'nited States has set a pac- which Oregon can and will follow in polit cal advancement. She will support his views on the popu lar election senators; she will in dorse his policies of law enforce ment and will show the world that ihe has not made a mistake. The enemies of Oregon very much desire the old -methods by which a handful of machine manipulators can shape the entire political senti ment and policies of the state. . But th people have broken away from this antiquatfd method and they have broken away to stay. Let us demand that legislative candidates t !k a pledge to support the peo ple's choice. It will be a victory for the staunch republicanism of the masses to do this. It will crown the program of political reform In Ore gon and will assure the success and perpetuity of the republican party In the state. , Let us be Independent of the old machine, despite the frantic appeals of the outgrown politicians. CAXT COERCE ELLIS. Politics of the nastiest kind Is one of the agencies now being used by Baker City to force the location of the proposed eastern Oregon federal district at that place. In this little game Baker C'ty U being clandes tinely assisted by political opponents of Congressman EllU in other coun ties than Baker, be It said to their discredit. Congressman Ellin does not repre sent Umatilla nor Baker nor Mult riomat county, solely; he represents all of the eastern Oregon congres--iljnal district, and neither the threats of Baker county politic ans nor the real of his Pendleton friends could cause him to commit an act of injustice In the location of the feder al court headquarters. The iti.-tp of Oregon, a table of the distances which litigants and attor ueyj would have to travel In reach ing the federal court, the volume of liuslneos originating Hi the different itections of the district, the train and mall berviee and geographical feat ures wl'l be his so' guides In his efforts to locate the headquarters In RRYAX IS SCORED. With a yerse from Holy Writ as a foreword and with maps showing the waning democratic sentiment and democratic vote of the United States in the past decade as Illustrations, the New York World has just Issued a remarkable pamphlet entitled "The Map of Bryanism" as a campaign document against Bryan as a presi dential candidate. The foreword Is as follows: "And every one that was In distress; and every one that was In debt; and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them; and there were with him about four hundred men." I. Samuel 22:2. And then In a most forcible and sarcastic vein the World opens its batteries upon Mr. Bryan, Introduc ing the subject with this general ac cusation: "For nearly 12 years, Mr. Bryan, you have been he leader, yea, the dictator of the democratic party In the United States. With but one ex ception, Its policies have been your policies; its principles your princi ples; its platforms your platforms. "After 12 years of such domination during which time the party has gone down to three successive national de feats, piling disaster upon disaster and rut upon ruin, your friends In sist not only that you are the most available candidate for president in 1908. but that you are the ONLY available candidate. "UNDER YOUR LEADERSHIP THE PARTY HAS NOT BEEN IN POWER A SINGLH DAY, A SINCLE HOUR. A SINGLE MOMENT. "It has steadily lost ground, until it this time It Is almost without force n the north, except locally; it Is menaced even at the south, where It lost Kentucky In the last November election and its ancient strongnolds there are either In the hands of re publicans, or are held by a tenure at once precarious and disquieting." After reviewing the present condi tion of the democratic party under the Bryan domination, the World then proceeds to dissect the Bryan doc tr'nes from end to end and to show why the people of the country have not adopted them and why they per haps never will adopt them In their present form. It Is a most remarkable document and must be read to be appreciated. It will have much to do in shaping the outcome of the presidential cam paign of 1908. Send to the New York World for a copy and study it. . a s V, t - K ' V. 4 Mk1- ' , , ; ' t - "t v - , ' i, I ply' I . ! - r l"t V Ay.::-,svv .ivvi'.--oj;A,v4. m.av. . ' . ':":: :: :-.-. . .v. j . . .t . . . y v9 r ' - v t v I if8 N ( 1 v.'-. ' n . -V :-:.::. ro--' '..w. W.-v v.-.-x..-a-w-:-x x y x.--lx--, -.-.y,wiOv,? ,jv: x : : .-. .vmv.-J. v. '. , S , , I itfa. J SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. MHEAU HOSPITALS ALL OVER THE CONTINENT FIND PE-RU-NA VALUABLE IN TREATING ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES WASHINGTON AND OREGON. That every state adjoining Oregon is surprised at the hold-up of her state university, appropriation by a referendum vote Is shown by the re peated and .continued expressions from the leading newspapers all over the northwest, concerning the uni versity appropriation. The latest and most emphat'c com parison of Oregon, with adjoining states In the matter of educational appropriations, Is from the Spokesman-Review and 1 as follows: At the last session of the Oregon legislature $125,000 was appropriated for the state university. This was a considerable advance over the $47,000 annually that had previously been voted, but it was not an extravagant sum for the state to expend on h'gh er education. When one compares It with what the legislature of this state has done for the University of Washington, with the full approval of the people, it looks pitiably small. At the last session the Washington legislature appropriated $404,000 for university maintenance, and In add -tion to this there was a special aj CATARRH of the respiratory organs Is a common ailment in Canada for St least two-thirds of the year. This condition Is no doubt caused by the long, severe winters experienced in this part of the continent. Therefore when Peruna was discov ered by Canadian people to be a reliable remedy for these catarrhal diseases, it at once became a popular medicine, not only among Individuals and in families, but in the great hospitals, where it was used aa a preventive and relief in hun dreds of cases. These institutions do not hesitate to give their endorsement of the remedy which has been so helpful in the treat ment of their poor and sick. Among these institutions Is that of the Sisters of Good Shepherd, who gave the following endorsement: Tbe Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio, . Having used Peruna for the past few months, for our sick and poor, we are happy to say that It has given us great satisfaction. . The Sisters of the Good Shepherd, August 20, 1903: ' , Montreal. After a continued use of the remedy, this Institution has found no reason to change its good opinion of tbe remedy and expresses its satisfaction In the fol lowing terms t Montreal, Nov. 7, 1903. We found Peruna a relief In several cases. We can say It Is a good tonic and we are very thankful. Sisters of the Qood Shepherd. When catarrh once fastens Itself upon the system it becomes an obstinate dis ease to eradicate. A systemic remedy oni that reaches every internal organ of the body is an absolute necessity, Peruna is Just such a remedy. It searches out the cause of the disease, healing and strengthening the mucous membranes, and thus giving Nature an opportunity to perform her part of the restorative process. Ono of the many hospitals which have found Perunaof value in treating old and obstinatecasesof catarrh is the Hospital St. John, who write as follows: "We are happy to tell you that your Peruna has given us satisfaction. Three patient have tried it, ono 08 years old Ttenoui Dupuis, afflicted with catarrh, is much relieved, more than he has been for a number of years. "A young girl, IS years old, had an obstinate cough, which half a bottle of Peruna caused to disappear. ''As to myself, two bottles hare con vinced me that Peruna is magnlfloent as a tonic. "Before the treatment I could not walk for a quarter of an hour witbont experiencing much fatigue. Kow I can walk a mile easily. "Through these three ease we desire to make known to the public the ef ficiency of your remedy." Hospital St. John, of Bt. Johns. Province of Quebec. A later letter received from the same Institution reads as follows: "Three weeks ago I wrote to tell you how satisfactory we found Peruna. , We recommend It highly tor colds, coughs, catarrh and neuralgia. "I have used it myself aa a tonlo with the best results, taken as directed, half a teaspoonful every half hour." Mrs. Etta Booker, Dundnrn, Sask., N. W, T., Canada, writes : "I suffered with internal catarrh until I wrote to Dr. Hartman, and after tak ing treatment as ho advised, I can say I am now cured of this most trying affliction, for which I am truly thank ful. I think Peruna the best medicine for catarrh. I never felt better in my life than I do at present." Peruna not only promptly relieves coughs and colds in their first stages, but Is equally prompt and efficient for Catarrhal diseases in the chronic stage. . Of course, it Is' only reasonable to suppose that a great deal less medicine will be necessary to cure a slight attack of catarrh than would be required to relltve the ailment after It had been al lowed to become chronic. propriatlon of $600,000. for the erec tion of new buildings. TIIK LESSON O FA CROAKER. He's very sure the world wrong T'ie times ie out of Joint, DisTs er's due ere very lot g fact, vo'v reacbed the point Wie'-c pot a ra ' of hope remains To save us from the pit. And so he takes the greatest pains To make the most of It. He etinnot see the sky above. He cannot feel the sun, No flowers bloom for him In love, No laughing rivers run. Instead, bis life Is all a blank. His days are days of woe, His heart Is cold, his fingers dank, His spirits very low. What good can such a man achieve? This much, if nothing more: When we are ready to believe Our better days are o'er, . The spectacle of such a chap Doth fill us with disgust, And so we vow through all mishap To laugh a bit or bust.. Birmingham Age-Herald. HOW SHORT THE WAY. Ah, still to you I am sublime, With boundless trust you clutch my hand, But you will lose your faiih some time. Home morning you will understand. With all your cares you come to me, TIs I that right your childish wrongs; But some day even you shall see How little grace to me belongs. Some day wllh pity you will turn. Aware that I am frail, indeed: How brief the years ere . you shall learn How short the way where I may - lead! S. E. Klser. START EARLY To instil) into the mind of your child the habit of saving . Practice will prove that it is best for the child for YOU - to buy what he needs or what you wish him to have - not allowing him to contract the habit of spending. SPENDING IS A HABIT .... So is saving. It is as easy to teach the child to save as to spend. The Pendleton SAjS Provides the means in the Savings Department. Give him a dollar to start and encourage him to save. There's a lesson in it for YOU NOT A IITT, BUT A HOME RUN THE MILITARY BURLESQUE TUESDAY. THE 18th GASOLINE ENGINE IRRIGATION, SPRAYING AND IUM PING MA til I N ERY.' Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for pumping, spraying, sawing. grinding. Outfits complete. Fairbanks Scales for we'ghing. Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors for power and light. Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers. Fairbanks-Morse Grinders, Feed Choppers, Well Pumps. All first quality goods at lowest prices. Prompt reply to inquiries and quick shipments. Write for cata logue and prices. N EAGLE BROS.. AGENTS. IViMlleton, Oregon. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Portland. Oregon. Pilll When Prices , Are Right. We receive our pianos in carload lots, all selected in struments. We not only save in freight, but we put before you Pianos for in spection. Why get a Piano or Organ you don't know anything about. Always insist on seeing the construction of the instrument. We have the "Pianos and the Demonstrates " on our floor in your own "City1 " THORNTON MUSIC COMPANY Successors to Eilers Piano House. 0 NOTARY PUBLIC We make out, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LEASES, WILLS, POWER OF ATTORNEYS. Have your Notary work done by a reliable Notary. FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. 11? . Court St.. Pendleton, Ore. Rexall Cold Breaker and Grippe Cure Do it in four hourt Guaranteed by The Pendleton Drug Co. REXALL STORE Hotel Bowman FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION. European or, American Plan. ROOMS 50c tl i, $1.50. Steam Heat and Hot and Cold Water In Every Room. Heats strictly family style, 2 Sc. Special Sunday dinner, 25c. MEAL UOCRS. f BREAKFAST 6:30 TO 8:30. DINNER, 11:30 TO 1:30. SUPPER, 5:30 IX) 1:30. Only white help and cooks employed. W. C. GIBBS, Prop.. Main St.,. nit to Depot. LOTS m INSURANCE Livermore & Bickers Room 12, 'hid Bldg. Pendlaton - - - Oregon Large Quantity of the Famous Rock Spring nL Now on Hand The coal that produces heat and not dirt. Also fine lot of good dry wood. Dutch Henry Office, Pendleton Ice Cold Btoraf Company. 'Phono Main 178. Columbia Bar and Rooming House F. X. Schempp (Estate Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. Newly furnished and up-to-date. . Rooming House In Conn action. 328 MAIN STREET. Out Specialty's t the Family Trade t We are fully prepared to fur -J nlsh you the best of lard, sau- 4 sages and fresh, smoked Or cured meats each day.. Central Meat Market t Carney & Tweedy. . f J Telephone Main 83. All the newa alf tho ttma In tha East Oiefonlan.