DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, FE11UUAUY 14, 108. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE rOCR. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPATKR. roblUbrd Paliv. Weekly and Semi-Weekly, tt Prndlrton. Oregon, by tb CAST ORt:i;OMAN PUBLISHING CO. BlBSCRirTION KATES: Dally, ooe rr, by mail $5.00 Daliy. ill moot In. by mall 2.50 f tally, tliree montba, by mall 1.25 Dally, out monUi. by mall 50 Dally, on year, by carrier 7 M Daliy, ail montba, by farrier 8 75 Dally, three tnootba. by carrier l.BS Datty. oat month, by carrier 65 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, alx muotha, by mall 75 Weekly, four month, by mall 50 Hem! Weekly, one year, by mall...... 1.90 HemlWeekly, alx montha, by mall... .75 Bern) Weekly, four month, by mall.. .50 The Dally Eaat Oregonlan la kept on aala at tba Ororroo News Co, 147 6th street, Pcrtltad. Oregon. Chicago Bureaa. 909 Serartty bolldtng. Waablnxtoa, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Member United Preaa Association Telepnoas Utl 1 Entered at the poatorftrs at Pendleton, Oregon, aa aefond-claaa mall matter. JJNtOfllaevTl A B E RESOLVED. 4 That every single .thought we think on Valentine's Salnfa day will turn Into a valentine and speed upon it way. For mother tells me thoughts go off and hunt the folks they fit suppose a very ug!y ' thought should find me where I alt. I'm only going to think the kind I'd like to get by mail, where hearts and flowers and lacy stuff and "I love you" prevail. I'd hate to get a "comic" I'd be 'shamed to send a Jeer I never kniv St. Valentine's wag such a day to fear. Buster Brown. WHERE ARE THEY GOING. Since gambling has been closed In every . larger tow n In Oregon, where are the tinhorns to go? Who is go ing to welcome them? -Who Is going to give them the privilege of conduct ing the'r nefarious business? They cannot roost In Baker City, La Grande. Pendleton, Astoria, Eu . gene or any other good town In Ore gon. So they will drift out to places like Pilot Rock. Eeho, Umatilla, Athena, Weston. Helix and other ex cellent smaller towns of Oregon. There they will operate all the va rious phases of their trade. Because there will be" but one or two or per haps not more than a half dozen in a place, people will say that they can do but little harm. . But wait. The boy? of the little towns w'll be brought into direct touch with them, They hf-ar the fairy tales of fabulous winnings. They will r gambling and carousing and their lives will ha b-fn started on the downward path. So are you going to tolerate them, Pil t Rork. Echo. He!lx. Athena, Weston or Umatilla? Are you going to have it said that th s parasite can stay with you when he can stay no where else? Let us have a spring house clean ing1 under the local option law In Umatilla county this spring. Let the small towns of Umatilla county get together and put the tinhorn out. It require but a small grain of cour age to oust them. Any illegitimate business is a cowardly business and anybody w'th a little backbone can put a whole army of tinhorns on the run. RAKER CITY ENTERPRISE. We can overlook the yawning prospect holes, the tell-tale mining ventures which have left the tender foot stranded in Baker City, in her excellent advertising enterprise which has just been started. BJker City has raised $2600 with which to print and distribute a large amount of literature concerning that locality. She is going to place this literature in the hands of actual homeseekera in the eastern and cen tral states, and she will get results. This enterprise is especially com mendable following so closely upon the closing of gambling. The town will now take on new life. New peo ple will come in. The Incubus of the tinhorn will disappear. The "bid fogy Idea that gambling is necessary to the business life of the town will vanish and a purer, more healthy, more elevated civic spirit will take hold of Baker City. Her advertising enterprise should stimulate other towns to a like ac tivity. If It will pay Baker City to advertise w'th the. 'little she has to offer the homeseeker, it will certain ly pay towns having vast Idle areas of land waiting for settlers to adver lute In a like manner. PENDLETON ATTRACTS. Every day the East Oregonlan re ceive one letter or more, asking for Information concerning Pendleton and Umatilla county. Thla morning It was a letter to the editor asking for an Illustrated article for a maga ilne on Pendleton and her Indians. Yesterday It was from a homeseeker asking for land prices and opportu nities for making a living for a fam ily and so on every day throughout the .weeks, somebody writes to this office for Information. Today Major Lee Moorhouse receiv ed a long letter from a young lady who became Infatuated with one of his Indian pictures and who express ed a most fervent desire to see a real Indian on his native heath. Dozens of letters of this sort reach -Major Moorhouse and others who have tak en ,a large part In advertising Pen dleton to the world and all these little particles of fact make up the wide-spread popularity and promi nence of the city.. When you can give out anything which will fling Pendleton's name to the breeze, do it. When you 'can say a good word or give a kind thought which will make a friend for the city and county, do It. It is In this way that we get back most excellent returns. THE WOMEN WHO WORK. Pendleton employs more women as teachers, clerks, solicitors, collectors and in other professional and com mercial lines than any other city in the Inland f-mp're and she is proud of them. Every store in the city has Its large quota of women clerks book keepers, cashiers and seamstresses. Every office has its office girl and stenographer and In perhaps. 90 per cent of the business houses of the city are to be found women or girls regularly employed. It gives a fine tone, a high stand aid to the business atmosphere to have so many women engaged In ac tive work. There is an incentive to refinement, good order and cheerful ness in the presence of women and In no other place on earth has this Incentive been so far-reaching and effective as in the business world. Pendleton is proud of her girls who work. It is an elevating, noble thought to think, that In this advanc ed day and nge there Is a place for woman in the active business and professional circles of the world, after so many centuries of bigotry and prejudice and It Is also good to know that there are fine, superb women to fill this place. IRRIGATION A SUCCESS. Secretary of the Interior Garfield, speaking of Irrigation, said In an In tervlew recently: This work has advanced far enough to demonstrate absolutely Its success We have seen fruits, vegetables, grair and everything else growing on land: where nothing but cactus ever grew before the day of irrigation. There are 80,000,000 acres of. these arid lands all told. We have com pleted the Irrigation work on 1,000. 000 acres. As soon as they get the water they arc as fertile as any soil. So far we have worked chiefly on the public lands, although adjacent private property will beneft. This land is turned over" to settlers under a homestead act, although the old 160-acre allotment is not adhered to. The size of the lot is determined by Ite fertility, 20 or 40 acres in most cases. The' settlers take these lots with the understanding that they are to pay back to the government the cost of the Irrigation Improvements, be ginning as soon as the water is turn ed on. They also have to pay the cost of maintaining, which amounts to 60 cents an acre. Under this arrangement the money advanced by the government will all be returned to It and it can be put out again In other territories until all the arid lands have been made fer tile. THE CATHOLIC VIEW. The Catholic Sentinel of Portland, one of the leading Catholic papers In the northwest, takes a most advanc ed ground on the popular election of United States senators and the East Oregonlan takes pleasure in publish ing the following excellent editorial upon the subject from the last issue of that progressive paper: It In difficult to understand how anyone having the best Interests of Oregon at heart could desire to go back to the old method of choosing United States senators. The election of Senators Mulkey and Bourne was accomplished with little delay, with no attempt at brib ery, or even a thought of such a thing. The legislature was able to devote Its attention to matters of in terest to the state. From every point of ' view the nomination of senators by the' peo ple has proved successful. The people have no reason to change the practice Inaugurated two years ago. If they are wise they will not listen tc Interested politicians who find their occupation gone because there Is no, sack to be looted. The talk about the unconstitution ality of the law need disturb no one. The validity of senatorial elections under the Oregon method cannot be questioned, because the electoral ma chinery provided by the constitution Is oontlnued in force. Honest reformers have been trying for years to secure direct election by the people of United States senators. The old system Is known to be the occasion of great and widespread cor ruption. The people of Oregon have found a way to obviate the evils of the ld system. Let us make use of our discovery and vote only for those legislative candidates who will support the choice of the people. We get back what we send out. If we hate we reap hatred; if we love, we reap love ;lf we expect defeat', ten chances to one we will be de feated. Pendleton will be at Portland's Rose Show, to be sure. Will Port land be at Hermiston's excursion this spring? Smile, any way. An ugly valentine never killed anybody. FORBIDDEN MESSAGES. It seems strange that even now there are many restrictions on th use of as ordinary a thing as a cable or telegraph wire. Yet It is true that nobody Is permitted to send to or through Portugal anything having to do with the deeds or thoughts of an archists and that code messages of any kind are forbidden lit Tripoli, Bosina, Ronmella, Roumnnla, Herze govina, Bulgaria and other Balkan states. After that It seems unnecessary' to mention that Turkey forbids code messages, but It is a little surprising to find that you can send a message to most parts "of Persia In only one language that is French and it you address most places in the land of the shah your message will be translated into the tongue of Gaul and diplomacy when tt reaches Tehe ran. THE HAIJi OF FAME. Wait not for Luck to draw the bolt Nor Chance give up her key. The door that opened for the great Is open yet for thee. Luck is a sleepy sentinel And Chance a fickle light. Many a man hath passed them both And entered In the night. , Have little care if neither heed Thy clamor, call or din.' Take up the magic torch and key And let thine own self In! Aloyslus Coll. WHAT THE CZAR COULD NOT DO. The czar of Russia was visiting the king of Denmark, and upon one of their drives around Copenhagen, the king pointed out to the czar a certain high tower. "Now," said the czar, "how much power have you over your subjects? Could you command one of your poorest subject to climb to the top of that tower and Jump off?" "No." said the king; "but I coula go and sleep in that poor subject's hut and be a welcome guest." And the czar was silent. Pick-Me-Up. GRAFTING IS UNPOPULAR. Time was, not so very long ago, Vhen the people of the west sympa thized with land sharks who were prosecuted by the government, and one might hear people say; "I'm so sorry. He Is such a nice man, and it seems too bad to make an example of him when nearly everyone does the same thing." The public conscience, however. Is awakening, and instead of the cul prits receiving sympathy, men like Heney are admired. Spokane Chron icle. - SHE MUST HAVE A POCKET. A woman must have a pocket or some place to put her money and Jewelry while away from home, and a manufacturer has turned out a" new kind of hose with a pocket knitted on the outside. It can't be called the handiest pocket, but preferable to none at nil, and the little pocket Is so deep and so firmly clasped that there Is absolutely no danger of the money slipping out. Ex. The West Side Enterprise, publish ed at Independence, Polk county, has changed hands. E. Ralston, who has been editor for the past 18 months', has sold his Interests to Hicks and Fogle, experienced newspaper men. IF YOU'RE WEAK and run down at this season of the year you can expect to suffer -from ChllH, Cold, Grippe or a spell r' Stomach and Liver trouble. There fore be wise and build up the entire system by the use of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It has a reputation of 5-1 years' stand ing as proof that it can cure Pov Anpetlte, Del chins. Heartburn, Sour Rifling, Indigent Ion, Dyspepiia, Co. tiveocM, BliUoufmcM, General Weak ness and Female Ills. Try a bottle. All druggists. NATURE'S PROTECTION AGAINST DISEASE Tht preservation of health and prevention against disease la almost entirely dependent upon pure, healthy blood ; every organ, tissue, nervt and lnew of the body draws on this vital fluid for nourishment and strength. Poisons, humors and germs from various sources often get Into tha blood, and then this great life-stream becomes a source of infection and disease, Instead of a nourishing, health-sustaining fluid. Heredity is likewise tn important factor, regulating the quality of the blood. Some persons are born with tainted blood from diseased ancestry, and Scrofula in one of its numerous forms is sure to crop out some time in life. Not only poisons in the blood are responsible for disease, but when the circulation is run down andbecomes poor and weak in quality, then we see the effect in a general bad condition of health, such as weakness, sallow complexions, boils, and various skin eruptions. All blood troubles require a tonic and blood purifier, and none other equals S. S. S. It goes down to the PURELY VEGETABLE disease. S. S. S. permanently cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Eczema, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and disorders. Book on the blood and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GJL CUTTING SALARIES AT THE TOP The big railway companies do wall m beginning at the top to cut down sularles, rather than at the bottom to reduce wages. A reduction of 10 per cent In. the pay of persons receiv ing $166 a month will be much less perceptible In the purchasing power of the people concerned than a sim ilar reduction In persons whose wages amount to one-third of that. The Baltimore & Ohio and the South ern Railway have both cut salaries 10 per cent, above a certain . minimum, leaving undisturbed all below this minimum. This will affect the va rious business Interests directly re lated to transportation mucn less se verely than If the cut had begun at tratmg and soothing properties, all unpleasant feelinirs. and so a, ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in erold." $1.00 per .wimrs w w 4 - bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRADFIUD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. or Organ you don't know anything about. Always insist on seeing the construction or the instrumept. " We have the "Pianos and the Demonstrated" on our floor in your own "City" THORNTON MUSIC COMPANY Successors to Eilers Piano House. START EARLY To instill into the mind of your child the habit of saving Practice will prove that it is best for the child for YOU to buy what he needs or what you wish him to have . . . . . . not allowing him to contract the habit of spending. SPENDING IS A HABIT - - - - So is saving. It is as easy to I'ach the child to save as to spend. The Pendleton SNK S Provides the means in the Savings Department. Giye him a dollar to start and encourage him to save. There's a lesson in it for YOU NOTARY PUBLIC ' We make out. DEEDS, MORTGAGES,' . ' LEASES, WIIJ.S, POWER OP ATTORNEYS. Have your Notary work done by a reliable Notary. FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO, 1 12 E. Court St.. Pendleton, Ore. very foundation of the trouble, and removes every particle ef the poison or impurity from the blood. And not only does 8. S. 8. antidote the poisons, humors and germs, but it possesses health-giving, tonic properties, which build up and strengthen weak, irapov- riViH filiwl and fnrtifiMtrieavRtpffl airninst the bottom, to say nothing about the risk Involved In undertaking a rear rangement of the complex wag schedule. Wail Street Journal." Reproach. Just a look of swift surprise, Down in .depths of childish eyes, But my soul to Judgment came, Cowered, as before a flame, Hid itself In dust of sname; Not a word, a lisp of blame, Just a look of swift surprise In the quiet, uplifted eyes. Chicago American. Mrs. Jane Dowle, widow of the late lamented John Alexander Dowle, as pires to the leadership 'of Zlon church, says a press dispatch. Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy with out them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering-, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, bv its oene- allays nausea, nervousness, and preoarea the Rvatem fnr Um a ava. av GMfters DHtM When Prices Are Right. We receive our pianos in carload lots, all selected in struments. We not only save in freight, but we put before you Pianos for in spection. Why get a Piano Rexall Cold Breaker and Grippe Cure Do it in four hourt Guaranteed by . The Pendleton Drug Co. REXALL STORE f 1 llll IJ , '-TSWfcJ 'rmiMi , m,, 4 I ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY . PENDLETON, OREGON Under th. direction of the Sisters of tt. Francis, of Philadelphia. Resident and day pupils. Special attenUon given to music and elocuUon. Stu dents prepared for teachers' exami nation for count and state certifi cate For particulars address SISTER SUPERIOR. LOTS INSURANCE Livermore & Bickers Room 12, Judd Bldg. Pendleton ' Oregon Large Quantity of the Famous Rock Spring . Now on Hand The coal that produces heat and not dirt. Also fine lot of good dry wood. Dutch Henry Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage Company. 'Phone Main 178. Columbia Bar and Rpoming House F. X. Schempp (Estate Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. Newly furnished and up-to-date. Rooming House In Connection. 820 MAIN STREET. Our Specialty js ? the Family Trade We are fully Dreoared to fur- i nlsh you the best of lard, aau- sages and fresh, smoked or cured meats each day. I Central Meat Market ? Carney A Tweedy. t Telephone Main S3. t ' All the newt all tho time in the East Oregonlan.